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Make MVP heel PLEASE!!


Pre-Show Stalwart
RAW is really lacking heels right now. Randy Orton and Big Show are the only mainevent heels on the brand. The Miz is starting to get noticed but there's still some time before he gets up there. On top of that Matt Hardy is injured and RAW lost another heel. I think MVP should turn heel. He gets no reaction as a face no one cares and to be honest he was a much better heel. His character fits perfectly as a heel. Not to mention he and Kofi can actually have a feud for the title instead of just having one match out of "respect" or after Miz is done with him have a feud with Cena. I'm damn sure i'm not the only one who has the same opinion

Your thoughts?
I got to agree with you man. MVP is lacking any sort of crowd reaction as a face. MVP as a heel usually drew a very loud reaction. Besides, raw is lacking in the heel department. So turning MVP heel would be a good idea.
I just think they need to book him better lol I think he has a lot of potential as a face. I don't like this whole sucking up to the crowd business, and I think the whole "Ballin'" taunt is a bit cringeworthy on his entrance, along with the big "i'm a face!!!" smiley face.

Change the motiv, not the gimmick.

He should be a heel, because that way the faces can make fun of him for going on the View and dating that fat hose beast on there. He went to prom with her and he went to other events with her too. She's not rich like Oprah or fine like Halle Berry so WTF? MVP.
Yeh that angle was horrible. That certainly didn't help his popularity. It may have got WWE 10 minutes of exposure, but to who? A bunch of middle ages women who watch The View??? Seemed like it did much more harm than good.

And my GOD she was annoying. I'm a big MVP fan and that ticked me off.

MVP did a pretty good promo on Orton and Legacy that one tiome, so obviously the mic skills are there. But for some reason he's not quite as over as I would expect him to be. I suspect this to be because of the fact that he was on such a losing streak until he was thrown into that match with The Big Show where if MVP didn't win HHH wouldn't get a title match or something (this was when I found Smackdown to be even more boring than Raw, so I couldn't give you more detail even if I wanted to). He won that, and the crowd popped for him bcause he hadn't won in 6 months. He carried that wave of poppage (new term, perhaps?) to the U.S. Championship, and since then we've been looking for a real reason to cheer for him. He would be better off going on a winning streak and getting cocky, then turning heel by criticizing the fans (jokingly at first, then maybe a more serious tone the next week, and damn near livid the next. Get a kid in on the act and have MVP yell at the kid, get the whole "superstar athlete" stereotype going again). I mean I think MVP could work as a face, but not until later on. I think a feud with HHH is just what the doctor ordered for MVP's main event push.
MVP needs a face turn, because his been a heel for years. I would like to see him get a world title shot instead of fighting for the US title. If they need more heels, they can pick up some from Smackdown, or develop someone else. Plus, Orton and Legacy, should have the big show or John Cena join them, instead of a MVP heel turn. Cena heel turn can create some heat.
Cena turning heel has as much a chance of happening as me winning the US title at the Bash. I would say have HHH win the title at some point (after WM26, the way this is shaping up) and have MVP turn heel then.
I agree MVP was better as a heel, but he was getting cheered too much as a heel. I think the WWE just had to make him go face. Either way people just seem to like the guy.
Are we watching the same show? While I prefer MVP as a heel and would enjoy him being a heel moreso than a face, he is getting a massive reaction from the crowd as a face.
MVP is doing fine as a face, he's been a heel for a while so give him some time as a face.

As for that gimmick with the girl on "the View," I think that is just a strategy by the WWE to become more mainstream, not necessarily to gain fans. If a mom saw her 8 year old son watching RAW 10 years ago, she might shut the TV off, but if she sees MVP on she will probably leave him alone.
I know MVP is wayyyyyyy better as a heel and Raw is lacking heels and all, but it is time for MVP to be face for a little while. As much as I hate him as a face, he has to be face right now because he couldn't be a heel forever...also, this could be a way to get MVP more popular with the fans, then hopefully he can turn heel again and become one of the top heelsin the company. So in conclusion, MVP is a good heel and may suck as a face, but he had to be face sometime right? cuz no1 can keep the same character/personality forever throughout their whole career...
Are we watching the same show? While I prefer MVP as a heel and would enjoy him being a heel moreso than a face, he is getting a massive reaction from the crowd as a face.

I hope we are but idk what your talking about. I hear no crowd reaction when the mans music hits. And when he cuts a promo all i hear is grasshoppers

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