From what I understand anything that's left unanswered is intentional as it is "left to interpretation." Whatever that means.

I watched last night, first full episode of Lost in my life. Thought it was pretty good. I suppose I should buy the DVD set, or something.
What shows would you rank above Lost Guy? I can't think of a single show I'd rank above it.
Having never watched the show, I need one thing answered:

Did they ever explain what happened to the Russian that Paulie and Christopher lost at the end of season three?
Last night's episode was great. Although, I do feel they took they easy way out as far the ending goes, but still, it was a great episode. All of the reunions were great to watch. My favorite reunion was Shannon and Sayid, because they way Shannon died was so fucked up.

The only show I would put above Lost is The Sopranos. I liked The Wire, but I don't feel like that show was on the same level as The Sopranos as far as writing and acting go, and I haven't got around to watching Breaking Bad yet.

The Sopranos was just great in every way, and they have one thing Lost doesn't......the iconic character....Tony Soprano.

;) ACtually have only seen a few episodes of Lost. I enjoyed it. I'll have to watch it all eventually.
Señor Truth;2070444 said:
Arrested Development ranks above Lost for me, but it's comparing apples to oranges.

Oh yeah, that and Seinfeld... but I figured I'd keep it limited to dramas.

Also, I think I'd put The Shield ahead of Lost as well.
Breaking Bad
The Sopranos
The Wire

Breaking Bad, really? I absolutely adore that show but I wouldn't rank it above Lost. Now that Lost is over though BB is without a doubt THE best show on TV.

The Sopranos I'm a big fan of, but I wouldn't rank it above Lost simply because it didn't break any new ground or wasn't half as creative as Lost was, that and I hated the ending of the show.

The Wire I've never seen, should get around to that. I highly, highly doubt the show has even half of the emotional depth that Lost does though.
They definitely took the easy way out with that church scene, and Christian's explanation. I loved this show, but the last 5 or so minutes bothered me. Leave it up to us to figure out what happened? I have tried, and so far, I have come up with a hole in every possible scenario of what actually happened. Confusing shit, they got lazy (IMO).
I was confused...but it was nice to see Charlie/Claire, Shannon/Sayid, Sawyer/Juliet and Hurley/Libby all back together <3

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