Like Czena's never been booed at WM before...


It's Showtime!
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that The Undertaker delivering the Tombstone Piledriver to John Cena on Raw this past week was the first step in what at this point looks to be a program between the two which will lead to a match at Wrestlemania 26. The feud most likely won't actually begin until time draws closer to the PPV, and the piledriver on Raw was just a small foreshadowing of what might come in the future. It should be noted, however, that WWE officials are hesitant to book a match between Cena and The Undertaker as Cena would be the clear heel between the two and management probably doesn't want Cena to draw tons of heat at the biggest PPV of the year.

Doesn't want Cena to draw tons of heat?!? At the biggest PPV Wrestlemania?!? Somebody tell management to clean their ears cause this has already happened... twice... and the last two weren't exactly the most pro Cena crowds either.

Cena won't turn heel and it won't hurt him at all. WWE will still continue to jam him down our throats till we all love him like Vince does and nothing will change about Cena after this match.
Yeah, Cena's really been jammed down everyone's throat these last couple years. No doubt.


Cena's been wasted for the most part these last couple years by participating in lengthy upper midcard feuds with Show, JBL, and Miz, and has lost countless times to Triple H despite being a more worthy top dog. Cena's been underused these last two years. Get your shit straight, mate.
He hasn't been jammed down our throats. If he actually got proper booking once in a while, with you know, storylines which everyone else got, he'd be huge.

But I guess Creative realise he can get by on his matches and charisma alone. Get your shit straight, mate.
Just because he HAS been booed before, doesn't mean they WANT him to get booed again. Most of the booing has finally died, so obviously they don't want it to start back up again. Get your shit straight, mate
We should all love Cena like Vince does. He gives his heart and soul to this business and is amazing at what he does.
Heart and soul to the business doesn't necessarily entertain me in a wrestling match if I find their work to be boring. Cena reminds me of a Tommy Dreamer with better mic skills.
Cena hasn't been booed in awhile, yes he has been booed in the past at Mania's, but that was over two years ago. I don't recall him being booed at the last to. In fact I remember him receiving one of the bigger pop's at this past year's mania. (Though the crowd had died at that point.)

It's a simple, WWE doesn't want the main star of their company to be booed. Their have only been a couple people who have been the biggest star in the company and been booed. Hogan in WCW, and Austin in WWF. Though Austin was getting cheered for the most part. It doesn't make since for them to want to have Cene be booed. Though I would be completely open to having 'Taker vs Cena at mania.
Yeah, Cena's really been jammed down everyone's throat these last couple years. No doubt.


Cena's been wasted for the most part these last couple years by participating in lengthy upper midcard feuds with Show, JBL, and Miz, and has lost countless times to Triple H despite being a more worthy top dog. Cena's been underused these last two years. Get your shit straight, mate.
This post got me the following red rep:

dont mind people who like cena but cena suck ups get right on my nerves
Of all the posts I make regarding Cena... Really?
I feel bad for ya Coco.

I didn't expect to get such negative response. My statement about Cena was a little harsh. It was more about those two years when he made HHH and HBK tap out that he was really pushed down our throats. I just found it amusing that they are worried about Cena being booed at WM. It's happened, and it continues happening at a number of specific cities, though everyone is right it does happen less, and Cena still continues being a face after so there shouldn't be anything for management to be worried about.
Yeah, Cena's really been jammed down everyone's throat these last couple years. No doubt.


Cena's been wasted for the most part these last couple years by participating in lengthy upper midcard feuds with Show, JBL, and Miz, and has lost countless times to Triple H despite being a more worthy top dog. Cena's been underused these last two years. Get your shit straight, mate.

You win.

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