Let Wrestlers Use Steroids!

I'm still waiting to hear what you have to say in regards to my comment concerning the media IC (not trying to sound like a jerk, I'm just anxious for a reply).

As I touched on earlier, if the media found out that Vince was condoning the use of anabolic steroids, than they would immediately jump all over them. They would point to the deaths of Eddie and Benoit, despite the fact that steroids weren't proven to have killed them. They've demonized the WWE many times before, and they will do it again.

I suppose you could argue that the free publicity would help the WWE out, but it would be negative publicity. Not only that, but it would only go further to hurt the family-friendly image that Vince is apparently pinning for.

Shocky also made a good point. In today's society, steroid use simply isn't acceptable. It's frowned upon, no matter if its associated with a real sport or not. Instead of adopting the view that they can't reach their full potenial without steroids, maybe you should consider adopting the view of hard work and determination. So you wan't their body's to be able to take more punishment? Simple, have them workout and train more. If we've learned anything about the new generation of superstars, its that they don't workout and train as hard as they could. I have no doubt that they work hard already, but they can always improve themselves. If we can no longer rely on the benefits of steroids, then today's superstars will simply have to find other alternatives.
No, go back and read your posts. You say that the effects have never been proven, but they have. Then you try to defend your reasoning by claiming that only abuse is harmful, and thus we should apparently trust the wrestlers not to abuse them.

Yes, but I make very clear the fact that effects of abuse are harmful. The effects of casual use are far less than people make it wound. Many medical journals (at least the 1 or 2 I've read while researcing this topic) focus on the harmful effects of steroid ABUSE, not USE. I firmly believe that an athlete who uses low doses of steroids such as testosterone, HGH, Dianabol, Stanzanol (sp?), and Andro are not going to suffer crippling long term effects. And if that athlete is smart enough to also not stack the steroids with such shit as coke, alcohol, etc., then there you go!

But what happens to the many wrestlers who do abuse them. The side affects could not only hurt themselves, but their friends, families, and possibly even the other superstars. Would you really want the WWE to condone the use of such harmful substances?

So because of one or two, everyone has to suffer. It's a shame it has to be this way. Especially since, ONCE AGAIN, the wrestlers who have historically harmed themselves have done so with cocaine and alcohol ON TOP of steroids. I am all for WWE restricting pot, coke, etc. But they don't have a very strict policy on drunkenness. Maybe they should consider that.

If one guy goes buckwild on roids, then it's time for an intervention.

As I said before, most of your points are correct, but think about this. How do you suppose the media would react if the WWE started allowing the use of any type of steroids? The WWE already gets enough negative attention from the fear-mongering media, and allowing wrestlers to use steroids will only make it worse. The media would jump all over their asses, and we would have something that would look alot like what CNN did to Cena, only worse, because now they actually do condone the use of steroids.

This is a good point. And it's something the media will do to get a story. But you know what? Steroids ran rampant in WWF for decades with the Hogans, Grahams, Warriors, Lugers, etc. And it wasn't terrible. If WWE dropped the wellness program quietly, there may be a shitstorm, but I think much of that was a bi-product of what was happening in baseball and other sports. I still feel that if the media wants a steroid target, they need to go after pro bobybuilding, of which I am a fan, but I prefer natural bodybuilding.

Vince is trying to appeal more to the kids these days, so you can't have someone like John Cena using them. Even if they only are anabolic, the media doesn't care, they will do whatever they can to demonize the WWE.

This, to me, is the biggest hurdle. But again, steroids make superheroes, and superheroes attract kids. I wouldn't advise advertising steroid use.

On a side note, one of the things I love about controversial topics like this one is the fact that these threads bring out really good posters whom I may not have realized were as good as they are, like JackAttack and El_Miko. I'm just waiting for one of the people who green repped me with "I agree with you" to come join my side of the debate.
He tore the other quad. He didn't re-tear the first one. And he did that because he works his ass off and doesn't take a lot of time off.

And it's coincidental that the injury he suffered TWICE just happens to be one that is associated with overuse of steroids. There's that myth about lightning never striking twice, but it does.

Yes, but you can certainly understand my analogy. I don't need steroids because what I do in the gym isn't my entire life. It's just a hobby. I wouldn't need anything as serious as steroids. Pro wrestlers do. They put crazy demands on their bodies. They need to have a certain physique.

So basically, you're claiming that wrestlers don't work hard enough. Because as I recall, you said all they do is increase efficiency of workouts. If a wrestler spent the day working in the gym, there's no reason why they couldn't get the results with your routine.

How hard is it to pay a doctor to write a bogus steroid prescription? Geez, people make this so difficult.

So, bribery of a medical professional to justify the legal use of steroids. Well, that's like killing the witnesses so you aren't accused of armed robbery.

There's a difference. Being high on pot has a serious debiliating effect on performance. It HINDERS work performance. Steroids ENHANCE it.

and yet apparently it has medical benefits, much like your claim on steroids. Now, assuming your job requires relaxation, pot may have an enhancing effect that steroids would not have.

Could somebody please point out a list of wrestlers who died from steroids. I mean, wrestlers who died ONLY from steroids, and not: cocain, alcohol, concussions, depression, etc?

I'd like to point out that it's difficult to pinpoint one cause of death in the majority of cases. Hell, does a diabetic die of cardiovascular problems, or is it the diabetes that kills him?

I make reference to my above request. Steroid use seem less the problem than everything else. Hell, Lex Luger probably IS a steroid at this point in his life, but it's his alcohol abuse that truly debilitates him. So let the wrestlers take roids, hit the gym, and encourgae them to avoid alcohol and serious drugs.

Oh dear mr Canadian... is it really the alcohol that debilitates Lex Luger, or is it a combination of the cocktail of drugs he did. Wasn't that an argument you used here.
Could somebody please point out a list of wrestlers who died from steroids. I mean, wrestlers who died ONLY from steroids, and not: cocain, alcohol, concussions, depression, etc?
Blaming alcohol for Lex Luger's problems seems a tad hypocritical now doesn't it.
I have to agree with Slyfox I just don't think children's role modles should be using roids how would you feel if you had child that in order be like batista is taking steroids.

What if A wrestler gat Roid rage mid match he would starts giving stiff shots then you have a legit fight with botched moved to injure opponents and a far smaller working roster.

basic idea: Steroids bad
I do have to agree with IC on this one, but I think a lot of you would agree with him too if you weren't so blinded by your extreme view on the subject. It seems to be an ever present problem on this board, no matter the topic it is either 1 extreme or another.

Anyway, the thing (at leave what I've picked up ) is is that IC is not saying Steroid Abuse isn't wrong, he's simply saying that under a strict regiment, strong amount of will, and the right people; Steroid Use can actually be helpful to the product. This isn't a sport, as pointed out, so its not as if cheating can be brought into it. This is entertainment, nothing more and nothing less.

I'm having a little problem getting all this out, too early for me, so bear with me.

I throw this too you, Alcohol is legal, correct? Well, in small amounts it won't kill you, not great for you, but it sure as hell won't kill you. Abuse Alcohol, though, that WILL kill you. Now, you can relate that too Anabolic Steroids. In small amounts, and used correctly, it won't kill you and actually it'll help you in some regards. Now, if you take too much of it of COURSE its going to kill you, just like almost any drug. Now, if you combine either of those two substances with another drug, you're chances of death increase (and as IC pointed out, show 1 death by straight steroids and NOT a mixture of different drugs and illnesses).

On to steroids being used...Well, as said before, Vince is trying to attract more children there, and you can sit and bitch and moan about how they're bad role models for children and blah blah blah. Honestly, do kids THAT young really know what a steroid is? No, people who're really buying into the whole "Superhero" gimmicks aren't old enough, or mature enough, to understand the implications of steroid use.

IC has already pointed out many great points about Steroids being helpful, and again he's talking in small, manageable amounts! Anyone believing he's saying go out and stick 90 needles in your butt needs to GTFO now.

Oh, and for the people who'll take Slyfox's road and simply state "It's illegal"; wasn't Alcohol illegal at one point? And how'd that go? How much illegal stuff do we do Every. Single. Day.? His point is, the only time it's going to be brought up is when Congress needs a "Win' in the public eye, and besides that they don't, and won't, give two shits about a few roided up monsters entertaining, and stimulating, the population and the economy.
The entire of wrestling is "potentially dangerous". Seriously, compare the list of guys who've died of ended their carers on account of steroids, to the number who've fucked themselves up taking bumps.

Why compound the problem? Somebody in here has to remember "After School Specials"....

Almost every year somebody dies as a result of a wrestling related injury. In training Khali once killed a man after he failed to take a flapjack properly. Should we outlaw flapjacks as well? Everything you see in the ring is potentially fatal, and when you consider that these guys are doing it tree times a week, on the road the whole time, with no time off to recover, I think it's ridiculous straw garbing to snatch at a single element (steroids) and heap all the blame for the state of professional wrestling on it.

Nobody is denying that wrestling is dangerous... Hell, we've all seen what can happen when people take bad bumps. You have to attribute alot of injuries to plain old carelessness sometimes though. You commented above about Khali killing a man during a bad bump. Well, lets get right to the point of this matter. These people are "Trained Professionals". Accidents do happen. In a business that relies on putting your physical well being on the line night in and night out, it's expected that there's going to be casualties, so to speak. While I agree that solely blaming steroids is wrong, but steroids are drugs. They affect the mind and body. Lets face it... ANYTHING that can be attributed with having mind altering effects isn't safe in a business where you're putting your well being into somebody elses hands, plain and simple.

You could search for a decade and you would NEVER find a study that claims that anabolic steroids carry a higher risk than painkillers. Nor would you find one claiming that they are more addictive. (I've never seen a medical study proving the addicting quality of steroids actually, I always assumed that the addiction was psychological).

Addiction is definitely psychological, but you have to look at the legality here. Steroids are not illegal, if prescribed by a doctor for certain ailments. Used improperly, however, they are illegal. For example, recently I had to be given steroids by my doctor because of a serious problem I had with my arm. Had I turned around, however, and continued to use them on my own for the sole purpose of bodybuilding, I would be breaking the law. Same thing goes for painkillers. Alot of these guys need them for the same reasons most people who are prescribed them do. Pain is expected when you're constantly getting slammed into the ground or getting thrown into various objects. They're usually prescribed on an "as needed" basis. Alot of people become dependent because they ABUSE them. When you're taking painkillers by the handful so you're totally numb, the problem obviously goes much deeper than most can see. Who wants to take time off when they're on top because of a nagging injury that requires surgery? But wait...a handful of these little guys and you can work through the pain! The immediate pros outweigh the cons to these guys. The cons, obviously turn into long term problems, but hey...we're talking about a business where you're here today, but could be gone tomorrow.

Hell, if we want to be more abstract about things, alcohol is infinitely more dangerous on every level than anabolic steroids. It's more addictive. More damaging. More likely to hurt a wrestler and more likely to make a wrestler hurt another person. Explain to me why steroids should be outlawed, but wrestlers should be left perfectly at liberty to go out drinking every night.

Again, this is something that needs to be analyzed on a case by case basis. Just because you get addicted to something doesn't necessarily mean that I will as well...

If you ban steroids for any other reason than preventing bad publicity from the ignorant then you should be equally obliged to ban a truckload of other things.

How about we add that steroids can cause liver damage, kidney damage, increased blood pressure and cholesterol, which as we all know can cause heart disease. You want shrunken balls? Be my guest. But before you blast back that alcohol has some, if not all of the same effects, name more than a few wrestlers that got into the ring drunk and got away with it. Personally, I wouldn't want to get into the ring with somebody who's unpredictable. Someone who's not all there mentally is putting more than their own lives at risk, but the life of whoever the poor bastard is that has to get into the ring with them...[/QUOTE]
This is a joke, right? Allowing wrestlers to use steroids is completely moronic on so many different levels. Not only is it going to harm the wrestler, but it's going to harm the wrestler's family should the wrestler die due to one of the many side effects long term steroid abuse can have.

How would you feel if as a young child, your father passed away? Hell, you could potentially find him dead in his bed. How would that make you feel? Is that honestly something you want to go through. I can honestly say that if my father was to have died when I was young, it'd fuck me uo bad. Hell, even if he died now, I'd be seriously screwed to the point where I wouldn't want to live anymore. My father nearly passed away last year, and I can honestly say it was one of the worst feeling of my life, knowing that he could die. I'd wish the same feeling upon not a single other soul, because no one deserves to go through that feeling. By allowing steroids you're increasing the chances that some kids are going to have this happen to them. Fucking up lives before they've even begun isn't high on my priority list.

A wife can be left heart broken from their husband passing too. This adversely affects families in many ways. With the breakwinner of the family gone, it may be even too hard to make ends meet. Once again, this is affecting more than just the one person. This is affecting many. Would you wish for someone to lose their so called soul mate? Would you wish for a family to lose evrything? Because if you would, you don't deserve to find happiness yourself.

The decision to take steroids affects more than just the wrestler. A family can be fucked up by it. Making steroids more readily available is only going to cause more grief than what we already see.

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