London LOVES Daniel Bryan.

Oh for the love of God, people.

Vince McMahon brought back Bret Hart. He brought back Ultimate Warrior...TWICE. He brought in Eric Bischoff. He brought back Hogan after he tried to put Vince out of business.

In the business world, there are no hard feelings that a $ can't forgive. That being said, I'm sure that WWE didn't give two rat's asses about Ryder getting over on his own. A bunch of people have gotten over on their own over the years...i.e. Steve Austin. WWE is a business organization run by business-savvy people, not the least of which is Vince McMahon himself. WWE is no longer associated with the "Good Ole Boys" network of pro-wrestling antiquity. By delaying the push of Ryder, WWE left you wanting more. Then, you ultimately decided that you didn't want any more, and they fed him to Kane.

Now, back to D-Bry. The guy is a 1-time WHC and is at the top of Smackdown. He's not John Cena...he's far off, to be sure. He's no CM Punk. He's definitely not The Rock, and he's not even close to being as over as Brock Lesnar is, who's been gone for 8 years. He has a catchphrase that everyone says at the arena? Great. So did the New Age Outlaws, The Godfather, Al Snow, likely many more...and you didn't see Vince putting them up against Austin at PPVs. He's already in the main event...probably the #3 or #4 storyline in WWE at the moment. That means he's in the top 6-8 guys. How much higher does he really deserve? Should they push out Jericho, an established performer entrenched w/ Punk? Should they send Brock down to the midcard and put Bryan up against Cena? What more could you possibly want right now?

I completely agree about your D-Bry points. He's over as hell right now and his asshole, almost tweener character is one of the best things going in WWE. He's in the world title feud on Smackdown, the land of up and comers. What happened at WM28 may end up being the best thing to ever happen to Bryan if this fan support keeps up. I say let it develop naturally and see where it takes him before rushing something he isn't ready for and running the risk of ruining the character, fan interest, etc. Bryan can be a big time player for years to come if the WWE plays their cards right here.

As for Ryder, I completely disagree with you. It wasn't his fault that he had a fall in the last several months, it was the fault of WWE for not booking him right. He lost the title well before he should have to a guy that no one cares about, got fed to Kane again and again, and then was made to be Eve's bitch. Ryder has talent no doubt and he is still over with the crowd judging by the reactions he gets, so the "Ryder Revolution" is far from over imo. Give it some time and I think he'll be back in that role going after the midcard title.
The has been a noticeable change in Bryans character but not too much, they've just had him play up to the crowd a bit more and I think that's perfect, he still acts like he did a week a go but gets more from the crowd as a result & that's what the WWE sort of killed with PUNK after the Cena feud where he just turned into a pure bread face. Luckily they've pushed the dial back on CM Punk a bit otherwise his love would have died by Wrestlemania.

The Daniel Bryan chants Before, During and After the Smackdown tapings where pretty damned loud... and even the kids (LOTS OF THEM), the kids are chanting for D-Bry (the heel)
I think Daniel Bryan needs to deliver more speeches now that people keep clamoring for him. But the production people will have to make sure that during live RAW shows, that the volume is up so that we still hear the chants but not so much that they drown out Bryan. WWE's production team seems to have a hard time with microphones backstage these days.

Daniel Bryan has proven to be pretty comfortable on the mic but just needs to deliver more live speeches where he gets to speak his mind and call out his opponents in order to really give the crowd more of a reason to continue chanting. Because right now, chanting for him is the craze. It's fun to do. But once the booking schedules more in-ring (or even backstage) speeches to validate the chanting, it'll be more than just a craze.
Hopefully now with the fan craze n the YESYESYES chants they will actually let DB have matches against people he can actually have good matches with. Sheamus 2 out of 3 falls should be good because they will have time to work with.

They shouldn't turn him face but rather grow his current persona more. do stuff that he used to do in ROH n yell out "I HAVE TILL 5 REF" or at least incorporate some of that into his matches. and when the time is right then pull the trigger on him let it be a slow build up.

The one thing the wrestling fan now days don't seem to have is patience.
The mentality that you can't have a crowd cheering a heel, ever, is silly.

A major reason Bryan is cheered so much is because of his hilarious heel character. Turn him face and you lose a lot of what makes him great to watch (in the WWE that is, sine he rarely gets lengthy matches here, to show his vast skills).

The YES chant also doesn't suit a face, at all. It suits an egotistical heel that loves to congratulate himself. A face would either look most UN-facelike, or just look like a dork (if you you changed it to have them saying YES in a "yay! yay!" way). Bryan's over-celebration as a heel led to this whole YES, craze, you can't forget that.

Let Bryan do his thing as a heel, he has always worked best that way. The crowd are eating his act up, and his chant, so let him be a top heel that also sells lots of t-shirts. It's a rare thing, so don't ruin it.

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