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Main event stars at mania/why I think bryan fans are upset


Pre-Show Stalwart
let me start this off by saying I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan but objectively I'm fine with him not being in the main event. My main issue is that his projective feud (sheamus/ziggler) is it is not really a marqee feud Which every main event star has at mania unless the point of their mania feud is to make a star which is the only other thing main eventers do at mania(which sheamus/ziggler is not either). If you look at all the true main eventers but people who are not "the guy" I.e hbk, hhh, Orton, taker, Batista not big show, kane, Henry they all have a marqee feud whether it's just a huge star feud like hbk/angle, a streak match, a wwe/whc/wwe whc title match, once they get to the main event they stay there or they face a midcarder they're trying to make a main eventer I.e. Hhh/sheamus or the legacy triple threat whether it's successfully makes a star is irrelevant what matters is intent.

So for example hhh had either a world title match, a streak match, or a marqee feud with bryan/lesnar except when he tried to make a star of sheamus.

My concern and I think many fans concern is that after the disrespectful/horribly booked way he was treated at the rumble , the original plan for him to lose to Wyatt at fastlane, that he will most likely lose tomorrow to reigns tomorrow and then have a midcard feud with ziggler or sheamus makes it seem like the wwe doesn't respect his star power. I believe had he eliminated wyatt and then wyatt came back like the heel that he is and eliminated bryan then things might haven't have gone so so horribly. None of the formentioned stars were eliminated so disrespectfully in their entire main event careers, and never so early in the match. So people worry whether he is going to be given the star treatment or whether he is going to be forced back down the midcard. They only gave him the main event last year because they were forced. So now he is being given a throw away feud this year which never happens to main event stars at mania and people grow discontent. Thoughts?
Look at it this way. Reigns had to win the Rumble, that's what Vince wanted this year. He wants his new shiny object to main event Mania. Is he wrong, maybe but that's the way it's going down.

Bryan has to be put out of the Rumble early for two reasons, to avoid confrontation with Reigns, and to get the boo's out of the way early. That way Reigns could have won, and the fans would have cheered. Didn't work out that way because for the second year in the row McMahon underestimated Bryan popularity.

I said this on another thread. I don't want to see him in the main event at Mania. It's not his year, and the WWE will see that the fans views just might be important when the crowd craps all over Reigns and Lesnar. McMahon is so far out of the loop right now, it's not funny. Bryan will get another title shot later on down the road.
Just a friendly warning you posted this same thread twice. So you may want to talk to the mods about removing one of them before you recieve an infraction. But here is my take on the topic, Bryan fans are upset because he isn't "The Man" in WWE. WWE gave them there wish for the past two years and made him "The Man," unfortunately he got injured. But I am with what seems like the majority now and do not want to see Bryan as world champ again. At least not now, because what does it accomplish. Shutting up the Yes! Movement. It won't it will just make them do it more because they know they can. What I would do is have Bryan win next years RR and face champion either Wyatt,Rollins,Ambrose, or Rock
Look at it this way. Reigns had to win the Rumble, that's what Vince wanted this year. He wants his new shiny object to main event Mania. Is he wrong, maybe but that's the way it's going down.

Bryan has to be put out of the Rumble early for two reasons, to avoid confrontation with Reigns, and to get the boo's out of the way early. That way Reigns could have won, and the fans would have cheered. Didn't work out that way because for the second year in the row McMahon underestimated Bryan popularity.

I said this on another thread. I don't want to see him in the main event at Mania. It's not his year, and the WWE will see that the fans views just might be important when the crowd craps all over Reigns and Lesnar. McMahon is so far out of the loop right now, it's not funny. Bryan will get another title shot later on down the road.
I agree with all you're saying. I also understand why he had to be out early but I just feel had he been eliminated in a way that didn't make him look like a chump and the backlash would be far less. I also am fine with him not main eventing I just want him treated with respect. I hope he does make it back to the title scene
Just a friendly warning you posted this same thread twice. So you may want to talk to the mods about removing one of them before you recieve an infraction. But here is my take on the topic, Bryan fans are upset because he isn't "The Man" in WWE. WWE gave them there wish for the past two years and made him "The Man," unfortunately he got injured. But I am with what seems like the majority now and do not want to see Bryan as world champ again. At least not now, because what does it accomplish. Shutting up the Yes! Movement. It won't it will just make them do it more because they know they can. What I would do is have Bryan win next years RR and face champion either Wyatt,Rollins,Ambrose, or Rock

I agree many want him to be "the man" and many would have a solid argument for him to be the man, not necessarily over cena, but certainly reigns. I also only feel like he got less than a year of prime real estate on the card not two years. I don't need him to hold the title I just think the story of him vs Brock is far more compelling than Brock vs reigns, however even if he is not in the title picture which is fine, I would say that he's not getting main event treatment going against sheamus which I think is the larger problem. If bryan was going to face the rock or even Rollins I think people would be fine it's just midcard feuding for the guy who main evented last year seems like an insult.
The problem is people don't understand the concept of there being more than one main match on the card. By definition there can only be one main event, one show closer, but that doesn't mean everything else is pointless, this isn't boxing.

These dweebs need to stop using the word "midcard" as a pejorative.
The problem is people don't understand the concept of there being more than one main match on the card. By definition there can only be one main event, one show closer, but that doesn't mean everything else is pointless, this isn't boxing.

These dweebs need to stop using the word "midcard" as a pejorative.

Aside from the last thing you said i agree to an extent. However this will be the 10th anniversary of 21. At 21 there were 4 marqee matches, 1. batista vs hhh 2. cena vs jbl 3. Angle vs Hbk 4. Taker vs Orton. Mysterio vs Eddie was not a marqee match it was a good match and i liked it but no poster featured that match and there wasn't a lot of build. 22 had 5 marquee matches booker vs boogieman wasn't one of them and so on and so on. Sheamus vs Bryan is not a marqee match Sheamus is irrelevant and bryan deserves better is how many feel.
What I don't understand is this. The WWE is a business and you have a guy that is over no matter where you go, why not ride that hot hand? They would have a better argument if Bryan was getting these reactions in smark cities like NYC or Chicago. But Bryan is over everywhere and the WWE should be looking to make money off of Bryan's popularity. Instead they try to bury him in hopes of killing the reactions. That's fucking ass backwards.

Bryan supporters issues are that Bryan never got a real run with the belt. Granted it was out of his control but still. They want to see him get his run. Bryan is over enough to justify ending WM 31 with Bryan as champion. Instead they're pushing a guy that's clearly not ready. It is pretty clear that they do not view Bryan as main event material hence the rumored matches with Sheamus and Ziggler.
I've said in various threads that what's happened isn't just about Daniel Bryan winning the Royal Rumble. It's a much more complex situation with the situation with Bryan just being what set it off.

I think a part of the problem lies with fans themselves. Some of them are fickle, that's just the way it is but, then again, I don't think that's the big problem. I think the big problem is that many fans are essentially frustrated with Vince McMahon trying to tell them who they should like just because he believes that they should. For instance, Daniel Bryan is someone fans have embraced because they like the "every man" aspect of who he is, he's a down to earth guy and doesn't come off as someone that's a persona manufactured by a corporation. Couple that with the entertaining matches he puts on, and you have a star that generates revenue.

A lot of fans are also tired of Vince's formula for who he feels THE guy should be: the tall, handsome, muscular superhero that fans have seen with John Cena for the past decade. Again, that's not to say that John Cena hasn't earned & deserved every bit of success he's had in WWE because he damn sure has. However, many fans are bored with that sort of character and there's a lot of genuine weight to their argument because just about everyone on these boards has called Cena stale at one time or another. They look at Roman Reigns and a LOT of them see Vince McMahon in the process of grooming a wrestler using the same formula and they simply don't want the next decade of WWE dominated by John Cena 2.0. To compound things, you have another huge portion of fans that believe Roman Reigns isn't ready or flat out doesn't have the juice because even if Vince intends for Reigns to be Cena 2.0, he isn't remotely as good as Cena 1.0. Whether it's in the ring, on the mic, charisma, personality or what have you, as of right now, John Cena is simply much better than Roman Reigns. Now MAYBE, and I mean just MAYBE, fans would have gotten on board if Reigns had been given time to be fleshed out as a singles wrestler, booked strongly over a long period of time and built up his credibility but that's not what happened. Instead, what many of them see is a wrestler that's still quite green, had only been on his own as a singles wrestler for about half a year, less than that when you count the time he was out injured, without nearly as much ability being forced onto them.

The reactions the Royal Rumble winners the past few years have gotten is something that's been building for a long time and, thanks to hindsight, you can see that if you just look things over. Frustration with some of Vince's picks for top guys, some of his booking decisions over the years, etc. was bound to boil over to some degree and in some way. With Daniel Bryan, as much as some might try to simply rub it off with Bryan just being an "IWC guy", it's complete crap. Internet fans, smarks, the IWC, whatever you want to call it, it's business as usual for a handful here, a cult following there to complain that "their" wrestler isn't being used right is par for the course; it's business as usual for the WWE. Daniel Bryan, however, isn't just an "IWC guy" or someone that just the indie fans cheer for. Bryan's popular been growing and building for 3 years now and he stopped being someone that's an "IWC guy" or an indie guy after winning the WHC at TLC 2011. Smarks, casual fans, indie fans, hardcore fans, adult men, adult women, teenagers, small children, all like Bryan and in huge numbers. I'm not saying that every single wrestling fan is a fan of Daniel Bryan, that's a ludicrous notion because nobody is liked by everybody.
To be very honest, I don't think it's a 'Bryan's fans' problem. It's more of 'I don't like Vince's choice' problem. Bryan just happens to be the guy who people see as the 'anti-Vince' mold guy. Plus, Bryan is super popular and his everyday man persona has connected with the people in a way Vince couldn't have imagined.

The problem really started at Royal Rumble. I am pretty sure people had expected and accepted that Bryan was not going to be at Mania this year, let alone Rumble. But he came back. On the other hand, it was already in the news that Reigns is primed to be 'The Next Guy,' which wouldn't have been a problem if Reigns' comeback would've been properly booked. Then Royal Rumble happened. Every face that people backed: Bryan, Ziggler, Ambrose and even the likes of Mizdow and Wyatt, were tossed aside like they didn't matter. They just made it obvious that it's going to be Reigns and no one else and in process made everyone else look like a chump. Crowd was pretty much turned off by the way WWE booked the whole thing.

WWE are anxious to give Reigns 'The Lesnar' rub. And I think people are not against that. However, winning the WWE championship and becoming the guy when Reigns haven't even proven it if he can become that man turned a lot of people away from Reigns and Bryan is as 'anti-Reigns' as they come, so people rallied behind him, not to say that people were not already behind him. There were number of ways they could've avoided this but, well WWE creative is a one trick pony.

Remainder of the post is fantasy booking, so take it for what it's worth. I just think that Royal Rumble could've been so much more interesting. The first thing they could've done is let Rollins take the belt off Lesnar. He could've pinned Cena while Lesnar was outside or as soon as match ended, cash in on Lesnar and take the title. Next, let Bryan and Reigns start of the match (one thing WWE didn't at all want) and let them be there for good 40-50 minutes. At that point, Rollins could've gotten involved and set up elimination of Reigns because he didn't want Reigns to face him at Mania. Let Bryan win amidst all the shenanigans.

Next night, Lesnar is furious that he lost his title without getting pinned but Reigns attacks him because he wants Rollins more. They could've even had a massive brawl and shown Lesnar being taken out by couple of spears by Reigns (which would've made Reigns look super strong). Meanwhile he gets his hands on Rollins and gets him to put his title on the line at Fastlane. Just when Reigns is about to win, Lesnar and Heyman get involved and cost him his match. That could've set up Reigns vs Lesnar (without title) for Mania (with their jobs on the line of they wanted the stakes to be higher) and Rollins vs Bryan for the championship at Mania (anyone could win that one and I am sure they could've brought the house down, plus Authority storyline is already there). Don't want Bryan vs Rollins closing the show? Have HHH vs Sting close it. After Mania, with Reigns with his big win against Lesnar could've gotten involved in the title picture. This way, at least in my eyes, Reigns could've proven that he can be the top guy without telling people outright that he's company's choice to be 'The Guy.'
To what point is it like: Bryan is the Undertaker and hes facing Mark Henry at WM, or Austin against Scott Hall at WM. In both cases Undertaker should of been in a high profile match and was in the following WMs, and Austin should of been in a far more important match considering how he was rolling from RR to No Way Out, like heck why not Austin vs Kurt, and to the same degree former champion Kurt was going against Kane in a dud of a match.

So Vince and the WWE has a track record and its a mile long of putting big stars at the top of their game in meaningless pointless matches, but the month before or the month after they are right back into a big match.

Sum that up: don't be shocked if Vince does screw up and put Byran in some pointless middle of the card match that people aren't really interested in.
The Austin / Hall example is probably not a good one. Austin was reportedly upset with his spot at WMX8 which caused him to no show RAW the next night and eventually walk out of the WWE for almost 10 months.

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