Mario Kart

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
I love Mario Cart Wii. It is probably the most fun multi-player game out there for consoles, especially after a few beers with mates. It is just harmless fun with unique courses and power-ups.

What I want to know is, who is your favoruite character on the game and why, and which track is your favourite and why.

For me, I love playing as WARIO in the Offroader. I find that car is really easy to control while still being pretty fast. Wario is great because of that hilarious laugh of his and his "IIIII'MA GONNA WIIIIIIN!" lol


My favourite course is probably DK's Snowboard Kingdom. My girlfriend hates it but I love it. I love using the ramps up the sides of the courses to do flips and get speed boosts, to get me ahead of the pack, and dropping bananas near the steep edges just after the big jump, so the chasing players will slip and fall off.

So, what are your favourites?

How could you not love driving as this little guy? Toad was the first character that I ever drove as playing Mario Kart 64. From there, he just works for me for some reason. I guess one of the main things I like about him is his voice. I always pick the Mini Beast kart b/c it has excellent drift which is the only problem I have playing Mario Kart which is why I always use the combination of Toad/Mini Beast/Automatic.

My favorite course would have to be Coconut Mall. I've always envision ride karts in malls on a joyride. I like the water fountains that you can jump off from and the section that has miis in cars blocking the way of the speed boosts.
Coconut Mall[/B]. I've always envision ride karts in malls on a joyride. I like the water fountains that you can jump off from and the section that has miis in cars blocking the way of the speed boosts.

Coconut Mall is a great course, I like the same parts as you. If you can avoid those cars that roll over the speed boosts you can get some serious speed to get over the line!

Another one I love is Delfino Square. It is quite tight, but if you can avoid hitting the walls in the little streets you are guaranteed a good place. For some reason online recently has made you race the course in reverse? Anyone know the reason for this?
Coconut Mall is a great course, I like the same parts as you. If you can avoid those cars that roll over the speed boosts you can get some serious speed to get over the line!

Another one I love is Delfino Square. It is quite tight, but if you can avoid hitting the walls in the little streets you are guaranteed a good place. For some reason online recently has made you race the course in reverse? Anyone know the reason for this?

Delfino Square would be my second favorite right after Coconut Mall. For some reason, I'm good at making the sharp turns on that track. Also, the track itself is such a great scenery and the music is quite nice too. The reason it makes you race in reverse is b/c it switches the tracks to Mirror Mode from time to time. It's a random thing and it'll happen for any track no matter which one you choose.
I'm also a Wario fan. I think he's just a hilarious character as he's basically Bizzaro Mario, and I like the fact that he has a good top speed even if it means sacrificing some handling.

Additionally, I also like Coconut Mall. The fact that there are so many different routes to take is fun and makes every race unique, and also allows for some interesting strategies.
Which courses do you guys hate?

I used to fucking despise Rainbow Road, I was a big fan of the N64 version, but on this one I just struggled to stay on the track after getting any speed boosts. However, now I use the Offroader cart, I find it alot easier and actually won it online after just concentrating on staying on the course, and not going over the top with speed boosts. So, I dont mind it now.

I HATE Toads Factory though, it is just so irritating. I always fuck up on it. Give me Mario Circuit or Waluigi Stadium any day!
I used to have a deep hatred for Rainbow Road until I switched to the Mini Beast kart. Now, I have no trouble on RR at all. I even do the jumps over the two big holes whenever I get the chance. SNES Ghost Valley 3, however, for whatever reason, I just can't seem to complete a race on that track without falling off. I already hate having short vision on the track. But all the turns and the collapsing borders, those parts of the track just piss me off to no end. I always give out a sigh when I see that's the track that is picked before an online race.
I used to have a deep hatred for Rainbow Road until I switched to the Mini Beast kart. Now, I have no trouble on RR at all. I even do the jumps over the two big holes whenever I get the chance.

I didnt even know that was possbile to jump the two big holes, I do a figure of 8 around them. I will have to check that out next time I play the game.

What realllllllly pisses me off about that game is when you do a series of races with the same group of people and they vote for the COURSE WE JUST FUCKING PLAYED!!! I know you may be good at it, and want to get your stats up...but why play it immediately after playing it? It doesnt make any sense, how is that fun at all?

As soon as we play the course I wanted, even if it was someone elses pick that was chosen, I will vote for something else. I dont wanna keep doing Coconut Mall over and over no matter how much I like it!!

Rant over lol
You have to be kidding me? I had this thread ready to post, was just going to post it and bam...someone who doesn't even know how to spell the game has posted it. Oh well here's an answer to your questions.

Character: Luigi All aside from Mario Kart 64 Luigi is the boyo for me, perfect mix of speed, weight and manuverability. On 64 it was Wario for reasons listed above.

Favourite track? That's easy Yoshi valley on 64. So many possible routes make this difference to the usual go straight until the finish line wooo. Plus I am a beast on that track. (Also see coconut Mall for Wii version)

Worst Track
Any of the Choco based tracks on Super Mario Kart and Rainbow Road. Rainbow road isses me off as it can take 7+minutes on one course. Good grief!
My favourite character changes as I become more proficient at whatever version of Mario Kart I am playing. Usually, I would start out with Mario/Luigi for their all round abilities but, particularly with the original Mario Kart on the SNES, I would eventually progress to the heavier, faster karts like Bowser. Poor acceleration I grant you, but once you know the courses well enough and are a good driver, the top speed of Bowser can be devastating - except maybe in Mario Kart Wii and any other version that has that bastard of a blue, spiked shell that targets the leader...

As for favourite tracks, I always liked the Mario/Luigi courses due to their simplicity while the original Rainbow Road was fantastic and has yet to be replicated in any sequels. There was also one of the Bowser's Castles in the original that it was possible to be basically unbeatable with Bowser/DK due to the combination of power sliding and speed boosts
I don't know if there was even a console version of this one, but on the GBA version of Mario Kart there was this Ghost Pier level where it was nearly impossible to complete a lap without falling off the edge. The floor would disappear from underneath you, the walls would go away after hitting them once, and the bridges had no railings. That level regularly drove me nuts.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOVVVEEEE this game, and the entire Mario Kart franchise. I had played previous Mario kart games, but my obsession with the game started after receiving an N-64 for my birthday.

Jump to present day and I haven't actually played Mario Kart in about a year, but when it was first released on the Wii, my roommate and I where absolutely obsessed with the game. We played online, and as a team (unofficially of course) since both players got the same ranking online.

We where a force to be recon with, not many better than us. (We both have been highly competitive Smashers since the first game on 64, so competitive Nintendo games just seem to run through our blood. We almost maxed out our online ratings a few times 9990 or something like that was our best.

We both played as our Mii's, his was a heavy and he would usually use a cart, My Mii was a medium sized character and I would always use the Mach Bike.

Favorite levels - All of them. Rainbow Road is always the best imo, I love that level like a first born son. For classic levels, Bowser's Castle 64, I owned the timetrial record for a while, I doubt it stands anymore.

Love Mario Kart, LOOOOOOVE IT.
Favourite Mario Kart driver really does depend on the game.

Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 I'm usually Luigi, on Mario Kart Double Dash I would always make sure I had Waluigi in my team and on Mario Kart Wii I'm either Waluigi or Daisy using the Mach Bike for Daisy and Bowser Bike Waluigi (If I remembered it's name right).

The games are class and a must buy for anybody who owns a Nintendo system to be fair, even the handheld games are classics.

If I had to pick a specific track I loved the most it would probably be Baby Park from Double Dash and Mario Kart DS just because it was so uncontrollable. A Chomp Chomp on that map would destroy most of the field and you could always squeeze a last second Red or Blue Shell in which then screwed over first and they'd lose 2-3 places at a time.

Rainbow Road on Mario Kart 64 is one of the worst tracks of all time, just because it's so long, repetitive and boring. Always the worst to do on 50cc. That said Rainbow Road of the SNES was probably the most challenging track I've ever done. Always fell off as a kid.
My favourite character is:



Rosalina is the perfect character IMO. She is a large character, but she almost feels like a medium sized character without the ability to be pushed around. I thoroughly enjoy pushing others off the track and I need a large character for that. I also find that when she is paried with the Honeycoupe or the standard vehicle, she handles absurdly well and has great top speed.

She is also my favourite princess in all of the Mario games. She is the only one that can carry her own damn weight. And Luma is pretty awesome.

In the earlier games, it varied with age. Initially it was Yoshi because I hit everything and needed someone who could accelerate well. When I got older, I turned to Luigi or Bowser, depending on my mood.

My favourite course of all time has to go to the Rainbow Road from the Wii version. The look of that level is an ode to Super Mario Galaxy, and the level is just fun as hell to play.
My least favourite goes to Bowser's Castle for the N64. The level itself wasn't so bad, it was the fact that the CPU always got a huge f***ing lead on me. Every damn Grand prix, no matter what I did, they always managed to get way ahead of me.
Ah i love this game, myself and my younger sister used to play this online ALL the time untill i got my PS3.

I usually played as my Mii with the Phantom bike, did so well with that bike so yeah i loved i haha.

Favourite course is a tie between Maple Treeway and DK Mountain from Double Dash. Both courses are just so fun, fast paced and generally amazing tracks to play online with.
I have a really fond memory of this game: All my friends holed up in my ex-room mate's room, crowded around his like 28 inch TV playing four player Mario Kart. The room was filled with many a expletive. I'm so pumped because for the first time in probably a year and a half we're all getting together and Mario Kart looks to be on the table.

I usually race as Mario. It seems pretty lame that I race as the main character but I always do really well with him so whatever.

I never actually owned it except on my DS and that got stolen (bastards) so I don't remember the actual level names but I like Toad's Highway, The level with the ice and penguins, and the course with the hedges and chomps.
My favorite character happened to be in Mario Kart DS


R.O.B. was my favorite. He was the guy you worked hardest to unlock in that game. Once you did, it certainly payed off. His stats were no doubt the best in that game and playing as him made it easier.

My favorite stage is definitely Coconut Mall. It was a stage that was both pleasing to the eyes, and the perfect difficulty. I liked the part where you had to get past your Mii's in giant cars as you approached the finish line. Also that giant leap of faith you do off the roof was pretty awesome. Especially on a motorcycle.

Speaking of motorcycles, I enjoyed the addition of motorcycles, and motorcycle-only races in Mario Kart Wii. The tricks you could do on them were pretty cool and it was just nice to see Nintendo break away from their traditional Mario Kart standards. Another reason I enjoyed the game so much was because we saw playable characters that we had never seen in a Mario Kart game before. Funky Kong, Rosalina, and Dry Bowser just to name a few. I can say that Mario Kart Wii ranks up there with Mario Kart: Double Dash as my favorite games in the series.
I didnt even know that was possbile to jump the two big holes, I do a figure of 8 around them. I will have to check that out next time I play the game.

What realllllllly pisses me off about that game is when you do a series of races with the same group of people and they vote for the COURSE WE JUST FUCKING PLAYED!!! I know you may be good at it, and want to get your stats up...but why play it immediately after playing it? It doesnt make any sense, how is that fun at all?

As soon as we play the course I wanted, even if it was someone elses pick that was chosen, I will vote for something else. I dont wanna keep doing Coconut Mall over and over no matter how much I like it!!

Rant over lol

Yeah, what's with that? I picked up this game during the boxing day sales and recently started playing online. Last time there were two people who kept choosing Maple Tree Way over and over. I like that track too but come on!
Yeah, what's with that? I picked up this game during the boxing day sales and recently started playing online. Last time there were two people who kept choosing Maple Tree Way over and over. I like that track too but come on!

I think it must just be stat-obsessed nerds who are desperate tp get their stats as high as possible, after finding a course they are good on. There is nothing wrong with being interested in trying to get your stats as high as possible, on. This site I am trying to increase my rep as much as I can, but it isn't the be-all and end-all is it? I would never consider doing the same thing that became boring over and over just to get higher rep, it is just sad.

First couple of repeats, sure I don't mind, I like the track too...but after they have voted for it 20x in a row...and we have played it 6x....I am ready to RKO someone at that point!
Wooo first post back and it's on one of my favorite series.

Overall Favorite: I have to go with the original Super Mario Kart for SNES. Still have the thing. The tracks all look soooo simple, yet when you get down to it, they are far from it. The special cup tracks are insane on 150cc and literally drove me nuts when I was younger. The only game in the series that had Donkey Kong JR as a playable character, in fact it's one of the few games I've seen him in outside his own series.

Favorite Driver: I've gotta go with Dry Bones. Not an original character I know, but Dry Bones was always a favorite character of mine throughout the Mario series. On the DS his little tank thing was just disgustingly good through turns and the boost you could get off of it from drifting was insane. In Mario Kart Wii, I feel that his fast acceleration helps out a lot in the chaotic fun that ensues in that game. Never before have I gone from first to last and back again so many times in a three lap race...

Favorite Course: That's a tricky one, but I've got to go with Bowser's Castle from the N64 game. Growing up, my time was split between the original and 64, but the music, difficulty, and overall awesomeness of this level was just enough to make it my fav. Not to mention the remake in Wii is also awesome!
Wooo first post back and it's on one of my favorite series.

Glad you liked my thread dude :)

Favorite Driver: I've gotta go with Dry Bones. Not an original character I know, but Dry Bones was always a favorite character of mine throughout the Mario series. On the DS his little tank thing was just disgustingly good through turns and the boost you could get off of it from drifting was insane. In Mario Kart Wii, I feel that his fast acceleration helps out a lot in the chaotic fun that ensues in that game. Never before have I gone from first to last and back again so many times in a three lap race...

I had never seen Dry Bones as a character until the Wii Mario he like a skeleton Yoshi or something? Was quite surprised when I unlocked him, I was expecting a Diddy Kong!

Favorite Course: That's a tricky one, but I've got to go with Bowser's Castle from the N64 game. Growing up, my time was split between the original and 64, but the music, difficulty, and overall awesomeness of this level was just enough to make it my fav. Not to mention the remake in Wii is also awesome!

Urghhh I am not a fan of Bowser's Castle remake, I find it one of the ones I struggle with! I am improving on it, but its a pretty frustrating course. As well as my favourites I have already said (Delfino Square, Coconut Mall) I am more of a fan of the regular race tracks like Mario Circuit and Mario Raceway.
I had never seen Dry Bones as a character until the Wii Mario he like a skeleton Yoshi or something? Was quite surprised when I unlocked him, I was expecting a Diddy Kong!

He is more like a Skeleton Koopa Troopa. I used to always use Bowser as a Character, slow as fuck, but I would always bump both my Brother and Sister off the edge, and win the races. I actually like Ghost Valley 2 on Wii, there is a shortcut which is really easy to complete, and it put's you ahead by quite a bit. It is easy to lap people on that, which is what I find great fun on Mario Kart.

The game has got me through many years, one of the most enjoyable games to play, so practicle. It is just brilliant. Good thread Natural!
He is more like a Skeleton Koopa Troopa. I used to always use Bowser as a Character, slow as fuck, but I would always bump both my Brother and Sister off the edge, and win the races. I actually like Ghost Valley 2 on Wii, there is a shortcut which is really easy to complete, and it put's you ahead by quite a bit. It is easy to lap people on that, which is what I find great fun on Mario Kart.

The game has got me through many years, one of the most enjoyable games to play, so practicle. It is just brilliant. Good thread Natural!

Thanks bro :)

Where is this short cut? I need to know this shit. Ghost Valley is one of my poorer courses, I try and avoid it whenever possible. That short cut may be the reason why some people online just dominate that course no matter how well I drive!
I had never seen Dry Bones as a character until the Wii Mario he like a skeleton Yoshi or something?

As mentioned by someone above, he is a skeleton Koopa. Falls pretty much in the same weight class and speed, acceleration, handling as Koopa. In Mario Kart DS him and Rob are probably two of the best characters until you unlock all carts and all characters can use all carts. Since the DS tracks have a lot of twists and turns, the tight handling and fast acceleration are just awesome! In Mario Kart Wii, there is also Dry Bowser... Which is mildly entertaining.

Urghhh I am not a fan of Bowser's Castle remake, I find it one of the ones I struggle with! I am improving on it, but its a pretty frustrating course. As well as my favourites I have already said (Delfino Square, Coconut Mall) I am more of a fan of the regular race tracks like Mario Circuit and Mario Raceway.

Heh fair enough. I too enjoy the regular tracks. Speaking of regular tracks what's your thought on Baby Park on Double Dash? Personally I think it's still too short of a race despite having more laps than any other Mario Kart track. It gets really intense since by the time you hit lap 3 there are items literally everywhere. Otherwise I am still a big fan of all the original Mario Circuit. All 4 of them.
Love the game,

My favorite charachter has to be Luigi, the perfect all round charachter, along with Mario. Him along with the Mach bike are the ultimate combination, leading me to easing into the mirror class section..

My favorite course has to be rainbow road, although it's difficult, the fact that for me its either frustating or great, 1st, or 12th. There are other courses that are easyt, but the fact I win so easily on them each time nearly, there just not fun..

My worst track is Wario's goldmine, even though it's similar to rainbow road as in I could be first or last, I more often than not, come last, so it's hugely frustrating most of the time, especially when your in the lead, and you fall off the edge or something.

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