Lost LD - "What They Died For"

Turd Ferguson


Tonight's Synopsis:

While Locke devises a new strategy, Jack's group searches for Desmond.

Previously on Lost...

In the past, a pregnant woman named Claudia washes ashore on the island and is found by an unnamed woman. The woman helps Claudia give birth to a boy, Jacob. Another boy is born, the man in black, but Claudia didn't realize she was carrying twins and has no name for the twin. The woman then kills Claudia and raises the twins as her own, teaching them to believe there is nothing but the island and that man is corrupt and dangerous. Years later, Jacob and the man in black discover other people living on the island. The woman takes them to a cave radiating light and tells them that one of them will become its caretaker, and she made it so the two of them can never hurt one another. Afterward, Claudia appears to the man in black and tells him that she is their real mother and that she came to the island with the other people there. The man in black leaves to stay with the other people while Jacob stays with the woman. Many years later, the man in black tells Jacob the other people are corrupt but stays with them as they found a way to leave the island (by harnessing the electromagnetic anomalies they've built wells over). Jacob refuses to leave the island. The woman discovers what the man in black is planning to do and visits him, learning they've constructed a giant wheel down in the well. The woman knocks the man in black unconscious. He wakes up later, outside the well, and discovers it has been filled in and the other people's village has been razed. The woman takes Jacob to the light and tells him it's the heart of the island, and he is to take care of it now. She warns him to never enter the cave as doing so would result in a fate worse than death. The man in black kills the woman for what she did, and Jacob retaliates by throwing him into the light. The smoke monster emerges from the light and disappears into the jungle where Jacob finds his brother's body. Jacob lays the bodies of his brother and the woman to rest in the cave where they lived.

Tonight: One hour.
Saturday: Pop-up Video Replay of the pilot episode
Sunday: Two hour recap episode. Two-and-a-half-hour finale episode. One hour Kimmel special.

Your breakdown for who's still alive:

Team Jack:

Team Richard:

Team Smoke Monster:
Smoke Monster taking the form of Locke

Team Stuck In A Well:

Team DEAD:
Frank :(

This is the last week of Lost guys. I can't believe it's finally here and that the show is being allowed to end on the terms of the writers and not the network. I can't believe that Sunday is it, and the show will be analyzed by crazies for years to come. I'm expecting great things out of tonight's penultimate episode.

Here's to an active LD tonight and Sunday.
Still planning on watching on Sunday, despite never watching more than 5 minutes of Lost in my life. May watch tonight as well.
It's incredible to think that we are 3 and a half hours away from a final conclusion.
I'm not watching right now, guys. I would but my net has been shaky all day and I don't want to get halfway through and have it cut out on me. So, I will just download it tomorrow and post my thoughts then.
...Did Jack really just say that? "Don't mistake coincidence for fate"?

Eko lives.

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