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Turn Bayley heel
All from Benoit to HOF, none are taken out of context. Find your own and share them:

He kills his family and himself, that makes him a scumbag?

If it comes from Afghanistan it can never be truly innocent.

I disagree with the ending of their lives but do you even know anything about his wife and her "career" or shall I say being a pig?

[if benoit is a murderer] Then so is the majority of our armed forces. Doesn't stop the WWE from honoring them, why should it stop them from honoring Benoit?

As much as I loved Benoit's in ring techniques, it would be like awarding Hitler an award for "fantastic politics".

I dont think Chris killed his family as I think it was a triple homicide that the Atl, GA cops are covering up. And as far as Chris being in the Hall Of Fame, I say he should be inducted cause they inducted the Sucidal Von Erich/Adkission clan that all killed themselves except Kevin. and crazy ass killing Verne Gagne. Plus the controversal Abby the Butcher. And also Wendi Richter finally went in after a long fallin out w/ Vince. Benoit's career is Hall Of Fame material but will never be in one due to controversing swirliling about his final days.
I can't help but feel that these people would say the same thing to your face, if asked. Maybe I'm just a glass half full kind of fella.
Matt Morgan's dad dies

Why exactly should this be news? The guys family are mourning and you want to turn this tragic private matter into a headline. Typical journalists insensitive to the end. Yeah you express your condolences but this should not even be plastered on a wrestling website. It has zero to do with wrestling and is a private family matter for Matt Morgan.

...The hell, man? Nothing to do with wrestling, but it's... about a wrestler...:shrug:
The main page was where I got the most of my information when I learned about wrestling websites. Then I found out that the Forums actually have better info than the main sight. It is kinda sad.
Here's one that made milk shoot out of my nose. I wouldn't mind but I hadn't been drinking milk...

On the article about Konnan's little Innocents Day prank...

"It's not like I would have checked if it was Innocents' Day or some other BS prank day that I've never heard of before."

You've gotta love the unbridled cultural ignorance on display here, see me, I'd choose to educate myself a little... said:
In Spain, Hispanic America and the Philippines[citation needed], December 28 is a day for pranks, equivalent to April Fool's Day in many countries. Pranks (bromas) are also known in Spain as inocentadas and their victims are called inocentes, or alternatively, the pranksters are the "inocentes" and the victims should not be angry at them, since they could not have committed any sin. One of the more famous of these traditions is the annual "Els Enfarinats" festival of Ibi in Alicante, where the inocentadas dress up in full military dress and incite a flour fight.[31] Various Catholic countries had a tradition (no longer widely observed) of role reversal between children and their adult educators, including boy bishops, perhaps a Christianized version of the Roman annual feast of the Saturnalia (when even slaves played "masters" for a day). In some cultures it is said to be an unlucky day, when no new project should be started.

Still it's always good to dismiss any feast you've never heard of as "some other BS prank day."

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