Long-Time Fan Perspective

Who's the Best Cena or Punk excluding marketability?

  • Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk

  • VKM's Boy John Cena

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Getting Noticed By Management
-Its not '85 anymore and no one is close to Hogan so the love affair of hollywood stars bringing in casual fans just not going to happen
-Hogan was the exception cause he was something new and fresh and its awful ironic WWE had its greatest success not by the love affair of mainstream media but when the product was very good and a good balance up and down the roster during attitude
-When you have a bare knuckles champion built as being tough and then tapping out within seconds of a hold shows WWE still doesn't get it
-Character development is key to any show and to have VKM's boy Cena as the only character never turning show how little VKM and Cena understand wrestling
-VKM and his loyalists can say all they want its sports entertainment and not wrestling but its wrestling and VKM has always thought wrestling and wrestling fans were never good enough
-Cena is not HH not even close and anyone that thinks well if you turn him heel all of his charity work won't matter is the dumbest ideaology in biz I have ever heard
-When HH turned heel he actually got more charity work as the leader of the NWO than his time with Hulkamania
-In 2001 when SCSA turned heel he was booed just as much as HHH and still generated over 5 mill in merch sales
-Any wrestling fan that thinks Punk isn't way better than Cena is either a Cena mark or too far up VKM's kiss my ass club
-Punk relates more to the average fan of how many people don't kiss their boss's ass and may not get a promotion they deserve because of office or backroom politics
-It proves with the hype of Rock that SCSA was never VKM"s choice but the fans made SCSA and forced VKM to have Steve as the top guy and arguably the greatest WWE Star of all-time
-After all this time WWE still doesn't know what to do with Punk
-His body of work he shouldn't have to job to an HGH B-List movie star or a partial crippled washed up near 50 year old who can barely wrestle one match per year
-Just because Punk doesn't spend all day in the gym, doesn't look like a A&F model and doesn't play politics he has to be a jobber to guys who can't even lace up his boots
-Punk needs to do more promos like he did leading into MITB 2011
-Punk doesn't need Heyman and Punk can wrestle like Bret Hart and have 5-Star matches every night just like HBK
-I can guarantee if Punk is allowed to be himself as a tweener taking on faces and heels he will crush Cena's 2004-2006 average merch sales of around 4.2 mill
-I would like to know from you fans who's the better wrestler Punk or Cena?
I see punk and cena as equals (obviously excluding marketability as Cena's is far superior) and people stop having too compare.

The two of them are carrying the company and still people are hating on them, especially Cena. WWE has handled Punk brilliantly from MOTB in Chicago to his reign to heyman to taker.
Also Punk probably doesn't need heyman but heyman makes f'cking everything better haha.
Also saying Punk jobbed to taker is soo incorrect, they put on the best match of the night and punk came off very well.
Overall I'd say both are completely equal as wrestlers.
the one problem i have with cena turning heel is there is no big faces to take his spot. Cm punk is heel, orton isn't as over as he used to be, and there really is no one else. You could say ryback, but he is not only a one trick pony, but also a knock off one trick pony. If you turn cm punk face, bring daniel brian up to the main event, and if you do something with orton maybe he could have a good heel run.
While you make some good points about wrestling in general you're obviously a pretty big CM Punk mark and while that's alright it's also clouding your judgment.

The Undertaker can still wrestle better than CM Punk and really the entire roster. The Undertaker puts on the best matches of anyone there, it's really that simple. Most wrestlers age like Milk but Undertaker has aged more like wine. With that said Taker is getting much older now and his matches will only go down hill from here, as of this moment though he's STILL the best wrestler in WWE with Lesnar probably being second.

Recently I've gotten my girlfriend into watching wrestling with me some, she likes it better than me because she doesn't realize how terrible the product is as a whole since she didn't watch it previously... but she's watched at least a years worth of wrestling by now and last night she goes "Undertaker does it right, this is how a match should be, I can't say exactly what he's doing different but everyone needs to learn from him"

She also enjoys watching matches of Ryback and Cesaro and she's right. Ryback is far from perfect but he's fun to watch actually wrestle when he's on offense and Cesaro is just a really good all around wrestler who should be further along than he is.

Now guess who's matches she's never been interested in? CM Punk. He's just not that good, he's by no means bad but the product is so terrible and the roster is so thin that people cling to CM Punk and try to hype him up as a lot more than what he is. A 24 year old female who has barely watched wrestling can see CM Punk for what he is and yet so many of you can't...it's almost a little sad.

Now when comparing CM Punk to Cena - Punk wins hands down but that's more of a knock on Cena than it is a praise for Punk. Punk is no HBK, he's no Hart, maybe one day he can be but he's far from there now.

His "Pipebombs" are over rated and they're easy to do. If WWE gave me a mic I could drop pipebombs too, they work but they're also the easy way out, that's not to say CM Punk isn't good with a mic.. he is, he's not -that- good thouh, this is again people so desperate for something to cling to in the current product that they build CM Punk to be a lot more than he is, it's sad that the product is so bad it's come to this, I don't really blame a lot of you for trying to find something to grab onto but CM Punk is more hype than anything else.
-Nobody in WWE has the moveset like Punk maybe DB comes close but Punk has many moves and thst why he has botches at times
-The problem with Punk's promo style is when he runs out of "reality stuff" he is very generic
-The comparision to Hart was his moveset and as far as HBK is the ground and pound style combined with aerial attacks
-I have seen Punk in matches since he was 19 and his body of work is compared to talent like RVD,Styles,Joe,and Danielson
Now guess who's matches she's never been interested in? CM Punk. He's just not that good, he's by no means bad but the product is so terrible and the roster is so thin that people cling to CM Punk and try to hype him up as a lot more than what he is. A 24 year old female who has barely watched wrestling can see CM Punk for what he is and yet so many of you can't...it's almost a little sad.

I have read some dumb things written on this site before but this is the single most moronic paragraph I have seen. So your girlfriend who you admit barely watches wrestling doesn't get the hype about CM PUNK. Well there you have it my fellow Punk fans we've been wrong all along.

This beacon of wrestling knowledge doesn't like him so therefore all of us who do must be deluded. You even feel pitty for us for putting our hopes on him? Question our understanding of the buisness we love. You and your girlfriend are the ones in the minority regarding your thoughts on CM Punk.

CM Punk has the potential to be the biggest thing in wrestling since the attitude era and anyone who fails to see that potential are the ones who fail to understand the wrestling buisness.

Lets take for example your later comment about how his pipebombs are overrated- that any one can do them no less. The term pipebomb is a gimmick. A marketing tool. One of the few things in wrestling over the past few years that stir up the fans. When Cm Punk talks everybody listens. That's a rare talent particuarly considering that he doesn't even have to rely on catchphrases like Stone Cold, Chris Jericho and The Rock. Everything CM Punk says is unique and to the point and a large portion of what he says ignites emotion in fans such as myself. If everyone can do that why don't they?

CM Punk is conistently considered by the majority of wrestling fans to have the best match on the card at every PPV he wrestles that goes to a clean finish. Sure your girlfriend gives great credit to the Undertaker for the great match, the great story that was told during last nights bout at wrestlemania. I guarentee CM Punk carried more than his fair share of that match. Undertaker hasn't wrestled in a year, he's clearly not in the best shape and that's no problem because he can still tell a great story made even more possible at wrestlemania due to his incredible streak and the proof in recent years as to how far he is prepared to push himself in order to defend it. It takes two great wrestlers to put on a great match.

No active wrestler fighting week in week out in the wwe today can tell a story in the ring as well as CM Punk. The Undertakers streak is the holy grail of the wwe and there was a loud and rare vocal support for cm punk to end that last night, at some points in the match I'd say the crowd were 50-50. That alone is testimony to how much love true wrestling fans have for the man. It is clear that names like the undertaker won't be around for ever and it is clear to me also that Punk is one of the few wrestlers who can carry the WWE into the next generation.

The only thing that has stopped that from happening already is the way he has been booked. Punk proved in the first half of his title reign just how spectacular he could be in the ring carrying John Cena to one of the best matches of his career to win the title in the first place through to beating Jericho at last years mania. Then came the heel turn at RAW 1000. The next week on RAW Punk cut a promo saying that he was the WWE Champion, not the Rock and he deserved the right to close the show. Again there was a huge vocal support for CM Punk and a growing portion of the WWE universe were ready to get behind him. For some reason this was not allowed to happen and over the next few months punk was made more and more to look like a chickenshit heel.

Roll on the Royal Rumble and over a year of storytelling was put to waste as Punk was fed to the Rock and subsequently John Cena to create rock vs cena II at wrestlemania, an event we just didn't need to see again.

Yes the streak is an astounding feat held very dear to many in the WWE universe but in marketing terms it was yet another chance to push CM Punk over the edge into legend status. I for one wanted to see CM Punk win because that true marquee win is the only thing missing from the armoury of the one man who has the potential to really be the next break out star for WWE.

So I'm sorry that your girlfriend doesn't enjoy CM Punk but don't you dare tell me I'm the one who can't see him for what he is. I will never give up on the WWE but forgive me my frustrations when it is clear to see that CM Punk has been ready to be the number 1 guy for almost a year yet it seems everytime there is a chance to just push him into mega-stardom they bottle it to preserve some sense of nostalgia for wrestlings past (rock and undertaker).

If you are a true fan of the wwe and you want great programming week in week out and not just at wrestlemania then CM Punk is a man you should be getting behind. As well as dolph ziggler, cessaro, rhodes scholars... the attitude era isn't coming back. The stars we loved 10 years ago will soon be disapearing and its time we gave the same love we gave to them to the stars of today.
I think his point is, the casual fan (such as his girlfriend), the ones that the WWE needs to make MORE money, aren't as interested in CM Punk as they are others.

Pure wrestling fans are very invested in CM Punk, but the ones needed to EXPAND the audience, back to where it was when The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, HBK, Undertaker, etc. were headlining, might not be that into him.
Besides, the guy was the champion for over 400 days straight, and yet, VKM doesn't believe in him? He's never been given the chance to be #1?

That is ridiculous. He had a great run. Now let him sit back for a moment, then get back into the title scene after a few months.
Well, this very well be the dumbest thread I have ever seen in my time here on Wrestleone. Cena is better than Punk. Cena was putting on classic matches and selling out arenas when Punk was still in the indy's begging for a chance with the WWE. Cena headlined the highest grossing PPV ever. Punk is good, but he's not John Cena. Honestly, Punk may be third in the WWE Randy Orton gets a pop just as big as hhis if not bigger every night without bitching about not being in the main event. Anytime Sheamus comes through the curtain the fans go nuts. Daniel Bryan gets the crowd to interact with him better then Anyone on the roster.

I don't know if any of you realize this, but, Punk is 34 years old only two years younger then Cena. He won't be apart of the next generation. The next generation will be bitching for Punk to get out just as you guys are bitching for Rock, Taker, and Hunter to leave.

Now let me say this, CM Punk is no Bret Hart. He is no Shawn Michaels and never will be. CM Punk is CM Punk and I think he's perfectly fine being that. He has his own way of getting over just as these two stars did it in their own way.

Now just because I'm an asshole I have to let you know, the amount of moves a wrestler does has nothing to do with how good he is. Almost any wrestler can execute any move as long as their not a giant. The moves are done to tell a story in the match. I don't want to see Mark Henry on my TV throwing dropkicks I want to see Mark Henry Kicking ass. I'm high on Swagger, but, I don't want to watch him go out and roll around on the mat if he was playing a face that got his head kicked in by a heel two weeks ago and now he's coming back for revenge. Look at Savage vs Steamboat the best match ever, not many different moves are used their, in fact it's mostly punches and kicks. The match however told the story of Ricky wanting Revenge and that was exactly what he got.

SCOMVP316 I don't mean to be a dick, but, your an idiot and someone needed to let you know that. Marketability is everything in wrestling and it's really the only thing that matters
I think his point is, the casual fan (such as his girlfriend), the ones that the WWE needs to make MORE money, aren't as interested in CM Punk as they are others.

Pure wrestling fans are very invested in CM Punk, but the ones needed to EXPAND the audience, back to where it was when The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, HBK, Undertaker, etc. were headlining, might not be that into him.

You reached that conclusion based on one persons reaction. The other day I saw someone in the street wearing a CM Punk T-shirt so I approached them as you never see wrestling tees. He said he had stopped watching for years and had started watching again because of CM Punk. The majority of attitude era fans aren't going to come back. The only way WWE would get back to that level of popularity is with a new generation of stars.

CM Punk could be that level. People were not into those guys straight away but over the years they have been booked and marketed in such a way as to make you invested in them. (With the exception of Mankind IMO-but that's for a different discussion.)

The only way WWE will ever get back to those heights is to focus on building a new generation of megastars and the easiest way to do that is by giving them big wins against the old firm.

Besides, the guy was the champion for over 400 days straight, and yet, VKM doesn't believe in him? He's never been given the chance to be #1?

That is ridiculous. He had a great run. Now let him sit back for a moment, then get back into the title scene after a few months.

The title run served punk well but it could have been used as a launch pad to make it to the level of the guys you listed above. It doesn't matter how long he told the title for when for longer than not he was made to look weak, scared and rely on the help of others such as brad madox and the shield. The fact that he still gets the support he does despite that booking is testimony to the fact that the wwe universe believes in him. VKM doesn't believe in him to the extent where he makes him his next mega star and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous.

I wouldn't mind if CM Punk wasn't in the title picture for the next few months as long as he had a meaningful feud. This past wrestlemania season though just seemed like a wasted opportunity to get all the casual fans who tune in for wrestlemania and The Royal Rumble to learn all about the most exciting wrestlers in the world today.
You reached that conclusion based on one persons reaction. The other day I saw someone in the street wearing a CM Punk T-shirt so I approached them as you never see wrestling tees. He said he had stopped watching for years and had started watching again because of CM Punk. The majority of attitude era fans aren't going to come back. The only way WWE would get back to that level of popularity is with a new generation of stars.
The attitude era isn't coming back that's what you should have told him

CM Punk could be that level. People were not into those guys straight away but over the years they have been booked and marketed in such a way as to make you invested in them. (With the exception of Mankind IMO-but that's for a different discussion.)
Stone cold was an overnight success. As soon as Rock was given a mic everyone loved him. HHH joined DX and was the shit. The attitude era was once in a lifetime. We may never have guys like Rock, SCSA, HHH, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Big Show on the roster all at the same time again. Those are some of the greats of all time. Not to mention their will never be a mid card with the characters that were their at the time.
The only way WWE will ever get back to those heights is to focus on building a new generation of megastars and the easiest way to do that is by giving them big wins against the old firm.
Megastars are born not built when they are 34 years old. When HHH was 34 years old he was the top guy in the company, same with Cena and Austin. Hell the Rock was retired by then.

The title run served punk well but it could have been used as a launch pad to make it to the level of the guys you listed above. It doesn't matter how long he told the title for when for longer than not he was made to look weak, scared and rely on the help of others such as brad madox and the shield. The fact that he still gets the support he does despite that booking is testimony to the fact that the wwe universe believes in him. VKM doesn't believe in him to the extent where he makes him his next mega star and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous.
Punk was already top 5 in the whole company by the time he got that reign. The only true mega stars in the company (not part timers) are Cena and Orton and they got the ball and ran with it

I wouldn't mind if CM Punk wasn't in the title picture for the next few months as long as he had a meaningful feud. This past wrestlemania season though just seemed like a wasted opportunity to get all the casual fans who tune in for wrestlemania and The Royal Rumble to learn all about the most exciting wrestlers in the world today.
All casual fans know who CM Punk is. People who don't watch wrestling and tune in for Mania ask "Who's the skinny guy with Paul Heyman, he's skinny but chubby at the same time". More fans will buy pay per view to see The rock come down the aisle say nothing and walk back then they would to see Punk wrestle I guarandamntee it.
I have read some dumb things written on this site before but this is the single most moronic paragraph I have seen. So your girlfriend who you admit barely watches wrestling doesn't get the hype about CM PUNK. Well there you have it my fellow Punk fans we've been wrong all along.

This beacon of wrestling knowledge doesn't like him so therefore all of us who do must be deluded. You even feel pitty for us for putting our hopes on him? Question our understanding of the buisness we love. You and your girlfriend are the ones in the minority regarding your thoughts on CM Punk.

CM Punk has the potential to be the biggest thing in wrestling since the attitude era and anyone who fails to see that potential are the ones who fail to understand the wrestling buisness.

Potential? Tell me more about the potential of someone who has already talked about retiring. He's reached his peak, he's hit his glass ceiling, there's nothing wrong with that, he's very talented. If he sticks around long enough he'll be lucky to reach an HBK like status and as much as I love HBK he was never a draw. CM Punk will NEVER even touch near the status of Austin or Rock. He lacks the charisma, story telling ability, the look and a lot of his matches are sloppy.

Lets take for example your later comment about how his pipebombs are overrated- that any one can do them no less. The term pipebomb is a gimmick. A marketing tool. One of the few things in wrestling over the past few years that stir up the fans. When Cm Punk talks everybody listens. That's a rare talent particuarly considering that he doesn't even have to rely on catchphrases like Stone Cold, Chris Jericho and The Rock. Everything CM Punk says is unique and to the point and a large portion of what he says ignites emotion in fans such as myself. If everyone can do that why don't they?

When CM Punk talks I start to daydream. His average promo reminds me of a heel HHH during evolution era, he just drones on and on and on. Sometimes his promos are great, those are few and far between. The "pipe bombs" aren't a gimic... in 2 years he's done like maybe 3 of them if you want to be generous. He's a heel, being a heel is easy, it's not hard to get people to hate you and CM Punk doesn't drop pipe bombs anymore, he does the equivalent of kicking puppies. Disrespecting dead people? I have zero problem with it and it was entertaining but c'mon, it's cheap heat to the max, there's nothing wrong with that but let's not pretend it's anything more. CM Punk is very good at cheap heat.

CM Punk is conistently considered by the majority of wrestling fans to have the best match on the card at every PPV he wrestles that goes to a clean finish. Sure your girlfriend gives great credit to the Undertaker for the great match, the great story that was told during last nights bout at wrestlemania. I guarentee CM Punk carried more than his fair share of that match. Undertaker hasn't wrestled in a year, he's clearly not in the best shape and that's no problem because he can still tell a great story made even more possible at wrestlemania due to his incredible streak and the proof in recent years as to how far he is prepared to push himself in order to defend it. It takes two great wrestlers to put on a great match.

That goes to a clean finish..well that eliminates the large majority of CM Punk matches right there. Forget about my girlfriend, I just find it amusing that someone who barely understands wrestling has a better grasp than people like you. Who hasn't Undertaker had great matches with? Undertaker carried fucking Batista through the match of his career. CM Punk couldn't even carry The Rock through decent matches, even Cena managed to do that much. None of The Rock's matches since return have been any good but even his ones with Cena were better.

No active wrestler fighting week in week out in the wwe today can tell a story in the ring as well as CM Punk. The Undertakers streak is the holy grail of the wwe and there was a loud and rare vocal support for cm punk to end that last night, at some points in the match I'd say the crowd were 50-50. That alone is testimony to how much love true wrestling fans have for the man. It is clear that names like the undertaker won't be around for ever and it is clear to me also that Punk is one of the few wrestlers who can carry the WWE into the next generation.

If no active wrestler who's wrestling week in and week out is as good as CM Punk that's once again not to Punk's credit, that's to the detriment of the entire active roster that CM Punk is the best person there. Again, it's not because CM Punk is bad, he's good he's no where near the level of main eventers who came before him though.

The only thing that has stopped that from happening already is the way he has been booked. Punk proved in the first half of his title reign just how spectacular he could be in the ring carrying John Cena to one of the best matches of his career to win the title in the first place through to beating Jericho at last years mania. Then came the heel turn at RAW 1000. The next week on RAW Punk cut a promo saying that he was the WWE Champion, not the Rock and he deserved the right to close the show. Again there was a huge vocal support for CM Punk and a growing portion of the WWE universe were ready to get behind him. For some reason this was not allowed to happen and over the next few months punk was made more and more to look like a chickenshit heel.

I agree CM Punk has had horrible booking and deserves better, he's still no Austin, Hogan, Rock etc. Anyway, stop pretending dragging Cena through a good match is impossible, LOTS of wrestlers have done it. HBK, CM Punk, HHH, Kurt Angle, Edge, RVD, Undertaker and I'm sure quite a few more have all done it. Oh, and please don't actually use the term "WWE Universe" it really makes you sound like a mark when you do.

Roll on the Royal Rumble and over a year of storytelling was put to waste as Punk was fed to the Rock and subsequently John Cena to create rock vs cena II at wrestlemania, an event we just didn't need to see again.

I agree BUT the only reason that CM Punk's title reign lasted that long was so that he could be fed to The Rock. The plug would have been pulled long before if it wasn't for Rock so The Rock probably actually did Punk a favor. CM Punk should have gone over The Rock at Wrestlemania, cena didn't need it. Does Punk really deserve it? No. It still would have went over 10x better than what went down but that ship has sailed and CM Punk missed the boat.

Yes the streak is an astounding feat held very dear to many in the WWE universe but in marketing terms it was yet another chance to push CM Punk over the edge into legend status. I for one wanted to see CM Punk win because that true marquee win is the only thing missing from the armoury of the one man who has the potential to really be the next break out star for WWE.

The fact you think CM Punk should have broken the streak just proves how big of a Punk mark you are. CM Punk, a guy who has already started mumbling about retiring should break the streak? If ANYONE should break the streak it should be someone like a Brock Lesnar if Lesnar was still in his 20's and with a much better backstage attitude. I'm all for the possibility of the streak ending if WWE can pull it off and make someone huge as a result of it. If CM Punk ended the streak more people would have been outraged at WWE for booking it than people who suddenly would have went "CM Punk is legit!"

So I'm sorry that your girlfriend doesn't enjoy CM Punk but don't you dare tell me I'm the one who can't see him for what he is. I will never give up on the WWE but forgive me my frustrations when it is clear to see that CM Punk has been ready to be the number 1 guy for almost a year yet it seems everytime there is a chance to just push him into mega-stardom they bottle it to preserve some sense of nostalgia for wrestlings past (rock and undertaker).

It's not that my girlfriend doesn't enjoy CM Punk, it's that he's not that special. I'll tell it to you again: You can't see CM Punk for what he is. He's a talented wrestler and a good talker but he will never reach near the status of a Austin, Rock or Hogan and he'll be lucky to reach HBK or HHH status.

If you are a true fan of the wwe and you want great programming week in week out and not just at wrestlemania then CM Punk is a man you should be getting behind. As well as dolph ziggler, cessaro, rhodes scholars... the attitude era isn't coming back. The stars we loved 10 years ago will soon be disapearing and its time we gave the same love we gave to them to the stars of today.

Ziggler is over rated, he's done nothing to impress me except sell a monkey flip. I agree about Cessaro, I think he has a lot going for him and it's too bad the way WWE are booking him. Rhodes Scholars? I hope you're not talking about Cody, he's never had a good match ever. Sandow can talk but he hasn't really done anything and thus I haven't made a judgment about him one way or another, the Pink trunks have got to go though.

As much as I like Cessaro he's not going to be the next Austin or Rock. MAYBE if he's lucky he can be like a Kurt Angle. Again, there should obviously be nothing wrong with that, just like there's nothing wrong with CM Punk MAYBE getting to one day be like an HBK. None of them are the wrestlers who will launch the industry to new places though, Cessarro probably has a better chance than CM Punk if he could somehow lose the accent but he'll probably be stuck in heel purgatory forever and then WWE will do a forced face turn that'll fall flat because that's how WWE rolls.

Saying CM Punk will take the business to new heights is like pretending Cena actually already did that when ratings have been on a steady decline over the last 10 years. Cena as of this moment will never seriously be talked about in the same breath as Austin, Rock, or Hogan. He will always be the guy who was shoved down our throats to try to pretend he was Hogan.

400 and something days of CM Punk as champion and the ratings dropped even lower than when Cena is champion...that's the future of the business? lol c'mon now, let's be realistic here. He had 400 days to do it and what came out of that? Is it CM Punks fault that WWE booked them how they did? Not exactly but it's part of why he's not Austin because if they tried to do that shit to Austin he would tell creative to stick it up their ass. CM Punk obviously isn't capable of doing this, for that reason alone he will NEVER touch tear the greats. Vince has shown time and time again he doesn't actually understand the business, he's just been lucky enough to often have people around him who do. You will NEVER get hugely over in the WWE at this point in time unless you have the personality to deal with Vince and creative and CM Punk has proven he doesn't have that. Austin had it, Rock had it, Hogan had it. For as much as we like to hate on wrestlers with egos like Hogan, HHH, Cena - egos are the only way to get your self over because Vince usually has no idea what the hell he's doing. So have a huge ego and end up like hogan or be CM Punk and get fed to The Rock so he can be fed to Cena.

Again, I like CM Punk, I think he should have got the win over The Rock at WM even though he hasn't really earned it he was the best choice. I'm just not delusional enough to think CM Punk is going to take the business to new heights, he's actually lowered the business thus far and The Rock/Lesnar had to drag it back up a bit.

Here's a post I made some odd months ago saying how CM Punk was booked like shit and should have got the match vs The Rock at WM. http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=4282477#post4282477 I'm still not going to pretend CM Punk is the second coming of anything. If CM Punk had a chance it was to have that match vs Rock at WM and that chance is now gone his 400 day title reign won't be remembered for anything more than the number, it was a train wreck and a travesty.
-I am idiot to comment about whos better in the ring?
-Alot of WWE loyalists are the ones that think marketability is the most important thing
-Lets put that to the test and market Santino who can't wrestle and make him the WHC and see all of the negative reaction
-Marketing is so great that good heels that were losing almost every match were turned to faces as in Sheamus and Miz and WWE is marketing them and their face turns are weak
-Anyone that thinks that Cena is better than Punk in the ring is an absolute idiot
-The marketing of faces since 2006 for WWE has been very weak
-I am sure if WWE was to ever release merch sales for the individual talent since 2006 Cena has been getting worst
-Most fans want the best wrestlers pushed and not VKM kiss asses
-HHH was way over with the fans and there was hardly any marketing put into his heel character so the marketing argument is highly flawed
-I would like to know from you fans who's the better wrestler Punk or Cena?

I would like to know why you have such a hard on for Punk. o_O

Vince doesn't know wrestling? Then why has he had the most successful wrestling company for the past 40 years?

Is Punk a better in-ring performer than Cena? Yes, but Cena has shown time and again that he can go in the ring as well.

Is Punk better on the mic than Cena? I don't know. When Cena is serious, he is fully engaging. However, he has too many silly comedic moments. Punk has had his fair share of great promos, as well as his fair share of poor ones.

The fact is, right now, you can't have WWE without either. Cena is the average fans favourite, and Punk is the internet fans favourite.
-VKM so smart thats why he has copied every major idea from other promotions
-Hes so smart couldn't beat JCP straight up but had to played backroom politics
-There are major problems with VKM's ideaology when one of the most respected performers in the biz as in Sting refuses to wrestle for the so called greatest performer ever
-VKM is a good businessman but he didn't beat JCP/WCW or ECW they beat themselves
-If I have a hard on for Punk then you can't do a tout seeing you have Vince's blue balls in your mouth
-VKM so smart thats why he has copied every major idea from other promotions
-Hes so smart couldn't beat JCP straight up but had to played backroom politics
-There are major problems with VKM's ideaology when one of the most respected performers in the biz as in Sting refuses to wrestle for the so called greatest performer ever
-VKM is a good businessman but he didn't beat JCP/WCW or ECW they beat themselves
-If I have a hard on for Punk then you can't do a tout seeing you have Vince's blue balls in your mouth

So...Any credibility you have a poster is now out of the window.

First off, IF there are major problems with Vince's ideology, why does EVERY SINGLE WRESTLER ON THE PLANET view WWE as the pinnacle of wrestling?

Secondly, while ECW made a crucial mistake in being in a bad deal with TNN, and WCW had terrible booking in the end, WWE made the SMART decision to go attitude.

Lastly, you resorted to a gay joke to detract my points. So now, not only do I think you're just wrong, now I think you're stupid, juvenile and one of the idiotic "think they know everything" internet smart marks who I loathe with a burning passion. Congrats, you made yourself look like a fool :thumbsup:
Cena is not even in the top 10 wrestlers on the entire wwe roster
except for holding the title soooo many times, its getting ridiculous, there is very little
to (super)Cena

CM Punk in the top 3 with DBryan, Jericho
excellent inring and on mic. His "pipe bomb run" stopped the wrestling world for 2/3 months.
-If I thought I knew everything I would be working for a wrestling promotion
-Not every wrestler wants to work for WWE and only elitists think that
-VKM is such a genius he can't even run a restaurant or a casino right
-VKM is so smart he went from averaging over 1 bill in GP to barely getting to 600 mill
-WWE and UFC are going in opposite directions since 2002
-No other sport has gained more fans since 2002 than UFC
-No other entertainment company since 2002 has lost more in profits and in fanbase
-WWE's bottom line is so bad every major investment firm over the last three years has stayed away from WWE because Goldman Sachs was quoted to saying if WWE cotinues their same expenditures within the next five years along with adding a network would put WWE near Chapter 11 and out of the NYSE

I'd love to debate all day but I'm a busy man so I'll just send this final message so I can draw a line under the situation. I love to be challenged and I acdcept many of the points you made. SO here is my retort.

Yes I absolutley am a CM Punk mark, I'm not sure if that was meant as an insult or not. As wrestling fans we are all marks wether we like to admit it or not and I fail to see how having one person you route for above all else is a bad thing.

As to CM Punks age there are tons of wrestlers in the history books who didn't get over until a similar age, DDP and Mark Henry are just two examples off the top of my head.

As to CM Punk talking about retiring his statement was that the one thing he had left to do was headline wrestlemania. He doesn't specifically say "once I've done that I'm going to retire." I'm not saying he won't retire soon, I don't know his plans, you don't know his plans even CM Punk himself might not know his exit plan just yet. I will say this: CM Punk breathes wrestling, it's all he knows, maybe he has plans for something else but nothing suits him more than being a wrestler and I think he is well aware of that. At the very least I think we'll have him for a good two years and I do feel that he has enough support and ability to be the companys biggest star in those two years. At the very least the same level as John Cena but the two appeal to very different demographics.

Yes I wanted CM Punk to end the streak and partly for the reason you mentioned. The fury that would have invoked in some wrestling fans would have led to some of the best heel heat the company has ever had. Imagine Punk and Heyman on RAW the next night mocking the streak and everybody else that fell before the Undertaker. That would have been gold and CM Punk and regardless of the outcome of the other two main events Punk would have been the guy that everybody would want to beat. At this point I think it would have been far more entertaining over the next weeks, months and years. Anyone who ends the streak would be the hottest thing in wrestling and to suggest otherwise is futile.

Yes Stone Cold Steve Austin was an over night success but it took years of great moments to make him the superstar we admire. Yes people loved the rock when he got the mic and I'd say that exactly the same was true for Punk. After the original pipebomb everyone was suddenly a Punk mark. As you concede the way he was booked in the last few months of his title reign was shocking. That booking killed any chance he had of ever eaching the levels of the prestigious superstars we have talked about.

I do think I see CM Punk for what he is, a fantastic wrestler, a great mic worker and one of the best story tellers in the buisness today. I am old enough to understand that he won't ever be the star I want him to be, believe he could be and I do think that is in part to the reasons you listed: His failiure to handle creative and VKM combined with his unwavering alleigence to being a Paul Heyman guy, the way he threatened to walk out on the company in the past, and the possibility he has nothing more to do other than retire after headlining a wrestlemania.

I do think, and always will think that CM Punk could have been one of the biggest names in wrestling but I also feel now that it won't happen.
-If I thought I knew everything I would be working for a wrestling promotion
-Not every wrestler wants to work for WWE and only elitists think that
-VKM is such a genius he can't even run a restaurant or a casino right
-VKM is so smart he went from averaging over 1 bill in GP to barely getting to 600 mill
-WWE and UFC are going in opposite directions since 2002
-No other sport has gained more fans since 2002 than UFC
-No other entertainment company since 2002 has lost more in profits and in fanbase
-WWE's bottom line is so bad every major investment firm over the last three years has stayed away from WWE because Goldman Sachs was quoted to saying if WWE cotinues their same expenditures within the next five years along with adding a network would put WWE near Chapter 11 and out of the NYSE

1. This sentence makes no sense. "If I thought I knew everything I'd be working for a wrestling promotion." As if they would give you a job because you blast WWE on the internet?

2. I never said every wrestler wants to work there. I said every wrestler views WWE as the mecca of sports entertainment.

3. What casino? And i'm pretty sure WWF New York was booming, but WWE decided to close it..

4. Show me the statistics and facts that prove this.

5 and 6. What the fuck does UFC have to do with this?! WWE is entertainment. UFC is sports. The product is two totally different things. I don't really see why you're bringing that up...

7. Again, show me the facts and statistics to prove this.

8. Again, show me proof.

It seems to me that you're pulling figures and numbers out of a hat. I get it, you don't like WWE. You like CM Punk. That's fine, but don't act like he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, because he's not. Don't act like WWE isn't successful, because they are. Don't act like Vince isn't smart, because he is, and don't act like you are the greatest business and wrestling mind ever because you are not.
-Actually I have been a fan of WWE since 85
-You were the one that said I thought I knew everything
-You also were the one that brought up a gay reference
-This is what I love the most about WWE loyalists is when someone else gets the upper hand they always mention show me proof
-The GP you can go through WWE.com and get archives of all their public released financial stats since they have been a public trading company
-The UFC reference is to show what another rival company is doing compared to WWE under the same timeline
-Its actually the WWE loyalists who think WWE is the greatest ever without any flaws
-Its also WWE loyalists who kiss VKM's ass and the funny thing is VKM could care less if people on the net agree or disagree with his product because at the end of the day I still buy the merch and still watch the programming
-Actually I have been a fan of WWE since 85
-You were the one that said I thought I knew everything
-You also were the one that brought up a gay reference
-This is what I love the most about WWE loyalists is when someone else gets the upper hand they always mention show me proof
-The GP you can go through WWE.com and get archives of all their public released financial stats since they have been a public trading company
-The UFC reference is to show what another rival company is doing compared to WWE under the same timeline
-Its actually the WWE loyalists who think WWE is the greatest ever without any flaws
-Its also WWE loyalists who kiss VKM's ass and the funny thing is VKM could care less if people on the net agree or disagree with his product because at the end of the day I still buy the merch and still watch the programming

Are we still arguing?

1. I did say you thought you knew everything, because you are acting like it.

2. Fair enough, if hard on for Punk counts as a gay reference, than yes I "started" it.

3. I shall go look through their records to see. However, if you could link it, that would be greatly appreciated.

4. UFC is NOT a rival company, because they are 2 different products, as I explained in the last post.

5. I don't think WWE doesn't have flaws, but I don't think that it is nearly as flawed as you are making it out to be. Nor do I feel Punk is the "saviour" you seem to herald him as.

6. You're right, Vince doesn't give a shit about what I think or what you think, but with a forum like this, we can all air our views about the thing we love. I just vehemently disagree with your views and think that you are wrong.
4. UFC is NOT a rival company, because they are 2 different products, as I explained in the last post.

I agree that UFC and WWE are not rivals. They can be considered two companies who compete for ppvs buys (which may be the reference point that some people use when they say rivals), but that only applies to the portion of fans who like both companies AND want to see both ppvs by paying rather than streaming but have to frequently decide which one they are willing to pay for. However, if that is the rationality being used then it can be argued that anything that someone may spend money on, rather than get a ppv, is a rival, and that would definitely be pushing the use that word. I am guessing that the other poster using the word is based on the flawed rationality I mentioned though.
-Anyone that thinks that Cena is better than Punk in the ring is an absolute idiot

So you ask who is better; Cena or Punk, yet if someone says Cena than they are an idiot? Awesome.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret...it's all fake.

It doesn't matter how many moves you do. It doesn't matter how "innovative" you are. All your in-ring comparisons are wrong.

You know what matters...people being invested in your matches. People wanting to see your matches. You as a performer giving the fans a main event feel to each of your matches. You as a performer telling a great story in the ring.

Cena has done that consistently for a longer time then Punk. Cena's been doing it since 2005 or 2006. Punk has started in 2011. Who's better?
They're equals. They are the most perfect foils the other guy could have. Joker/Batman doesn't fit as well as Cena/Punk. Punk is like Piper and Cena is a more talented Hogan. Ats why they have amazing feuds and matches.

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