

Hello Everyone. Yes im 15 years old and May 13th is my B-day.. i have had dreams to become a WWE Superstar.. 5 years ago i had a accident wrestling on a trampoline and had to have surgery on my left hip and was a dislocated hip and it was the worst one my doctor said.. 2 years ago i had to have my second surgery but on the right hip and it was a Pre-dislocated hip.. i wish i could accually get a chance to have that dream come true! Before you guys leave thinking this is dumb i just never got to show my feelings! i just never got to fix my health. i wanna. i want you to explain your Life.... if you have always wanted to be ON WWE TELEVISION... explain your injuries that made u lose your WWE dream.

Hello Everyone. Yes im 15 years old and May 13th is my B-day.. i have had dreams to become a WWE Superstar.. 5 years ago i had a accident wrestling on a trampoline and had to have surgery on my left hip and was a dislocated hip and it was the worst one my doctor said.. 2 years ago i had to have my second surgery but on the right hip and it was a Pre-dislocated hip.. i wish i could accually get a chance to have that dream come true! Before you guys leave thinking this is dumb i just never got to show my feelings! i just never got to fix my health. i wanna. i want you to explain your Life.... if you have always wanted to be ON WWE TELEVISION... explain your injuries that made u lose your WWE dream.


I used to wrestle when I was a kid with other kids, but only on floors. Why on earth would you want to wrestle on a trampoline?

Bobby Heenan said it best, about what aspiring wrestlers should do: Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.
I used to wrestle when I was a kid with other kids, but only on floors. Why on earth would you want to wrestle on a trampoline?

As a kid, my brothers and I would use our neighbor's trampoline all the damn time. Let me tell ya, backdrops hurt a LOT less on a trampoline than they do a floor...So do "flying" elbows, suplexes, body slams, and a bunch of other moves.

None of us ever got hurt doing it. Not endorsing it, just saying that it does have it's advantages when you want to do specific things.

However, dislocated hip? Bet he tried doing something ridiculous near the edge and fell off.
I once got F5'ed off a trampoline and landed on my head, was pretty dazed for awhile. Used to love wrestling on trampolines, we used to "wrestle" but within like two moves It'd turn into doing what you see on television but actually doing it. I remember usually getting pissed and locking in a Sharpshooter or a Figure-4-Leglock. Good times, was fun to be young.
I used to take suplexes and body slams on my older cousin's bed. That's about as far as wrestling aspirations go for me. Never a trampoline though.
no accually we had mattresses on the ground to protect from falking off and i was speared off and didnt land on mattress.. dr also said it could of been anything but i know it was from wrestling on the trampoline. fun at on time but takes alot out of you years later. no meds help. i try to keep my head up but i just cant!
Speared off the trampoline onto the ground? Shoulda set up a flaming table and Mick Foley'd that shit. That would be badass.
Hello Everyone. Yes im 15 years old and May 13th is my B-day.. i have had dreams to become a WWE Superstar.. 5 years ago i had a accident wrestling on a trampoline and had to have surgery on my left hip and was a dislocated hip and it was the worst one my doctor said.. 2 years ago i had to have my second surgery but on the right hip and it was a Pre-dislocated hip.. i wish i could accually get a chance to have that dream come true! Before you guys leave thinking this is dumb i just never got to show my feelings! i just never got to fix my health. i wanna. i want you to explain your Life.... if you have always wanted to be ON WWE TELEVISION... explain your injuries that made u lose your WWE dream.


Loike if yhuuu crieddd... xox
Don't be assholes. If you didn't play wrestling with your friends or siblings when you were a kid, then you weren't watching wrestling. Every kid that's a fan does it.

Anyways, Logan... just because you have health problems doesn't mean you still can't make it in the professional wrestling business. You might not be able to actually wrestle, but there are still plenty of other things within the business you can strive to do.
How is it no one wants to be a wrestling commentator? Thats my dream. Especially in TNA. I just wanna sit there with Taz (I intend to replace Tenay) and shoot the breeze, crack bad jokes and admire Velvet Sky's ass.
Finish school, get a degree, get in shape, join a good wrestling school.

Or alternatively don't. It'll be easier, less painful, less expensive and less life shortening.
I fractured my finger at age 5 when my dad gave me a vertical suplex and I slipped out. As I fell, I put my hands out in front of me. I remember we were watching Ultimate Warrior at the time.

I chokeslammed my little brother at age 10 (he was 9) through his bed. The weak ass box spring gave out. Mom was pissed.

I gave a samoan drop to a punk in high school onto the dirt. Not sure how that happened; he had stopped trying to box me (which he probably would have won if he kept at it) and tried to grapple me. Being a heftier dude than he was, I had him up on my shoulders in no time, and couldn't think of anything else to do but fall backwards. The punk never bothered me again after that.

Same year, my brother and I were again wrestling (on a trampoline!) when he put me in the Masterlock. My response was to headbutt him. I still have scars were his front teeth gave the back of my head three little puncture wounds.
I used to wrestle with my friends back in the day as well, mostly on bed and sand.. did a lot of grappling stuff with failed attempts at sharpshooter and crippler crossfaces.. the favourite move, also the most enjoyable to do was the double team suplexes. No serious injuries though, just messed up hair and dirty clothes!
One time my friends applied a crippler crossface on me. I approached 90 of my upper torso to m lower. Fucking agony.

Actually one time we did have a big wrestling match on my parents beds (there was two of them), about 6 of us, aged around 9. To prove that Mick Foley was a bad influence, I got a huge metal bike pump (think the weight of a brick) and swung it around by the cord, missed everyone else and jacked myself in the jaw. It also involved a metal bin and at one point I jumped off the higher bed onto my friend on the lower one and dropped my knee right into his temple. Another friend punched someone else right in the eye.

We didn't wrestle again. I appreciate the disclaimers.
How is it no one wants to be a wrestling commentator? Thats my dream. Especially in TNA. I just wanna sit there with Taz (I intend to replace Tenay) and shoot the breeze, crack bad jokes and admire Velvet Sky's ass.

I think the same thing all the time, that TOO would be my dream job, but not from all the way at the top of the ramp like TNA.

*A little off topic* What is it with Bischoff having the commentators all the way up there in the first place? he did that when he was Raw GM.

Ringside commentary is the way to go, and thats my ultimate wrestling job dream.
Don't be assholes. If you didn't play wrestling with your friends or siblings when you were a kid, then you weren't watching wrestling. Every kid that's a fan does it.

Anyways, Logan... just because you have health problems doesn't mean you still can't make it in the professional wrestling business. You might not be able to actually wrestle, but there are still plenty of other things within the business you can strive to do.

Hell yeah me and my buddies used to wrestle in the backyard all the time as kids. It's one of the reasons a friend of mine started up his own wrestling fed. I used to train but I started getting problems with my legs and paying for training was getting too expensive. I'm still with that fed doing security and ring crew though and I enjoy it.
I used to reenact WrestleMania moments with my best friend when I was younger, maybe like 10, 11, 12. We did Hogan slamming Andre, Stone Cold beating HBK, but our best moment was Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold. I busted him open and then put him in the Sharpshooter until he passed out. He did a really convincing unconscious Steve Austin, he barely even moved. I figured he probably wanted me to do the post-match where Bret Hart assaults Steve Austin, so I started stomping him and eventually beat him up with a steel chair. Then I noticed he wasn't breathing, and decided we should probably stop playing.

I stopped reenacting wrestling moments after the funeral.
I used to reenact WrestleMania moments with my best friend when I was younger, maybe like 10, 11, 12. We did Hogan slamming Andre, Stone Cold beating HBK, but our best moment was Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold. I busted him open and then put him in the Sharpshooter until he passed out. He did a really convincing unconscious Steve Austin, he barely even moved. I figured he probably wanted me to do the post-match where Bret Hart assaults Steve Austin, so I started stomping him and eventually beat him up with a steel chair. Then I noticed he wasn't breathing, and decided we should probably stop playing.

I stopped reenacting wrestling moments after the funeral.

Dont know why, he clearly died doing what he loved.
How is it no one wants to be a wrestling commentator? Thats my dream. Especially in TNA. I just wanna sit there with Taz (I intend to replace Tenay) and shoot the breeze, crack bad jokes and admire Velvet Sky's ass.
If I were to have a job in wrestling, this is what I would want to do.

Fuck being a wrestler, I don't need to be hurting every day of my life for 20 years.

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