Lets vent it out Mateys, Shall We?

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
If you think this is just another mediocre complain thread from a mediocre guy, I'm afraid you're wrong with your thinking. Just read this thread closely.

We all know about the inside politics of the WWE, burying talents when they dislike them dreadfully. But I'm sure this isn't a complain against the WWE or Vince McMahon or Triple H.

I'm a huge fan of Wade Barrett. We all know how good a wrestler and a brawler he is. We all know what he's capable of. I've been watching him losing matches after matches since he won the King of the Ring Tournament.

Becoming the King has became irrelevant by itself. I couldn't watch him lose his way down the cards. I love pro-wrestling. And I love WWE. I've no regrets on saying that. But last night I turned off my TV after watching Wade losing once again.

Its just that I love him. I admire his work and how much he changed in his looks over the last one year. I didn't want to watch him lose. I just turned off the TV albeit not forever.

I'll watch this EC and I'll continue watching WWE even if he loses over and over again. But just for a moment I thought I should quit watching WWE.

Did that ever happen to you just by watching your favourite wrestler goes on a losing streak? Have you ever thought about quit watching WWE because of this same reason? If so who's the Wrestler (sorry Superstar) in your case?

Let us all just vent it out, shall we?
The thing that bugs me about the way they've booked Barrett is he's is losing to everyone in sight. Yes he won the KOTR, but has lost more matches than you can count. And what really gets me is he was beaten by Neville, who now can't seem to get by Bo friggin Dallas. If Neville can beat Barrett, then Dallas should be a walk in the park.

The wrestler that I'm most considered about is Ambrose. Out of the three Shield members, he's the one with the most potential character wise. This last year, other than the feud with Rollins, he was treated as an afterthought.

Now they seem to have realized he's around, so we'll see what happens. It would take a lot more than shitty booking to make me stop watching. If it was just that, I'd have stopped watching a long time ago.
Yeh it's weird. He was constantly losing as IC champ. Even to guys like Sin Cara and R-Truth. Fair enough to Bryan or Ambrose, maybe even Ziggler too but they were taking the piss.

Now he is the King of the Ring and nothing has changed. It was just another gimmick change and he is still losing. I like Barrett. He has a good look, he can talk and he is fun to watch in the ring.

I'm not sure what is missing. The WWE aren't booking him strong which is very odd given the lack of top heels. Rollins, Wyatt, Sheamus and Rusev. That's it. They could at least give him Barrett a few wins to build some momentum so if they do have him feud with someone big there will be the interest to match.
Did that ever happen to you just by watching your favourite wrestler goes on a losing streak? Have you ever thought about quit watching WWE because of this same reason?

No, never. In a scripted form of entertainment, I'm presuming you're angrier at the WWE writers than anything else since it's they, under the direction of Vince McMahon, that determines who wins and loses. The idea is akin to abandoning an episodic TV program because one doesn't like the way the storyline is running; i.e., you can quit watching if you want to, but if there were other qualities in the show that you enjoyed, is it really worth leaving the whole program behind?

If so who's the Wrestler (sorry Superstar) in your case?

My guy was Drew McIntyre. I truly disliked the jobber direction they gave him in his last years with WWE. Honestly, when they fired Drew, I was more relieved than anything.....and in truth, more than the constant losing, I was discouraged by the way he was made to look like a fool (losing one-on-one to El Torito?). Still, I never considered abandoning WWE because of it. There's a lot that I like about it aside from Drew.

Yes, if the company's treatment of Wade Barrett is enough to cause you to stop watching WWE, that's your call. But it would take a lot more than that to get me to stop tuning in.
i know how you feel, OP. it's difficult to see if Barrett's gonna start gaining or losing momentum. It would be horrible if he lost momentum fast with his KOTR win, imo he is the best candidate for the IC Title
10 years ago when i was a proper mark, my fav guy in WWE was Paul London. needless to say I wasn't best satisfied with how they used him
For me it was Edge, constantly winning and then immediately losing World Championships. Edge was never allowed to have a meaningful title reign. He's a guy who should be remembered as one of the greatest World Champions of all time, and instead he's remembered as the greatest transitional champion of all time. Edge should have had at least one title reign that went 9 months or more.

Currently it's Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler has the ring skills, the charisma, and the all-around talent to be THE top guy in the company, and instead he's just some midcard nobody that the Powers That Be don't care about, except Vince who actively despises him.
Oddly, the Big Show during my first 'run' with the WWE (between 1998-2003). I hated how he lost his first few matches as they made him look stupid. They were booking him like he was strong, but really inexperienced and didn't know the rules. Yet they knew who we was, so it's not like they were ignoring his WCW career.

Then he pretty much lost every meaningful feud he was in. I didn't realize it at the time, but WCW wasn't any better to him. Speaking of which, WCW's treatment of Flair still irks me.

As for current WWE, Barrett's booking does bother me. The way he generated heat originally was that he was very good and knew it, so you loved to hate his smugness. Now his smugness just makes him look kind of pitiful. There's no weight to it and the impact is gone. Curtis Axel ended up getting similar reactions from me, as I just feel bad for him when he loses...which is often.
Yes, if the company's treatment of Wade Barrett is enough to cause you to stop watching WWE, that's your call. But it would take a lot more than that to get me to stop tuning in.

You mistook me Sally. I clearly quoted that I will continue watching WWE and its products. I just said that it made me feel just for that moment and I wanted to just vent out that moment and wanted to know if someone else had felt the same same way about someone else.

I hear you man. They've booked Wade poorly from the jump. He should have held the WWE title in 2010, and even before that, Nexus should have never lost at Summerslam. The Corre sucked. Then every time he's won a title, and now KOTR, it's to legitimize him as a jobber to the stars. Every title he's has been so he can be booked to lose credibly. That can really get to a Wade supporter such as yourself. Every time he's poised to look dominant he falls flat on his face.

For me it was Christain in 2006. He had been feuding with Cena from afar since the Royal Rumble. He was a talented wrestler and an absolute heat magnate. I don't think anyone was getting as strong of a heel reaction in that time. He seemed poised for an epic heel run and a fantastic summer feud with Cena, but then he was drafted to Smackdown and put on a weak face run he wasn't ready for and he'd wind up departing to TNA over it.

I did stop watching for a bit in that time. I'd still read spoilers and follow the product, watching the well received matches online, but always well after the fact until the fall that year. That's the problem with WWE being the biggest game in town.

I'm not a huge fan of Barrett, and I think he could still have a main event run, but there's a lot of competition. The three former Shield members seem poised to control the main event scene for years to come. Owens and Balor are on the way, and cases could be made for Zayn and Itami. Cena's record tying title reign is also likely in the future, same with a returning Brock Lesnar for at least the next three years.

Barrett is over, there's no denying it. People loved the Bad News stuff, once it hit its stride. I think that level of overness could lend itself to a future title reign. Time isn't on or off his side, he's on the right side of 35 as is. I just don't know if I'd hold your breath. Talented guy, but talented guy with the misfortune of being active in the part timer era, and the beginning of the Indy guy era in WWE.
No I can't say I've ever thought about quiting watching because my favourite hasn't won, It is annoying when I see one of my favourites get buried and lost in the shuffle with no particular program with anyone but WWE is still a business and I guess they do what they feel is best for business the majority of the time whatever the reason that may be so it is what it is. Nobody is ever all going to be in complete agreement with who wins or losses or who should be champion in wrestling.
Yeh it's weird. He was constantly losing as IC champ. Even to guys like Sin Cara and R-Truth. Fair enough to Bryan or Ambrose, maybe even Ziggler too but they were taking the piss.

Now he is the King of the Ring and nothing has changed. It was just another gimmick change and he is still losing. I like Barrett. He has a good look, he can talk and he is fun to watch in the ring.

I'm not sure what is missing. The WWE aren't booking him strong which is very odd given the lack of top heels. Rollins, Wyatt, Sheamus and Rusev. That's it. They could at least give him Barrett a few wins to build some momentum so if they do have him feud with someone big there will be the interest to match.

Barrett has been feuding with Neville. If the NXT darling lost to Barrett, you would all complain that Neville is being buried.

Yet, WWE have Neville beat Barrett, and instead of commending them for pushing Neville, and making him a winner, you all put a negative spin on it, and say that they are burying Barrett.

Hell, Barrett got buried years ago, when Santino Marella easily beat him in an Elimination Chamber, and yet I heard no complaints then. Instead, you all cheered that clown, Santino, who doesn't have the upside or need the push that Neville does.

It is like when the Shield kept taking out Ryback. Instead of commending WWE for putting over the Shield, people talked about Ryback being buried.

Obviously you guys aren't fans of Monty Python because you don't "always look on the bright side of life" (whistle).
If you think this is just another mediocre complain thread from a mediocre guy, I'm afraid you're wrong with your thinking. Just read this thread closely.

I read closely and yes it is a mediocre compliant thread, by a guy who just wants his favorite to get over. WWE is worried bout big pops and over heels. Barrett is neither unless he is in Europe, which is cute and all, but this is America and most shows are done right here in the USA.

Did that ever happen to you just by watching your favourite wrestler goes on a losing streak? Have you ever thought about quit watching WWE because of this same reason? If so who's the Wrestler (sorry Superstar) in your case?

Yeah His name was Mr Perfect Then Papa Shango Then Val Venis, then Shawn Micheals, Then and Now Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt.

Nope never stopped wrestling or WWE just because it happens, I did break a TV when I saw the rapist Mike Tyson knock out HBK to let that pile of crap Stone Cold win, I still hate that guy and when I hear the glass break and the fans cheer, I vomit in my mouth a little. ooo Be drunk and stupid and blah blah. stupid. But enough of that crap.

But here are the things you don't get and the same goes for all the stupid fans of Daniel Bryan. Wrestlers or Superstars as you call them wrestling 250-350 dates a year. Some of those guys get injured ALOT, Your boy Barrett fits that group along with Bryan, Ziggler and others. When wrestlers get hurt 2-3 times a year and are out for a few months at a time why would you use them for a serious show?

Barrett is getting beat right now so he can show he can take the beatings and the bumps, but remain healthy. If Barrett takes his beatings and can keep going week in and week out for 6-8 months he will get that push he so deserves. Just like when Shawn was on his downhill slide between his Taker bouts and his eventual return. Give it time nd he will come back around, but if he can't get hated more or Liked more enjoy his wins in the UK and suck it up the rest of the year.
I still don't understand why they went away from Bad News Barrett. "I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you" was massively over.

Works as a heel and as a face and he was becoming more and more popular no matter who he was up against.

Maybe killing his momentum is on purpose? Hopefully because they are just looking at the timing and not because they just need to keep him down.

KotR is soooooooooo stupid on the whole. I still have nightmares about "All hail King Bookerrrrrr". Fuck you Sharmell, fuck youl.
Barrett has been feuding with Neville. If the NXT darling lost to Barrett, you would all complain that Neville is being buried.

Yet, WWE have Neville beat Barrett, and instead of commending them for pushing Neville, and making him a winner, you all put a negative spin on it, and say that they are burying Barrett.

Hell, Barrett got buried years ago, when Santino Marella easily beat him in an Elimination Chamber, and yet I heard no complaints then. Instead, you all cheered that clown, Santino, who doesn't have the upside or need the push that Neville does.

It is like when the Shield kept taking out Ryback. Instead of commending WWE for putting over the Shield, people talked about Ryback being buried.

Obviously you guys aren't fans of Monty Python because you don't "always look on the bright side of life" (whistle).

Speak for yourself. I HATED the mega-push Santino Marella got in 2011-2012, it made the entire roster look like a joke. I never once cheered him. And right now Barrett IS being buried so that Neville looks unbeatable. This constant feeling of "every young guy needs to protected and booked as an invincible god" is what's killing WWE. The young guys should lose to the established talent 99% of the time. A rookie beating a veteran should be the VERY rare exception, not the rule.

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