Manny Ramirez, we hardly knew ye...


Team Finnley Baylor
So apparently, Manny Ramirez did some performance enhancing and is suspended for 50 games per Major League Baseball's drug policy.

He made a statement saying he had taken something prescribed by his doctor for a personal medical condition and it wasn't approved by the MLB. I'm personally sad. I liked Manny, but this isn't good for beisbol.
O well, they all did it. The smart ones just don't get caught.... He is still better than Griffey Jr.
No wonder they were the best team in Baseball...

Toronto Blue Jays: Best team in baseball not on drugs!
I really don't lose any respect for him. He's a great natural hitter and has passed all previous tests, with no true increase in muscle mass since he came up with the Indians. He gets a really bad rap, most of which is absurd. Sad we won't see him for 50 games.
I officially hate Manny Ramirez. I have him on one of my fantasy teams and I have him for my home run derby.

Thanks, alot Manny. Mutherfucker.
I don't think they've actually confirmed it was a performance-enchancing drug. For all we know, it could be that Manny was smoking pot. It's legal for medical use in California, Manny's body is getting real old from years of wear and tear, and he has a history of pot-smoking before. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Manny had some doctor write him up a prescription, and him take part now that he's in Cali. Hmmm...maybe he really WILL stay in LA for the rest of his career if this is true!

But if it is steroids...ha ha. Guy's an egotistical jerk-off anyways.
Disagreed with that. I believe it was something for his body that was illegal, but it wasn't steroids. Arguably some kind of pill or some shit.
I also have seen from a couple of different places that it was a women's fertility drug.

Surely you cant be the desperate to get pregnant Manny?
Guess the Dodgers got ripped off paying his greedy ass $25 million for a year now he's going to miss almost 2 months of the season. Not a shock though, who's going to be the next guy that will get exposed for using steroids?
I have no idea about the deets of this, but if he took a women's fertillity drug, it means that he is trying to get his body to make testosterone again, which means it wasn't making his own before, which means he was taking steroids.

These drugs are usually banned because they are easier to detect than modern steroids, and if you are taking these, then you will have been on steroids, unless you want to be a woman.
Ken Griffey Jr. is the Best Player of his Generation

Actually, Bill James ran a statistical analysis of every player and determined that Craig Biggio was the best player of his generation.

And the fertitility drug can be used for more than covering up steroids. If he was shooting blanks, for instance, he would want to produce testosterone in order to produce viable sperm.
There is no excuse for Manny. Anything he sticks in his body needs to ok'd by the Dodgers staff and if there is still question MLB has a hotline for athletes to call to check this out. Manny plays dumb a lot.
And if it is performance enhancing he is a complete idiot.
Manny couldn't carry Griffey's jock.
Manny plays left field with a wooden glove while Griffey was a gold glove center fielder. Grif also has roughly 150 more stolen bases. With the bat they are equals, maybe Manny with a slight edge but overall Griffey is better. No doubt.
I'll give you that, Grif has gotten hurt quite a bit the last few years, but the first 11 years in the league he played in at least 140 games 9 of those years. Manny also did this 9 out of 11 times. After those first 11 full years they both got knicked up a bit, Griffey a little more than Manny.
Women's fertility drugs are used to mask performance enhancing drugs. Either that or Manny and that special fella were trying to bring a bundle of joy into the world.
Yeah undoubtedly better at getting injured.

Yes, it truly sucks to outplay people for an entire decade, on concrete in the kingdome, and have your body eventually give out on you from playing on concrete your entire career. Griffey got injured, going all out, and people try to shit on him for it.
Yeah, give me what Manny did in his career over anything Griffey did. Give me his BA, OBP and all that shit. Go read my post in the sports stadium on this matter. I thought it was reasonable.

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