Magnus To Be Pushed?


Lord And Master
Staff member

Since debuting in TNA, the man currently know simply as "Magnus" has gone through a variety of gimmicks ranging from a British gladiator, an anti-American, a TV star look-a-like and now a standard wrestler. However, he seems to be getting some major spotlight. No, I'm not referring to TNA actually. TNA's affiliates, actually. He's a major hit in AAA especially around the señoritas and AAA constantly brings him over due to that. Meanwhile he's slated to be a major star in the soon to debut "Ring Ka King" promotion in India. By major, we mean possible inaugural World Champion. As far as exposure in TNA, he's been paired up with Samoa Joe as an oddball tag team. It's not much, but it's definably a start with quite a few possibilities. He may become a 2 time TNA Tag Team Champion, feud with Samoa Joe or both.

Point is, people seem to like him. In time, he may be more exposed and such. With the tapings in London coming up, it also seems natural to have a hometown guy in the spotlight. He has some good skills in the ring and he seems natural enough on the mic. Time will tell, I guess.
Magnus to me is definitely a Future World champ in TNA I think he is full if potential and could be a big star for TNA he is has a good look, good in the ring and charisma and mic skills and the fact that TNA has made the World Champ of the new Ring Ka King shows me that TNA thinks Magnus could be a player for them this sort of a test run for Magnus and it also doesn't surprise me that AAA is so fond of Magnus because he is a really good talent I'm a big fan of his and I really think Magnus will be a World Champion in TNA
I really hope Magnus starts to get into the main event. I think it's years down the line because guys like Roode and Storm are just breaking in, and I think it's their time now, but Magnus should be put into some more story lines and featured more on Impact.

As I stated in another thread, I think Magnus is the perfect guy to bring a mid card title to TNA. The Legends/Global/Television championship has been a bust. It means absolutely nothing. I think TNA needs to hold a tournament for a new mid-card title, and have Magnus win. Let him have a blow off feud with Robbie E to merge the belts, and use Magnus to establish a mid card. After a year or two Magnus can start being put into feuds with top guys until they pull the trigger on him.
If I'm not mistaken Magnus is pretty young and clearly has the tools to develop into a star, it will be interesting to see if he's with TNA long term as I can see Vince being interested if he gains some traction in the main event end of TNA.

Right now I actually think his team with Joe is good for both and would like to see them win the belts and feud with the MCMG's when they return.
I can't really speak on Magnus's work outside of TNA since I'm not really familiar with the company's project in India and relationshp with AAA. However, ever since his debut I always thought there was something about Magnus. He has a tremendous look, excellent in-ring ability, a rather charismatic personality, and is very young (only 26 or 26, I believe). In short, he has all the tools necessary to be a champion. His partnership with Joe is, I admit, a bit of a mismatch but I feel that it works surprisingly well. And now with him actually being featured on PPV for a change, I feel it's a great sign of things to come for the man. While Joe and Magnus may seem like a weird pairing, let's not forget that Beer Money was also a pretty random pairing in its own right that was formed how? Through the same wild card tournament that Joe and Magnus were formed through. Never say never in pro wrestling. The same success Beer Money has found, Magnus definitely (and Joe too, I suppose) will definitely capture as well.
I remember him from the cheap remake of Gladiators.... that show was terrible.

Magnus has potential on the mic but his in ring work has MUCH to be desired. I cant see a push in process unless it involves Tag Titles.
Magnus is 100x better than Crimson. He has chrisma and great mic skills and is improving in every match. He has the look to be anything in this business and is once again another "missed opportunity" for TNA.
I had always thought Magnus would end up seeing the most success out of the British Invasion team. He seemed far more skilled than either Williams or Terry, yet for some reason his big push never came. The tag team with Joe is rather random. I'm glad he is seeing time onscreen. The two should tag a little more, leading into a feud that Magnus wins. Yes, that's right. Magnus needs the win more. It would help him get into a singles run with more momentum. Joe defeating Magnus would do nothing, he has lost all momentum and most of his credibility having done so many random filler feuds ever since the Main Event Mafia split up. Magnus can be a singles star, but only if he gets pushed. We're waiting, TNA.... Let's see it happen. I hope it happens because I see the potential in Magnus to go far.

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