So a few weeks back Magnus turned on his partner Samoa Joe and has been doing some pretty good mic work. Now in order to give Magnus something to do I assume before BFG, they put him against RVD at No Surrender.

RVD beats Magnus wtf does RVD have a problem jobbing to people? This reminds of when he didn't lose to Crimson cleanly (that was pretty much when Crimson's streak lost all the momentum)

Anyway did you think turning Magnus heel was the right way to go?What d you think of him now? I kinda liked his tweener character beforehand. After Joe where do you see him going?
I've actually been kind of impressed with this new side of Magnus. He stands out alot more as a heel than some generic smiling face. Everything he did after turning on Joe has been good and I will reserve judgement on how good/bad he'll be as a heel until we've seen enough of his material to judge it.
I think its definitely the right way to go. TNA will eventually need more Main Event Heels. The only two that come to mind are Bully Ray and Bobbly Roode. Magnus has the potential to be in that group. I would like to see where this heel run gets Magnus up until Bound For Glory. If he gets over, it is possible for him to be a future world champion.

He has been doing really good recently, lets hope he can get better.
I say that if Magnus really wants to make the most out this opportunity (and he should because he's young and we can always use another top contender), he should change his look and definitely his theme. He should put more effort into it. Cutting heel promos alone is not going to make over in this day and age. You have to put the effort into EVOLVING your character.
I like this side of Magnus. He wasn't exactly the stereotypical face when he teamed with Joe, but he works well as a tweener/antihero or heel. I think they should've had him go over RVD; it makes something like what they're trying to do with Magnus seem like a waste. Perhaps to make up for it he can face Storm or Joe this Thursday on Impact and win clean.
I like heel Magnus. I think it was ridiculous for TNA to have had RVD beat Magnus at No Surrender, which does nothing for RVD. the loss hurts Magnus more than the win helped RVD. although I was expecting it to happen, RVD had lost his previous 3 matches clean to Bully, James Storm, and Robbie E who pinned him in the triple threat match with AJ Styles.

I hope he remains heel and can get some good competition against mid card faces.
I'm a little bit split on a feud with Samoa Joe though, as I think Joe could be a good bad ass heel.

right now Magnus seems like someone who would be really good with say a TV title. he's not ready for any type of main event level, and he's not suited for the X division.
I like this new side to Magnus, and I was really surprised when he lost to RVD. Maybe they will have a rematch on Impact and Magnus will go over there. If not I hope he starts a decent feud this week so we can really see what he can do. I think he has potential to be a top heel, but i do agree he could use some new theme music and a tweek of his look.
he is a natural heel before he is was in TNA/Impact wrestling he was on the UK gladiators he played a cocky arrogant bad guy on it and did it well. I can't take him as a face or a tweenter for me anyway heel is perfect for him.
When Nick Aldis appeared on the TV show "Gladiators", he played the Oblivion character, who was an arrogant heel, he kinda reminded me of the Evolution-era Randy Orton persona, and he was excellent in the role. His success prompted TNA to sign him, which shows he was successful.

I think it would be a great move for TNA to make him a full-blown arrogant heel. Magnus seems comfortable playing that character and has been far better in recent months in TNA than he was as a boring babyface.

I see bright things for Magnus. He has a fantastic look, is improving all the time in the ring and TNA need more top-level heels. I definitely see him as a main eventer in the future, and it surprised me when TNA had him lose to RVD at No Surrender- he had alot more to gain from winning that match than RVD did. No way should Magnus have jobbed if TNA want to push him up the card.
I like Heel Magnus more than the neutral Magnus. I believe Magnus in this heel run has potential to be a good one. I remember Magnus being a heel in Ring Ka King as "Sir Brutus Magnus". Magnus ran with it very well, and was definitely over with the crowd (but then again a crowd in Pune, India is different than the Impact Zone crowd). Either way, this could work if TNA wants to elevate him up
Magnus works brilliantly as a heel. I'm looking forward to seeing him finallly get the push he deserves. Especially as I'm a massive Magnus fan, lol

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