Life must be hard...

I like Madden. Every time I see Dissaray's avatar, actually, for some reason, I have a jolly laugh
An therein lies the reason he nor any otherr established wrestling personality would never step foot in a place like this.

Half the people would jizz themselves over being able to say hi to the guy an then guys like nick would try an take shots at him.

I am sure that he doesn't necessarily believe himself above this, he just has no incentive whatsoever for coming in here.

I am content having his articles on the main page. Truth be told he is one of the reasons I have continued following wrestling for so long. At times the product is total shit an he isn't afraid to tell it like it is.

Dude, established wrestling personalities have stepped foot into this place before and likely well again at some point.
I'm sorry still relatively new here point me in the direction of the thread. An who was it?

Doubt I'll be able to find the thread, but I'll try, but Nick Paglino himself has shown up and for a while Disco Inferno was kind of active on the forums.
As usual, you are making an assumption, and are 100% wrong. I have never said I disagree with the content of what Madden is saying. But, a lot of the time I become annoyed with how he is saying it. I don't "take shots" at guys who know what they are talking about, only the ones (like yourself) who don't have a fucking clue.

I believe that I said people like Nick would take shots at him hmmm…

Let's look at something shall we.

Kevin Kelly usually = Master of the Obvious. His articles are never anything special (but nowhere near as annoying and/or offensive as Mark Madden's).

And Madden doesn't?

I think Madden knows what he's talking about, and happens to get his point across in a somewhat entertaining fashion, but I just don't like the guy. He seems like the bitter ex-girlfriend, tainted for life because the "man-****e" wrestling business did him wrong.

I didn't say he had interest in coming back. I've heard the guy say time and time again he is happy where he is. But that doesn't mean his articles do not reflect his absolute bitterness toward most people in the business. Like I said, he's somewhat entertaining, but I think Mark Madden believes Mark Madden is the smartest man on the planet..and he isn't.

So what were you trying to say here?

If Madden were to come onto this board right now what could you say to him? "Mark Madden you are an offensive bitter half ass writer"?

Yea tell me again how you wouldn't take shots at him. You only started to backpeddle. When others started to voice their opinion in favor of him.
I believe that I said people like Nick would take shots at him hmmm…

So I'm not like myself?

So what were you trying to say here?

Once again, being the idiot you are, you missed the point. I have said several times he knows what he is talking about, I just don't care for his delivery. It's a matter of personal preference. But that doesn't mean I don't respect his knowledge when it comes to wrestling.

If Madden were to come onto this board right now what could you say to him? "Mark Madden you are an offensive bitter half ass writer"?

No, I wouldn't say anything like that. He isn't a bad writer, either. I said I don't care for the bitterness. How hard is this for you to comprehend?

Yea tell me again how you wouldn't take shots at him.

...I wouldn't take shots at him.

You only started to backpeddle. When others started to voice their opinion in favor of him.

There was no backing up. I have said what I think, and you can't handle it for some odd reason. He knows what he's talking about, and it would be interesting to hear what he has to say in this kind of setting. You, on the other hand, are not interesting. Just annoying, and somewhat pathetic.
Believe what ya want insult me all you want. Perhaps your definition of taking shots an my definition of taking shots is a little different. I am sure he would consider your comments as complete bullshit an commence to ripping you a new asshole. You act as though you know the man and are making judgements you came up with in your jacked up mind. If he really wanted to he could be working for TNA right now but according to you he is bitter towards the world and offensive.

An you did backpeddle proof is the the thread your opening comment about him being ANNOYING and offensive is proof enough. An if that isn't taking a shot at someone then you really need to get a clue.
Believe what ya want insult me all you want. Perhaps your definition of taking shots an my definition of taking shots is a little different. I am sure he would consider your comments as complete bullshit an commence to ripping you a new asshole. You act as though you know the man and are making judgements you came up with in your jacked up mind. If he really wanted to he could be working for TNA right now but according to you he is bitter towards the world and offensive.

I act like I know him? I have read his articles, and have reacted to them. In no way is that any different from anyone else who chooses to comment on his articles.

An you did backpeddle proof is the the thread your opening comment about him being ANNOYING and offensive is proof enough. An if that isn't taking a shot at someone then you really need to get a clue.

AND! The word has a D at the end of it. You spell the word correctly from time to time, so why not all of the time? I will say once again, I didn't back up from what I said. It's not my fault you are not intelligent enough to understand what I have written. I can start typin' 2 ya like dis, if dat will make ya feel betta. Moron.
I act like I know him? I have read his articles, and have reacted to them. In no way is that any different from anyone else who chooses to comment on his articles.

AND! The word has a D at the end of it. You spell the word correctly from time to time, so why not all of the time? I will say once again, I didn't back up from what I said. It's not my fault you are not intelligent enough to understand what I have written. I can start typin' 2 ya like dis, if dat will make ya feel betta. Moron.

You are pathetic. At least you didn't deny that you were taking a shot at him when you called him annoying and offensive.

Making comments about how he is bitter towards the wrestling world an that he thinks himself to be smarter than everyone else makes you sound like an asshole. The man knows more about the business than you could ever hope to.

I like Mark Madden's writting I find him neither annoying or offensive. I do however find you to be both AND I think you should just shut the fuck up. I made the comment that people like you would take shots at him you can't deny that you did from the very beginning. You are the one dragging this shit out.

You don't like his writing fine you are entitled to your opinion, just don't expect people to just accept your bullshit comments about someone you have never met.
You are pathetic. At least you didn't deny that you were taking a shot at him when you called him annoying and offensive.

I guess that can be considered taking a shot at him, I'll go along with that. But that doesn't mean I don't respect his knowledge and experience.

Making comments about how he is bitter towards the wrestling world an that he thinks himself to be smarter than everyone else makes you sound like an asshole. The man knows more about the business than you could ever hope to.

I agree he knows more about the world of wrestling than myself. But let's not act like everyone on this forum doesn't come on here, daily, and act as if they should be running the show. It's a forum. That's what people do here, yourself included. I don't have any problem with the fact that Mark Madden knows more about the wrestling world than I do. I never said he didn't. I just think he has a pissy attitude when it comes to most aspects of wrestling (especially TNA), and he sounds bitter. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. That's just how it comes across to me. It's called having an opinion.

I like Mark Madden's writting I find him neither annoying or offensive. I do however find you to be both AND I think you should just shut the fuck up.

YOU find someone annoying and offensive? That's funny, coming from the most offensive, idiotic, pathetic, annoying piece of shit on this forum. Why don't you try and prove yourself in the non-spam sections instead of hanging around The Cage, pissing and moaning. You start threads and talk to people around here as if you have some kind of elite poster-status. You don't. You suck. I don't have that kind of status around here either, but I'm pretty damn confident I'm twice the poster you will ever be.

I made the comment that people like you would take shots at him you can't deny that you did from the very beginning. You are the one dragging this shit out.

Yes, I took some shots at the way he has put his opinion out there. That doesn't mean if he were to start posting in the forum tomorrow that I would jump in and start bagging on him. Once again, so you can get this straight, I understand he has a far larger base of knowledge concerning the business than myself, or anyone else posting here. It would be interesting to see him in this environment. Not sure how many times I have to repeat that before you understand what I'm saying.

You don't like his writing fine you are entitled to your opinion.

Now you're starting to get it.

just don't expect people to just accept your bullshit comments about someone you have never met.

I don't expect anyone to just accept anything. People can tell me I'm wrong, that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is someone like you, who is unable to comprehend what I really mean.

Comments about someone I've never met? I know you didn't just bring that up on a wrestling forum. That's all we do around here! We make comments about people we do not know, you idiot. Do you know John Cena? Randy Orton? Kevin Kelly? Doink The fucking Clown? No, you don't. None of us know these people, yet all of us bag on them at some point or another. Once again you make a point that doesn't hold water. I can't believe I'm wasting my time on you, this has been rather pointless.
I guess that can be considered taking a shot at him, I'll go along with that. But that doesn't mean I don't respect his knowledge and experience.

I agree he knows more about the world of wrestling than myself. But let's not act like everyone on this forum doesn't come on here, daily, and act as if they should be running the show. It's a forum. That's what people do here, yourself included. I don't have any problem with the fact that Mark Madden knows more about the wrestling world than I do. I never said he didn't. I just think he has a pissy attitude when it comes to most aspects of wrestling (especially TNA), and he sounds bitter. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. That's just how it comes across to me. It's called having an opinion.

YOU find someone annoying and offensive? That's funny, coming from the most offensive, idiotic, pathetic, annoying piece of shit on this forum. Why don't you try and prove yourself in the non-spam sections instead of hanging around The Cage, pissing and moaning. You start threads and talk to people around here as if you have some kind of elite poster-status. You don't. You suck. I don't have that kind of status around here either, but I'm pretty damn confident I'm twice the poster you will ever be.

Yes, I took some shots at the way he has put his opinion out there. That doesn't mean if he were to start posting in the forum tomorrow that I would jump in and start bagging on him. Once again, so you can get this straight, I understand he has a far larger base of knowledge concerning the business than myself, or anyone else posting here. It would be interesting to see him in this environment. Not sure how many times I have to repeat that before you understand what I'm saying.

Now you're starting to get it.

I don't expect anyone to just accept anything. People can tell me I'm wrong, that doesn't bother me. What bothers me is someone like you, who is unable to comprehend what I really mean.

Comments about someone I've never met? I know you didn't just bring that up on a wrestling forum. That's all we do around here! We make comments about people we do not know, you idiot. Do you know John Cena? Randy Orton? Kevin Kelly? Doink The fucking Clown? No, you don't. None of us know these people, yet all of us bag on them at some point or another. Once again you make a point that doesn't hold water. I can't believe I'm wasting my time on you, this has been rather pointless.

Then why'd you even respond to him in the first place?
I really don't fucking like Kevin Kelly.The one time I check the main page and I see some of his hack ass reporting talking about if Jericho is successful on Downfall the WWE will see him as a traitor.How the fuck can you exist in society when you're a paranoid,cynical fucktard like him? I understand it's a business and with every business there's a pecking order but fuck! He equates the WWE to a fishbowl,everyone's always looking at you.FUCKIN DUH! If you want to be a WWE Superstar people are going to...:wtf: look at you.OMG! and Then he goes on to say the fish(superstars) look out for each other,but will occasionally eat one another to survive.How jaded.It must be hard as shit trying to live life constantly looking over your shoulder,most likely creating trouble where there is none.Chris Jericho has successfully been lead singer of a band and head of a household along with his WWE career.What the fuck does this game show do,he's obviously a master of chaos or he would have had a meltdown by now,so why the fuck is this fat pasty flop trippin? Must still be pressed cuz his ass got chopped from the WWE...I'm done now,I just had to get that off my chest.

You're so far off it's not evn funny.

I had the occassion to meet Kevin Kelly a few years back and he's actually one of the most knowledgable and well spoken gentlemen I've had the pleasure of talking wrestling with. You honestly believe that after all these years, he's writing that Jericho editorial (which I was very impressed with) to take a shot at WWE and Vince McMahon?

Dude, if you talk to ANYBODY, you can realize how Vince is and how he runs his company. He's a business genius and a self-important egomaniac. He is Al Davis with actual brains for what he does. He's Jerry Jones, he's George Steinbrenner.

Maybe you don't respect Kevin Kelly for no good reason, but if you have any wrestling knowledge whatsoever, you may respect JJ Dillon. Go out and pick up his book "Wrestlers are like Seagulls." It's a brilliant account of old-school through new-school wrestling business, and you'll read things about VKM that will really make you question how you feel about him.
A list of all the legit guys that I know have been on here.

Kevin Kelly
Nick Dinsmore
Disco Inferno
Justin Credible
Chris Masters

And IC it is very difficult to change my view on Vince McMahon, he is a prick, a rich prick, a rich prick with brains, a rich prick with brains and the ruthless aggression in business to get what he wants in a speedy manner.
Because I felt that way after typing all of that. Wasn't going to delete it.

The only reason I called you out personally for being the kind of person to take shots at Madden if he were to ever come here was BECAUSE YOU JUST FUCKING DID IT.

I am done with this argument, just didn't want you thinking you had actually accomplished anything.
The only reason I called you out personally for being the kind of person to take shots at Madden if he were to ever come here was BECAUSE YOU JUST FUCKING DID IT.

I am done with this argument, just didn't want you thinking you had actually accomplished anything.

Don't worry, Papa, I learned my lesson! I also learned you are even dumber than I had originally thought, and that's saying something.
A list of all the legit guys that I know have been on here.

Kevin Kelly
Nick Dinsmore
Disco Inferno
Justin Credible
Chris Masters

And IC it is very difficult to change my view on Vince McMahon, he is a prick, a rich prick, a rich prick with brains, a rich prick with brains and the ruthless aggression in business to get what he wants in a speedy manner.

links to any of their threads old chum?
You're so far off it's not evn funny.

I had the occassion to meet Kevin Kelly a few years back and he's actually one of the most knowledgable and well spoken gentlemen I've had the pleasure of talking wrestling with. You honestly believe that after all these years, he's writing that Jericho editorial (which I was very impressed with) to take a shot at WWE and Vince McMahon?

Dude, if you talk to ANYBODY, you can realize how Vince is and how he runs his company. He's a business genius and a self-important egomaniac. He is Al Davis with actual brains for what he does. He's Jerry Jones, he's George Steinbrenner.

Maybe you don't respect Kevin Kelly for no good reason, but if you have any wrestling knowledge whatsoever, you may respect JJ Dillon. Go out and pick up his book "Wrestlers are like Seagulls." It's a brilliant account of old-school through new-school wrestling business, and you'll read things about VKM that will really make you question how you feel about him.

and you know what? You're probably right.He does know alot about the business.I took a far off shot at his writing because it legitimately pissed me off,is all.I'm not an idiot,I understand that certain less than favorable dealings and things go on within a business as large as the WWE,but I honestly don't think it would be like that between the superstars.I understand that VKM is a ruthless businessman,but I always believed in my heart of hearts that even though there's alot of money involved,he still looked out for his people.Maybe I'm wrong,maybe I'm too naive,I don't know that's why my user title says "Hopeless Mark".I just thought that he could have taken a more positive stance on the issue,and I got too negative in my OP.I still believe that being in the WWE is better than he's making it out to be.

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