Look out Vinnie Mac!!


Degenerate Mizfit
No, this isn't the 5,000,000th TNA will destroy WWE thread...this is about something that happened in the syracuse NY are over the weekend. Two children were found hanging from a doorknob, dead, in what their parents say was an imitation of something they saw on...yup, you guessed it, WWE Wrestling. Aside from Rey Rey hanging BY HIS KNEE, when was the last time there was a hanging angle in WWE? First off, yea, two kids are dead, it is very horrible, and my condolences go to the families...BUT, if this was seen recently, it was probably from the Hangman's Horror BS in TNA or something that happened at BFG, not in WWE. This is so bogus, WWE gets all this shit...because apparently VKM is still expected to babysit America's youth.
A. The TV14 rating is there for a reason..if it was in fact WWE.
B. The PARENTS have the responsibility of explaining, like my parents did to me, that these are trained professionals, and...for the most part, they know what they are doing, and their children should not be emulating the things they see.
C. Why weren't the parents watching what these two kids were doing? If I was a parent, and heard what was supposedly an impromptu bedroom match going on upstairs..I think I would go check...anyone else do that?
D. If my suspicions are right...and it was something seen in TNA...not WWE...why were these parents allowing the kids to be up until 12 AM on a friggin school night to watch wrestling?
So, two things need to happen...parents need to take responsibility for what their kids do..not expect the media and WWE/TNA w/e to babysit their kids...AND, they need to get their facts straight before they go blaming the wrong people...it'd be like my nephew choking to death on a BK Chicken Fry and me suing Arby's.
:shit: :shit: :shit:
The only thing I can think of is the Undertaker/Big Bossman incident. But you are right people need to pay attention to the parental warnings and supervise theier children. This does'nt take away from the sadness of the situation though
No it doesn't, but these kids were like 7...they were only a twinkle in their mother's eyes when WM 15 happened. It had to have been TNA. As I said, my condolences go out to the families, but please, get the facts straight.
Yup you are right. The WWE cannot be blamed, I also think that you can't blame TNA as they have an age rating. It is the responsibility of the parents to supervise what thier kids watch, which they obviously havent done.
BUT, if this was seen recently, it was probably from the Hangman's Horror BS in TNA or something that happened at BFG, not in WWE

The reason for is not a lot of parents know who TNA is and figure that the WWE are the only wrestling promotion... Not many older people are familiar with TNA so they go and blame things on the WWE.. But if you ask me.. It does sound like something from TNA.. I think the last time someone hanging from there neck was Bossman vs Taker HIAC.
arent the Tim white siuide videos still online maybe that where they Got them that what i would think
I am pretty sure that 7 year old kids wouldnt have the resources to get material like that
wow. That is really sad and my condolences go out to the family of those two boys as that is really tradgic thing to happen. This is a very difficult situation i think both companies are to blame. THERE IS NO NEED AT ALL FOR PEOPLE TO BE HUNG IN WRESTLING EVENTS. Yes it is a form of entertainment but jesus 2 influenced young people have lost there lives because of the rediculous things you can see on a wrestling program. Both Tna and Wwe are to blame for this loss. The stupidity of sports entertainment :(. I hope that some action is actually taken to weed out all the stupidity from wrestling before more things like that happen.
look everyone...the Austrailian chapter of the PTC has spoken up. I've said it once, and I'll say it again...IT IS NOT VINCE MCMAHON, DIXIE CARTER OR THE MEDIA IN GENERAL'S JOB TO BABYSIT AMERICA'S YOUTH!!! Their responsibility stops at the ratings system...from there it is the parent's job to decide what the child should watch, talk to them about what they watch, explain why they shouldn't emulate what they see...and finally, WATCH THE DAMN KIDS TO MAKE SURE THEY AREN'T DOING ANYTHING THEY SHOULDN'T BE!!!!! Now, go back onto your damn pedastal and shut the f*ck up
Man. How would you like it if one of your children tried to emulate a wrestler and killed himself would you be telling me to stfu then NO i doubt it. Wrestling does have bad influences on children and tell me how hanging someone furthers a storyline in wrestling it is stupid bs and pointless. There is no way that parents can control kids 24/7 and young minds are easily influenced Did you not wanna be like your fav stars when you was little. If wwe is aimed at younger audiences with Cena clearly being a kids HERO then they need to take more responsibility for there actions and not include rediculous plot lines in there show and it is that simple.
If it was my kid, it wouldn't have happened, because the first time he or she tried to emulate anything like that..they would never EVER be allowed to watch wrestling or what ever it was again. So, why don't you just sit there and watch the fucking kangaroos hop by and imagine a perfect little world where everyone but the parents are supposed to watch their children..idiot
Edge-number1 fan said:
arent the Tim white siuide videos still online maybe that where they Got them that what i would think

No they are not and provide more than a 1 sentence reply.
NWO2000 said:
I am pretty sure that 7 year old kids wouldnt have the resources to get material like that


What makes you say that? Why wouldn't they have the resources to do that? Please add more reasoning in your posts.
This is kind of difficult because McMahon always has the blame placed on him and TNA just sit back and continue to do business as usual. I do believe that parents do have to monitor what their kids watch and if they don't think wrestling is suitable, then STOP YOUR CHILD FROM WATCHING IT. These kind of accidents occur and they are ready to blame WWE for the incident. It's a sad incident but I believe whoever was watching the kids are to blame because if you hear fighting or wrestling going on, common sense would tell you to break it up and not to let it continue. It's a shame how much negative publicity WWE gets.
Man. They get negative publicity because all they do is create stupid unrealistic shit that little kids try to emulate. Name one good thing the wwe has done lately that is realistic. All they do is make shit and feed it to us there is no wrestling in wwe anymore and thats what the show should be built around not stupid gimmicks.
They get negative publicity because all they do is create stupid unrealistic shit that little kids try to emulate.

Thats why theres a TV14 label at the hour mark of each show.. Its there for a reason not for decoaration.. And also, WWE is always blammed because not many older people know about TNA... If they saw that, hands down that would get blamed.

Name one good thing the wwe has done lately that is realistic

How can you expect someone name something realistic about something that is known world wide about being fake? It cant happen.

All they do is make shit and feed it to us

Well then I have to say if you have the mentality of a 7 year old are going to go hang yourself, or burn yourself because you saw it on TV... Maybe TV isnt the thing for you..
DeathIsARight said:

What makes you say that? Why wouldn't they have the resources to do that? Please add more reasoning in your posts.

You sound like my english teacher when I get papers back. :)

Are the parents planning legal action against WWE? I agree with everyone that it is the parents responsibility. There are some times when parents can blame others for what happens to their children, I can't think of any that would be relative to this (i.e. emulation and what children see and hear), but this is not one. I feel horrible for the parents, and will not attack them directly, but parents really need to be parents. Parenting seems to have degenerated over the last few years and parents expect entertainers to babysit their children. There needs to be a law enacted giving entertainers no fault in injuries related to emulating what they see or hear, much like the law where you can't sue fast food retaurants for being fat.

Also, does WWE have a disclaimer at the beginning of the broadcast and at the one hour mark? I think it would be smart for them to put one there along with the parental rating.

Oh, and if the last time there was a hanging match in WWE was WM15, the kids did not see it, and the only way they would have was if someone older had it on tape, in which case that older person should have explained it to them.
This is going to be short and simple but it is in defence of the people suing wwe.

What would you do if you found your son or daughter hanging dead because of something they saw on tv.

Yeah didnt think so.
What would you do if you found your son or daughter hanging dead because of something they saw on tv.

How do you know they saw it in WWE? What if they were watching TNA or anything along those lines? It doesnt definatly mean its the WWE's fault.. To blame the WWE imo is bull.. They dont for a fact they were mimicking them or anything else... For all we know or even the parents know it couldhave been anything even something like pokemon.. Its not the WWE's fault that kids are trying to be like them.. In every single video it says dont try this at home.. During the shows it they say kids dont try this at home.. What else can you ask them to do?
the story is sad and i pray the family can somehow deal with it.

but blaming wrestling is rediculous. how come theres no parents thanking vince for their successful kids who now make millions and are successful because they said their prayers, took their vitamins, etc. or the kid who never quit and "made it big" because even kurt angle won a gold with a broken neck. or on an even more extreme nature, the kid who didnt get shot but his friend did because he was home watching wrestling while his friend was on the corner.

you cant blame the wwe just for the bad crap.
my prayers go out to the family and even though its not wwe fault vince will proboly pay for all of the kids funural cost something tna would never do
The incident can't and shouldn't be blamed on wrestling. Sure, most of us here would admit to trying a few moves on our little brother, but this is going a little far. First off, Rey was hanging by his KNEE, and if I remember correctly, there is a move called the tree of woe or something where the wrestler hangs off the top rope and turnbuckle upside down (Shawn Michaels for example). That is nowhere near close to resembling a 'hanging'. Second, if parents are so concerned that children may emulate moves that they see, from an early age, they must explain to them that a. it's not real or b. they are professionals. That may take the fun out of it for some kids but if parents are going to absurdly blame incidents like this on wrestling, they should just ban their kids from watching wrestling. Sure, it would be a devastating time for any one and I am not some kind of monster, I do feel sympathy for their families, but it isn't as if WWE told the kids to do it, or even resembled what the kids did.
I remember a few years ago they had a show, and it show which explained how they fake everything. They talked about chair shots, the ring, and pretty much everything. I wonder if that would be good or bad. I mean it would teach the kids how to do the stuff, but it might make them more likely to do things. However, if I remember correctly, Stone Cold (the host) kept emphasising how easily things can go wrong. So it could show kids that it may be fake, but they still get bloody hurt.

PS: My condolences go out to the family
jefferson411 said:
Also, does WWE have a disclaimer at the beginning of the broadcast and at the one hour mark? I think it would be smart for them to put one there along with the parental rating.

well everytime i watch raw or smackdown on the score(yes im from canada), there is a message after every commercial break saying: this program may contain scenes of violence, sexuality and mature themes that may not be suitable for all viewers. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

so so every safeguard is there. people just cant go and blame vince mcmahon when sometimes you see worse stuff in movies or even kid cartoons that are rated 8+
ctighe said:
well everytime i watch raw or smackdown on the score(yes im from canada), there is a message after every commercial break saying: this program may contain scenes of violence, sexuality and mature themes that may not be suitable for all viewers. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

so so every safeguard is there. people just cant go and blame vince mcmahon when sometimes you see worse stuff in movies or even kid cartoons that are rated 8+

they use to show that here in ameican as well but for some reason they stop doing it i remember they would show clips of all the Injuire wrestler and then say please don't Try these at home.

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