Macho Man Randy Savage

mr smack

Dark Match Jobber
This guy was one of the all time greats. Had great matches/rivalries with Steamboat, Flair, Hogan, Warrior etc. Savage was truely one of the best ever, and I hope one day he gets into the WWE Hall of Fame.

What do you all think of him?
I totaly agree, he can wrestle, entertain, good mic skills, He was one of the all time greats. nobody ever did a better flying elbow than the macho man.
3 Little Letters will keep him outta the hall for a few years to come..

Is Macho Man signed to TNA at this point? What if he did come back to the WWE in the nWo coming back? He could even face Hogan at Wrestlemania due to there great fued. I would love to see a Hogan, Macho Man, Flair, thriple threat at Wrestlemania for Hogan's last match. I did read that Macho Man was going to be on the next season of surreal life, so more than likely his career in the WWE is done
One of my favorite wrestlers growing up, I think macho man would be a great addition to the hall of fame at this years inductions

I'd like to see him wrestle one more match, maybe legend vs. legend killer against randy orton at wrestlemania
I think Randy Savage will eventually be inducted into a Hall of Fame, whether it’s the WWE or the Pro Wrestling variety. He will go down as one of the most intense and talented performers in wrestling history.
Anybody who can pull a great match out of Ultimate Warrior is a sure-fire Hall of Famer. That's a landmark by itself. OOOHH YEAAAAHHHH
What can I say about Randy Savage? One of my favourite wrestling characters of all time. He had great charisma, great wrestling ability, a great look, a great manager, he had it all. IMO he is one of the top 10 wrestlers of all time, and sometimes I feel he gets overlooked when people talk about the all time greats. If anyone deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, it is Savage. I would love to see him have one more match in the WWE. I don't know whether he would be able to perform at a high standard anymore, but I would love to see him have a match with Shawn Michaels or Triple H or Randy Orton, that would be awesome.

lol, I love that part in SPider-Man

I like the Macho Man, I wish he'd get back in the ring for one last time :p
figure4 said:
As long as he stops rapping, I'd love to see him in a Legend vs. Legend-Killer bit with Orton.

i totally agree. even tho orton would probably win that match i still would wanna see it. randy savage is an all time great from the hogan/flair era and him and hogan carried the wwf for a good part of the late 80's/early 90's.

i kno this would never happen but how about a macho king vs king booker?
prolly the greatest "in character" wrestler ever. he was always in character i dont care where you see him whether it be on Walker texas ranger, spider man, interviews, arsenio hall, etc.

and in the ring every move he did looked perfectly the same as the last time you saw him do it. he hopped between the second and third rope when entering the ring, they way he punched, pointed, spun....he was an in ring genius who will absolutely be in the wwe hall of fame someday.

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