Looks like it could happen


Es exspectata.
I've heard people mention a possible Miz and Morrison feud for the WWE Championship in the past, Now when I was hearing this I was picturing it happening in a few years time but it looks like it could unfold very very soon after the stipulation made at TLC in Morrison's match with Sheamus.

It is very likely that he is going to win because if Vince is really impressed with Miz then this title reign he is on should have some longetivity which means him winning on Sunday. I don't see Sheamus winning because a heel vs heel feud simply isn't going to happen.

Miz has buried Morrison in the past but this feud still has some potential about it.

So do you see it happening? Do you think it could turn out to be a good feud? Could Morrison actually win?
Morrison will give the Miz a run for his money, granted he wins the TLC match against Sheamus. There are a couple obvious reasons why Morrison won't win though. His mic skill and his attire. He doesn't look or talk like a champion, only way he can start talking like a champ as of now is if he were heel and that isn't an option if he feuds with Miz. His look seems like it will always be the same and it just doesn't fit well with the World championship. If this feud happens, it will be great and will get JoMo further in his career, also signifying that the youth of the WWE is at the top of the food chain. But Morrison will not win the strap.
I see Miz v. Morrison at TLC or even a triple threat, but if they want to keep the strap on Miz they won't put him in the ring against Sheamus one on one. Miz is a small champion so they have to be careful how they book him. He's not Rey small but he doesn't have the ability to carry matches like Shawn and Bret did and be believable taking down giants. I say Miz over Morrison though with a little help from Sheamus.
I see Miz v. Morrison at TLC or even a triple threat, but if they want to keep the strap on Miz they won't put him in the ring against Sheamus one on one. Miz is a small champion so they have to be careful how they book him. He's not Rey small but he doesn't have the ability to carry matches like Shawn and Bret did and be believable taking down giants. I say Miz over Morrison though with a little help from Sheamus.

Well it won't be Miz vs Morrison at TLC cause its Miz/Orton and Sheamus/Morrison. I don't think theres a doubt Miz is going to retain, possibly giving Orton an injury angle so he can take some time off to rest his neck.

Morrison could win at TLC, setting up Miz/Morrison for the title at RR. Perfect set up for that match, seeing how the Royal Rumble match itself is the main event, because a Miz vs Morrison Main event would not draw great buys I'm guessing
So do you see it happening?
I would love to see this feud especcialy over the WWE title, and I think JoMo will win the ladder match at TLC..

Do you think it could turn out to be a good feud?
We know these 2 have a past, they used to be best of friends, tag champs, went on to win singles titles and they feuded a couple of times and we know theirs a lot of hate, so it should be a good fued.

Could Morrison actually win?
Not right away.. I think the matches would be really good though, and obviously JoMo win or lose, will come out as the top performer in the matches.
I could really see John Morrison winning his TLC match with help from Triple H costing Sheamus the match. This could set up a Triple H vs. Sheamus match at the Royal Rumble as well as John Morrison vs. The Miz. I could see John Morrison almost winning but loses due to interferenc, a quick roll up, or some other screw job thus setting the main event for the Elimination Chamber as John Cena vs. Wade Barrett vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.
A possible Miz/Morrison fued for WWE Title would be an awesome fued.Will Morrison win if this fued did occur? No,we dont need that plus I think John Cena will take the belt off The Miz
I think Morrison wins at TLC. He will then feud with Mix for the winter leading up to WMainia season (Royal Rumble). He will have a good match and Miz will retain while making Morrison look like a possible contender. I say that by a few near falls, maybe A-Ry interferes, maybe Nexus/Cena, etc.

This moves John Morrison up a step on the ladder and when the next heel wins the WWE Championship, no one will be suprised if Morrison takes it then.

I think the feud will advance JoMo, but not give him the title immediately. But I do predict him winning it in 2011.
As much as I hate to see it I think for sure he will win this match. Another poster nailed it when talking about the attire and such. There is no way this guy is ready, but hey... we're just fans. But it all does add up. You dont see too many heel vs heel feuds and the Rumble is usually the ppv where "unlikely" challenger arises so the main stars can be in the main event. Side not, anyone miss when guys would wrestle then be in the rumble?
If they aren't ready to start the JoMo vs Miz rivalry they could have a triple threat at the RR with Sheamus. They could have Morrison dominate the match and shine throughout the match. Sheamus could be ready to win the title then have HHH show up and screw Sheamus who gets pinned by the Miz.

Miz wins, Sheamus vs HHH rivalry begins and JoMo still goes over without losing a potential push. Now, the Miz vs Morrison rivalry can start because Miz didn't beat him and they can actually have a rivalry.

If done right they could have a build up for Wrestlemania with the opportunity to build it right because they will have planted the seeds already and they can create a great story leading up to what I believe can be a very good match.
i think it should certainly happen. jomo has been pushed with jericho and sheamus as of late. he's got a unique style and lets face it, wwe needs someone different from the current '5 move' roster of wrestler. the wwe need a risk taker. with hbk retired, y2j gone (for now?) mysterio getting older and injured more often, jomo is a breath of fresh air (along with kofi kingston and evan bourne) the only downsides of jomo is his lack of mic skills and his look. i personally dont like the whole furry coat and boots image. but to be honest, the lack of mic skills hasn't stopped wwe before, look what happened to batista, bobby lashley, brock lesnar, jeff hardy. anything is possible. i just hope that jomo's star doesn't fall and that he doesn't sink back down to midcard level.
I think that Sheamus will be in the Rumble, possibly winning given his streak of the past year. 2 WWE Championships, King of the Ring, add to that a Rumble victory, we'd never hear the end of it. That aside..

JoMo Vs. Miz seems bound to happen. Morrison winning at TLC won't hurt Sheamus any, and will add to the slow progression we've been witnessing with Morrison. The story has been building for a long time now, and as other posters have said, RR is the perfect platform to try out the title match, which Miz/Morrison as performers won't let be anything less than dramatic.

As for Morrison winning the title, I don't see it happening yet. Morrison isn't going to win the title on his first shot, he is a babyface chasing a break. The drama needs to build until it's almost too late. He needs to keep riding the momentum of near-victories, and up the intensity of his character as he keeps getting close. Keep the humor he has in some areas, but the next level is him tasting the title, and bringing the Morrison character to the next level with a need for the title.
IDK TBH. John Morrison winning the WWE Championship from The Miz will be too soon but Jo Mo needs the push right now. He needs to stay relevant at this moment. I think WWE rushed Jo Mo too much. The guy went from having solid matches to feuding with Shameus to now getting a shot at the WWE Championship. He should get one more feud with somebody like Tyson Kid, then have Miz vs Morrison at WM 26.
IDK TBH. John Morrison winning the WWE Championship from The Miz will be too soon but Jo Mo needs the push right now. He needs to stay relevant at this moment. I think WWE rushed Jo Mo too much. The guy went from having solid matches to feuding with Shameus to now getting a shot at the WWE Championship. He should get one more feud with somebody like Tyson Kid, then have Miz vs Morrison at WM 26.

Morrison v. Miz at WM wouldn't be the big draw that WWE could rely on. For them to have that as a possible ME, they would need an absolutely perfect card with other big name matches. and I think if Morrison feuded with Kidd right now, it would push him further into the mid-card instead of him moving up. Morrison won't be taking the strap from Miz anytime soon, but this feud between them will definitely help make JoMo stock rise and could make him a permanent main eventer.
as posters have said, the royal rumble is normally a testing time for new main eventers since they get all their ppv buys from the rumble itself. rey rey was retested for the title, and it was when hardy got his first title shot if im not mistaken. id say morrison beats sheamus, setting up the match between miz and morrison. the miz will win with interferance from alex riley and the two will meet again in the chamber, where cena or orton will probably win to set up mania.
John Morrison has one thing working against him as far as being a legit WHC contender is concerned. His finisher. Starship Pain isn't believable enough and it's level of difficulty leads to MANY botchings. Morrison should be allowed to re-introduce the Moonlight Drive finisher...or in the very least he should use it to set up Starship Pain.

Now I'd like to discuss something that has come up in this particular thread; Morrison's look. I don't see a problem here...on the surface. Morrison is supposed to be a "rock star" type, and the flashy apparel lends quite a bit to that identity. But something does seem a little "off". For some reason I want to associate ultra flashy characters with the whole cocky heel angle. Morrison, as a face, simply looks a little too flashy. I don't know exactly why I feel this way, but I do nonetheless.

Morrison needs more mic time as well. I don't find him to be terrible during promos, but again I feel as if something's off. I just think Morrison should be a heel. His little run in ECW seemed to fit him better than what he's doing currently.
I sure hope it does happen. It won't hurt Sheamus at all, and if Hunter returns it sets up that feud nicely. I'm pretty high on Morrison - his entrance is near perfect with the Hendrix rip off tune, the slomo, the furry jacket and boots, the Bret Hart glasses to kids etc. He works very well in the ring, has a great finisher, can work with all comers. Maybe not great on the mic, but as another poster said, they've had that with Batista, Lashley etc. Even Bret wasn't great on the mic to start with. I don't think Morrison will win the belt this early - I think we'll see the feud with Miz go for a few months though with maybe Morrison eventually winning it from Sheamus in eight or nine months. I hope so - the youth push is awesome!!
Miz/Morrison at Royal Rumble should happen. Triple H is likely to return in some capacity and cost Sheamus the match- likely from his music playing as a distraction to setup an actual return on Raw. The Royal Rumble is one of the PPVs that sells itself based on the Rumble matchand WWE likes to get as many of their top stars in it as possible, so a Miz/Morrison Title match might not be a true mainevent yet it is okay for this PPV. They did the same thing with matches like Sheamus/Cena, Lesner/Hardcore Holly, etc as World Title matches and it allowed other top stars to be in the Rumble.

I think it could be an exciting feud though. Here is a youtube clip of their brief 2week feud before Bragging Rights 2009. They seem to work well together and it could be alot of fun for them to do it on a bigger stage.

I think theres a high probability we're going to see it, and most of it will be due to an unlikely source: HHH.

TLC would be the perfect time for the return of "The Game." Sheamus shouldn't lose the #1 Contender's match cleanly, but he shouldn't win it either. Enter HHH. Just as Sheamus has Morrison downed, and is climbing the ladder, even HHH's music could hit. A distracted Sheamus, screaming "No Way, He's Gone!" is distracted. Morrison hits the flying chuck, and Sheamus tumbles off the ladder. HHH doesn't even have to show up. This leads to a Morrison win, and the Miz/Morrison feud.

Could Miz/Morrison have a good feud? Of course they could. They've shown the chemistry to work together on numerous circumstances, including as a tag team, on the Dirt Sheet, and after their "break-up". Miz always seemed to bring the best out of Morrison on the mic, and Morrison brought the best out of the Miz in the ring. So I think they can have an excellent feud.

Do I think Morrison can win? Yes, but not right now. Miz is the WWE Champion, and if he's going to go over Randy Orton, a 7 time WWE/World Champion at TLC, then he needs to go over Morrison at the Rumble as well. It doesnt mean that Morrison can't go over him in the future, but in the here and now, Miz needs that win for his first title reign to be a success.

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