Live Discussion: RAW 1/21/2008

WM 23 had some bad filler matches, but some of those early WM's were really just god awful in retrospect. There would be one, two MAYBE three matches on the card that were hyped, the rest seemed thrown together with whoever was the flavor of the month face vs. flavor of the month monster heel, and a few tag team matches. The only reason the whole card started to get attention and hype like the main events was because Steamboat/Savage stole the fuckin' show.
Anyways, I for one am glad that The Big Show is returning. He's one of the few SHW who are booked well, know how to use a microphone, and holy cow, he good with ring psychology. And he's good at performing as either a heel or a face, although I'd prefer he perform as a face at least at first only because there are too many monster SHW heels.
Ring psychology is meh.

I could watch fucking Psychosis and Rey Rey in the Old ECW and be more satisfied than any "Ultimate Warrior" match.
Well, that's because Warrior just completely blows. No brains whatsoever. The only guy Hogan ever had to completely carry in a match. Rey and Psychosis are two of the few luchadors who learned how to put on a real match, and not a total spotfest. Their matches are amazing (or were, at least), but they told a story. And SHW's like Big Show and Umaga also have that ability to tell a story. The fact that a SHW like Umaga can carry a speed wrestler like Jeff Hardy is a testament to his underated abilties. And I hope that Big Show has lost as much weight as I've heard. Maybe he could do the moonsault again.
I just watched Wrestlemania 19. Greatest ever IMO.

I too love WrestleMania XIX. The ironic thing about it is that, 19 was arguably one of the best 'Mania's ever, but it got the least amount of buyrates for any WrestleMania between 13-23. WrestleMania 19 got half (literally) of the amont of buyrates that 'Mania23 got. I just find that interesting.

But anyway. I actually kind of liked WrestleMania 23. Granted, for a 'Mania it wasn't great, but it was pretty good. Batista/Taker, Cena/Michaels, and the Money in the Bank Ladder Match were all very well done. And the "Battle of the Billionaires" was entertaining and fun to watch as well.

So. 19 is probably my second or third favorite Mania ever....17 is my personal favorite.


RAW tonight should be cool. EVen though I don't have HD :(
This is a RAW thread, not a WrestleMania thread lol.

Basically...I think Lashley is gonna return heel tonight, and side with vince.

I do hope Big Show comes back tho.
Lashley's not returning tonight. Right now, we're all waiting for the returns of Big Show and Lashley. One will happen at the rumble, and one will happen the night after. I say lashley at the Rumble, and Show will return to ECW to start his feud with Punk for the ECW title.
hey people... I'll be here... probably late as always... yah, so besides HHH vs sum 1, what's going on tonight?
I'll be here as well.

Big Wes' FACTs for RAW

Triple H will win his match against UmaNga, Khali or McMoron.

Chris Jericho and JBL will deliver another classic promo.

Haas will be made out to look like a douche.

Diva's match will be a bore.

Jeff Hardy and Orton will brawl.

Mr Kennedy will prolly have the promo of the night.

HD will look cool but RAW will suck.

I'll be here as well.

Big Wes' FACTs for RAW

Triple H will win his match against UmaNga, Khali or McMoron.

Chris Jericho and JBL will deliver another classic promo.

Haas will be made out to look like a douche.

Diva's match will be a bore.

Jeff Hardy and Orton will brawl.

Mr Kennedy will prolly have the promo of the night.

HD will look cool but RAW will suck.


Rep for that as soon as I can give it to ya. The only thing I disagree with is Haas. I think we'll see some Carlito/Santino thing
I'll be here on and off tonight. The new set looks alright, but it sucks that it's gonna be the same for EVERY show, even ECW. One thing I always thought differentiated (sp) the shows was their sets, but now theres no distinction.
I'll be here on and off tonight. The new set looks alright, but it sucks that it's gonna be the same for EVERY show, even ECW. One thing I always thought differentiated (sp) the shows was their sets, but now theres no distinction.

yeah but they shouldent look the same by the sounds of it because the production team can put whatever they like on the set, so different backgrounds for different shows. I guess by the layouts they're will be no distinction, either way raw is the best show, just the name sets it out from smackdown and ecw.
I won't be doing the Live Disussion, but I'll bet you all that KJericho will show up with rope burn makrs on his neck, and JR will make some comment about how much worse they lok in HD, dispite the fact that JR is close enough to see them in real life.
I read an article on another site that said that the new set could expand and change like the WM23 set, sort of. It also said there was a special set being created for WM24, but nothing about the Royal Rumble or No Way Out sets. Does this mean this set's gonna be used for PPV's too?
Man, that sucks. But, they must have to save up some money after buying all the HD equipment.

Not really, the cost of PPVs will just go way up now, and they useally use the same or similar sets for PPVs most of the time anyways, has No Way Out even had totally new set in the past 5 years?
No Way Out or Backlash?

I wouldn't mind them all being the same and WrestleMania having a totally different one.
Not really, the cost of PPVs will just go way up now, and they useally use the same or similar sets for PPVs most of the time anyways, has No Way Out even had totally new set in the past 5 years?

I dont know, but the sets would have to be updated, considering that they're now using HD screens for their shows. And PPV's cost 10 dollars more if you by it in HD.

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