Live Discussion: Raw 5/11/09

I hope my The best of the IC Title and Greatest stars of the 80's dvd's arrive before that maybe i wont have to watch Judgement Day.

Ok I'll probably watch it...but that's only because i only look forward to a couple of matches.
God, I hate watching Raw on streams.

Everyone was saying the same thing such as "Roidtista", "Cena only knows like 5 movez", "Orton is great", "MVP is boring now", "Batista needs to retire", "Regal is underrated", "Poor Legacy".

I reckon I heard the phrase "Cena sucks balls" around 50 times. And I'm not exaggerating.
Lol at Orton. He gets a chair to ankle, bounces up attempts and RKO, fails, then realizes he needs to sell the ankle/Leg. Lol, Cena wouldn't have been able to let that down but its okay for Randy :icon_rolleyes:
Pretty damn lame Raw, especially with it being the last Raw before the PPV....but I guess that was just expecting to much.

The only thing that was even worth while was MVP/Kofi vs Regal/Hardy. I like the fact that both Hardy and Cole brought up the previous MVP/Hardy history, instead of completely ignoring it, as WWE has a tendency to do.

Oh, and Santina being a lesbian? Fantastic lol Her expression when Rosa was going in for the kiss was great. Shit, if I was in Santina's position, I'd be all over Rosa too.
By the by, Orton gets raped by Batista with a chair and then bounces up for the RKO without a single limp? And we say Cena is Superman. Bullshit

I Know!!!! That is straight up BS. There was not even a limp or one wince of pain. That's like at WM when HHH did that little *** punt on orton that Orton does and orton wasnt even down for a three count. Cena isnt even close to having the superman response that Orton has. But then again when u've been anally raped as much as Randy Orton has, multiple chair shots don't seem damaging, more like foreplay for him.

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