Could This Be The Beginning......

Tonight is the go home Raw for MITB and I'd say that all three men will be on the show tonight. This is a great opportunity for all three of them to get in each other's faces and really sell the tension for the WWE Championship match at MITB.

My ideal scenario would involve Vince McMahon "accidentally" costing Cena the title to Punk at MITB. He tries to interfere to help Cena, or at least that's how it looks, and the plan backfires. McMahon sells his shock and dismay for a bit before that classic, evil smile stretches across his face. He then embraces CM Punk, raises his hand in victory before getting on the mic and saying "John Cena...You're Fired!!!!!!". According to various reports, Cena is working through several nagging injuries and this would be a perfect opportunity for him to take time off. After all, I'm sure Vince wants him as healthy as he can be for his mega money match with The Rock at WrestleMania 28.

Vince's reasoning for aligning himself with CM Punk could be easily worked out. Add a little bit of real behind the scenes life with some flat out lies. For instance, he acknowledges how much money Cena has made for him but he could then say that Cena has overstepped his bounds many times in the past, with the fact that he was such a big star being the only thing that saved him. Of course Cena could be brought back later on, such as maybe going behind Vince's back and talking to the Board of Directors or something along those lines.

McMahon aligning himself with Punk would my ideal scenario. Might not go down that way but, at any rate, I'm intrigued to see what happens.
My ideal scenario is the opposite. The CM Punk promos have been melting our T.V screens the last few weeks, and they're going from a rare gem, to a weekly occurence. I don't see how it would happen happen, but CM Punk right now is the closest to Stone Cold Steve Austin since Austin left. Right now, a lot of the mainstream fans aren't sure what's going on, but what IS clear is that CM Punk is rebelling against the boss. And EVERYONE loves it. Punk didn't look like much of a heel tonight, and hasn't the last couple of weeks. If Money in The Bank isn't the biggest pay per view of the year (aside from 'Mania) I'll be a disappointed little fan. The build up for this match has been fantastic and I cannot see CM Punk siding with the boss or Cena feuding with him. The opportunity to make another mega-face is too good of an opportunity to pass up with the lack of star power. CM Punk has so much momentum, and we've been hearing about a John Cena heel turn for over a year now. Maybe it's time for Cena to side with the Boss. We already know he's the Corporate Champ behind the scenes. Make him the Corporate Champ for real. Then all you need is Stone Cold CM Punk. I can't be the only hoping for it. Maybe I'm just too eager to see the remake of the greatest feud in wrestling history- but at this stage, I think it could happen. Could it be as big? No probably not. Could it come close? Absolutely. CM Punk, if he wanted, could become the rebel badass and become the company's top face and John Cena could make the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan joined the Outsiders.
A Cena and Vince feud is certainly possible. Especially after Cena admitted he hates Vince. There is no telling yet what will happen at the PPV, but I don't think that an alliance between Punk and Vince would happen. Punk hates Vince too. Bringing in The Rock too makes this even less likely. Would it lead to a long feud with a big moment for Cena at the end? Sure. That does not mean it will happen though. More than likely Cena and Vince could end up feuding but I doubt Punk would side with Vince even if he does stay because it would not make sense for Punk to join forces with Vince when he doesn't even want a new contract. Kayfabe or not.
I think it would be a horrible move. A lot of fans don't like Cena, but I dont think fueding with Vince would change that. Vince isn't the same old Vince that fueded with Austin, Rock and those guys, launching them into the stars. He's older, and been out of the limelight for a while. I can even guess that people would cheer for Vince to beat Cena. It could be a way to get Cena out of the "corporate angel" role maybe, but I dont even see that happening. Because what are the only options?

Cena beats Vince= Cena wins yet again, this time over the boss, so its the same scenario, just worse.
Cena loses to Vince= Very weak, and unless Vince beats the holy shit out of Cena, nobody will really care for Cena any differently then they do now. And even if he did beat the holy hell out of Cena, and even "kill" him, I think more people would cheer it then would be sad about it or boo it.
Cena joining Vince= Hell on WWEarth and opens an even bigger problem then Cena has now.

It doesn't make any sense, and it won't help Cena out in any way. Even the little lines Cena had about Vince in his latest little mic moment had very little affect on anyone's mind on if they like Cena more. Only less. Also, a lot of the outcomes would be negative on the kiddies, because he isn't being a good little soldier and following the orders of his boss. The E doesn't want to lose all of the money adults spend on Cena gear for their kids.
No No No. I am sick of Vince he needs to stay off TV. Him feuding with Cena is like whats going on in TNA with Hulk fueding with Sting.

Agreed. They make these feuds look horrible. I mean really? You've got almost 20 guys in the locker room and you can't take out 1 guy that gets under your skin? Oh, and Hogan gives Sting a title shot? You've been feuding with him... so... why exactly are you giving him a title shot against your new recruit? I mean, maybe if Cena was facing all the RAW superstars, and then says "well actually... I have a surprise for you Vince..." and in come past VKM rivals, HHH, Stone Cold, HBK even. THAT would be great. And believable... but to me, this WWE title match is too predictable.

Sure the WWE wants to make it seem like the odds are against Cena again going into Chicago. But come on... we already know Cena is going to hold the belt until WM28 for Rocky. So that alone is enough to bet on Cena. Oh, and if Punk wins, he takes the belt away from WWE? It's portrayed as the most prized possession in WWE (even though I think its the WHC). So why would they let the guy who's been begging to leave WWE leave with the company's pride? And lets not forget if Cena, the POSTERBOY OF WWE, loses... he gets fired??? C'mon, I don't like the guy but even I know it would be dumb to let the biggest merchandise seller in my company go.

I think this is just WWE trying to make Cena not look like a kiss ass, even though we all know he is.
No No No. I am sick of Vince he needs to stay off TV. Him feuding with Cena is like whats going on in TNA with Hulk fueding with Sting.
It's like Hulk and Sting only with people giving a shit about Cena and Vince. I think it'd be great. The worst part about a Cena/McMahon feud would be the ******o smarks going "o first he was hulk and now he's austin".

Only reason I wouldn't like this is because I think Punk's character would lose his edge. I think Punk needs to walk out on the WWE and come back with some buddies guerilla style to keep this whole "voice of the voiceless" thing going.

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