Lose a Title BY DQ

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I thought it was an interesting ending. However, many questions come up:
1)Is Sting under contract past Dec. 31, 2006?
2)Did Sting want to be pinned?
3)Is Abyss a face or heel?

I only know the answer to #3. By putting the title on Abyss will lead to them having to create a background on him. And with the appearances by Jake the Snake lately, I think he'll be included some way in the story behind Abyss.
^As far as I understood it, Sting was only under contract for one year starting 1/1/06, so chances are he had an option for an extension and didn't sign it, which is why they took the belt off him in a hurry. He may have wanted to be pinned, but with Russo steering the ship, you never really know what the hell was going on behind the scenes. Abyss is kind of a middle-man, of sorts. He rides the line between being loved and hated purely by his ferocious nature and his ability. As I've said before, he's kind of like that pit monster in gladitorial games. The fans just like to watch him slaughter someone for the sake of the slaughter's entertainment value. That, and for a big man he gets grande respect from almost all TNA fans because he can work with the other big men, or even with the X-divisioners like Styles and still have a hell of a match.
hey should give captain charisma the belt back!
the peeps know how he roles! Besides him, AJ Styles would be a cool champ again. Oh yea....Sting got SCREWED! Damn officials!
After talking to a source, I found out Sting wanted to lose the title. But they didn't know who came up with the ending. It is very possible Sting wanted to drop the title but not be pinned, as the TNA wrestlers have some creative control over their matches. Obviously, some more than others.
^Sting probably just wanted one last run with the belt then. I gather he's not the kind of aging star that thinks his name alone will sell the company. He knows there are many other overqualified guys in that lockerroom that can carry the belt at any given time. He probably just wanted one last hurrah without having his legend completely deep-sixed by being a transitional champ in the standard sense.
I think it had more to do with the history between Sting & JJ, than him wanting a title run. If you remember he came in to get rid of the cancer (JJ). And I believe that JJ is in need of time off because of medical reasons in his family. Plus he has finally gathered the talent to carry TNA without him being in the middle of it. After 4+ years, he can take some time off and heal up and enjoy what he's built up.
A lot of people knock JJ and say that he's a glory hog, but I for one think that's a load of bull$hit. I read an interview with him and he knows the product up and down and even from the interview you can tell that he's proud of those boys and the work they do. All the way from the X-divisioners to the Tag Teams and on up. JJ bleeds TNA. I personally think if there is anyone who would deserve one last run as a face down the road before he retires...it's Jeff.
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