Live Discussion: ECW 4/1/2008 & Smackdown 4/4/2008 **NO SPOILERS**

o yea, Justin I also forgot to mention that Shelton cut what was probably his best promo EVER on ECW this week. fuck yea.

I didn't even watch ECW this week:lmao:

and if you remember Batista started his WWE career as a heel, so it just seems natureal to turn him heel, especially after that gay little cry babyish promo, funny as hell when he pwns HBK with the "Oh yeah your HBK, you don't lay down for anyone" line, that was great:lamo: who??? there are like three people who think he is good. and WWE creative certainley isnt a part of them, judging by what Kahli just did to him LOL
Morrison is overrated by everyone, everyone is jumping on the dude, claiming he's fucking great and shit, especially since he did a damn moonsault with a ladder in the MITB match, other than Kennedy and MVP everyone thought Morrison was going to or should have won the match, it's fucking ridiculous
and so he isnt any good with no atletic talent or charisma in your mind? explain to me why he is so bad? ( to be fair I was up on Morrison when his name was still Nitro)
ok so.....why if we are trying to legitimize the ECW title, and make Kane look badass, do we make him the first lamb of slaughter in the Undertakers reighn???
I never said he wasn't any good, though his promo are still somewhat lacking IMO, I said he was overrated, the guy doesn't deserve to be in the WHC or WWE title picture yet, he's still got another couple years ahead of him before he's ME material on either Raw or SD!, being able to do moonsaults with shit in your hands is a cool trick but shouldn't just automatically land in the title picture, right now I could see him as a solid challenger for the IC or US title, but nothing more

I seriously don't understand how people can say Jeff Hardy is shit and doesn't didn't deserve his push but Morrison does, when they basically wrestle the same spot monkey style
ok so.....why if we are trying to legitimize the ECW title, and make Kane look badass, do we make him the first lamb of slaughter in the Undertakers reighn???

Watch the whole match....that is if you can manage to stay conscious through it anyway, the match is a complete borefest
U wanna know something hilarious???? I straight up fell asleep during that....

Told you it was a shit ME, Kane/Taker failed at WM20 what the fuck made them think they could pull out a half way decent match 4 years later on SD!?

and the way they end the fucking match is just pathetic, they hit eachother with a big boot at the same time, and barely make it up before the 10 count only to have Edge, Chavo, & those two Edge guys run in and attack them, then the BOD just clears out the ring and both chokeslam Edge & Chavo...fucking ******ed
meh, rather run of the mill.

and we are on the same page as far as Morrison. I been sayin he should be the guy to take the US belt off of Hardy after Hardy takes it from MVP. I think Morrison needs more character development before he can touch the ME

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