Let's Get Creative #2- Changes to the Current Roster

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
I like threads that are creative and make you think. Let's see if you can get creative.

There are a lot of people here who loved the attitude era. I think a majority of us grew up watching wrestling right beofre or during the attiude era. During that time we saw lot of different gimmicks, personalities you name it. We saw two of the greatest superstars come out of this era, obviously the Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Now that WWE has gone PG for a while now, many are wanting that Era back. People liked the violence, blood, sex themes and everything that came along with it. If this is you have a little creative thinking I would like you to do.

Look at the current roster today. With the exception of a few (i.e HHH, Undertaker etc.), most of these guys are PG era guys. Kofi, Miz, Morrison, Cena and on and on. WHAT I WOULD LIKE YOU TO DO IS GIVE ME A LIST OF ABOUT 3 SUPERSTARS (or more if you like) AND TELL ME WHAT SPECIFIC CHANGES YOU WOULD MAKE TO THEM TO FIT YOUR NEW ATTITUDE ERA.

Now this isn't a thread on what changes you would make to the PG era to create the new Attitude era, but rather the changes to the superstars themselves. We can all agree that we would makes some minor or major tweaks to these to fit the new look.

So let's see what you got. What ideas do you have for this current roster to help your new Attitude Era?
There Are already some of current Superstars such as Orton, Batista, and Maybe CM Punk. That i feel could already fit into the Attitude Era. But Anywho heres my list of current PG era athletes that compete for the WWE.

1. Sheamus, He has a lot ahead of him and hes still really in the process of becoming big. But i think if He were to start swearing and starts assalting people again he could be looking like a bigger monster. He could destroy People The way he did Jamie Nobel. But he Could Use Chair Shots, And Bust his victiums open.

2.The Miz, I can see a lot of great potiental for interesting television coming from Miz. He Reminds me of a young Shawn Michaels or something. I guess He could Take a bit of Kurt Angles Gimmick of a young kid who thinks hes better than everyone else. But often Comes out on top. He really doesnt have too far to go to get to this level of Attitude Era Werthy. He just has to Start Getting A bit more Promo Time.

3.Drew McIntrye, He reminds me somewhat of Roddy Piper. Hes Scottish, He wore a kilt, hes got that annoying acsent. But as we all know he is getting pushed and i could see him getting over in the attitude Era. Hes actually a really big guy. And hes somewhat agile

4.John Morrison, Idk he just has to kinda quit doing his childish promos. For and Example he was calling dolph ziggler, Mr.Ziggles. Thats really not funny at all. And all he has all the ability in the world. I could see some great matches with him and a lot of those WCW guys who jumped ships. (Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero, ECT.)
John Cena- We don't have to make him heel (even though that would be awesome) but make him his old character rapper and make him start cursing, rapping on everybody

Chris Jericho- Same character, just make him a little more angry, when someone disagrees with his "Best in the world" turn him violent. make him start cursing at the crowds.

Miz n Morrison- Bring them back as two complete douche bags who dont care about the elder wrestlers and keep atatcking them, making them bleed and stuff.
John Cena - Heel him. This is the only way to bring the attitude back. Make him mean and demeaning. They finally started moving Batista in the right direction on Monday by making him seem like a monster heel. They could do the same for Cena. A turn on the fans is the inevitable move for his character, so why not start off the new Attiude era with this.

Kofi Kingston - Repackage Kofi. Drop this island crap. He's a huge star just waiting for the right packaging. He could be a big time face.

The Miz - Miz is the new Jericho. Use him the same way they used Jericho in 2000. He'll go over well in the new attitude era.
I agree with Sheamus, the use of chairs and added violence could really give his character the edge it needs..
I may catch some heat for this but I am going to say in a very serious tone, Santino Marella. He would have been a great heel with an italian bad ass attitude. not to mention, they actually let folks wrestle back then. lets not forget, the man actually has wrestling skills. he could be the next Kurt Angle. and NO, i am not putting him anywhere near the same league as Angle wrestling wise but i think you know where i am going with that one
Evan Bourne also comes to mind because adding some ladders and chairs to his game would be a welcome addition..
Ok, I've been talking about a complete transformation or 'tweak' in these 3 wrestlers for a while now. Let's see what you guys think:

Cena- Have to start with WWE's golden boy. I've hated the uber-face Cena for as long as he has been a face. I think whenever they do decide to turn him heel, the rap gimmick will just be a rehash so hear me out. I'm sure everyone has seen the movie 'the departed'. I think the WWE should pay the dropkick murphy's for 'I'm shipping up to Boston' so they can use that for Cena's new character. Since the best gimmick's are based off movie characters, make heel Cena into a Boston irish thug. Have him wear a hoodie to the ring and use brass knuckles to occasionally cheat. We know he already had the Leo DiCaprio "southey" irish accent. I think the gimmick would fit well considering all Cena has to do is change his attire and theme. That is 'attitude' era-ish

Miz- Miz is interesting because his character already is gaining steam but I think we can put it over the top with this idea. I think Miz should be the leader of a faction called "The Trend". It should be similar to 'Jersey Shore' (we know this would be a heel group). Have all the guys have nicknames and wear nothing but 'affliction' shirts, loads of gel in their hair, fohawks, and fake bake tans. Just let them be 'douchebags' and you know that will get over. Have heel stuck up divas join the group like Maryse but to always be treated like crap by the guys. It would be like a hollywood version of new jersey guidos. Maybe add Morrison, Rhodes and Swagger?

Punk- Last but not least. I know Punk's gimmick is already messiah-ish. Why not take it a step further? Give him the Charles Manson character tweak to where he is literally a cult leader brainwashing his followers and have all them write some kind of creepy meaningful word backwards on their forehead and a number. Again, give him the messiah label but keep it evil. Let Punk grow his beard long and pointy like the Undertaker did when he was Sinister Undertaker. Have Punk whip them with leather straps if they lose. Kind of like a better version of Raven's old TNA faction "serotonin"

Just some ideas I have been thinking up lately for 'attitude era' like characters. What do you guys think?
I'm going to start by saying NOT Cena...EVER. Make him cuss? Whoo hoo! Then he'll just be a roided-out Eminem. No body wants to see that crap. Unless, of course Stone Cold was still around to give him the Stunner night in and night out. That being said, I have two picks from the current roster off the top of my head:

MVP- How has nobody picked this yet?? Have him turn heel and embrace the prisoner within. Have him pulling guns on people and holding people for ransom. Make him kind of like Suge Knight. Like a black mob boss. Give him a couple of lackeys. Expensive suits and gaudy jewelry just like now. Truly BALLIN'!

The Great Khali- Think about this...The Attitude Era was, for the most part, a freak show. I say they have Ranjin Singh guide him to the ring with a chain leash around his neck like King Kong. When they get to the ring, he unchains him and he whips ass like a true giant! He wouldn't hold a major title but he'd be a good guy to use for when Vince gets pissed and needs to punish someone or something like that.
Just to take up the challenge, I'm going to target the three most kid-friendly PG superstars and refit them for a new Attitude Era.

Cena: Heel and repackage him. He's already got a pseudo-military quality about him, so springboard off of that. Make him an angry, modern militia, take-the-law-in-my-own-hands type. Heavy on the violence and racism and have him target anything he sees as un-American. And don't let him just become a younger Sergeant Slaughter, either. Don't water this down. If Cena can channel his intensity to the uber-American form of the Nazi "superman", it could work.

Rey Mysterio: You wouldn't necessarily have to heel him, just gear him towards the more violent Hispanic California stereotypes. Give him some gang ties, almost turning him into a face-version of Homicide on TNA. Almost the "gangster with a heart of gold" bit. Could work.

Hornswoggle: Yeah, I said Hornswoggle! Repackage him. Lose the leprechaun bit, let him speak English, and make him into a manager. See to it he's a blatant cheater, selfish and petty. Have him use whoever he's managing to get whatever perks or luxuries he wants. I'm thinking have him manage the Great Khali, turn him heel again and have Horny "win the rights to Khali" in a match against his current manager.
i like this idea, and seeing the WM card it could kick off a new attitude style era... its looking like 'taker isn't gonna lose at WM, if he did would be a massive curveball, looking like shaun will be out for a while which brings me to my first choice:
a bitter shaun comes back at summerslam as a heel GM on Raw, displacing the celeb host gimmick. he rules the roost, screwing people over and working the show to his own wishes...
the second heel would have to be cena, tired of the boos, the good guy look, the IWC battering him week in week out and beats the (face) champ with his necklace thing followed by a post match beatdown then a proper heel 'fuck you' type promo on raw and BAM, amother monster heel turn
thirdly, maybe have the undertaker go a bit mental on smackdown, lights out, smoke, seemingly invisible match interferences, bit of blood here and there, proper dark stuff building up to the undertaker coming back and feuding with top smackdown fac (maybe christian) at WM to bring the streak to 19-0 in what would be a quality match...
these three going heel would mean the three main faces would turn 180 degrees and we all know that 'Taker, HBK and Cena are such solid faces, that if they turned Heel the WWE would become less predictable, a vengeful HBK GM could be properly evil and heel Cena would destroy everyone then on smackdown 'Taker would just be fucking everything up with some crazy mental dark Undertaker stuff.
i want attitude!
Love this topic. Here's my picks:

Randy Orton- Obviously the Viper is already near Attitude worthy but I think this gimmick could be taken a bit further. Orton could be a womanizer. Have him drug Stephanie McMahon and sneak into bed with her. This could possibly even push some divas "falling" for Orton only to be another victim of the Viper. Orton could terrorize every aspect of the federation from the announcers to the production crew and every wrestler in between. Have him win a championship only to take a piss on it because he doesn't really care about it in the slightest. The Viper could be the most disgusting character WWE has ever seen. And the fans would love it- or love to hate it.

Cryme Tyme- They've got all the makings. What if Cryme Tyme became WWE's drug dealers? Superstars start coming out stoned out of their minds and Cryme Tyme is behind all of it. This could be played either Heel or Face and I really wouldn't mind either. Have Eve manage them as their "Ho" built to bring in more money for more drugs and would lead Cryme Tyme to the Tag Championships. Imagine that. An actual tag team as the Tag Champions? Who's ever heard of such a thing?

Goldust- BRING THE ORIGINAL GOLDUST BACK! Even current World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho himself has stated that Goldust is in tip top condition at the moment. Bring back the "homo-erotic" attitude that was originally involved with the Goldust character. A monster push? Not necessarily, but it would certainly help put some younger guys over. Put him in a program with somebody like Jack Swagger, obsessing over his physique the way he did with Razor Ramon in '96 and both guys would go over.

P.S.: DO NOT... I REPEAT, DO NOT TURN CENA HEEL NOW. Please, Vince, keep Cena heel for at least a few more years. If Cena stays as Superman, even if they turned to a second Attitude era, can you imagine for the potential turn a few years down the road? It could almost parallel Hogan's turn at Bash at the Beach. Turn Trips heel for a couple years first, have him eventually play the tweener to go against the heels and "co-exist" with Cena before Cena turns on him. Cena's turn is MONSTER over and Trips can take a break before returning for a super feud between the two. Yes we've seen HHH/Cena plenty of times before, but we've never seen it with Cena as the monster heel.

From what I saw on raw he is already there. An unstable face who still has his heelish qualities. There was one point where there was a close up on his face and it looked like he was foaming at the mouth. I could definitely see that working in an attitude era.

but as far as changing some of the guys into attitude era stars......


Even if he's kept face, just have him add more of his prison background into programming.


Again, you can still keep him face, just let him add in some shockingly embarassing things he can do to his opponents or comedy spots that are more devistating. Could also turn his cobra strike into a submission hold like the tongan death grip or even on a part of the body that nobody would think of like the achilles tendon. Or have him do comedy spots until his comeback when he'd get pissed off and kick ass.

I think a lot of what brings upon the attitude era is less the wrestlers themselves and more of how storylines are set up. More adult themes could be added with wrestlers put in the stories and whatever works for whoever would stick and add to their character.

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