Loving TNA's Use of The Knockouts


Getting Noticed By Management
I watch TNA every week and besides the in ring action being very good I love how TNA uses the KO's. There are several s/l's involving the KO's and not all of them are about the title. They get involved with the lead male stories. they are alowed to develop their characters and are given mic time. Their stories are given the same attention the male stories are and a lot of airtime. TNA's use of the KO's is the one thing they do right. JMO

P.S.: doesn't hurt that they are HOTT either. ;)
For me, It feels like every Knockout has a gimmick where as in that other company you kind of have just women running around... in TNA they seem more defined.

The other week when Karen called out all the Knockouts she went through like 4 storylines IN ONE SEGMENT that was pretty cool. I have never really seen that done. I found it very creative.

Something about TNA that people often forget at the end of the storyline everything eventually comes together. This started out as Jeff and Kurt...and its evolved into something soo much more.

But the Knockouts have always been like that. Having actual gimmicks and doing storylines that involve the gimmicks are what wrestling feuds are suppose to be...other wise we wouldnt have a need for gimmicks.
i completely agree with you! the knockout division is great! i do believe it was better 2+ years ago though! there was a lot more gimmicky knockouts, they were in gimmicky matches more often and there was a lot of storylines, male, female or both, that involved knockouts! they were even in the main event on occasion! hopefully they head back in that direction!
I think TNA's use of the knockouts is great! Right now, they make the WWE Divas look like... well... WWE Divas! I just wish they had more knockouts that weren't so annoying. Don't get me wrong, they are all very, very talented, but I get tired of the weekly promo composed entirely of screams. :nugget:
Is...is this a troll thread? Please tell me you guys don't actually believe this. The KO division is absolutely godawful. They never get to wrestle more than two or three minutes it seems, and all of the top pushed women in the company are absolutely HORRIBLE in the ring, with the exception of Sarita maybe. Madison Rayne held the belt for months and basically squashed the entire division in one minute trainwrecks of matches. The Beautiful People, while hot, are terribly inept whenever they actually have to wrestle, not to mention this "Zombie" angle they're doing right now is WrestleCrap worthy stuff.

The KO division is a piece of shit. Tara, Mickie, and Sarita are really the only ones who can work a decent match. I have no idea how anyone could love a division that's chock-full of such terrible wrestling on a weekly basis.
Maybe their not the best wrestlers but the way their used worked for me tonight. I liked the one night combo with the jarrett/angle and velvet/winter feuds.
The KO division is absolutely godawful. They never get to wrestle more than two or three minutes it seems, and all of the top pushed women in the company are absolutely HORRIBLE in the ring, with the exception of Sarita maybe. Madison Rayne held the belt for months and basically squashed the entire division in one minute trainwrecks of matches. The Beautiful People, while hot, are terribly inept whenever they actually have to wrestle, not to mention this "Zombie" angle they're doing right now is WrestleCrap worthy stuff.

The KO division is a piece of shit. Tara, Mickie, and Sarita are really the only ones who can work a decent match.
True. Very True.

But they get a heck of a lot more time than the Divas due on Raw and Smackdown, and they're actually running a number of interesting or at the very least average storylines at the moment that includes pretty much most of the division.

I despise Madison, but she did a decent job as top heel. This feud between Skye and Winter/Angelina is bad, but its so bad its good. Sarita and Rosita are doing their part in the Mexican stable, and holding gold while they're at it. Mickie's finally got the belt and it looks like we're getting a Tara-Madison feud after she gets freed while Mickie's probably headed for a feud with either Velvet or Winter.
Yeah, the KO division has NOTHING on what it once was, with Alyssa Flash, ODB, Kong, Taylor Wilde.

However, I am willing to put all complaints aside, to see Miss Tessmacher's entrance...again and again.
I admit the KO division is not as strong as it was when Kong, Gail Kim, OGB and Taylor were involved, but there are still alot of talented girls in there. Mickie, Tara, Madison, Winter and the BP can all wrestle well, and put on a good match.

Everyone seems to have their own gimmick, which doesnt happen in the WWE, and while I admit that the Winter/Angelina angle is fucking awful, that won't last forever and once its done the BP can get back to being entertaining.

I am glad the KO's are given a decent amount of TV time as it actually gives you chance to get into their characters, rather than just bringing them out of a 2 minute squash match on RAW.
maybe the wrestling was better 2+ years ago but were they used like they are now? I think they are much more part of the company than hey were then. As people have already stated: each KO has their own gimmick. Their own personality. The DIVAS are mostly cookie cutter carbon copies of each other. The E used to use their DIVAS like this during The Attituide Era and beyond and have gotten away from it in recent years. TNA is not afraid to allow their KO's to shine.

It's ironic that the company that is run by Hogan/Bischoff who have said female wrestlers don't sell and written by Russo who is not a fan of female wrestlers (if I remember correctly) use their KO's and use them well.
So just because something was better before, anything after that is absolute shit no matter what? Why is WWE in business, then? Or TNA if you're a "WE WANT SIX SIDES!" type of person.

Despite the overly-biased opinion of some actual trolls, the KO's division is a great thing to watch right now. All the chicks are great to look at, there's a few that can really go and the rest have a lot to learn but are not a bunch of Kelly Kelly's. They can have a good match with eachother, that's what I'm trying to say. As far as their gimmicks - yes, they all have gimmicks and I'm glad. They've got storylines going on, they're not neglected, they're a big part of the show. I also love what TNA is doing with them. Personally, the only flaw that every female wrestler these days has is that they can't cut a decent promo even if their fake tits depended on it. Frankly, I can't remember a female wrestler that struck me as a natural on the mic, so I guess I'm asking for too much here. But you never know, some really talented chick might pop out of somewhere, and I hope she pops out in TNA because being a female wrestler in WWE is the last thing you want. Actually .. being anything in WWE is the last thing you want. Of course, if you don't mind being fed to Cena and Orton, feel free to give it a whirl. Make sure you have no talent, otherwise they'll bury you.

P.S: I'm impressed with Tessmacher by the way. I really, really love the way she looks, her entrance is awesome (took a page out of HBK's book with the whole striptease thing, that's what it reminded me of), and she's not bad in the ring. Not bad, I expect good things from her.
True. Very True.

But they get a heck of a lot more time than the Divas due on Raw and Smackdown, and they're actually running a number of interesting or at the very least average storylines at the moment that includes pretty much most of the division.

I despise Madison, but she did a decent job as top heel. This feud between Skye and Winter/Angelina is bad, but its so bad its good. Sarita and Rosita are doing their part in the Mexican stable, and holding gold while they're at it. Mickie's finally got the belt and it looks like we're getting a Tara-Madison feud after she gets freed while Mickie's probably headed for a feud with either Velvet or Winter.

Haha that's exactly how I feel about it. It's so ridiculous and over the top that I want to keep watching just to see what stupid solutions they're going to come up with to explain Winter's control. Will they go down the magic route? Probably go for herbs from the rain forest or something daft like that.

The KOs division isn't bad. Although I'd say Kong in WWE is more exciting for me than anything they're doing. If Tara actually gets back in the ring on a regular basis after Sacrifice it would be a good thing for them in my opinion.
One problem I have is that somehow, TNA wants the KOs to wrestle a tweaked version of the WWE style, and some of them can (Mickie,Tara), and some cant(Madison,Sarita,etc).

Yeah I also miss Tara in the ring, at first I was like she needed to go away, her first run in TNA was bad, her second run has been entertaining, from becoming Madison's bodyguard, to the feud with Mickie...
Is...is this a troll thread? Please tell me you guys don't actually believe this. The KO division is absolutely godawful. They never get to wrestle more than two or three minutes it seems, and all of the top pushed women in the company are absolutely HORRIBLE in the ring, with the exception of Sarita maybe. Madison Rayne held the belt for months and basically squashed the entire division in one minute trainwrecks of matches. The Beautiful People, while hot, are terribly inept whenever they actually have to wrestle, not to mention this "Zombie" angle they're doing right now is WrestleCrap worthy stuff.

The KO division is a piece of shit. Tara, Mickie, and Sarita are really the only ones who can work a decent match. I have no idea how anyone could love a division that's chock-full of such terrible wrestling on a weekly basis.

no offense, but do you really want to watch women for their wrestling ability?
ugly women who can wrestle OR hot women who aren't that good at wrestling? hmmm give me the hotties EVERY TIME!
does it really matter if the Knockouts can't wrestle? it's probably like 90% of viewers that want to watch them because of how they look.
now I'm not saying just have hot women regardless if they are total crap in the ring. ideally you want women who have some ability in the ring. but if you have to put a priority on what you want more, being attractive is the number 1 priority. that is especially important when talking about a TV show.
no offense, but do you really want to watch women for their wrestling ability?
ugly women who can wrestle OR hot women who aren't that good at wrestling? hmmm give me the hotties EVERY TIME!
does it really matter if the Knockouts can't wrestle? it's probably like 90% of viewers that want to watch them because of how they look.
now I'm not saying just have hot women regardless if they are total crap in the ring. ideally you want women who have some ability in the ring. but if you have to put a priority on what you want more, being attractive is the number 1 priority. that is especially important when talking about a TV show.

Absolutely correct. See, the KO's division does have a few women who CAN wrestle (and are not that hot. I mean .. Tara is a man, right?), and the hotties who are neither here nor there, but won't kill eachother in the ring. It's called having a little something for everybody. If you want everything to fit YOUR preferences, then one - TNA will go out of business and two - don't bother watching.

Besides, watching women wrestling for the wrestling is like watching porn for the acting. I watch them wrestle because TNA's cameramen are perverts and always zoom in on interesting parts of their bodies when they're lying around after a big bump :laugh:
Is...is this a troll thread? Please tell me you guys don't actually believe this. The KO division is absolutely godawful. They never get to wrestle more than two or three minutes it seems, and all of the top pushed women in the company are absolutely HORRIBLE in the ring, with the exception of Sarita maybe. Madison Rayne held the belt for months and basically squashed the entire division in one minute trainwrecks of matches. The Beautiful People, while hot, are terribly inept whenever they actually have to wrestle, not to mention this "Zombie" angle they're doing right now is WrestleCrap worthy stuff.

The KO division is a piece of shit. Tara, Mickie, and Sarita are really the only ones who can work a decent match. I have no idea how anyone could love a division that's chock-full of such terrible wrestling on a weekly basis.

That's it right there. Mickie, Tara, Sarita, and for the most part, Winter are the only good women wrestlers the have. The Winter/Angelina angle had so much potential. Now, it doesn't really make any sense. Mickie v. Tara was the last good Knockout match. I've somewhat enjoyed Madison Rayne's heel run. She can play a good heel. Well, that's my $0.02
Madison's reign could've been better if he wasnt soo watered, she had better matches when she was a jobber, whoever is laying out the matches of the KOs should be fired.
I hate people that reduce everything to in-ring ability only. It is just a stupid way to discuss prowrestling. ROH style matches do not sell shit in the mainstream. The KOs still have some quality matches they just do not do it every time out. Instead they actually get to tell stories. Stories that go beyond I want that worthless belt. They have characters, mic time and individualized looks. Having the right look and telling a good story between interesting characters is the main hook of all mainstream prowrestling. Many a well regarded superstar has done so with average ring work. It just isn't the be all end all, especially when we are talking about women's wrestling. For mainstream Women's matches they certainly are above average usually.
The KO division is good, at least TNA let their girls have a match. By the way, did you see Miss Tessmacher? Wow just Wow, that streaptease almost made me have a hear attack. Velvet-Sky is so sexy i would want her to be the mother of my children.:)
The Knockouts have been a joy to watch. I see TNA is going to push Velvet to the "My dream is to hold the World title" booking that got Hardy and so many others over.

Fact is the Knockouts are the hottest action figures on the TNA brand, they draw the most segment ratings. I can't stand people who want to be ignorant instead of realize that people would rather see female feuds compared to a bunch of guys jumping around doing tricks in the ring like the X-Division.

I'm curious to see how "Impact Wrestling" booking will fit everyone together.

Haha that's exactly how I feel about it. It's so ridiculous and over the top that I want to keep watching just to see what stupid solutions they're going to come up with to explain Winter's control. Will they go down the magic route? Probably go for herbs from the rain forest or something daft like that.

The KOs division isn't bad. Although I'd say Kong in WWE is more exciting for me than anything they're doing. If Tara actually gets back in the ring on a regular basis after Sacrifice it would be a good thing for them in my opinion.

Oh of course it is. Because when TNA had Kong destroying Knockouts, everyone would say how ugly and unmarketable Kong was. Now, she's in WWE: Kong > Anything else.

I'm still waiting for people to label Kong as a TNA Reject. But of course, I haven't seen that thrown around.
For me, It feels like every Knockout has a gimmick where as in that other company you kind of have just women running around... in TNA they seem more defined.

The other week when Karen called out all the Knockouts she went through like 4 storylines IN ONE SEGMENT that was pretty cool. I have never really seen that done. I found it very creative.

Something about TNA that people often forget at the end of the storyline everything eventually comes together. This started out as Jeff and Kurt...and its evolved into something soo much more.

But the Knockouts have always been like that. Having actual gimmicks and doing storylines that involve the gimmicks are what wrestling feuds are suppose to be...other wise we wouldnt have a need for gimmicks.

This is crazy, this is beyond stupid.

Is...is this a troll thread? Please tell me you guys don't actually believe this. The KO division is absolutely godawful. They never get to wrestle more than two or three minutes it seems, and all of the top pushed women in the company are absolutely HORRIBLE in the ring, with the exception of Sarita maybe. Madison Rayne held the belt for months and basically squashed the entire division in one minute trainwrecks of matches. The Beautiful People, while hot, are terribly inept whenever they actually have to wrestle, not to mention this "Zombie" angle they're doing right now is WrestleCrap worthy stuff.

The KO division is a piece of shit. Tara, Mickie, and Sarita are really the only ones who can work a decent match. I have no idea how anyone could love a division that's chock-full of such terrible wrestling on a weekly basis.

Great post X. The sad thing is that I need to add to this - and it's with a Mark Madden quote - the girls will never draw dick.

I think the guy is trolling for a response. Well it's worked. It doesn't change the fact that TNA is all around horrible at the moment and aren't doing anything right. The current state of the KO division reflects on everything that is wrong with TNA at the moment.

Gail Kim, Awesome Kong, god those days were good.....
I have to give TNA some credit. They have a Knockouts division, and they actually put some time into it. It's an important part of the show, because that's the goal. Women have characters (good or bad), and actual storylines. I still don't care about women's wrestling, never have, but some do. Oh, and they're dressed like total ****s :)

However, some of these women annoy me beyond belief. Velvet Sky is, without a doubt, the most annoying mic worker in TNA, not named Ken Anderson. She does nothing but scream, and goes overboard no matter what. She doesn't understand when it's time to be quiet. Good example being when someone else is giving a bit of a monologue (like Karen on Impact last night) that moves a story forward. She constantly interrupts and takes away from who is talking. That type of behavior doesn't help to advance a storyline, and takes away from who is actually talking.

I think the Knockouts division suffers from the women going too far, but, it's nowhere near as dry and boring as WWE's Diva's division, so TNA gets credit for that.
Mickie, Tara, Madison, Winter and the BP can all wrestle well, and put on a good match.

Please show me ONE good match that Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, or Angelina Love have ever had in TNA.

So just because something was better before, anything after that is absolute shit no matter what?

No, something is absolute shit when it's of extremely poor quality. Like the KO division is right now.

Despite the overly-biased opinion of some actual trolls, the KO's division is a great thing to watch right now. All the chicks are great to look at, there's a few that can really go and the rest have a lot to learn but are not a bunch of Kelly Kelly's.

Humorously enough Kelly Kelly is a better wrestler than most of the KO division, and she's awful as well. Kelly Kelly is basically Bret fucking Hart compared to people like Miss Tessmacher.

They can have a good match with eachother

No, they can't. Show me a single good KO match that doesn't involve Mickie, Tara, or Sarita. And even most of their matches are still shit.

But you never know, some really talented chick might pop out of somewhere, and I hope she pops out in TNA because being a female wrestler in WWE is the last thing you want.

Really? More money, more stardom, having your company actually PAY FOR YOUR MEDICAL BILLS, these are the "last thing" a wrestler wants? I know you're totally incapable of rational thought when it comes to your beloved TNA, but that's a joke. There's a reason that most of the KO division has been made up of ex-WWE stars. Because they'd rather work for the WWE, and when the WWE doesn't want them anymore, then they go to TNA as a second resort. If you actually believe the entire KO division wouldn't pack up and join the WWE if offered a contract, you are delusional.

P.S: I'm impressed with Tessmacher by the way. I really, really love the way she looks, her entrance is awesome (took a page out of HBK's book with the whole striptease thing, that's what it reminded me of), and she's not bad in the ring. Not bad, I expect good things from her.

Were you watching the same botch-fest of a match as I was on Impact this week? Tessmacher is awful in the ring. She was botching the most basic of moves and bumps. If she was still in the WWE you'd be shitting all over her. Oh and look...another ex-WWE Diva in the KO division.

no offense, but do you really want to watch women for their wrestling ability?

Yeah, I do. If I want to watch naked or scantily clad women, I'll watch some porn or hop on the internet. Excuse me for wanting a wrestling company to actually have a division that wrestles. How silly of me.

ugly women who can wrestle OR hot women who aren't that good at wrestling? hmmm give me the hotties EVERY TIME!

That's your choice, and that's fine. I'm not twelve anymore though, so seeing a woman in a short skirt and a bra isn't exactly mind-blowing since you can see the same level of skin on America's Next Top Model or some other equally terrible reality show.

does it really matter if the Knockouts can't wrestle? it's probably like 90% of viewers that want to watch them because of how they look.

How do you figure that? When the KO division was actually comprised of good wrestlers like Kong, their segments on Impact drew just as many viewers as they do now. For a company that keeps trying to hammer home the point that they're a "WRESTLING company", you'd think they'd try to actually feature some wrestling with their women's division to be different, instead of just having it be a total rip-off of the WWE Divas, which is all that division is now. Ex Divas who can't wrestle for shit coming on my screen purely for T&A.

Besides, watching women wrestling for the wrestling is like watching porn for the acting. I watch them wrestle because TNA's cameramen are perverts and always zoom in on interesting parts of their bodies when they're lying around after a big bump :laugh:

Awesome job at proving you're a sexist. You basically view women as objects, only there to gawk at and no good for anything else. Congratulations on being even more closed-minded than I initially thought you were.

I hate people that reduce everything to in-ring ability only. It is just a stupid way to discuss prowrestling.

How do you figure? The bulk of all angles, storylines, feuds, and programs take place IN THE RING. So you should be atleast adequate in the ring. You don't have to do fucking planchas and suicide dives and 450 splashes, you just have to be able to not like totally inept in the ring. Unfortunately most of the Knockouts can't even do that.

ROH style matches do not sell shit in the mainstream.

Who the fuck is asking for ROH style matches? I'm asking for the kinds of matches the KO division USED to have, like the great Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim feud. Those matches were not in any shape, way, or form "ROH style", they were your most basic big person vs. little person formula, worked perfectly by a monster heel and a good babyface. Not ROH style at all, and really not that much to ask for. They weren't doing shooting star presses and Burning Hammers for fucks sake, they used the most basic holds and moves that any wrestler should know and the matches rocked because both women knew how to tell a story in the ring, sell properly, and not embarrass themselves like the current KO's do.

The KOs still have some quality matches they just do not do it every time out.

More like they do it 1/1000 times. Mickie and Tara had a good cage match back in January, but aside from that, I haven't seen a good match out of the KO division in years.

Instead they actually get to tell stories.

No, they absolutely do not. Go back and watch Kong vs. Gail Kim from Final Resolution 2008. That is how you tell a story. Most of the current KO division wouldn't know how to work a match like that if their lives depended on it.

They have characters, mic time and individualized looks.

And these are things that can't be done with women who actually know how to wrestle competently? Pretty sure Kong was a a great character with a unique look.

Having the right look and telling a good story between interesting characters is the main hook of all mainstream prowrestling. Many a well regarded superstar has done so with average ring work. It just isn't the be all end all, especially when we are talking about women's wrestling. For mainstream Women's matches they certainly are above average usually.

Above average? On what scale are you basing that on? The average KO match goes about 2 minutes tops, has usually atleast one or two completely botched moves, and has absolutely no crowd heat whatsoever.

Is it REALLY that hard to just want women who can wrestle without totally embarrassing themselves? I'm not asking for 60 minute Iron Woman matches with crazy backdrop suplexes and planchas, I'm asking for the women to be able to do the most basic moves and holds without botching them. You can be hot AND know how to wrestle competently, look at someone like Trish Stratus or even Mickie James for examples. Hot women, and they can actually wrestle without embarrassing themselves and the company. It's really not that much to ask for, especially considering the amount of very attractive women who are actually good workers on the indies right now.
Not only was the Knockout Division relevant at one time, it was actually downright good. That was then and this is now. I know that TNA fans want to try and make it seem as though TNA actually gives a shit about women's wrestling these days but it's time to stop lying to yourselves & trying to convince others that they do. They don't and they haven't for a very long time.

I know that the Knockouts are nice to look at and that's all well and good but...well so what? This is the internet for God's sake. Images & videos of women every bit as good looking, some even more so, than the Knockouts are a few points & clicks away. I don't get the same thrill I once did at the sight of a female wrestler in a bikini or spandex shorts as I did when I was 17. Take sex appeal out of the equation and there's practically nothing there.

The cold hard truth is that the TNA Knockouts are now, overall, every bit as irrelevant as the WWE Divas. It's time to stop pretending otherwise.
the men are in action a lot more often during a TV show than the women. most of these men are basically wrestling in their underwear. rolling around and grabbing each other. sorry, but I think it's great when there can be a break from that so that the TV show can have some attractive women to look at. porn is different, that's just sex. it's also different on TV because the TV screen can be much bigger than a computer screen.
when Velvet Sky comes down to the ring, I'm not looking forward to how she is going to wrestle in the ring. let the pigeons loose! do you think Taz would say the same thing if Kong came down to the ring and bent over the rope to get in the ring? *barf.

I'm not saying these women should have no wrestling ability at all. if that was the case there are 1000's of women who could be in TNA. I'm saying priority number 1 is looks, and priority number 2 is wrestling.

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