Making the turn: Sheamus

Should Sheamus make the turn?

  • Yes, Sheamus should turn face.

  • No, he's much better off as a heel.

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King Of The Ring
Welcome to the first installment of my thread series on how you would successfully turn a Superstar, be it face or heel!

Sheamus has been a heel since debuting in WWE dating back to his days in the old ECW a year and a half ago.In ECW for the most part, he was winning glorified squash matches. But it was when he was moved to the Raw Brand that he was pushed as a monster heel. Some of his acccomplishments as said monster heel include ending the career of Jamie Noble, dominating the #! Contender Breakthrough Battle Royal, and winning the WWE Championship by putting John Cena through as table at TLC 2009.

Sheamus continued his path of destruction in 2010, as he he "ended the career of Triple H, snuck in off the floor and pinned John Cena at Fatal Four Way after a Nexuse attack to win his second WWE CHampionship, and is the 2010 King of The RIng, Quite the start to his WWE career for Sheamus.

However, Sheamus has lost alot of momentum as of late. He lost the title to Randy Orton at Night of CHampions, and lost his subsequent rematch at Hell in A Cell. He lost his best of 3 series with John Morrison and the number #1 Contendership as well in the last match. He was pinned clean by Orton on the December 27th edition of Raw, and lost another chance at the WWE Championship in a triple threat steel cage this past Monday on Raw. Not quite the momentum one needs heading into a likely feud with HHH.

But the point of this thread isn't to show why you would turn him heel, but explain how you would do it. I also want to know why it would work. If you disagree with someone, thats all well and good and I welcome that in this and the upcoming threads. But I for damn sure want to know your idea as to how to turn him as well. Have fun with this:

1. How would you successfully turn King Sheamus heel?

Wy would this scenario work for him?

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?
1. How would you successfully turn King Sheamus FACE:p?
I'm guessing you mean face so here's how it would work. As he keeps fighting HHH up until WM XVII and he finally wins we have a HBK-Y2J moment but Sheamus doesn't attack HHH. He shakes his hand and stays in the ring. While this is going on Nexus are causing chaos again and CM Punk beat Cena for the title thanks to help from the Nexus. This makes Cena feel as if the Nexus cannot be stopped so he asks for help. He goes to Orton but RKO says he wants to finish off a returning Y2J once and for all. He asks HHH who says that he's too old for this s**t and wouldn't be fully focused as he doesn't believe in the odds. So this leads to Sheamus being asked to join. Without saying a word Sheamus walks off but later in the night Nexus are beating down Cena when Sheamus hits the ring and clears everyone out of the ring, the Nexus. Ala the chair incident before MITB. Sheamus then tells Cena he's in and the two recruit members to take out Nexus

Wy would this scenario work for him?
Sheamus has been a face before in other promotions here in Ireland and has gotten over pretty well. His mic skills aren't as slow or tense as Barrett's so he could tweak them to become face. Also, the fans would take to Sheamus IMO if he changed his character to that of HHH face

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?
I can see why people would turn Sheamus with him losing momentum but I say keep the heel turn going and if HHH can put him over at WMXVII then he'll get alot of heat and the fans will take note of the Celtic Warrior once again.
I think Sheamus would make an excellent face character, America has a long fondly remembered relationship with the auld sod. I think the fans are just dying to cheer him.

A face turn would be incredibly straightforward, once his feud with Trips ends. Win or lose, have him come out to state his desire to become a three time WWe champion and then have William Regal come out and confront him. William will admonish him for tarnishing his KotR accolade and challenge him to a match. During this match, as Sheamus is getting on top - have Wade Barrett hit the ring and decimate the former SOS. The English are beating down the poor Irish again (really helped subconsciously by Sheamus's Celtic Warrior and Regal's aristocratic looks).

This should be a really good learning curve for both guys, their first headline feud not featuring an established superstar. I think a Regal association would be a good progression for the former Nexus leader - ala Harley Race with Luger and then Vader.
A good way to turn him face is to kick out of the pedigree at Wrestlemania. Imagine him kicking out of that, people will love it. Then he just gets up hits the kick and then his crucifix bomb. I thik that would be awesome and there is a small chance more people could start cheering for him and starting off a face turn.

I don't think he should turn face however because he is one of the few heels that I really like. I think he is doing a great job as a heel and it seems like he gets a few cheers sometimes. Plus it really fits his character right now of the king.
It wouldn't be too difficult for sheamus to turn face at this time right now because he hasn't done anything heelish in a good while. He also fights a fair match which few other heel guys do which means he doesn't have to change his style much if he turns. But your asking the question as to whether he should?

1) I would turn sheamus heel by having nexus focus an attack on cena but sheamus gets caught in the fray of it all. The next week cena comes out and says he's got a partner for some sort of combination tag match against nexus. It is fancy but it would do the trick and like you said people are begging to have en excuse to cheer him anyway. The only problem is that this would destroy the possibility of a sheamus/HHH feud unless HHH was somehow part of nexus or the GM. And even if he was the GM, the role reversal of the two would still destroy the whole storyline.

Therefore another scenario is that you would have to turn him after mania, perhaps even at mania. You could have sheamus and HHH going for it and then an interference by nexus or some other third party to help HHH win. That would kill a few birds with one well-angled stone.

2) This scenario would work because there is an emerging pattern now starting to be seen in WWE, the heels who are good fighters and badass in the ring start to turn face again because being tough is a very tweener/face quality. Sheamus isn't an overly hateable guy anyway unlike Wade Barett for instance, it would take little more than to push the first domino and you'd start to see the rest topple over.

3) He has to stay heel for the duration of his feud with HHH for obvious reasons, HHH has to get some sort of revenge on him and when that is dead an buried he can drop the whole king of the ring gimmick because that will have been used up with "the king of kings against KOTR" and he'll be free to changeover whenever he feels like it with the obvious addition of average storywriting, which is all that would be required.

I think sheamus may be blessed with the total package syndrome... Good talker, good wrestler, good heel and good face, I don't mind seeing him face or heel either way and I think he'll do just fine if he does turn.
As i said in previous posts. Some wrestlers are meant to be face and some are meant to be heel. MVP, Mark Henry, Great Khali, John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson, even Stevie Richards when he was with the "right to censor" to name a few were all very good HEELS, and then WWE made the careless mistake to turn them FACE, and look what happened to everyone of them. Hell Morrison is just starting to bounce back more than two years after his turn. Let the HEELS be HEELS and the FACES be FACES. DO not turn Sheamus. If he has to face Triple h again, keep them at their current roles. Then of course triple h will win the match. Then after their feud turn triple h heel and have them go their different ways. But Sheamus shouldn't be changed the stats don't lie.
1. How would you successfully turn King Sheamus face?

Have him turn slowly. Like maybe over the course of six or so months. Have him face Randy Orton, John Cena, Triple H or any major heel that is tremendously over as a face. Then when said individual hits their finisher on Sheamus have him kick out. Maybe even two or three times during on match. Have him earn the crowd's respect during said match. Then have have whomever he is facing, shake his hand in some kind of emotional post-match scenario after months of numerous face turn hints.

2. Why would this scenario work for him?

Sheamus would make a phenomenal face. Look at Triple H. There have been several comparisions between Triple H and Sheamus, and Triple H makes a good face as well as a heel. Sheamus has the barbaric look to resemble a dominant Face. Once his "King" gimmick is about over, he would have a perfect opportunity to turn face. This would really work.

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?

Sheamus is a phenomenal heel. He is massively over as a heel. Any and everywhere he goes, the crowd gets into his character. He's a natural born heel, and can play one very well. There is no doubt that when ever something is not broken in the WWE, you shouldn't fix it. However, WWE likes to change stuff up before the opportunity arises for said superstar to get stale. So I could see a Sheamus face turn. I'm all for it. As long as it's a gradual turn. Even though there is no need for it because he is one of the greatest heels in recent history. It'll be interesting to see how they will do it, it's inevatable.
1. How would you successfully turn King Sheamus face?

I think an interesting route to take would be to have him help John Morrison at some point in the future against the Miz. It would take some explaining I know but I'd have him feud with HHH as a heel, while Miz continues what seems a likely feud with Orton up until WM. Then when Morrison gets his title shot again at some point in the future, have Riley or Cole cost him the match and Sheamus come and help Morrison

2. Why would this scenario work for him?

The chemistry that Morrison and Sheamus had in their matches was there for all to see, and so I dont see why with a bit of tweaking they couldnt make it work, with Sheamus 'not liking Morrison, but following the Irish way of doing the right thing' or something similar. Realistically I know this won't happen, but to answer the question, this would undoubtedly be a success in terms of turning Sheamus face.

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?

I like Sheamus as heel, but I think however it is done he will have turn face at some point in the near future to keep him fresh and get back some of the heat he had before this recent run. Also, because this would be his first turn since joining the WWE, the shock factor would be great and something I'd like to see.
1. How would you successfully turn King Sheamus heel?

Wy would this scenario work for him?

3. Is it a good idea to turn him, or should he stay a heel? Why?

1/2. I would have him go on this rampage where he is trying to prove that he is a true king, so to speak. Then, he'll undoubtedly have his feud with Triple H that is going to happen. After he puts Triple H over for all that, he can ditch the king situation and chase Triple H for his revenge.

During that first part of the feud, Triple H can be "hurt" or almost beaten, getting him to become paranoid about his spot. It'd play off the fact that he is always rumored to be worried about getting others over and such, in a certain sense.

Then, Sheamus can say that he feels he has Triple H's number and Sheamus can continue to go after him, potentially chasing Triple H when or while he gets the title. Triple H with a title is always easy to hate, so Sheamus in return could really sell well and gain that respect he'd need to turn.

3. Personally, I think he'll be a better heel, but I'd like to see him try on the character, just because he's getting to the point where he could be getting bland. However, the King thing has spiced it up. Still, I wouldn't mind it.
3) He has to stay heel for the duration of his feud with HHH for obvious reasons, HHH has to get some sort of revenge on him and when that is dead an buried he can drop the whole king of the ring gimmick because that will have been used up with "the king of kings against KOTR" and he'll be free to changeover whenever he feels like it with the obvious addition of average storywriting, which is all that would be required.

I am sorry that part I disagree with. You can have it work simply by having HHH attack Cena and knock him out so he can get to Sheamus. The fans will turn on The Game n u got HHH as heel and Sheamus face.
Sheamus is my second favorite current active wrestler and I love the character he is portraying right now, so I do not want to see a face turn for him anytime soon.

I want to see the eventual feud with HHH play out and Sheamus actually come out the winner. This would truly solidify him as a legit main eventer for years to come in the WWE.

If they want to then turn him face have him come to the aid of HHH as a sign of respect only for HHH to in turn screw over Sheamus thus switching the roles of the feud.
If I was going to turn Sheamus face, I'd have him make the save for a little guy, much like how Morrison came out to save Santino. He'll turn from the RAW's big bully to the noble defender of the little guy. Sheamus' Irish Warrior gimmick would really mesh well with this new role.

However, I would NOT turn Sheamus face, at least not into the foreseeable future. He's done a terrific job as a heel, and I don't even think he's reached his full potential yet. He's getting massive heat as a fairly run of the mill bully/arrogant heel. I don't doubt that he could reach full heel potential sometime this year and have a solid run as champ. He has many good years ahead of him, let him turn heel in two or three years.
Hear me out, Sheamus should turn face....

If played right, WWE could turn Sheamus into the next "Stone Cold", but that'd involve becoming somewhat less "PG" rated. IMO, Sheamus has more charisma and more individuality than Randy Orton, yet Randy Orton went from hated heel to probably the most popular guy on Raw right now. Sheamus is a potential goldmine for WWE. He could easily become the next big thing and the kind of guy who comes down and clears the ring of +10 heel wrestlers.

Sheamus vs. Barrett would be a great feud, to start with.
Of course Sheamus can be a face... This guy is a two time WWE champion, something that the fans will always love him for. Remember when Sheamus was a face for one night when he backed up John Cena by coming in with a steel chair and attacking Nexus? The fans went crazy for Sheamus! And that was only 1 time! Imagine if Sheamus was face for a while. He would get even more cheers! Sheamus is built for being a face anyways... his Celtic Warrior gimmick just doesn't fit him as a heel. He barely gets a reaction as a heel (He is so boring as a heel that nobody cares about him) but when he was a one night face, he got tons of cheers!
Love the thread series!

Sheamus is one of those... very personable heels haha. I love it when he says "Listen, fella" and coming from someone who really tried to dislike Sheamus from the moment he entered the main event scene, I was dead wrong about Sheamus. He is great.

I think the perfect way to turn Sheamus heel is to make him turn much like Randy Orton, except it would work better for him. He doesn't have to be a goof... its not like Sheamus is rude now... he's polite and funny, serious and gets to the point. He can continue talking the way he does, just to heels. I think it is important that he stays bad ass.
Personally I like him better as a heel right now... but I do see a great babyface future for Sheamus and I would implement it in a slow way... first strip the KING Sheamus gimmick off of him and go back to being the Celtic Warrior, have him pick fights with big bad guys... or start a program with the Undertaker... not leading into Mania. Have Sheamus lose in the end but gain the respect of Undertaker and take it from there... or maybe as someone said in this thread... defeat Triple H and gain his respect. It wouldn't be a full on face turn but... I think it would work best for him.

If anyone should break Undertaker's Streak... I think it should be a FACE Sheamus or a HEEL John Morrison.
I think that Sheamus could be great as a badass babyface. His look is perfect for one. But I do not think that he will ever turn face. I cannot remember the last time an intimidating foreigner was a face in the WWE. Quite possible there has never been one in WWE.

The opportunity of a Sheamus face turn could arise when Triple H turns heel. Sheamus could come out and merely mention that the last time the two of them were in the ring, Sheamus had whipped his ass. That will get a good pop for him and will signal his face turn.

The only way Sheamus can turn face is to go up against a heel. He should retain his characteristics of being a tough lonely kind of guy.

But on the whole I think his nationality is what will prevent a face turn for him. But that is not such a bad thing because I feel that he has been excellent as a heel so far.
Right now obviously he should stick to being a heel. But that's mostly due to the fact that we don't know how well he'd do as a face. He has been on a roll as a heel, and has been build up to be a fairly credible main event player, who could easily go on to challenge for the world championship again and make it work.

Turning Sheamus face right now would most likely make very little sense, due to the fact that Sheamus not only has a returning Triple H to feud with when that happens, but the fact that being "King Sheamus" really doesn't work that well when you're a face, especially in the way that he has been portraying himself, which obviously screams heelish. Turning him face on that note right now would make for quite a bit of a turn for the entire "gimmick" he's portraying, and I doubt it would be able to work truly.

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