Major Spoiler Concerning ECW World Title

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I really dont see CM Punk getting the title that early on. I think that we will win it sometime next yr. But not at Wrestlemania or anytime before that. I can see him winning it next yr at around Summerslam or even Survivor Series. I think that they really want to get Lashley over big time. When they do decide to bring Lashley back to the main roster somtime in 08 or something he would be over if he had held the ECW title so then they can give him the WWE or even the World title. I dont think that they would be able to do the same with CM Punk. He will get the ECW title just not as soon as everyone is hoping.
Personally I think the first entrants should be Punk and R.V.D. that way we can get a bit of decent wrestling in before all the big guy's start to come in. I can see everybody hitting there finishing moves on Show so he does'nt look like a jobber when he drop's the title.
Well if the original leaks are still to be believed then RVD and Test won't take the belt. RVD was never going to anyway. WHen you get done for drugs and can't brinbg yourself to say sorry then good riddance. Dump him anyway I say.

Punk is their future, and Lashley is their coup. Sabu won't be winning jack following his recent behaviour.

So pUnk or Lashley - take a pick. Might be a hint at SS yet.

And Show to be 1st eliminated. Plenty precedence. Hogan was 1st out at SS back in.. 88? 89?
From what I remember reading, Vince doesn't want RVD to hold the title again due to the drug incident. But he isn't as harsh on Sabu, the reason being is that Sabu was apologetic (sp?) about the incident while RVD was acting as if it was no big deal. But yea, the title is going to Lashley or Test.

And why only talking about the EEC? What about the unknown undercard?! All we know is the Hardyz have some role in it.
he got caught with weed. i thought it was a little extreme the way they punished him. i understand they had that wellness policy, but guys get suspended for real drugs and come back with the same push. so he didn't say he's sorry, then he probably wasn't. give him the belt back and give the fans what they want. plus, smoking was part of his gimmick for a while in wwecw. where was vinny on that
Lets weigh out the options here:

Big Show - Reported to be leaving, and isn't in top physical condition, so he's likely to lose.

Sabu - Has the least momentum of all after losing at Survivor Series and recently against RVD, however if he gets the table then he could unleash some destruction, but I don't think he'll be billed as ECW champion.

RVD - He's overcome plenty of challenges set by Paul Heyman, and is a fan favourite, but due to the drugs issue I think Vince will have him as a jobber in the Extreme Elimination Chamber but not flat out fire him, he's been known to use jobbing as a punishment before as he has done so with Triple H following the MSG Incident.

Bobby Lashley -Whilst he's made an impact in ECW since he came there, I don't think that he should win, but perhaps should be in the final 3.

Test - I think the only way Test should win is if he makes a face turn and screws Big Show if Big Show, Test and another combatent are in the final 3, he could turn on Big Show or allow Big Show to be defeated and then defeat the final combatent.

CM Punk - He's popular, a great wrestler and already has a rivalrly outside of the Extreme Elimination Chamber, if he wins he could develop his feud with Mike Knox culminating in a Royal Rumble title defense. He also has the respect of The Clique which could work in his advantage in terms of being booked as the champion.
i think its going to be out of Test, RVD & Lashley. we all know that Big Show is going to have time off after this match. Sabu has a lot of backstage problems and he has been jobbing to RVD & Umaga lately. CM Punk doesnt fit the champion bill just yet. Test could turn on Big Show/Heyman but i dont think fans would accept him as Champion. RVD has had problems but he has most momentum from TV shows lately. also he overcome all of Heymans obstacles. Lashley also has momentum but he has just joined ECW and he hasnt shown that hes extreme yet. So i think RVD will win.

Order of entry:
RVD & Test start match
Lashley enters with crowbar
Sabu enters with table
CM Punk enters with steel chair
Big Show enters with Barb-wired baseball bat

Order of elimination:
CM Punk
Big Show

RVD is the winner & new ECW Champion!
well lets see...

big show-will be leaving soon so he wont win

sabu-isnt getting good pushes and is being used as a jobber also management said he's useless so he wont win

rvd-vince doesnt want him as champ so he wont win

cm punk-really liked but is still brand new so he shouldnt win

test-just cant picture him as a champion although it cud happen

lashley-is getting a HUGE push in ecw so management must want hum 2 win so there we go

how it might go in the chamber:

order of entrance:
1 sabu
2 rvd
3 lashley
4 cm punk
5 test-heyman will want him to get in late
6 big show-heyman will want him to go last

order of elimination:

1)rvd- test and show will take him out
2)sabu-same as rvd
3)test-cm punk and lashley will take out show and then eliminate test
4)cm punk-show will take him out after show hit lashley w/ a weapon
5)show-lashley will spear him through a table or just spear him and pin him

thats how i think it will go
here's my order of elimination

sabu-has become a jobber
rvd-getting arrested awhile back for drugs
test-i never really thought test was all that great
big show-cause he's hurting
lashley-cause he just came over from smackdown
and your winner
cm punk - cause i think he has everything going for him

p.s. ryanjohnson_14 could ur signature be any goddamn bigger? that thing totally fucks up the format of this page
Tuff to pick a order.. my winner pick is Punk and final 4 is lashley/punk/test/show
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