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`Mania matches should have had a different outcome.


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first thread and I was originally going to start a discussion about wrestling matches in general that should have been booked to end differently, but someone already started this with Royal Rumbles. So to avoid the risk of an infraction, I will go ahead and limit this disscussion to Wrestlemanias.

So what Wrestlemania match or matches do you think should have been booked with another outcome? Where do you think WWE should have gone the other way in picking the winner?

Here's mine. At the risk of taking some heat for this, I will say that Edge and Christian should not have won TLC II at Wrestlemania 17. Think about it, E and C won the triangle ladder match(WM16), TLC I(Summerslam `00), and TLC II- all over the Hardys and Dudleys. Had they not won TLC II, Edge and Christian would still be recognized by most as the greatest tag team in WWE history. Now I'm not necessarily trying to bash E and C. Edge is one of the greatest champions and Christian deserves his chance in the main event. But I think is somewhat tarnishes the tag team legacies of the Hardys and Dudleys to know that they didn't get to win any one of those three matches. When I watch Wrestlemania 17, to this day it still dissapoints me to see E and C beat those great tag teams AGAIN.:disappointed: I would have given TLC II to the Hardy Boyz.

I have another one in mind, but I will what everyone has to say first.
Here's mine. At the risk of taking some heat for this, I will say that Edge and Christian should not have won TLC II at Wrestlemania 17. Think about it, E and C won the triangle ladder match(WM16), TLC I(Summerslam `00), and TLC II- all over the Hardys and Dudleys. Had they not won TLC II, Edge and Christian would still be recognized by most as the greatest tag team in WWE history. Now I'm not necessarily trying to bash E and C. Edge is one of the greatest champions and Christian deserves his chance in the main event. But I think is somewhat tarnishes the tag team legacies of the Hardys and Dudleys to know that they didn't get to win any one of those three matches. When I watch Wrestlemania 17, to this day it still dissapoints me to see E and C beat those great tag teams AGAIN.:disappointed: I would have given TLC II to the Hardy Boyz.

Have to agree, I will think of one myself, but this is a good one and also the fact that Hardy's were about the ladders and Dudleyz about the tables, they ahd more of the higher spots...E & C had chairs..nothing interesting really...but still Agree that it may have tarnished the legacys...IMO, they ahd 3 matches so each team should have won once...So when you look back you see a draw...not

E&C: 3
Dudleyz: 0
Hardyz: 0
I would have to say Evolution vs Rock 'n Sock Connection. I would've loved to see Rock and Foley come up with the win during the match. Yea, everyone bags on this match, but i liked it. It would've been good for The Rock to comeout with a win being his last Wrestlemania match. Yes, Evolution was on a role being one of the most dominant stables ever, but i wanted to see Rock 'n Sock come out with the win.
I would say Edge vs Jericho from this past Mania. Those two could put on a great match inside a paper bag if they had too. But seriously, Edge won the rumble and doesn't go over at Mania??? The rumble winner going over at Mania and becoming the Champion is as much a Mania tradition as Undertaker winning at Mania.
I wish I could put a match I wish would have NEVER happened... Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. However, Bam Bam should have won this match. It was a dumb idea to begin with, but having LT go over against one of your big heels does nothing to build his credibility. I think this is why I hate having people not associated with wrestling come into the sport and get wins.. ala Floyd Mayweather.
Booker T vs. Triple H for he WHC at a past wrestlemania (can't remember which one it is right now). With the way they built up the Cinderella story for Booker, they should have put him over. I read somewhere that he was booked to win it, but Triple H vetoed it so he could keep the title.
My first thought is Hogan vs Warrior. Alot might disagree with me on this, but Hogan shoud never have put Warrior over, not then anyway. History speaks for itself and I think it's pretty easy to say that while Warrior was definately over with crowd, he wasn't ready to be the face of the company that WWE hoped he would.

More recently, at WM 25, the travesty that was Mysterio v JBL should definately had a different ending. I know that Bradshaw was quitting, but so what, we still should have seen a decent 10 minute match. We know that JBL and Rey can do it, we've seen them have good matches before, and considering this was for the I.C title, which JBL kept talking about how he would bring the prestige back to it, we should never have seen that 30 second piece of shit that WWE served to me. If not for Taker v HBK, I'd have wanted my $30 back.
The first match that comes to mind for me is Booker T vs. HHH.

The build-up to this Booker/HHH was just ridiculous and the only way to make it all worth it was for Booker to beat HHH, even if he was only going to lose it right back to him at Backlash the next month. I mean, week after week all we heard from HHH was that Booker was this thug who could and should never be World Champion, and that it would be a disgrace for him to ever win the belt. So, he's constantly bashing this babyface who the fans love, completely embarrassing him, making him look like he's nothing... and he still loses to HHH at Wresltemania? What kind of fucking story is that? It was basically a spit in the face to everyone who grew up in hard times and overcame their past.. as if to say, "Yeah, you overcame everything, good for you, but you're still never going to be up to my level, because I was born privileged and was bread to become the person I am today."

It was fucking ******ed, end of story, and shame on WWE for letting HHH have his way on that one.
As much as I love Undertaker having his undefeated streak. I think he should have lost to Kane the 1st time. Watch the match again, Kane actually kicks out of the third tombstone piledriver. Kane could have gotten even more over as a heel with a victory here.
the one wrestlemania match that should have had a different outcome would be the fatal four way wwe title match at wrestlemania 2000 between rock vs triple h vs big show vs mick foley

i believe that the rock should have won the title in that match as the rock was the single biggest thing in wrestling at that time cos of him merchandise was through the roof and ratings and buyrates were really high but by triple h's politics it was him who was the victor in the end. in the biggest ppv of the year i believe that the rock should have won the title instead of triple h retaining it.
I'm gonna have to say HBK vs Cena at Wrestlemania 23. The previous year Cena beat HHH and I thought leading up to Mania 23, Shawn was WAY over and Shawn deserved a title run but obviously WWE felt different and gave Cena the win and I felt that was the match that gave him the "Super Cena" image by beating HBK & HHH in back to back Manias
WrestleMania 25...HHH vs. Randy Orton - this match had one great buildup and Orton should have won it. I'm sure HHH just wanted to win at the "25th Anniversary" because he would let Orton win the following month. Not to leave out that the match itself was horrible. It seemed more of a "quick" squash against Orton.
Wrestlemania VII. Tenyru and Kitao vs. Demolition. This was an embarassment to one of WWF's most legendary and accomplished tag teams.
WrestleMania IV. Ricky Steamboat should have beaten Greg Valentine in the first round of the world title tournament. This would have set up Steamboat vs. Savage in the second round. It would be one year after their WrestleMania III classic. This time they would both be face and it would be Savage who got the victory. Steamboat left the WWF right after WM4 so it would have been great for him to return the favor to Savage on his way out. Since they were both face they could have shaken hands after the match and the fans would be behind the ultra popular Savage even more. Also there weren’t really any standout matches at WM4 so this would have been a big improvement on the show and another mania classic. It makes sense on all levels. I can’t believe this didn’t happen.
Well it shouldnt have had a different outcome but it really should have been booked differently WMX7 Angle vs Benoit, we get 15 minutes of great wrestling and then Angle wins with a roll up and a hand full of tights? As I heard someone say its like going to a movie but leaving right before the ending you get the jist of it but you miss the good bit.

If you want something specifically with a different winner then I will agree with you on WMX7 E&C winning again really makes the other two look weak, when they were building up to last years SSLam they kept saying how Jeff was the master of TLC yet they "forgot" to mention that he had never won one. This could have been different if the Hardyz had won I mean how can anyone be the master of a match they have never won?
I'm going back to last year's Mania. Going into Mania the headline feud was Orton and Triple h. While the build was lacking at time we also had some great moments. Orton taking out Stephanie while Trips was handcuffed to the ropes and unable to help while Randy kissed a lifeless Steph. To Hunter going ape shit and attacking Randy at his home. Really everyone was ready to see a great match. However, it was a disappointment. In my mind they really botched this one up allowing Trips to go over Orton. Randy had been gain steam since coming back from his injury. Everyone was behind him (even though he was the heel). Then they wasted all of that by pandering to Trips. Orton should have walked out with the belt. Or better yet he should not walked out but still had the belt. In my mind they should have made Trips get disqualified and left Randy in a bloody mess with the belt, and then let him go on a rampage over the next couple of months. Not what they did.
Hogan-Andre at WM 3 - they should have booked that one as a draw of some sort. (They never should have turned Andre heel, for that matter, but my guess is, pretty much everybody on the planet wanted to see Hogan-Andre, and Hogan didn't want to wrestle someone who might get something close to as many cheers as himself.)

-- Don
Hogan-Andre at WM 3 - they should have booked that one as a draw of some sort. (They never should have turned Andre heel, for that matter, but my guess is, pretty much everybody on the planet wanted to see Hogan-Andre, and Hogan didn't want to wrestle someone who might get something close to as many cheers as himself.)

-- Don


You serious? You want to change the outcome of the most important moment in Wrestlemania history? You want to reverse the course of Wrestlemania and not have Hogan go over an aging and declining legend at the PERFECT time in front of almost 100,000 people?

Cocaine MUST BE a hell of a drug.

I assume that the end of Hogan / Justice is a popular choice. The botch at the end of that match by Shango is the only black mark on what was, in my opinion, the best Wrestlemania ever.

I would have changed the outcome of Lesnar / Goldberg at Wrestlemania 20 and just allowed Austin to beat the living fuck out of both of those guys ahead of time and declare himself the winner like he did when it was Undertaker / Kane. I've never felt so cheated out of a big-name match as I did then.

I'd also have changed the finish to Lesnar / Angle by not having Lesnar go for that ill advised Shooting Star Press. Sure, had he pulled it off, it'd have gone down as one of the "cool" moments in wrestling history. But it was such high risk for such moderate reward. I'd have rather seen a cleaner match to punctuate a good night of wrestling.
I agree with those saying the Booker T vs Triple H match from Wrestlemania 19. Like JMT said the storyline was set up perfectly for Booker T to come out with the big Cinderella story win. I always thought Booker deserved at least one World title reign as Booker T (not counting the King Booker reign as that was a completely different gimmick). He was over as fuck and more then capable of holding the belt. Even if he lost it back the next month the change still needed to happen.
I agree with alot of people Booker T should have beat HHH at wrestlemaniaXIX he deserved that win headlined Wrestlemania for his only time ever even if he lost a month later he deserved it HHH had been world champ for 7 months so it was time to give it up for a month.

HBK vs Cena I'm not a fan for either but HBK should have been given one more chance at being WWE champion the fans booed Cena out of the arena HBK deserved that win he would never main event mania again he could of had one last WWE title.

The Rock vs Austin Wrestlemania XV The Rock should have won that match after all Austin n Rock fought at backlash anyway where Austin could of won his title back then the Rock Austin feud was the most memorable but i believe that The Rock should have one the first time.

HBK vs Bret Hart Wrestlemania XII Bret should have one that match for alot of reasons the first reason is because Bret at the time was on his third regin as champion and never sucessfully defended title at Wrestlemania. Second reason was HBK was not ready to be the front runner in the company after all during 96 WCW was whooping the WWE's ass at the time and one reason because their champ had no creditablity at the time he beat Nash Davey Boy n should have never beat Vader. Bret was the man and that win would have cemented his legacy and made all the fans and critics recongize who was the man during 1996.
Gotta admit, I thought I was going to take a little heat for dissing on Edge and Christian. But if questioning the outcome of that match didnt draw some heat, this one will(not that Im trying to draw heat here)
But I strongly feel that Stone Cold Steve Austin should have defeated The Rock at Wrestlemania 19. Yep, I said that! Austin should have gone 3 for 3 against Rock at Wrestlemanias. I just dont feel that The Rock needed that win as much as other people do. Rock was a 7-time champion, never lost to Hogan, and beat The Undertaker almost every time they met. I can only remember one time Taker beating Rock(King of Ring `99 With interference by HHH). Sorry Stone Cold should have won IMO. To this day, I am still bummed that The Rock won this match. I own the WM19 dvd and I always skip over that match.. Too big of an Austin fan to bring myself to watch it.
The first match that comes to mind for me is Booker T vs. HHH.

The build-up to this Booker/HHH was just ridiculous and the only way to make it all worth it was for Booker to beat HHH, even if he was only going to lose it right back to him at Backlash the next month. I mean, week after week all we heard from HHH was that Booker was this thug who could and should never be World Champion, and that it would be a disgrace for him to ever win the belt. So, he's constantly bashing this babyface who the fans love, completely embarrassing him, making him look like he's nothing... and he still loses to HHH at Wresltemania? What kind of fucking story is that? It was basically a spit in the face to everyone who grew up in hard times and overcame their past.. as if to say, "Yeah, you overcame everything, good for you, but you're still never going to be up to my level, because I was born privileged and was bread to become the person I am today."

It was fucking ******ed, end of story, and shame on WWE for letting HHH have his way on that one.

Right on the money!
Worst part is, the build up had little steam but those 'you'll never amount to anything' promos were really putting Booker over.
And then he loses....
Go figure

One more match I wanna point out that seemed like a travesty was :

Kane Vs HHH, WM XV

Look I know this is not a very important match in WWE history, but why is it that when Kane was very much over (as the big defender) they decided to have him get humiliated and screwed??
Same thing with Tori and X Pac, a year later.

Kane should gone over clean here because he was on a brilliant roll as a babyface and Triple H could've feuded with him for months.
Wrestlemania 22: Triple H vs John Cena for Cena's WWE Championship.

This was the worst main event I have ever seen, the crowd went nuts when H came up from under the stage on his throne with his crown and King Of Kings theme, I was just as amped at my friend's house, actually shouting at the T.V. for Triple H to win.

When Triple H kicked out of Cena's FU (as it was known then) with about 2 minutes left, I really thought he was going to win. Then, H goes for a Pedigree and then it's reversed into an STFU... And I knew it was all over. You could see disappointment on about 70% of the crowd that night, and I was so pissed off that I continued to stare at the screen for a good 3 minutes in total awe.

The match itself was good, it kept me on the edge of my seat, but that ending took the shit out of me. Triple H was 2 inches away from the ropes and he just tapped out... Terrible. If I had it my way, Triple H would've won that night.
More recently, at WM 25, the travesty that was Mysterio v JBL should definately had a different ending. I know that Bradshaw was quitting, but so what, we still should have seen a decent 10 minute match. We know that JBL and Rey can do it, we've seen them have good matches before, and considering this was for the I.C title, which JBL kept talking about how he would bring the prestige back to it, we should never have seen that 30 second piece of shit that WWE served to me. If not for Taker v HBK, I'd have wanted my $30 back.

Agreed with this. As much as I like him, JBL's never gonna be regarded as one of the greatest in the business. I can accept that. But still, what a shitty send-off, the guy deserved better.
I am going to say Triple H vs. Booker T for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 19. The whole build to this match was how Booker had finally gotten his big chance in the sun, a major opportunity for the world title in one of WrestleMania's main event matches. Also you had Triple H basically bury Booker on the mic at every chance he could. Talking about how thugs can't have second chances in life, and how impossible of a task it would be for Booker to beat him. This in wrestling logic means that the face has a huge chance at winning the title, so that when that eventually happens it will feel that more rewarding in the end.

Then the match came and Booker T pulled out all the stops in the match. Hitting Triple H with every bit of offense and every move in his arsenal. But did that keep The Game down for the pin, absolutely not. Triple H get the better of Booker at the end and plants him with a single Pedigree to end the match. How did that storyline have a feel good ending to it? Wrestling logic was defied just do Triple H could continue his shitty year of dominance that was 2003. It was a short lackluster match that Triple H won after Booker T had a more impressive showing. How did that help Booker in anyway? And what could have been a great WrestleMania moment for Booker T and the fans (since they were very into Booker at the time) Triple H selfishly took all that away. Terrible match, terrible winner, and the biggest letdown of WrestleMania 19.

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