The Return of the TNA Knockouts

I question how she managed to have the money for Botox when she couldn't even afford to see a doctor when she had that head injury.

As do I. But I actually meant colagen, not botox. Whichever one makes your lips fuller and thicker. I think she went overboard with it. You can tell when looking at older pictures/shows that she had work done. I liked how she looked before that.
As do I. But I actually meant colagen, not botox. Whichever one makes your lips fuller and thicker. I think she went overboard with it. You can tell when looking at older pictures/shows that she had work done. I liked how she looked before that.

I heard that it's a celebrity trend now to enhance their lips. I mean Jolie her lips look unreal. But if anything Lauren's lips are about the size of Kaitlyn's.
Why does TNA need loads more Knockouts? They average one women's match a week, that's usually 2 performers required. If you have (say) a dozen on their roster - that's 10 performers getting paid for nothing. This would be a stupid business model for anyone.

TNA is doing something smart here, they have the performers to put on great matches (Mickie, Gail and Tara), they have the improving lookers (Tess and Taryn) and they have Velvet who might not be the greatest in-ring but is still over. Should they need to freshen things up, there are the performers out there who will come in one off, short term or long term (Cheerleader Melissa, Serena Deeb to name two independents before we even think of the OMV roster).

The Knockouts are garnering attention again, let's give them a while before we start creating what is a currently non-existent problem.
In all honesty, the only reason the division looks good at the moment is because of the recent no DQ matches. It's still the same roster.

The way I see it, is that they could go down the Hardcore route, making most of the matches anything goes, and have them beat the living hell out of each other, like when Awesome Kong was there for instance, or Taryn and Velvet get some serious training, and that they have more tome for their matches. They have Tara, Mickie and Gail, three veterans, but what happens after they leave?

I would go for the second option, but that would involve a lot of time, and serious thought and consideration as to who they employ. Remeber Ivellese? She was different and unique. She also had a great match against Lady Ta'pa. But she wasn't employed. I've never seen a martial arts female wrestler. It was something new and would help their roster. Ridiculous moves like that by TNA could cost them their division.

Also, one main reason some here think the KO division is awful, is because of Velvet Sky. She can't wrestle that well as a Face, and neither and Taryn. Did you see the punches Taryn was throwing at Gail? They were awful, and that set the match down for me a little. Don't get me wrong, it was a good match, but those punches were poor. And kicks from Velvet's furry little boots don't look legit.

To summarise, the KO Division should take the Hardcore path, or they should receive more training if they want good Wrestling matches.
And Tara has just been let go. Can't be-friggin-lieve it. Please tell me they are waiting to sign maybe like a 25 year old we never heard of.
And Tara has just been let go. Can't be-friggin-lieve it. Please tell me they are waiting to sign maybe like a 25 year old we never heard of.

I think Serena Deeb (who would work in well with DOC) or Alissa Flash (who always seems to be on call anyway) could be definite options.
Sucks to hear about Tara. I know she hasn't been used much at all recently, and there was mentioned her taking time off. She probably is gonna focus on her pizza joint in Chicago, or resurface in the WWE again. But I think there's a chance TNA could bring her back, perhaps in time along with Madison.
I don't know if I'd call this a full blown resurgence, but I do have to say that I've enjoyed the KO Division more in the past few months than I have in the past few years.

Mickie James has very much surprised me. She's easily doing the best mic and character work of her career. Frankly, I didn't know she had it in her. For many years, she's been a pretty bland, generic babyface but she's done a great job with her current heel character. It's certainly the most interesting she's been in a long, long time.

Gail Kim & Taryn Terrell have delivered the best KO matches that TNA has seen in quite some time. I don't think that can be genuinely denied. Both women have some shortcomings but, then again, nobody's perfect. Gail Kim has always been good in the ring but as a heel or face, in my eyes, the gal's just downright bland. In terms of Taryn, she's got heart. Frankly, I was expecting her to be more in line with how she looks: a living Barbie doll. Her matches against Gail Kim have shown that she's got heart but I do think she needs some more work. She's got the typical presence you'd expect of someone like her, which is basically an extremely hot girl running around in the skimpiest outfit of any woman in the Knockout Division. But, all in all, that's kind of generic and I'd like to see her be more than a standard, mostly naked, babyface blonde bombshell. I think that MIGHT hold her back generally in the long run. Right now, she doesn't have the presence or charisma of someone like Velvet Sky or Angelina Love or the in-ring ability of someone like Gail Kim or Mickie James. If she can develop something of a connection with fans that goes further in the long run, then she might be that fresh star the KO Division has needed for a while.

Honestly think Gail is carrying Tarryn. Haven't seen anything of her skill like that in WWE.
I think any talk of a resurgence has been stalled out by the recent releases of Tara and Madison Rayne. Sorry but as much as I like the KO's you can't really call them a division IMO. I think Mickie is doing fantastic as a heel. Loving her. Gail and Taryn have had some great matches. But there are only 5 other KO's and that is just simply not enough.

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