Let's Say Bryan Is In The Title Match....


I think it's fairly safe to say that a significant majority of fans would prefer that Daniel Bryan participate in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania XXX. Some fans MIGHT be placated with Bryan vs. Triple H, provided Bryan winds up going over. Realistically, however, having Bryan in the title match is probably the only way to guarantee that pissed off fans won't hijack the main event. If I had to guess, I think the ideal situation, also in the minds of a significant majority, would be for Bryan to either win the title at EC, go into WM XXX defending the title and successfully do so or winning the title at WM XXX in order to have a huge WrestleMania moment.

But....what if NEITHER one of these scenarios takes place, with either Orton coming out of WrestleMania still champ or Batista walks out with the title? Post WrestleMania Raw crowds are always extremely hot, so if Bryan isn't WWE World Heavyweight Champion when he walks out of WrestleMania XXX, WWE could have the single most hostile audience in its 50+ year history. Everyone from the hardest of hardcore smarks to the smarkiest dirtsheet writers to long time wrestling insiders to average fans will piss all over whatever WWE tries to do on Raw that night.
Jack-Hammer, it depends on how over Bryan is when Wrestlemania XXX comes around (assuming he does not win the title at EC). The question ultimately comes down to Bryan's ability to stay over long term. Is this just a phase WWE fans are going through for the past year or so? Bryan has picked up momentum after he and Kane lost the tag titles. It seemed around that time that the YES! chant really took off. Or, maybe, this is something more long term. Current crowd reactions would suggest it is, but maybe crowds will lose interest overtime. It depends on how he is booked.

I think, odds are, he will still be hot post WM. But, if WWE books him in a way that does not have him as the WWE champ either after EC or WMXXX we may see the crowd reactions die down a bit. If WWE Creative is ever going to give him a championship push the time seems like now. But who knows what the next two months will bring. Maybe big crowd reactions will shift to a guy like Roman Reigns, or Bray Wyatt. They seem to be two up and coming stars right now.
I think it's fairly safe to say that a significant majority of fans would prefer that Daniel Bryan participate in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania XXX. Some fans MIGHT be placated with Bryan vs. Triple H, provided Bryan winds up going over. Realistically, however, having Bryan in the title match is probably the only way to guarantee that pissed off fans won't hijack the main event. If I had to guess, I think the ideal situation, also in the minds of a significant majority, would be for Bryan to either win the title at EC, go into WM XXX defending the title and successfully do so or winning the title at WM XXX in order to have a huge WrestleMania moment.

But....what if NEITHER one of these scenarios takes place, with either Orton coming out of WrestleMania still champ or Batista walks out with the title? Post WrestleMania Raw crowds are always extremely hot, so if Bryan isn't WWE World Heavyweight Champion when he walks out of WrestleMania XXX, WWE could have the single most hostile audience in its 50+ year history. Everyone from the hardest of hardcore smarks to the smarkiest dirtsheet writers to long time wrestling insiders to average fans will piss all over whatever WWE tries to do on Raw that night.

I think you might be getting into Dusty Finish territory then. At some point, you have to produce the pay-off. It's so enticing to keep doing a bait and switch in matches, a la Rhodes, with his constant screwing with fans who thought they had seen a title change only to find that some technicality put the title back on Ric Flair. Once is awesome, twice is whipping people to a fever pitch, but if you keep denying people that moment, eventually it backfires and people cease to give a shit, which is also what happened with the NWA. I'd argue that the WWE would be getting close to that.
I'm calling it right now...

one of two things is happening...either a major swerve that changes everything about the current product OR The Rock vs Taker. There is no chance in hell, pun intended, that Vince us allowing Orton vs Batista to main event WM30. With the rumor of Cena vs Wyatt, the WWE has to be planning something huge. No way they put Cena against a midcarder so that Orton and Batista can close the show. I think the WWE is much smarter than we think they are. They are leaking false information to the dirtsheets so that we can all be confused and won't see what they have coming. Mark my words, prepare for a huge surprise and a main event that nobody has predicted.
I like your thinking, Kidpolean.

Im still sticking with the Punk fiasco being a complete work and that something big will happen. I, too, see the glass as half full and think the WWE is smarter than we think they are. Time will tell.

The 2-24 Raw will tell us alot, and I cant friggin wait!
I too am hoping for something big ... but what?

Orton-Batista main eventing is obviously a train wreck waiting to happen

do they find a way to slip Bryan into the main event and make it a triple threat?

**heard a lot of Bray Wyatt being tied to Cena, and that match up doesn't really make much sense from Cena's end of it .. as Bray isn't quite ready for main event status yet .. but if the Wyatt's dispatch the Shield @ Elimination Chamber, they'll need some new angle by Mania time
Some fans MIGHT be placated with Bryan vs. Triple H, provided Bryan winds up going over.

Some of 'em, yes.....but the majority of the "Yes!" chanters are going to be unhappy unless Daniel emerges as champion of the world..... the king of pro wrestling.....the master of all he surveys.

Those who feel the poor little fella was "mistreated" at Royal Rumble are the same good folks who will want to tear the place apart (figuratively, we hope) if Daniel doesn't take home the big prize.

Ironically, WWE has painted themselves into a corner with the whole Daniel program; they've created a monster with the "underdog" scenario along with an "easy to do" chant......and now have left themselves with a paradox: if Daniel doesn't win the world title, they're gonna hate WM30....but if he does win it, the whole "underdog" aspect goes to hell.

The appeal of the program has been Bryan trying to win the title while being beat down by forces from every side: the Authority, the Shield, the Wyatts, and other main event wrestlers.

If he wins the big one, it will be only for a short time, as it was when he beat John Cena for the duke. Daniel can wear the belt and can lead the fans in "Yes!" to their heart's content.......while Creative looks for ways to get the belt away from him as quickly as possible so he can start being the underdog again, because that's where his appeal lies.
Some of 'em, yes.....but the majority of the "Yes!" chanters are going to be unhappy unless Daniel emerges as champion of the world..... the king of pro wrestling.....the master of all he surveys.

Those who feel the poor little fella was "mistreated" at Royal Rumble are the same good folks who will want to tear the place apart (figuratively, we hope) if Daniel doesn't take home the big prize.

Ironically, WWE has painted themselves into a corner with the whole Daniel program; they've created a monster with the "underdog" scenario along with an "easy to do" chant......and now have left themselves with a paradox: if Daniel doesn't win the world title, they're gonna hate WM30....but if he does win it, the whole "underdog" aspect goes to hell.

The appeal of the program has been Bryan trying to win the title while being beat down by forces from every side: the Authority, the Shield, the Wyatts, and other main event wrestlers.

If he wins the big one, it will be only for a short time, as it was when he beat John Cena for the duke. Daniel can wear the belt and can lead the fans in "Yes!" to their heart's content.......while Creative looks for ways to get the belt away from him as quickly as possible so he can start being the underdog again, because that's where his appeal lies.

Eh...while it is true that a lot of the appeal is him being the underdog I can't see them giving him yet another extremely short title once he gets the belt. The monster they created is because they went to that well too often, it's thanks to things like taking the belt away from him asap that they get the paradox there's in now.

Besides if they can keep finding ways to make Cena look like a underdog as champ it should be easy as pie for them to do the same with DB. Although at that point they really should try to find other ways to keep him over since that well is going to eventually dry up as well.

More on topic the most likely scenario of DB not winning it would be a ton of boos, possibly even junk tossed into the ring. Definitely don't want that for Batista since he'll be promoting his movie soon, might be good for Orton since the heat he would get would huge, especially if he cheated for the win. But I don't think it's great way to start off their brand new network on a rain of boos.
I'm calling it right now...

one of two things is happening...either a major swerve that changes everything about the current product OR The Rock vs Taker. There is no chance in hell, pun intended, that Vince us allowing Orton vs Batista to main event WM30. With the rumor of Cena vs Wyatt, the WWE has to be planning something huge. No way they put Cena against a midcarder so that Orton and Batista can close the show. I think the WWE is much smarter than we think they are. They are leaking false information to the dirtsheets so that we can all be confused and won't see what they have coming. Mark my words, prepare for a huge surprise and a main event that nobody has predicted.
That is exactly what I been thinking.Most likely that is why they did the Cena/Wyatt thing at RR and had Cena make no mention of it,get no revenge and even complimant The Wyatts,Bryan,and The Shield on Raw.I think Lesnar will return at EC (despite the report of him not wrestling to Mania) telling Christian The Authority told him he had a spot before he won at SD taking him out inserting himself in it Winning.Orton doesn't want a rematch instead he assaults Jake Roberts in his home for his twitter comments.He gets yelled at by The Authority but snaps on them too.February 24th Raw you can have Cena interrupt Lesnar congratulating him burrying the hatchet with Lesnar turning face but Taker interrupts chokeslamming Cena.The next week have Dave assault Lesnar turning heel.Then we got Cena/Taker,Lesnar/Batista,Orton/Robert,HHH/Bryan 5 dream match main events Sheamus (turns heel) /Christian/w/ Edge,Wyatt family vs.RVD,Booker,Jericho (if he returns),Cody vs. Goldust,Uso's /w/ Rikishi vs. NAO /w/ X-pac,AJ Lee vs. Tamina /w/ Jimmy Snuka
If you look at how Bryan beat the shit of of Orton and Kane recently and JBL referencing him as a buzz-saw it seems like WWE are switching his booking to some extent, his wins aren't treat as surprises or upsets anymore and I feel they may start toi move more towards how Bret Hart or Benoit were booked, a sa guy who can take apart bigger opponents with submission moves and strikes.

As for how the crowds are going to react, they'll be pissed off both nights if Bryan doesn't have the WWE title when it's all said and done. I suppose WWE could have Bryan win the title the night after Mania if they make his match with Triple H for a title shot, but I think the big moment for the night after Mania will be Sting's arrival.

I have to think WWE have some big swerves coming as regards what matches will actually take place at Mania, no matter who on this site is a fan of whichever wrestler, we ALL know Orton vs Batista is dead in the water. February 23rd and 24th could and should be huge game changing nights for WWE and Mania 30.
I think it's fairly safe to say that a significant majority of fans would prefer that Daniel Bryan participate in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania XXX. Some fans MIGHT be placated with Bryan vs. Triple H, provided Bryan winds up going over. Realistically, however, having Bryan in the title match is probably the only way to guarantee that pissed off fans won't hijack the main event. If I had to guess, I think the ideal situation, also in the minds of a significant majority, would be for Bryan to either win the title at EC, go into WM XXX defending the title and successfully do so or winning the title at WM XXX in order to have a huge WrestleMania moment.

But....what if NEITHER one of these scenarios takes place, with either Orton coming out of WrestleMania still champ or Batista walks out with the title? Post WrestleMania Raw crowds are always extremely hot, so if Bryan isn't WWE World Heavyweight Champion when he walks out of WrestleMania XXX, WWE could have the single most hostile audience in its 50+ year history. Everyone from the hardest of hardcore smarks to the smarkiest dirtsheet writers to long time wrestling insiders to average fans will piss all over whatever WWE tries to do on Raw that night.

Great thread concept and to answer your question, it would make Batista or Orton the top heel in the industry, and possibly even make them permanent heels. If Bryan is in the match and loses, it would give them solid X-Pac heat for months or even years to come.

I feel like an EC title win is pointless. It doesn't give Bryan THAT Wrestlemania moment that Austin, Cena, etc. got.

I actually would consider having Bryan lose if the heel was a young up and comer who could be a fixture for the WWE for years to come. A Bryan loss could turn that hate from the internet, industry, fans into a new Corporate/McMahon type hatred. It would allow the years of hate on Triple H for his reputation of throwing around his backstage weight to finally be manifested into a storyline. It would be the Rumble x10. It would the Montreal Screwjob that would set the tide for a modern day Austin-McMahon, except amplified to a million because it would be a realer backbone to it. It would be the authority figure storyline Summer of Punk SHOULD have been. Hell, it would be what the last few months with this Authority storyline SHOULD have been.

But neither Batista (being 45 and likely not in the WWE after his current run) nor Orton (although young as hell, being stale character-wise and being the most prominently featured star in the company for the past 8 months, not to mention being the top guy alongside Cena for the past decade) frankly DESERVE that heat, that much life being breathed into their character.

So being that the WWE has written itself into a corner, the only smart thing for WWE is to have Daniel Bryan FINALLY win the World Title at Wrestlemania to close the show. It concludes the half assed Authority angle they've been doing, it gives Orton a chance to be involved in something non-World Title related, and it gives Batista a fair shake at a run in the WWE, whether heel or face, because ever since the Rumble he's been getting kind of shitted on for stuff out of his control.

Not to mention the biggest Yes chant thus far to close the show.
I'm calling it right now...

one of two things is happening...either a major swerve that changes everything about the current product OR The Rock vs Taker. There is no chance in hell, pun intended, that Vince us allowing Orton vs Batista to main event WM30. With the rumor of Cena vs Wyatt, the WWE has to be planning something huge. No way they put Cena against a midcarder so that Orton and Batista can close the show. I think the WWE is much smarter than we think they are. They are leaking false information to the dirtsheets so that we can all be confused and won't see what they have coming. Mark my words, prepare for a huge surprise and a main event that nobody has predicted.

Sounds good but I don't know. Creative can be stuck in their ways. Just like 2012, they could have easily fixed the rise of Bryan if he would have beat Sheamus (at Extreme Rules) or Punk (at MITB/No Way Out) then lose the title back.

It wouldn't surprise me if they go ahead with Wyatt/Cena, Batista/Orton. Wrestlemania draws a different audience than any other PPV, maybe, people would be more enticed to see the star of the new Marvel movie coming out this summer, if they start cranking out trailers for the movie or Wyatt/Cena where they could have good video packages, good mic work between the two rather than Cena in a rematch.

Cena's faced majority of the roster (Henry, Ryback, Orton, Bryan, Batista, HHH, Kane, Show, and many more) in PPV matches, it's about time he gets new challenges.
You know it's interesting, I commend Mustang Sally for bringing up the whole underdog situation, obviously most, if not all of us know that Daniel Bryan is the underdog... but what does happen once Bryan has finally won the title? I would think it's safe to guess that the casual fan loves Bryan solely for the fact that he is an underdog. I've often said that Daniel Bryan is probably the most relatable main-event character that we've ever had. He's a simple, common man both in character and in physique... it's easy to cheer for him because we know exactly what he's going through, but what happens when he wins the title and in a sense "becomes more successful than us".

The WWE is in a tough spot, Daniel Bryan is unproven, and will stay unproven until he wins the World Championship and has a long sustainable reign with it, but if you're the WWE do you really want to take that risk? It could have a great reward, but it could also fall flat on it's face and you'd lose one of the best things you've had in years, and by that point, it would be too late to go back to the underdog role. Well you could... but it wouldn't be nearly as effective.

But, one thing's for sure... Daniel Bryan NEEDS to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30. Anything short of that, just won't work. If he wins the title the next night, it won't matter, people will still completely crap all over the proposed/rumored title match at WrestleMania.

In my scenario, I have it as Batista/Orton/Bryan in a Triple Threat Match... Bryan wins the title at WrestleMania... BUT I then have him getting screwed out of it soon after. Whether it's the next night, or the RAW after, I don't see Daniel Bryan going into Extreme Rules as champion... The Authority along with either Orton or Batista should screw Bryan out of the title.

I'm a bit worried though, because over the past few weeks, the Authority... I don't want to say has been siding with Bryan but they're much less against him than they were two or three months ago. For this scenario to work, and be effective The Authority NEEDS to be pulling for either Orton or Batista... or both heading into WrestleMania and against Bryan winning it.

I truly believe if they have Bryan win at WrestleMania and screw him out of it a few weeks later, will actually elevate Bryan as well as give The Authority a clear direction instead of them flip-flopping between Heel and Face three times during a show, it's not perfect by any stretch, but it's the only thing I can think of that isn't either very risky or a complete mess. It's safe and something I think the fans would be glued too. Both casual and hardcore.
The problem I see in all of this is that the WWE is trying to sell the WWE Network the day after Elimination Chamber. The best way to sell a product is to have something associated with it that people want. Daniel Bryan NOT being champion after the EC, doesn't help sell WWE Network. This is why I think that he'll probably win at EC.

Getting PPVs (starting with Wrestlemania) when subscribing to the network, is the big selling point. Wrestlemania itself is only an enticing product to the majority if there's a guaranteed main event with Daniel Bryan. (I'm not in this majority but still...) So I think WWE will make sure that he has the title by winning Elimination Chamber and will then have a back & forth verbal feud with Batista. They'll have to really bring it with the promos though and truly build Batista up as an even bigger threat than he really is. I really think this is the corner they've painted themselves into.
As I posted in the forum: Orton lost again....what is the logic behind that??

"Another thing to think about.

John Cena has been saying he would give a title shot to Bryan if he would win the WWE World Heavyweight Title. With that in mind, Cena could win the title at Elimination Chamber. Then the next night on Raw, he calls out Bryan to give him a title shot. They are interrupted by Orton, who wants his rematch because of the rematch clause in his contract. Out comes Batista, the Royal Rumble winner. Sets up for a Fatal 4-Way at Mania.

Where does that leave Triple H? Well this whole thing with Punk could be a work and thats who he faces. Another option could be Roman Reigns, but I think Shield vs Wyatts with a special stipulation will happen instead. Who knows?


Its and easy scenario to set up a 4-way and leaves many outs. Trips vs Punk. Taker vs Wyatt (the devil made me do it). Reigns vs Lesnar. Big E vs Dean Ambrose (IC US title Unification). Leaving Seth Rollins for MITB. Who knows? Just thinking outside the box.

I think Bryan vs Triple H is a lock. I think Triple H will say if Bryan can defeat him at Wrestlemania then he can have a title shot at Extreme Rules.

That is in Washington. And could be Bryan vs Batista. That sells.

In my scenario, I have it as Batista/Orton/Bryan in a Triple Threat Match... Bryan wins the title at WrestleMania... BUT I then have him getting screwed out of it soon after. Whether it's the next night, or the RAW after, I don't see Daniel Bryan going into Extreme Rules as champion... The Authority along with either Orton or Batista should screw Bryan out of the title.

I'm a bit worried though, because over the past few weeks, the Authority... I don't want to say has been siding with Bryan but they're much less against him than they were two or three months ago. For this scenario to work, and be effective The Authority NEEDS to be pulling for either Orton or Batista... or both heading into WrestleMania and against Bryan winning it.

I truly believe if they have Bryan win at WrestleMania and screw him out of it a few weeks later, will actually elevate Bryan as well as give The Authority a clear direction instead of them flip-flopping between Heel and Face three times during a show, it's not perfect by any stretch, but it's the only thing I can think of that isn't either very risky or a complete mess. It's safe and something I think the fans would be glued too. Both casual and hardcore.

So you basically want to replay Summerslam, Night of Champions and HIAC at Mania? Nooooo thank you, plus I feel fans will finally get their asses out of their seat and start breaking shit if Bryan is screwed out of the title AGAIN.
Christ, give the little fanboys what they want, have Bryan face a heel Batista at Mania and beat him for the WWEWHC and let him run with it for at least 3 or 4 months before screwing him out of it again. This way Bryan is still the "underdog" because the entire Authority is gunning for him (kind of like Austin with Mcmahon) and it puts a new twist on Bryan going for the title (Taking back what's mine).
If Bryan wasn't champ by post-RAW Wrestlemania, I honestly don't think the crowd would be that bad.

Yes, Bryan is over but the movement isn't powerful enough for him not being champ to do significant damage. I could see if ratings went horrible and people stop attending shows, but based on history the show goes on and they'll find something else they like. Hell, Bryan's in the main event now, yet people still want Punk. Bryan could have easily been feuding with The Wyatt Family still
I think Bryan vs Triple H is a lock. I think Triple H will say if Bryan can defeat him at Wrestlemania then he can have a title shot at Extreme Rules.

That is in Washington. And could be Bryan vs Batista. That sells.

It was earlier rumored to be in Washington, but they switched it up and will hold it at the IZOD Center in Jersey. This deflates a stronger chance of Bryan winning.

I still think that you're right in that HHH vs. Bryan will have a stipulation that if DB wins he gets another title shot.

To me, this will be fine with me. I also think, considering how much DB has been used in the past months, this should be the match that closes the show.

Have Lesnar/Taker being the 3rd to last, the title match 2nd to last and then HHH/Bryan. Some might not think it's a "Main Event" type match. But given everything that has happened, I think it can and should be.

I know this bumps whomever Cena faces down (Wyatt most likely), but Cena can afford to stay out of one of the top spotlight matches one time to make room. Or even push Taker 4th, Cena 3rd, Batista/??? and then HHH/Bryan.

Steve Corino has no clue when he said they should wait another year for Bryan to win the title. The fans won't wait that long.
What if they have Batista offer his spot to Bryan if he can beat him one on one. Would really help batista as a face and keep Bryan in the picture. Batista could say he's been watching and he doesn't agree with the way things have gone down. Only way he can try and make it right is with what he has... His mania spot. But Bryan has to earn it. I think Batista wins in a scenario like this, but they could build a lot off of it
I dunno, watching the ending of the Elimination Chamber PPV, I'm almost certain that Bryan will be put into the title match. Like I said in the other thread, the end of the PPV didn't tell the story of Bryan vs. Triple H, or the story of Orton vs. Batista. It told the story of Bryan vs. Orton.

It's staring them in the face. They just have to pull the proverbial trigger. WWE can be stupid sometimes, but surely not stupid enough to ignore the opportunity for something this big. Especially if it means the Orton vs. Batista match flopping due to 70,000 or so people booing them out of the building, and the post-Mania Raw crowd doing the exact same.

That's why I'm hopeful. Because it's just too obvious for WWE to not see it. Especially since Punk isn't around, the one man who could even come close to satisfying pro-Bryan crowds.
I dunno, watching the ending of the Elimination Chamber PPV, I'm almost certain that Bryan will be put into the title match. Like I said in the other thread, the end of the PPV didn't tell the story of Bryan vs. Triple H, or the story of Orton vs. Batista. It told the story of Bryan vs. Orton.

It's staring them in the face. They just have to pull the proverbial trigger. WWE can be stupid sometimes, but surely not stupid enough to ignore the opportunity for something this big. Especially if it means the Orton vs. Batista match flopping due to 70,000 or so people booing them out of the building, and the post-Mania Raw crowd doing the exact same.

That's why I'm hopeful. Because it's just too obvious for WWE to not see it. Especially since Punk isn't around, the one man who could even come close to satisfying pro-Bryan crowds.
I stongly disagree...I think this showed us Kane vs DB is going to be a match at Mania. WWE probably promised Batista the title at Mania if he came back and they are not willing to go back on their word. DB will get a 20 min stipulation match at Mania against Kane. Batista is 100% walking out of Mania with the belts so adding DB to the match would just make things worse. I think he will face Kane at Mania and Extreme Rules, have another couple of random feuds than beat Batista at Summerslam. Like I said, I dont think the WWE is ignoring the fans, they know that the fans want DB as champ, but they put themselves in a position where Batista has to carry the belts, maybe it was a promise or actually in his contract. I think this is why we keep seeing DB feuds switch because they are trying different things out to please the fans but giving him the belts is just not an option at this time.
I stongly disagree...I think this showed us Kane vs DB is going to be a match at Mania. WWE probably promised Batista the title at Mania if he came back and they are not willing to go back on their word. DB will get a 20 min stipulation match at Mania against Kane. Batista is 100% walking out of Mania with the belts so adding DB to the match would just make things worse. I think he will face Kane at Mania and Extreme Rules, have another couple of random feuds than beat Batista at Summerslam. Like I said, I dont think the WWE is ignoring the fans, they know that the fans want DB as champ, but they put themselves in a position where Batista has to carry the belts, maybe it was a promise or actually in his contract. I think this is why we keep seeing DB feuds switch because they are trying different things out to please the fans but giving him the belts is just not an option at this time.

I realize I'm comparatively new to this whole scene, but I cannot think WWE would be so stupid to give a guaranteed Title to a returning part-timer, let alone someone who showed little actual talent in his return matches and in the face of one of the more incredible fan movements the WWE has seen since the days of Hulkmania.

Granted, a lot of that is very hopeful thinking (I did read up on the past since I took an interest in Wrestling, after all). But ALL of this Batista sub-plot has been painted in what looks like utter deliberation. If they really did put such a stipulation in Batista's contract...

That's just a no-win scenario for WWE. Get ready to see Rome BURN.
I want Bryan to be champ but also, I want him to beat huh just as much, couldn't you have bryan leading 80,000 people in a yes chant after he beats hhh and gets a one on one title match next month. I'd actually prefer Lesnar in the title match (hear me out) and for several reasons.
1. Nobody wants to see just Orton vs Batista. Lesnar at least gives the crowd someone to cheer for in the match.
2. HHH vs DB has been building since summerslam. How many times has hhh screwed him out of the title. It's a great moment to see him finally prevail and stick it to the man who has costed him the title so many times. db FTW!
3. Sting vs Taker instead of Taker vs Lesnar
I want Bryan to be champ but also, I want him to beat huh just as much, couldn't you have bryan leading 80,000 people in a yes chant after he beats hhh and gets a one on one title match next month. I'd actually prefer Lesnar in the title match (hear me out) and for several reasons.
1. Nobody wants to see just Orton vs Batista. Lesnar at least gives the crowd someone to cheer for in the match.
2. HHH vs DB has been building since summerslam. How many times has hhh screwed him out of the title. It's a great moment to see him finally prevail and stick it to the man who has costed him the title so many times. db FTW!
3. Sting vs Taker instead of Taker vs Lesnar

Honestly, I don't think that many people will care for Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania. They just want him to win the big one, AT WRESTLEMANIA with the title. That is all they are asking for. I don't give a damn about Triple H's story. I just want to see him to finally get what he deserves. WWE are trying to drag this story as long as possible, but after Wrestemania aura worn out and the time they finally give DB the title, it will be too late. Nobody care anymore because WWE screw it up and it is not the same as Wrestlemania.

After Wrestlemania, if DB doesn't walk out with the title. I would basically stop caring about his chase from that point on. The whole point that keep me watching is this underdog story finally win his title, dream came true, at the grandest stage of all.

This is what the fans want!

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