What if....Chris Benoit is innocent?

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You'll find that everything pre-2003 is Triple H's fault actually. Lets be realistic with the Cena hate for once guys, please.

Wait, I thought everything that happened pre-2001 was Bischoff's fault, 2001-2002 was Russo's fault, 2003-2008 is Dixie Carter's fault, and 2008 onward is Triple H's fault. Are you telling me otherwise?
Wait, I thought everything that happened pre-2001 was Bischoff's fault, 2001-2002 was Russo's fault, 2003-2008 is Dixie Carter's fault, and 2008 onward is Triple H's fault. Are you telling me otherwise?

You're giving the bookers too much credit, when it comes to murders wrestlers > bookers, every time. 2008 Triple H is positively beneficiary compared to 2002 Triple H.
If you people think John cena had anything to do with you're either very stupid or you have been drinking the Alex Jones Koolaid .you john cena wants to be the top guy and will do anything to say there . well then The Rock would be dead orton would be dead cm punk would be dead ,sheamus would be dead all by the hands of cena.if that was the case any superstar that ever recived a bigger pop then cena would be dead you you can add dolph ziggler and Daniel bryan. its perfectly fine to not like the but don't go making ridiculous accusations. cena had no motive at all . Kevin Sullivan however did
My money is on Kevin Sullivan. He did help run the Dungeon of Doom after all. He unleashed the mighty Yet-tay who proceeded to dry hump the entire family to death.
If you people think John cena had anything to do with you're either very stupid or you have been drinking the Alex Jones Koolaid .you john cena wants to be the top guy and will do anything to say there . well then The Rock would be dead orton would be dead cm punk would be dead ,sheamus would be dead all by the hands of cena.if that was the case any superstar that ever recived a bigger pop then cena would be dead you you can add dolph ziggler and Daniel bryan. its perfectly fine to not like the but don't go making ridiculous accusations. cena had no motive at all . Kevin Sullivan however did

Look: we are merely speculating at this point. None of us witnessed John Cena's involvement, nor Benoit's involvement. Therefore, how are any of us to know 100%.

With that being said, you seem damn sure Cena wasn't involved but you don't know for sure. You suggest Cena could just pick off every superstar that poses as a threat but that is not logical, he would surely slip up eventually which result in his apprehension. He may (or may not) have got away clean from one incident which has clearly benifitted him greatly, so why would he go through such a great risk again?

Again - mere speculation.
I can't even believe this conversation involves John Cena.

If they found out it was someone else it would change a lot of things... but I think its time we, as wrestling fans, learn to move on. The guy had brain damage and went crazy, it happens. Just like it happens to people with alzheimers/dementia...thats what he had, basically.
I can't even believe this conversation involves John Cena.
It's a crazy world we live in, huh? Just goes to show, even the most straight forward, highly regarded public figures can turn out to be a murder conspirast. But I do understand that, you, as a presumed hard core WWE fan may have a hard time accepting that John Cena of all people has emerged as the possible perpetrator of the Benoit case. Nothing is for certain at this point, of course. Don't lose faith yet!
Some people need to look up the definition of "trolling", because they just bought it hook line and sinker. 5 star comedy gold, I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.
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what if? what if? what if? what if? what if?...

what if money grew on trees? and super heroes were real? and miley cyrus didnt dress like a skank?

You can play the what if game with EVERYTHING, it's all just assumptions and conjecture...
also comparing that case to the people in prison/death row is like comparing apples to brocolli. The people in there wrongfully convicted is usually witness misidentification and things like that... having ALL the evidence locked in the house and him lying with a gun in his hand, what if has left the building
Now is it possible that it was all an accident caused by the Shock Master, he just entered the house to visit, tripped and fell, causing gruesome murders.
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