Turd Ferguson


Tonight's synopsis:

Richard Alpert is faced with a difficult choice as details from his mysterious and lengthy past are revealed.


Previously on Lost...

In alternate 2004, Sawyer is a detective with the LAPD along with his partner Miles Straume. He is searching for Anthony Cooper, but keeping his search a secret. He passed off his recent trip to Australia in search of Cooper as a trip to Palm Springs. Miles gets Sawyer to go on a date with Charlotte, but she finds his folder on Cooper in his drawer and Sawyer freaks the fuck out. Miles confronts Sawyer about the lie regarding Palm Springs and decides to stop being his partner due to the lack of trust. Sawyer tries to patch things up with Charlotte, but utterly fails. Sawyer tells Miles the truth about Cooper, and their car is subsequently hit by another car driven by Kate. Sawyer chases her down. In 2007, the man in black sends Sawyer to the Hydra island on a reconnaissance mission. Back at the man in black's camp, Claire tries to kill Kate while Sayid makes no attempt to intervene. The man in black steps in and stops Claire. He tells Kate he lied to Claire about the Others' having her baby in order to give her something to "hold on to." He also compares himself to Aaron and how they both have crazy mothers. Claire later apologizes to Kate. On the Hydra island, Sawyer discovers the Ajira passengers are dead save for one woman named Zoe. Sawyer eventually surmises she's lying but is captured by armed men. They take him to see Widmore on his sub. Sawyer offers to lead the man in black into Widmore's trap in exchange for safe passage off the island. He travels back to the main island and informs the man in black about Widmore and his trap. Later, Sawyer tells Kate that he's going to let Widmore and the man in black fight it out while they escape on the submarine.
Wow, this aired in Canada and is already up on Torrents.

And I have like 5 minutes left to download. Hooking the laptop to the TV and watching now.

That episode was fucking incredible, was it not?
I just finished watching it and there has never been an episode that has been that good in all of Lost history. Well, maybe not that good but people, tune in because it is fucking amazing.
Wow, that really did tie up several loose ends. I'm beginning to think that MiB will never be named though
OK that was awesome. I'm not buying that The Black Rock destroyed the statue though.

1. Jacob destroys his own statue?
2. The Black Rock hits the statue and then still carries on another mile inwards?
3. The Black Rock isn't smashed to pieces and doesn't even seem damaged?
FINALLY getting around to watching this week's episode of Lost. Just started it. Any spoilers, I will murder you with the hateful fury of a thousand suns.
Loving the Richard flashbacks. I've always known Nestor Carbonell is a good actor, glad to see he's getting to show that to the rest of the world.

Not sure if I'd want to be alive for nearly 200 years.
Wow...that guy is the single worst priest in the history of religion.
I knew Richard was on the Black Rock, glad to see it finally confirmed.
Holy fuck, that was simply one of the best god damn episodes of Lost I've ever seen. I already loved Richard, I love him even more now.

Wow man...just....awesome. Going to have to write a proper post on this one I think.

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