Lets get Creative - Changes you would make to the current WWE product

Man I love this thread, this is gonna take some time to think of for what I'd do for the WWE... hm

1) Get Rid of the Guest Host concept, or better yet, just keep the concepts, but bring actual wrestlers who know something about wrestling as guest hosts, the best hosts raw has had have been actual wrestlers themselves, which is why that's important, or bring in a permanent GM.

2) Re-vamp the woman's division, people I would give unemployment to: Layla, Jillian, Bella Twins, I'd want to say Maria and Michelle McCool also, wow one's horrible, the other has a stolen moveset and gets no reaction... but WWE somehow needs them both.. people I would push more and keep would be Natalya, Melina, Maryse, Mickie James, Eve Torres.

3) Build your future, but only with the guys who can do it, the people I'd build up are Drew McIntyre, The Miz, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, what do all of them possess, a pretty heck of alot of excitement, none are bland, and green and boring, all look like they can win a crowd over either by heat, or cheers, reason I didn't put someone like Swagger or Sheamus is cause even though we have an ECW Champ, and WWE Champion, they are both incredibly boring and I wouldn't push them any further.

4) Build the Tag Division, people don't realise but that's in the making, Trent Baretta and Caylon Croft, ShowMiz, DX until just a while ago, Straightedge Society, Mark Henry and MVP, Legacy, ect. it's coming back, they just need to get a couple extra teams, and maybe split those tag belts or get rid of one of them, because who needs to carry around two belts?

5) Keep who you need, too many people on the WWE roster, who haven't wrestled in forever on broadcast TV, including the amazing Dante, from Dante's Inferno.. I don't know why they have his picture on the smackdown roster, he's not even real.

so that's my main points, I think WWE is exciting enough, but nothing's ever perfect and never will be.
Lightweight Title for Raw, model it on the "X" division, a bunch of 3-5 minute spotfests to entertain the crowd, It gives Evan Bourne/Jimmy Wang Yang/Hurricane Helms/JTG something to do, Let Kaval come in and Impress a few guys.

Send Diva's to Smackdown, and unite both titles.

Cut "Piggy James" and Some of the garbage raw host segments, More Valets, Few more gimmick matches, have Some triple threat matches.

Fire-Great Khali/Hornswoggle/Vladamir Kozlov/Mike Knox/Chris Masters

Now Split the tag team belts up and have more emphasis on them, Let guys like Primo/Carlito work together so they can actually do something insted of appearing every 6 weeks to lose. Let Brett Dibiase come in and have Brett/Ted hold the titles, give the Hart Dynasty titles, do it right have interbrand Feuds.

Cut the Straight Edge Society, Give CM Punk belt, Let him be as preachy as hell.

Give Swagger a Manager like Regal, let him destroy the mid-card and build him into a monster heel.

Relax the whole Brand Seperation, While have a majority of smackdown talent on smackdown, i wouldnt restrict the shows like they do, if that means Fewer House shows, oh well, Im sure main eventers who are not tied up in major storylines can entertain for a while.

Christian to Raw, Throw him striahgt into main events with Say Batista,

More Paul Birchall,
Crucial Thread, folks. Absolutely awesome...

FIRST: End the Brand Division, for God's sake. Make the respective rosters of RAW and SD! one solid entity again. Once you've done that, grab some pink slips and start trimming the fat around the edges. I'm talking, of course, about Hornswoggle, Great Khali, Vladimir Kozlov, Mike Knox, and all of the other useless bottom carders who will remain in utter obscurity for as long they work for Vince.

SECOND: End the Guest Host concept. It takes WAY too much away from the product when you have non-wrestling ideas colliding with an all-wrestling world (anyone remember what happened with Jim Heard in old WCW?!). This ******ed concept completely disables the real wrestling fans from taking RAW seriously.

THIRD: It's time to unify all the titles. Create one solid WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt (and one that isn't pimped and tricked out, for God's sake!). Merge the Unified Tag Team titles into one pair of belts and call them the WWE World Tag Team Championship belts. Retire the Intercontinental Championship (and I know some fans may dislike the idea) and have a re-vamped United States Heavyweight title as your mid-card strap. That belt used to be one of the most coveted prizes in the land back in the day - and I believe it's time to give it a second chance at glory. Bring back one of the two cruiserweight belts, re-vamp it, and make it mean something again. There are many light-weight guys who can put on a hell of a match and fight for it.

It's high time that the championships of the WWE actually meant something again. Once you have these new belts in place, work on the talent and let other people rise to main event status and fight for a chance to win them. I am so sick and tired of seeing the same guys as champions week in and week out. The two world titles have been around the same five or six waists for almost a decade. Also, it's time for the long title reigns to make a comeback. I want to see quality, not quantity. Cena and Edge have accumulated almost 10 reigns apiece within the last 2 or 3 years and that is absolutely ******ed. Add to that that none of those reigns were of any quality whatsoever. So the logical idea? Take Cena and Edge and anybody else who has more than 4 or 5 world title reigns to their name and completely remove them from the title picture. It's time for someone else to have a chance damn it!

FOURTH: The ladies. Unify and consolidate the two women's titles into one belt. Have only the Divas who can actually wrestle fight for it. As for the rest of them, hand'em pink slips or re-mold them into valets and managers.

FIFTH: Pay-Per-Views. I think a lot of folks hit it right on the nose when they suggested that the yearly schedule be reduced to six big shows a year. I think that is an absolutely awesome idea. As for what shows to keep, I suggest: Royal Rumble in January, WrestleMania in March, Backlash in May, SummerSlam in July, King of the Ring in September, and Survivor Series in November. With a PPV schedule like this, there will be more time to build up great feuds/storylines and PPVs will be something to look forward to again. Once again, we fans would finally be able to actually savor something like this.

SIXTH & FINAL: The talent. Re-organize the talent pool and spend some time on your characters and skills. Bring in some really gnarly managers to advance some of the lower card talent. For example, give Chris Masters a good manager, work on his mic skills, and get rid of that stupid titty wiggle. Chris Masters is a beast in the ring and he has the potential to be a great World champion someday. Rescue Kane from the mid-to-low card area and put him in the main event picture where he belongs. Put the Hart Dynasty out front and in everyone's face. Those guys are a great second-gen stable and should be in the spotlight being pushed toward some gold and some exposure. Also, you might want to throw Teddy Hart into the stable to further fill out the legacy.

Further more, and probably most importantly - re-establish the Tag Division (sans power teams like DX, ShowMiz, and JeriShow). In fact, get rid of ShowMiz altogether and put Big Show back into the main event picture with the world title within reach. There are so many great teams coming up right now: Hart Dynasty, Pricele$$ (sans Orton), Carlito & Primo, Cryme Tyme, World's Strongest Tag Team (Henry/MVP), Straightedge Society (even though I liked it better when it was called Right To Censor), and some others that you could establish. For example, I think that Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne would make a kick-ass duo. If one is desperate for power teams, then keep them around but keep them out of the title picture. Hell, you could even throw in an occassional Edge & Christian reunion for good measure, since both of them are Face now.

At any rate, those are the things I would change...would that I could...

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