Lost LD - "The Package"

Turd Ferguson


Tonight's Synopsis...

Sun and Jin desperately continue their search for one another, and Locke confronts his enemy

Previously on Lost...

In the past, Jacob visits Ilana in a hospital and tells her to protect his candidates. On the island, Ilana tells the survivors at the Oceanic beach camp that Jack, Sun and Hurley are some of the candidates to replace Jacob. With Jacob dead, she believes Richard knows what to do next, but Richard says he doesn't know and leaves. BACK IN 1867, Richard lives on the Canary Islands with his wife, Isabella, who is very ill. He travels to a doctor to get medicine, but the doctor refuses as Richard cannot pay him. Richard accidentally kills the man in a scuffle and flees with the medicine, but is too late to save Isabella. He is arrested and sentenced to hang but, as he can speak English, is purchased as a slave by one of the officers of the Black Rock. The ship sets sail for the New World but is caught in a violent storm. A tsunami crashes the ship through the statue of Taweret, destroying it, and deposits the ship deep in the jungle. With Magnus Hanso, the ship's captain, dead and supplies low, the officer who purchased Richard goes below deck and starts to kill the slaves. The smoke monster appears and kills the remaining crew, leaving Richard alone. He attempts to free himself from his chains, but to no avail. A vision of his dead wife appears and tells him they are in hell, but is apparently killed by the monster when she flees. The man in black later appears and frees Richard, and then leads Richard to believe Jacob is the devil and must be killed to free Isabella. Richard sets off to kill Jacob but fails. Jacob explains to him that the island acts as a cork to keep the man in black where it belongs. Without the island, the darkness would escape and spread throughout the world. The man in black believes people are inherently evil while he believes they are good, so he brings people to the island to prove the man in black wrong. But he doesn't believe in telling people what to do, instead allowing them to choose on their own free will. Richard points out the man in black will mislead them as he did to him, so Jacob suggests that Richard become his representative to the people he brings to the island. In exchange, Richard is granted immortality. Richard returns to the man in black who states that his offer is still open should Richard change his mind. He gives Richard Isabella's necklace and Richard buries it. Back in 2007, Richard unearths the necklace and shouts that he changed his mind. Hurley arrives and relays a message from Isabella. She explains to Richard that he must stop the man in black from leaving the island or they will all go to hell.

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