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Make This Man World Heavyweight Champion.... Again

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Big Show surprised the hell out of me when he had a great match with Sheamus at Hell in a Cell. However, that doesn't cancel the 13 years of shit I've seen regularly from him. Sheamus is alright and he's sort of grown of me lately but I just can't care about him on a consistent basis. Del Rio just makes me sad, Orton puts me to sleep, and Ziggler sucks. To me, that leaves only one wrestler that will be the perfect world heavyweight champion.


People still marvel at the size of this guy the world over. I will be awaiting for the words of the uneducated that will consistent of the phrase, "He can't wrestle." Well, I would ask you to tell me what defines wrestling. Then, I would scoff at your definition. I haven't scoffed at anything in a while so I'm due.

If you don't want to take my word that he is believable as a champion, then that's fine. After all, I'm just a guy with 3600 posts. However, you should read the words of one of our most highly respected moderators.

The wrestler holding the world title is, within kayfabe, the best in the federation.

If he says it, then it must be true. If Khali wins the title, then he is the best in the federation.

Also, Khali gets the women. Which one of us at some point or another haven't thought that we would bed Natalya if she appeared at our front door? Khali is putting in work and we must admire him for that. Big Show isn't pulling in the laides. Neither is Sheamus or Del Rio. I'm sure Kofi's chest scares off potential prospects and we know what Ziggler's ex-girlfriend said about him.

Think about it.
No, please no.

I understand that some champions can be surprising, but Khali can barely walk let alone put on a match. Can you remember the last lengthy match within the past two years that he has put on? Probably not. We all know that Khali cannot talk at all on the mic and bringing him a mouth piece would still not work.

Also saying Khali should get the title because he brings in the ladies doesn't mean anything. Hornswoggle had AJ on NXT. Does that mean he should be world champion too? Not at all.

The reason why you want Khali as champion is because you're not too fond about the other guys in the main event scene on Smackdown. I'm sure most people would rather have Sheamus, Orton or Ziggler as the next World Heavyweight champion. At least those three have a large enough following. When Khali comes out most people just react to him because he's big or because they're kids. Yes, John Cena has most kids cheering for him but he gets a reaction from the entire arena.

Besides, Khali was more believable as a monster years ago, not anymore after all the dancing and teaming up with Horsnwoggle stuff. Yeah, Kane did some goofy things too before becoming a monster again, but Kane was still able to prove he was a monster because he always had a vicious size. What's Khali going to do? Just be big and continue to swing his arms around and stuff? The fact of the matter is that Khali just can't do what he used to be able to do. The sad thing is his body is breaking down and you can clearly see that if you compare his body to what it was 5 years ago. It just wouldn't work.

I'm not a Khali hater, but I can firmly say no to this idea no matter what.
No, please no.

I understand that some champions can be surprising, but Khali can barely walk let alone put on a match. Can you remember the last lengthy match within the past two years that he has put on?
You don't need to put on lengthy matches to be world champion. As a matter of fact, he'd be more imposing, believable, and hated if he didn't.

Also saying Khali should get the title because he brings in the ladies doesn't mean anything. Hornswoggle had AJ on NXT. Does that mean he should be world champion too? Not at all.
I could see it working. Hornswoggle is extremely over. And, as proven by his matches with Chavo Guerrero, he can hang competitively with the big boys.

I like your idea, LJL. Khali is a once in a lifetime physical specimen. Why they squander him like they do is beyond me. I'd love to see him have a Henry-esque rise from the ashes. Just like Henry, I think he could prove a lot of people wrong.
You can't be serious.

Khali is an absolute disgrace to professional wrestling. The guy can't talk, he isn't funny and he's slower than a turtle. I'd rather give Hornswoggle the world title than this bozo. Please tell me you're kidding. Please.
Honestly I wouldn't be opposed to this idea but it would have to be done right. Khali would have to be turned back into the monster heel he was before the whole Punjabi Playboy gimmick. Quite honestly this whole thing with Hornswoggle has him in a good position to do that. Think about it, what better way to get heat for a 7'5" giant than to have him turn on every kids favorite midget and absolutely destroy him like he did back in 2007 (remember when Hogan saved the little guy). But if they turned him back into a monster and gave him a sizable winning streak I don't see why they couldn't, in that situation it could really be a good way to get a young face over by having him topple the seemingly unbeatable giant.
You can't be serious.

When it comes to the greatness that is Khali, everything is serious.

Khali is an absolute disgrace to professional wrestling.

You used "disgrace" and "professional wrestling" in the same sentence. You must not be feeling well.

The guy can't talk,

Yokozuna was one of the most feared heels in the 90's and how many times did he talk? Talking isn't the great necessity that people seem to think that it is. Anybody can get over without talking. See: Ryback

he isn't funny

He isn't meant to be funny. Keep up.

and he's slower than a turtle.

They were considering putting the title on Kevin Nash in 2003. Khali would be just fine.

I'd rather give Hornswoggle the world title than this bozo.

Hornswoggle was my third choice.

Please tell me you're kidding. Please.

You don't need to put on lengthy matches to be world champion. As a matter of fact, he'd be more imposing, believable, and hated if he didn't.

I could see it working. Hornswoggle is extremely over. And, as proven by his matches with Chavo Guerrero, he can hang competitively with the big boys.

I like your idea, LJL. Khali is a once in a lifetime physical specimen. Why they squander him like they do is beyond me. I'd love to see him have a Henry-esque rise from the ashes. Just like Henry, I think he could prove a lot of people wrong.

I agree. From 1996-2010, what were Mark Henry's career highlight's? Getting caught with a transvestite, fucking Mae Young, and losing a battle with a steel cage door. If Mark Henry could revive his career in two or three months, then why can't Khali?

Still not sure if serious but I thought of the same person when I saw the title.

I won't rehash your reasons and I think this may take a little time but who cares? If it happens on SD it doesn't really matter and the WWE can scrap it at any time if it's not working. Khali's ceiling to entertain and draw is much higher than anyone in the WHC mix at this time. Imagine how many casual or new viewers he could bring in with a mainstream appearance of him holding the belt.

But more importantly thank you for pointing out Kofi's pectoral issue. That shit is crazy weird.
The Grat Khali? I'm sorry but WTF?! If it wasn't for the fact he appeals to Indian fans he would not be working for WWE IMO, I mean seriously he knows even less mobes than Ryback.
When I first saw this thread, I thought to myself "hell yes" but then I thought about Khali's severe lack of mobility, but does it really matter? I mean Khali was limited during his first run as World Champion, but the run was still good.

As long as others bump for him hardcore during the televised matches WWE could do a triple threat for a PPV match, give the challengers the majority of the time and have Khali dominate at the beginning and end. He's extremely believable as a champion because he's a fucking huge man that makes guys like Sheamus and Kane look like little kids.

So, yeah, I wouldn't mind it. I think a Khali/Ziggler/Sheamus feud would actually be really good.
I will be awaiting for the words of the uneducated that will consistent of the phrase, "He can't wrestle."

It's a little known fact he's been soft-pedaling his ring abilities for years. After all, who would believe that a man who is plainly the total package of ring skills also has the size no one else can match? It's downright unfair to have the physical advantages held by Khali. I pity the other wrestlers.

His knees? They're perfectly fine; the supposed vulnerability he shows is merely a sympathy play to get the women mentioned by the OP. Personally, I feel so bad when I see Khali walking like Frankenstein that I just want to throw my ever-lovin' arms around him and hug him to submission. Mmmmmmm!

How many of you are aware that the Great One holds the reputation in his native country as "Master of the Dropkick?" He's got the flexibility to deliver more height in the maneuver than anyone has ever seen, so don't tell me about his damn knees.

In addition to all this.....can the man dance? Need I say more?

LJL is right!.......make Khali the champ again!

Then, watch the ratings soar.
Pretty sure trolling but will respond as if not anyway...

The idea of a big immovable object as world champion works...he doesn't have to be good for it to work. Unfortunately Khali isn't just "not good", he is incapable of working a match period.

The OP mentioned that if a wrestler can't wrestle it will get him heat. But there is a difference between heel heat and x-pac heat. One puts asses in the seats and the other doesn't.

My overly-enthusiastic response may stem from the fact that I am Indian, but that I do believe that Khali could make a good transitional champion. Just take a look at the guy. He can easily be a believable champion. Also, it will be a huge boost for whoever beats him eventually. The small man beating the giant has always been a great tale. As far his in-ring skills go, all they have to do is keep his matches short and simple.

Also, he is immensely popular in India. I remember back in '06, when he debuted, almost everyone in my school was discussing wrestling. Most of them were watching wrestling it for the first time just to watch Khali. Even if he gets a fraction of the Indian population to tune into wrestling, it will be a HUGE gain for the WWE (pun intended). Lastly, the promos he cut as a champion were hilarious (if you understand Hindi/Punjabi).
Pretty sure trolling but will respond as if not anyway...

The idea of a big immovable object as world champion works...he doesn't have to be good for it to work. Unfortunately Khali isn't just "not good", he is incapable of working a match period.

The OP mentioned that if a wrestler can't wrestle it will get him heat. But there is a difference between heel heat and x-pac heat. One puts asses in the seats and the other doesn't.

Untrue, he can work a match as long as people bump for him. Put him in a match with Cena, Ziggler, or Sheamus and the match would be pretty good - enough to pique the fans interest. Put him in a match with Del Rio, Big Show, or Tensai and the match would be beyond terrible. It would look like a tornado hitting a trailer park.

If WWE really wanted to get the most out a feud like this, they should turn him heel, turn him back into the juggernaut that he was in 2007, and put him in a feud with Ryback. Have Ryback bump and look weak until the blow off PPV where he squashes Khali in like a 3-4 minute match. The fans would go nuts.
I wouldn't be opposed to putting the title on Khali, but the two questions I have are... how long and who do you book him against?

A lot of times, it's not so much the reign that engages me rather than who their main rivalry is when they get that title. I didn't like Khali's first run too much, but it did make sense. He was a monster back then, and had just given Taker his yearly departure from the ring. He looked like a beast, with or without his "ring skills" or "mic skills"... though the only ones who say he can't talk are ones who don't know his native language. Who's to say that Khali doesn't drop pipe bombs constantly? I digress, what made Khali's last reign so lame was the fact that he didn't have many great opponents and that's where putting him in today's world works.

Although, I would have to say that giving the title to Santino Marella would work way more wonders. The guy pushes merchandise and can easily sell any move. He doesn't have to be a lengthy reign. He could be a quick one and done transitional champion. In fact, have Santino go over Big Show and then let Dolph cash in on Santino... there, problem solved.
It wouldn't bother me too see Khali wear the WHC strap again. To be honest, Smackdown is in desperate need of some new blood for the WHC picture. We're STILL waiting on Ziggler to cash in, Orton's injury prone, and he's become a walking liability over the years. Del Rio needs to stay away from any world title feuds, because he needs time to develop his potential face turn. And Sheamus is a big no. Sheamus and Show delivered a very entertaining feud this year, but Sheamus has lost to Show three times in a row now, and he's in no position to challenge Show for the title again.

Also, I believe Khali works better as the monster heel. His feuds with The Undertaker and Triple H on Smackdown years ago were very entertaining. Khali's showdown with Taker at the '07 Rumble was such a great moment, and the crowd loved it. And Triple H probably gave Khali his best match at Summerslam '08.


You can't compare him with the likes of Cena, Bryan, or Punk, and Khali doesn't need to put on 30+ minutes of a wrestling clinic. The struggle between the giant and the courageous face, who has to hit that one move to have a chance of winning is more than enough.

But you can't ignore the question marks. Khali's enormous size puts a strain on his body, and his knee problems are no secret. He's had to take a lot of time off for surgeries, he's only getting older as the weeks go by, and although I love the match I posted above, it happened four years ago.

I wouldn't oppose a Khali title run, because the world title picture on Smackdown is in desperate need of some fresh faces. Mark Henry is still on the shelf, and unless they have him feud with someone on Raw (considering what happened at TLC, it could be Cena), I honestly have no idea, who WWE will select for Ziggler's opponents after he cashes in the case. The crowd will react to the awe-inspiring giant, but realistically, I can't see WWE pulling the trigger on a Khali WHC run anytime soon.
Yokozuna was one of the most feared heels in the 90's and how many times did he talk? Talking isn't the great necessity that people seem to think that it is. Anybody can get over without talking. See: Ryback

They were considering putting the title on Kevin Nash in 2003. Khali would be just fine.


Talking is important - Guys who cant talk are one trick ponies who have short runs and do nothig else.. Sting is a legend ... Ultimate Warrior was a one hit wonder... Sure, anyone can have a single reign as champ, but for the audience to care we need a guy who entertains... A lumbering, un athletic, non skilled, slow moving guy with no character because he cant talk is a novelty act, a freak show, he has no long term value what so ever and the audience can see it. Another Khali run would bring no one to the table, young fans would be bored by his inability to cut a promo or deliver an average match, oler fans would see right through the gimmick and turn on him immediately for his immense lack of skill.

As for Kevin Nash, watch Nash vs Hart or Taker in the 90s or HHH in 03, Khali on his best day couldnt out perform Nash on his worst in the ring, Nash was always an entertaining big man because he could actually take a fall and do a few moves along with having an idea of how to work a crowd (Khali is o for 3 there). On the mic it's no comparison, you need to look at promo legends like Flair & HBK to find someone comparable to Nash.
Talking is important - Guys who cant talk are one trick ponies who have short runs and do nothig else.. Sting is a legend ... Ultimate Warrior was a one hit wonder...

1. Ultimate Warrior was one of the most popular wrestlers of his generation.

2. Yokozuna had a 280 day reign as champion.

3. Can anyone remember what Brock Lesnar said about anything?

As for Kevin Nash, watch Nash vs Hart or Taker in the 90s or HHH in 03,

You just used "HHH" and "2003" in a serious manner. Everything else from here on is irrelevant.

Khali on his best day couldnt out perform Nash on his worst in the ring,

HHH/Khali >>>>>> HHH/Nash

Just accept it and your life will be easier.

Nash was always an entertaining big man because he could actually take a fall and do a few moves along with having an idea of how to work a crowd (Khali is o for 3 there).

I was entertained when Nash tore his quad in 2002 so you got me there.

On the mic it's no comparison, you need to look at promo legends like Flair & HBK to find someone comparable to Nash.

Nash? Promo legends? HBK?

Untrue, he can work a match as long as people bump for him. Put him in a match with Cena, Ziggler, or Sheamus and the match would be pretty good - enough to pique the fans interest. Put him in a match with Del Rio, Big Show, or Tensai and the match would be beyond terrible. It would look like a tornado hitting a trailer park.

If WWE really wanted to get the most out a feud like this, they should turn him heel, turn him back into the juggernaut that he was in 2007, and put him in a feud with Ryback. Have Ryback bump and look weak until the blow off PPV where he squashes Khali in like a 3-4 minute match. The fans would go nuts.

Thats fine, but are you really going to put the strap on someone who literally never takes more than one or two bumps in a match?? Half of Cena, Ziggler, Sheamus' moves are moves he can't take. I'd love to see him try to sell a bulldog without breaking something
Thats fine, but are you really going to put the strap on someone who literally never takes more than one or two bumps in a match?? Half of Cena, Ziggler, Sheamus' moves are moves he can't take. I'd love to see him try to sell a bulldog without breaking something

Does it matter? One or two big bumps is all Khali would need to take. Just think... it takes Cena 3 shoulder blocks to knock him down; it takes Sheamus 2 simultaneous Brogue kicks to take him off his feet. Can you imagine Ryback's lariat not even phasing Khali? Think of the struggle of the face trying to overcome this monstrous force... the crowd would eat that shit up.

And then of course the finisher; the crowd would go nuts for it whether or not it's the AA, White Noise, or the Shell Shocked.
I feel as though this isn't a totally impossible argument, though LJL's posts lead me to believe that he's just trolling. Telling the IWC that Ziggler sucks just seems like an obvious an overt attempt to start an argument.

However, I will say one thing: He has a lot in common with Andre. They were both monstrously large, they both could barely speak English, they both were believable in their roles, etc. My problem with Khali, however, is that the WWE missed their chance with him. When Andre went into WrestleMania 3, how many gimmicks did they attach to Andre? 1) He had never been knocked down/picked up; 2) he had never been defeated...well, there may have only been two big stories there for Hogan to capitalize on, but they were still good ones to build a huge show over.

With Khali, we've already seen Nexus take his legs out, we've already seen him lose to too many lesser opponents, etc. It's really hard to just get wrestling fans to forget all of that in your booking, as hard as WWE tries to will us to, and if you start suddenly booking Khali like a monster, it's going to be hard, especially at least after the kissing gimmick Khali had. It's not impossible, I just think history is working against him.

If you put a good mouthpiece on him, only made him wrestle two matches a month, maximum, then I think it could work, as Smackdown champ. It's not what I would choose to watch, but if he had a good manager then I think I could get into it.
He completely lacks the mobility and ability to be world champion. Sorry but even in his prime it was a questionable idea at best. Doing it now would just be embarrassing.
He completely lacks the mobility and ability to be world champion. Sorry but even in his prime it was a questionable idea at best. Doing it now would just be embarrassing.



This match begs to differ because the crowd seemed to be enjoying it immensely. The pop when Kane choke slammed Khali? Or when Batista delivered a spinebuster? Both awesome.

WWE could easily recreate this even with Khali's limited movement with Sheamus and Ziggler by having them chase the title, whilst feuding with themselves, and have Khali keep beating the both of them.


Khali could stand in one place and beat down 8 people and have it look believable because the guy's a freak of nature even if he can't move at all. Look at Andre and Yokozuna at the end of their careers; they could barely move but it didn't matter because they were so big and powerful that they didn't really have to exert much energy to have a meaningful match and still play their roles.
I'd rather have Tensai as World Heavyweight Champ if that's the case, lmao.

Nothing against Khali but meh he just doesn't entertain me. And just the thought of him being World Champ again is almost joke of the year worthy...
I agree. From 1996-2010, what were Mark Henry's career highlight's? Getting caught with a transvestite, fucking Mae Young, and losing a battle with a steel cage door. If Mark Henry could revive his career in two or three months, then why can't Khali?


A good part of Mark Henry getting so over was his talking, he had done the dominant heel thing before without saying much and fell flat. Khali is a stale piece of trash that is only around because he has fans in India.

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