Steriods....Countless WWE Stars


SmackDown! is MY Show
he following is an article from What's the latest? Do investigators believe any of Wilbirt's "patients" were athletes?

Llosa/Wertheim: Yes. We'd already seen his name come up in conjunction with Kurt Angle, a 1996 Olympic gold-medal-winning freestyle wrestler and now a star professional wrestler who allegedly received two prescriptions for trenbolone and one for nandrolone between October 2004 and February '05. It turns out Angle isn't the only pro wrestler alleged to have received prescriptions from Wilbirt. According to the official documents we reviewed, Wilbirt was billed for HCG and the steroid stanozolol that were sent to WWE star Eddie Guerrero in early 2005. (Guerrero died on Nov. 13, 2005, in a Minneapolis hotel room due to what a coroner later ruled as heart disease, complicated by an enlarged heart resulting from a history of anabolic steroid use.) Wilbirt also allegedly issued prescriptions for the steroids nandrolone and stanozolol to Oscar Gutierrez, whose stage name is Rey Mysterio. (Through the WWE, Gutierrez declined comment.) When reached at his home Wilbirt spoke with us briefly, asserting, "I'm not even practicing medicine now, so... I don't remember doing half the stuff you're talking about." (The Arizona Medical Board confirms that his license is currently suspended.) Asked specifically about the professional wrestlers, Wilbirt remarked: "I'll tell you one thing and then this conversation is going to end. They had done blood work and had laboratory work done and they had come to see me." Wilbirt obviously remains a "person of interest" for the investigators. In total, there were 11 professional wrestlers listed in the documents that we saw. Some of these wrestlers are working as independents; some are out of the business entirely; others are first-tier stars. Consider Randy Orton, who allegedly received eight prescriptions for six different drugs -- stanozolol, nandrolone, anastrozole, Clomiphene citrate, oxandrolone and testosterone -- between March 2004 and August 2004. (Through the WWE, Orton declined comment.) Interestingly, according to the documents, Orton's prescriptions came from the same two doctors whose names appeared on the prescriptions in major league outfielder Gary Matthews Jr.'s file. Most of the athletes named in your previous stories were allegedly receiving human growth hormone. It sounds as though the professional wrestlers were allegedly mostly receiving steroids.

Llosa/Wertheim: Right. At some level this stands to reason: The skill-set required for pro wrestling is obviously different from that of most other competitive sports. According to the documents two prominent wrestlers, Adam Copeland, a.k.a. Edge, and Shane Helms, a.k.a. The Hurricane, received HGH. (Through the WWE, Copeland and Helms didn't respond to a request for comment.) But virtually all the others allegedly received a wide variety of anabolic steroids. In each case these were supplied by Applied, the Mobile, Ala., compounding pharmacy that was raided last fall. Does the WWE have a drug policy?

Llosa/Wertheim: Gary Davis, a WWE spokesman, pointed us to a Talent Wellness Program instituted in February 2006. As to whether anabolic steroids and HGH are banned, Davis sent us an email quoting the policy: "The WWE policy prohibits the use of performance-enhancing drugs, as well as other prescription drugs which can be abused, if taken for other than a legitimate medical purpose pursuant to a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician. For purposes of WWE's policy, prescriptions obtained over the Internet and/or from suppliers of prescription drugs from the Internet are not considered to have been given for a legitimate medical purpose. Citing privacy issues, Davis declined to say whether WWE wrestlers have tested positive for banned substances since the policy was implemented.]

Wow that seems likea lot I mean Edge, Orton, Rey, Eddie,Helms,and Kurt

I have to say not suprised by it as it is a major player in Professional Wrestling. If more contuniues to come out this will hurt WWE in the media. I mean worst part they will jump on Eddie's death the media will and etc. So this couuld get worse for those involved and WWE
why can't they leave eddie out of it? I would never of geussed that rey did steroids he doesnt look like it. theres gonna be home ass kickins back stage from vince
This shits unbelievable! Of course they had ta throw Eddies name in there! What a bunch of assholes. I'm not commenting on guilt or innocence, but why do they have to bring a dead wrestlers name into this bullshit?!?!:cuss2:
You guys are ridiculous.

Mentioning FACTS about Guererro and his death are not damaging his legacy or reputation. Remember folks, its not slander (libel in this case) if it's true.

Steroids have long since been a problem in professional wrestling, and have long been a problem in ending lives too short. If WWE takes a hit with Uncle Sam now involved so be it.

I hope Eddie Guererro and the ton of other wrestlers that have passed names continue to get mentioned. If thats what it takes to grab the attention of Vince, the fans, and the guys in the back than great. Then we'll know their deaths weren't in vain.
Ya it's a fact then if Eddie is on that list. If you let it damage the way you think of him, then that's on you.

This is another Black Eye for Vince and his wellness program, which is a joke. Vince doesnt' care about the well being of these guys. Check out Pipers Interview on HBO a couple years ago, and that's a man shooting straight from his heart. JR had the audacity to say that Piper only said what he said because he was a beaten down man, bullshit. Piper said what a majority of wrestlign fans believe. Stop the rampant drug use and bring the people in that are wanting to bust their ass to the top, not use a backdoor to get in. These guys are all dropping over dead because drug use has been encouraged to make them look bigger. It's not going to stop, because, and this is where we are to blame, we keep giving them money for the product. It'll take another big name person to die from this stuff before people take some notice, but then turn a blind eye to it again.
why can't they leave eddie out of it? I would never of geussed that rey did steroids he doesnt look like it. theres gonna be home ass kickins back stage from vince
Rey definitely looks like it. He started off in WCW weighing a paltry 140. During a sabattical he took off through the early half of 1998, Mysterio miraculously put on an assload of solid muscle. He showed up to Bash at the Beach 98 against Jericho looking like he'd spent the majority of the year at Franco Columbu's house sipping down anabolic cocktails.
im not stickining up for these wrestlers doin illegal drugs but who cares. I for one dont wanna see any skinny little chumps doin work in the ring. I hope nobody suffers from these allegations.
Heres more info

Only a few weeks after a previous story linking former WWE and current TNA star Kurt Angle to steroid prescription investigation, a story by Sports Illustrated has now linked a number of WWE wrestlers to a series of government steroid investigations in an article that can be read at

It was revealed that after documents were viewed by SI reporters Luis Fernando Llosa and L. Jon Wertheim, Dr. David Wilbirt of Arizona (who is under investigation from the DEA for writing 3,879 prescriptions for patients that requested drugs over the Internet) was linked with Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio), Randy Orton, Adam Copeland (Edge) and Shane Helms (Gregory Helms) and at least five other unnamed individuals that did not make the story.

Copeland and Helms were listed as receiving HGH (not anabolic steroids), while Guerrero was listed as having been billed and sent stanazol (Winstrol) and Gutierrez (Mysterio) for allegedly a prescription for nadrolone (Decadurabolin) and stanazol. Orton received prescriptions for six different drugs from the same two doctors that appeared in the story.

Dr. Wilbert, who license has already been suspended, stated that the wrestlers had blood work and lab work done before they came to see him. It is interesting to note that all of these documents came from 2004 and 2005, well before WWE enforced its new Wellness Drug Policy following the death of Guerrero in 2005. All of the drugs listed above are illegal under the WWE's current drug policy.

The WWE wrestlers listed in this investigation don't appear to be in any trouble as the government is attempting to shut down the distributors and not arrest the athletes. WWE's Vice President of Corporate Communications Gary Davis stated that the company policy does not allow for prescription drugs to be obtained from the Internet. SI attempted to get further comments from the wrestlers involved in this investigation, but Davis was the only person who spoke with them about the matter.

All I have to say is thsi is what professional wrestling has become i mean in this era you had to be muscled up to be a star i mean look at the current champions
This is par for the course as far as I'm concerned. I didn't want to rain on anyone's parade back in the fall of 2005, but all the signs for Eddie cycling were there. He has lost some of his muscle during the earlier parts of 2005, only to all of a sudden rebound with a completely chiseled physique. This told me that he had stopped cycling, only to undertake another one to re-energize his physique.

As for Edge, he also came back from one of his last layoffs with extra weight on him and some obvious bloating (plenty of which has turned to fat these days). He and Helms were both in the same boat of having decent bodies, but still being too light in the ass to achieve the top status in the company alongside the king of the juicers, HHH. As for a Angle, Helms, and Edge, it appears to me as though they've all three stopped cycling at present (Angle for the loss of upper body mass, Helms and Copeland for the fat retention). Orton has obviously gained a fair shade of muscle in the upper body to his delicate frame since his WHC run.

I'm glad to hear of the crackdown on this crap. McMahon's ass needs to be thrown in jail this time. Just don't call Hogan to the witness stand, or he'll have another case of selective memory until his next book deal comes along. This crap is disgusting and needs to be done away with. I don't care if ALL of the WWE roster loses some muscle due to a stop in the drugs. Wrestling is more important to me than how ripped a guy is. If the quality of physique was a determinate of talent, than Batista and Masters would be the best wrestlers of the last decade...when that couldn't be further from the truth. If this stuff wasn't considered a prerequisite by Vince and his cronies to denote a push in the business, then maybe guys like Eddy would still be around. I wonder if anyone is probing Scott Steiner?
I agree with all of you guys but the Wellness policy of WWE needs to be looked at in itself. Steroids or HGH to recover from injury if it is through a Reputable docter then Fine let them use it in a controlled manner, but to do what Some would have had to have done is not and they should be suspended until they clean their bodies up from that crap. As for them mentioning Eddie it is sad that they found that he was useing again towards the end of his life. But then again the WWE champ in Cena probably used at some time when he was a bodybuilder.

But all this being said this won't cause as much controversy as any sportsperson such as Barry Bonds, because as we all know that wrestling has fixed outcomes and noone truly bets on Pro Wrestling unless its as in on here where we are making educated guesses on what WWE creative have worked out for the Win.
As to Scott Stiener didn't he say that when he was in WWE that he was going to be forced to take a steroid test but he wanted Trips to have one as well, just to get through to the point they dropped the Roid Test.
All I have to say is thsi is what professional wrestling has become i mean in this era you had to be muscled up to be a star i mean look at the current champions

Guys, this isn't new. Unless there is someone over the age of 40, this is the way major pro wrestling has always been.

For the guy that doesn't want to see "skinny" guys in the ring, you are the problem. You are the type of fan that gives cause to these young dopers. That is wrong to me.

There is a fine line between well built and well conditioned athletes and steroid users. Just because a guy isn't pumping his rear with needles doesn't mean he can't fit the look you desire.
The only hope i can get from thisis that McMahon does get it from the Feds for the fact that this isnt healthy for wrestlers. I mean so what are we shwoing them i mean that fact that hey to make it in this business you have to have some skills in the ring and be a muscled up freak and hey your a WWE superstar. Now granted its nottrue for all but most will see it their only way in and only way to get to the the top in WWE.

For Eddie being in it i feel its sad, but like Kasey said you can tell he was bigger towards the end and its a shame, but if this needs to open McMahons eyes to whats going on then so be it. Eddie was great but he did roid up in his time there and we know why it was the look..

I rather see a wrestler who can actually wrestle a great match even if he is not on roids as its not worth it as in health. Yet that is the look nowadays. Actionneeds to be taken
Size as far as I'm concerned is no problem. I watch great wrestling. Big muscular physiques might be more pleasing to the eye than a scrawny wrestler. But so long as the match is good it doesnt bother me. Look at the majority of Japanese wrestler's. Most of them have very average physiques and they get along just fine.
doesn't matter what we think. I think most guys/girls here on this site would prefer to see good wrestling and we criticize WWE for not providing good wrestling and only providing these buffed up guys who cant wrestle a lick. the fact is these guys sell. look at TNA vs. WWE money wise. TNA tries to provide good wrestling and generally doesnt have the physical specimens that WWE has but WWE makes more money because the general public wants the big guys. The IWC opinion is somewhat or actually very different from that of the rest of the world.
^You're probably right. As sick as it sounds to me, guys that are yoked to the eyeballs on pharmaceuticals have been some of the biggest names for years. Graham, Atlas, Hogan, The Bulldogs, The Road Warriors, Warrior, HHH, and a veritable who's who of some of the most famous stars of the last three decades were all users and were pushed through the roof. The really lousy thing is that WWE is the company that holds all of the cards in this regard as they set the standard for what is pushed to the American public, and McMahon could really buck that trend and change what is accepted, but he damn sure won't. He's probably been juicing himself for years. The Wellness Program is a complete joke and pisses me off to no end because it was nothing more than a band-aid on a weeping gash that was Eddie's passing. It was a slap in the face of every one with an IQ above their shoe size. They want to reform the locker room...just as long as it doesn't get in the way of the TV product.

Oh, the irony of all this:

And this one is just for kicks. WWE is hilarious. Not to mention ethical.
I personally believe that some of these guys were prescribed the steroids for injuries. I'm pretty confident that Edge was given it for his broken neck, as well as Angle. These two don't seem like the type that would use 'roid for their "look". Edge has always been a tall skinny guy, and the only time he didn't look skinny was when he returned from his injury, which leads me to believe he was prescribed steroids for his neck. Gregory Helms is another that strikes me as a person that wouldn't use 'roids to make him more muscular. He's another guy that's never been a huge guy.

Now Orton seems like he might be a regular user, but I recall that he had injuries in that time as well, so he could be treating injuries (even though if he had 6 different prescriptions, I'm probably wrong). Either way, this is horrible for the WWE, and I think they should ban steroids IMMEDIATELY. They're risking the whole business by keeping steroids in play. Vince needs to get his head out of his ass and do something about this.
^Angle was obviously on the juice throughout 2002 to 2004. He has definitely deflated since that time to a point where his upper body size has been noticeably reduced. There is no doubt Angle was probably prescribed some steroids for his neck, however, steroid prescriptions for rehab aren't extremely long drawn in that respect. Just enough to get over a muscle tear and back to a normal rehabilitative state. HGH is just used for guys looking to put size on and was actually legal until a few years ago. That's the only significant reason anyone would have for purchasing that stuff. Orton was repairing a messed up rotator cuff. I've done repair on a rotator cuff and I didn't need ANY steroids to do it with. Just proper nutrition and the correct rehabilitation exercises and therapeutic techniques, so unless Orton had some other injury we haven't been privvy to at this time, he was also on the juice train.
Is this really a shock to anyone? The reason they are releasing their names in a big media blitz is because the probe also had big name professional athletes attached to it as well. I with everyone when I say that the wellness policy is a joke, has been, and will continue to be. TNA has no policy IMO, look at Steiner, Petey Williams (for a little guy, he's pretty ripped), A-1. The wrestlers they mention are all no surprise, as you can tell during a certain time period. Of course, Vince is going to protect his "poster boys", Cena (as much as he denies it, he's taking something) Batista, and Lashley.
Well for those in the states ESPN was ripping WWE for this. And Colin Cowhaerd was saying he told everyonme Eddie Dies becuase of these and etc. Look i know it goes it around but damn dont make it seem like the IWC are idots and do not know what goes on about the steriods.

Watch teh video that on the upper right hand side this guy is such an ass
Orton on steriods? Not surprised. He's the biggest suspect at the moment. Getting fired could be a possibility but I don't think WWE would do it. Getting suspended and jobbing could be an option. I would bury Orton as much as possible to get it in his mind to stop using them. I really don't have much else to say besides a small comment on what they said about Eddie. Eddie did die but not by using steriods. I can't confirm if he used them or not, but autopsy's don't lie and if they said he didn't use them, he most likely didn't use them. I wouldn't be surprised if Batista's name is mentioned in all this frenzy.
Well for those in the states ESPN was ripping WWE for this. And Colin Cowhaerd was saying he told everyonme Eddie Dies becuase of these and etc. Look i know it goes it around but damn dont make it seem like the IWC are idots and do not know what goes on about the steriods.

Watch teh video that on the upper right hand side this guy is such an ass're right this guy is a complete ass and has been for quite a while. Sucks at sports radio, and has the gall to call himself "legitimate". I like his little janitors office they fixed up to do his show in. And by the way, I like my boogers with JRs BBQ sauce...
WWE RAW Superstar Edgehas responded to the Sports Illustrated story linking him to the nationwide steroid investigation on his MySpace web site. Edge wrote:

Dear Blogees (did I just create a word?)

If you are reading this blog and it sees the light of day, than that means that an article has been written by a Sports Illustrated writer that states I received HGH from a pharmacy in 2003. So, I'll cut right to the chase like I always do. It's true. However, it's not exactly breaking, earth shattering news. It's actually old news. I admitted to this on national television in Canada in 2004 on Off The Record. When host Michael Lansberg asked me if I'd ever taken steroids, without consulting me before the show, I was perturbed, but answered without hesitation, "Yes, I have."

In hindsight, I'm glad he asked the question. It got it out in the open and anyone who follows my career or supports me already knows this information about me. I won't try to defend my actions. I took them when coming back from my spinal fusion neck surgery when I was told by doctors that it would help the bones grow back around the screws and plate that were now inserted in my neck. I'm not glorifying. I'm not condoning. Just telling you why I decided to take them. I took blood tests, consulted doctors, read up, studied them, got prescriptions, and decided to do it. That's pretty much it folks, but I wanted you to get my response straight from me and not through the words of another write. Now as I'm sure most you can tell, I don't take steroids and haven't in a very long time, long before the WWE drug testing wellness policy was implemented. Hell, I noly see the inside of a gym anymore, let alone take performance enhancing substances!

So, in closing, to the columnist (not the Sports Illustrated columnist, but actually another one) who said a "roided up thing called Edge" was at the NHL ALL Star Game a few weeks ago, in 2003, this may have been true. Now, not in the least, as my random urine tests, which have always been negative will attest. I guess I'll take the fact that he thought I was as somewhat of a compliment. To the fact that I've been lucky enough to have been gifted with a 6 foot 5, 240lb body naturally. And finally made it to the top of my industry last year on my own, clean as a whistle. To those, like that columnist and any other naysayers that will hold my past against me? I've made mistakes. Will do so again in the future I'm sure. But I won't hide from them. If you're reading this, you know that's not my style.

Until next time, from everybody's favorite, clean urine,
Well all I can hope is that some of the other WWE superstars follow in Edge's steps and admit they used it and if it was for an injury or another real reason then say it. The worst will be if they start throwing out BS like the didnt do it or stuff like that
Paul Z. sent in the following report:

I was watching the local Orlando, Florida CBS affiliate "Local 6" 5:30 newscast, and they talked about Mania coming to Orlando . They then segued into the steroid scandal since it involved a local pharmacy. Vince McMahon commented on it in the story, saying it was a select few individuals and you will find that in any sport. On the 6 o’clock newscast, they pretty much ran the same news story during the sports segment that they ran at 5:30 including the steroid portion and the McMahon comments.

At the end, however there was one extra portion to the story that I will now recite verbatim from the broadcast, Sportscaster Todd Lewis commented, “Now off-camera after the interview, McMahon said bringing up this topical segment of performance enhancing drugs today was in poor taste. Vince, you have your employees dieing prematurely due to health problems from steroid abuse, you send women out to wrestle in dental floss with more silicon in their body than a Tupperware convention, and you are going to lecture folks about poor taste? Make sure you Windex that glass house you live in before throwing those stones, my friend.”

I felt the reports by Todd Lewis I saw tonight were fair. He spoke about the economic impact of Wrestlemania 24 on the community, and he seems to actually understand the business. His final retort sounded as if he grasped what is going on, not coming off like a media elitist who dismisses everything about it and tries to paint wrestlers and their fans as nothing but total losers.

McMahon is never going to care about this as he is a business man and just wants money. The only time he will really care is he gets a call from the house and called to testify on his company and steriods. Its a shame McMahon would say things like that behind scenes
I think that alot of the wrestlers have take steroids. Orton, wasn't he found with them awhile ago? Angle? Of course he did because he has been injured and I think that they use it for therapy. Rey it is hard to believe for me, but then again he is very muscular for his size. And there is Eddie. While I think that he MAY have taken steroids, there are two reasons why they mention that name either (A) want to warn what steroids can lead to an early death (B) scare tactics.

Let's face it. Alot of wrestlers have died in the last few years and I think that steroid use could be a factor after all steroids affect muscles and isn't the heart a muscle. so why can't it affect it in some way.

So whoever makes this probe you better get the facts because I don't want some of these wrestlers end up losing their jobs because of your failures.

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