Los Aviadores


ok so as the name implies this thread is about the FCW tag team of Hunico, and Epico. 2 masked guys that have alot of high flying experience, very fun to watch, and they use bright colored mask and really connect with the crowd, much like...rey mysterio. so for epico and hunicos (hopeful) debut onto the main roster would you like to see them be split up and go on nxt, stay together for a tag team nxt, be brought up to raw and stay away from Mr. 619, or go to smackdown and join rey in making a luchadore type stable, as we all know rey is getting older, not as old as most wrestlers but old. he has said he is going to retire in the next 5 years so why not in reys fleeding years have him mentor Los Aviadores and maybe it can even set up a heel turn for rey (kinda bad idea i kno) they could run in an help him become the num 1 contendor or hell even the champ and yea. but overall how would you like to see Los Aviadores utilized in wwe, go with rey, stay away from rey, be face, be heel,etc. etc.
ok so as the name implies this thread is about the FCW tag team of Hunico, and Epico. 2 masked guys that have alot of high flying experience, very fun to watch, and they use bright colored mask and really connect with the crowd, much like...rey mysterio. so for epico and hunicos (hopeful) debut onto the main roster would you like to see them be split up and go on nxt, stay together for a tag team nxt, be brought up to raw and stay away from Mr. 619, or go to smackdown and join rey in making a luchadore type stable, as we all know rey is getting older, not as old as most wrestlers but old. he has said he is going to retire in the next 5 years so why not in reys fleeding years have him mentor Los Aviadores and maybe it can even set up a heel turn for rey (kinda bad idea i kno) they could run in an help him become the num 1 contendor or hell even the champ and yea. but overall how would you like to see Los Aviadores utilized in wwe, go with rey, stay away from rey, be face, be heel,etc. etc.

They are a great tag team i have seen some of their matches in fcw and if wwe uses them right(but i doubt they will) they could help the tag division, so i hope they stay a tag team. And Epico is Primo's cousin he also wrestles under Tito Colón so if they do split them up then he will probably take his mask off and go as Tito Colón or his real name Orlando Colón.
I think the smart move would be keep them from Rey and put them together on Raw. Sadly since WWE seems to like putting the Tag titles on random combos of singles wrestlers and breaking up actual tag teams (Cryme Tyme, Harts). Chances are they will be brought up without masks team for bout 6 months then spilt and be future endevoured bout a year later.
While bringing forth another tag team would indeed help bring more interest to the dead WWE tag team division, I don't think that they would do it. Especially with a team as exciting as Los Aviadores would be.

The more than likely scenario that I see taking place would be that Tito would be brought up to the main roster and paired with or put into a program with Primo. The two had a feud in the past and that could be a possibility. But a tag team beginning for the two with Primo possibly being double teamed and then his brother running in to make the save or even Tito being on NXT with Primo being either his mentor or a rival coach, kicking off a storyline that would trickle over onto RAW, much in the same way that the Katylyn/Vicki storyline did with Smackdown.

As far as Hunico goes, it's possible that he would be brought over to the Smackdown roster to help fill the void caused by the constant injuries that Rey Mysterio has been suffering lately. With Evan Bourne being RAW's resident small high flyer, there would be no need to have Hunico there. Plus the mask and Mexican heritage would be perfect to bring him into a storyline with Alberto Del Rio in either a feud or as his lackey who would eventually turn on him. There are endless possibilities for him on the brand and he would match up much better with the younger and smaller talent there as they could match his speed, leading to come epic battles with the likes or Kaval, Kofi Kingston, or Del Rio.
They could do well. They are both super talented. Maybe having them work under Alberto Del Rio would be the best route. Starting some sort of group that ADR is the leader of, could be a massive boost for both of them, but also Del Rio.

I think a Heel run could be perfect. We'll have to see what they decide. But in my opinion, I think something, somehow, involving Del Rio is smart.
Finally somebody suggests bringing up someone (well in this case, someones) from FCW who doesn't suck.

Los Aviadores are a pretty good tag team and are very fun to watch. However with WWE's obvious opinion of the tag division (that if one of the guys has more potential to be a success than the other, it's better to push him as a solo guy) it doesn't bode well for Epico/Tito Colon, because Hunico is the better guy of that team. On the plus side, Tito is related to Primo, so if Los Aviadores go tits up, they can always team up and do fuck all.
I have never seen these guys wrestle but I have seen who they are on FCWrestling.com so I will take your word for it so if they are a good team then they will need to stay away from Rey because if they set up a stable they will be split up way before they should be just like Hawkins and Ryder after they left Edge. If one half of them is primo's cousin then I could see him coming in as primo's cousin and team with primo in stead of the los aviadores.
I think bringing them up as a tag team as lackeys to Del Rio seems a good idea to me. It will further establish Alberto as a major heel if he bullies his new stooges. Eventually, they could turn on him and leave as faces. WWE need some tag teams, their division is embarassing at present, and a team like this could be fresh, exciting and really help Del Rio. I see no need to put them with Rey

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