Lets get Creative - Changes you would make to the current WWE product

People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
Ok so I know there are quite a few people who are not satisfied with the current product. Although this past Raw reverted back to its bad ways, I think its been pretty solid. Many feel that way as well. But we all can agree that its been on a downswing for a while. So here is what I'm asking-how would you change the product?

Now let me expand on that question. I'm not looking for change as in no P.G or more blood kind of answer. While that is to be included in your answer that is not the main change being asked. I'm talking storylines, fueds, changing of faces and heels as you see fit. I want to know with this CURRENT ROSTER what YOU would like to see. So throw out the idea of what would make the most money and instead put your interests first.

So when giving your answer there is no need to explain why you would go TV-14 or have more violence or any of that. Just put that down. But I would like explanations for why you have say a heel Cena vs The Undertaker for example. Explanations for why you go with a certain storyline. If you enjoy the current product and the storylines but maybe would change a lil something here or there then let's hear it and why.

There are so many negative threads out there its time to have a lil fun. Remember this is suppose to be a fun thread in which MAKING MONEY IS NOT THE GOAL but rather making a show that YOU want. And let's not turn this into a thread where someones idea is stupid because you don't like it. Question him, debate him all you want but no bashing.
First off, great post and a great question for us. I'm starting by saying I don't care much about the PG rating, I still enjoy the product, but hell there's still parts I don't enjoy at times (Springer Segment on Raw, Abraham Washington on the final WWECW are prime examples)

John Morrison feuding with CM Punk over the World Title. I know these feuded in 2007 over the ECW Title but man did they put on some great matches. These two are the future of the business with many others. Punk could talk about how Morrison was clearly not in the right mindset that night due to taking drugs (Its known that Morrison was suspended for 30 days which also cost him the ECW Title) and play off that. Morrison could crack some jokes like he normally does, but also say how since then he's been Tag Champion, and Intercontinental Champion and instead of claiming to be better than others and shaving heads hes made an impact and so on.

The Miz vs. John Morrison-They had a nice little feud going before they went onto other things. Miz could be bragging to Morrison how he is more of a sucess; Unified Tag Champ, US Champ. Maybes it could be at 'Mania, Morrison is about to compete in MITB when out of nowhere Show attacks Morrison, Morrison could've slapped Miz before that to have it so Show attacks him. Morrison could limp to the ring, find it hard to compete, but he manages to outlast the 7 others and win MITB. Next night Morrison is cutting a promo on when he'll cash in MITB, but then we hear AWESOME. Out walks Miz, with Show behind and says that if he was in MITB then it wouldn't be Morrison standing with the briefcase, it would've been Miz standing with the World Title after cashing it in at 'Mania because he's smart etc. Morrison could then challenge Miz to a match where its put up or shut up with the briefcase on the line to see if Miz can back up what he says, Miz could accept, we then have a Backlash match. Morrison could then say why don't we make it interesting, put both the case and US Title on the line. Miz could turn around and say you're on...if you beat the Big Show here tonight. Morrison could win then its US Title/Briefcase on the line. (Know RVD/Benjamin did this in '06 but it'd be pretty awesome to see especially with the history between Miz/Morrison)


I'd release just about anyone who is useless (Hornswoggle, Kozlov, Knox) and repackage whoever has bad gimmicks but good skills, Wang Yang for one. I'd keep Santino with his comedy gimmick though. The main people I would turn would be: Triple H, John Cena, Ted DiBiase, Christian. I would scrap the guest host concept and have a permenant Raw GM, someone like Steph or Shane (I know he doesn't work for WWE, still) maybes make Tiffany Co-GM to Teddy or whoever I'd pick as the Raw GM. I'd scout FCW and bring up the ones who I'd think should be wrestling, start them off with a proper feud to get themselves going, maybes with a veteran. Tag team division, first off I'd scrap Hardy/Khali, keep the remaining teams but pair up quite a few more who are either not doing much or would be best for a tag team. The womens division, I'd keep the Divas Title but re-design it and maybes rename it, but broaden it a bit, take off the ones who aren't that good and put them in development to improve, if they don't send them packing. I'd bring back the tournaments like Gold Rush, KOTR (but have the KOTR as a PPV or at the very least the finals at a PPV like they did '06) and have more Beat The Clock tournaments as a way to help the younger talents like Kof, Swagger, Rhodes, DiBiase and so on rise through the ranks, also, much like they did in 2008, have an Intercontinental Title tournament and maybes a US Title Tournament, I think they've done incredibly well with helping the Titles gain more prestige over the past year and a bit but a few tournaments would be killer. I'd cut off a few PPV events, ones that aren't necessary, and rename the ones they renamed back to Cyber Sunday, Unforgiven, Armageddon and No Way Out. I'd keep Night Of Champions though. I'd also introduce new stables, I like what they're doing with S.E.S., and a dominant stable for Raw would be a great way to put over younger talent. And I'd also keep Survivor Series but have the main focus on elimination style matches, and have the main event as either a huge 5 on 5 match or an elimination chamber like they did in '02.
Great idea for a thread.

- First thing I would do is scrap the co-brand shows except for Rumble, Mania & SummerSlam. I'd also bring back King of The Ring as a duel brand show. Every other month the brand sowuld alternate their PPV's. Raw one month and SmackDown the next.

- Next I would cut the dead weight and people who were not being used. Get rid of the following: Hornswoggle - Mark Heny - Jimmy Wang-Yang - Kung Funaki - Mike KNox - Great Khali - Vladimir Kozlov.

- Bring up a couple of the guys from FCW that are impressing lately. Brett Dibiase, Joe Hennig, Kaval, Bryan Danielson, Michael Tarver. and distribute them evenly on RAW & SmackDown. Maybe even a few more tag teams. Yes this would inflate the roster but for each to have it's own PPV a roster of about 30-35 is what is really needed.

- Now as it pertains to the brands. I would figure out who you want as your main eventers and mid card people. I would then make the belts mean something. Too often do the World Titles get tossed around like playthings. I would make the belts and reigns mean something. I know some people hated the year long title reigns and I don't think they should happen all the time but each person should be allowed to be champ for 6 to maybe 8 months to show what they can do. A small loss here only to the get the belt back and keep his reign going woult be ok.

- ON both brands make the US & IC titles mean something. They have begun to do this with Miz on RAW and Drew/Morrison on SmackDown. These titles used to be the matches that you couldn't miss because they would steal the show. Allow the US belt to be held by the mid card guys and the up and coming stars. Guys like McIntyre, Miz, Kofi, Swagger, Morrison and others in that field to be holding the titles to show the world that these guys are the future.

- On both brands I would try as best I could to ressurect the tag team division. Let's see what teams we have INCLUDING FCW. Showmiz - (reunite) The Colons, Legacy, DX, (reunite) WGGT (what else are either doing?), Straight Edge Society, Hart Dyansty, (reunite) Edge/Christian, Croft/Beretta, Tatsu/Goldust, Rotundos, South Beach Boys. Divide them up giving each brand 6 teams with one team also being main event wrestlers. I would try to bring back tag team wrestling as an art form that we remember it.

- Keep the brands different. RAW has their guest host thing and SmackDown is seen as the wrestling show. Keep it that way. You like stories? Watch RAW. You like wrestling? Watch SmackDown. Don't let a RAW guy show up on Smackdown and vice verca unless it's around the time for one of the duel brand shows and it's an "invasion". Keep the brands seperate.

- Help the Women's divison become serious buisness again. First thing that needs to be done is stop hiring models! Hire women that want to wrestle and that's what they do. The girls they continue to hire are playboy models who want to play wrestler. I'd take Melissa Anderson and Daizee Haze over Jillian Beyor or Jenny Cash anyday of the week.

- Revamp your tv schedule. Here's something that may work. RAW - 2 Hour Monday show. SmackDown - 2 hour Friday show. Superstars - 1 hour Thursday show. Scrap the NXT concept. Perhaps even replace it with FCW or get rid of it entirely. That would leave 5 to 6 hours of tv and 3 hours of PPV a month.

I can't think of anything else right now but right now if I was handed the books that is what I would do. 1) get rid of dead weight. 2) bring in new FCW guys, 3) Brand Exclusive PPV. 4) Make the shows different from one another. 5) Make the titles mean something. 6) Bring respect and class back to the women's division
Miz vs. Morrison would definitely be a good feud. Have Morrison get drafted to Raw and they could battle over the US belt. It would also get Morrison into the tag team picture again as he could partner up with someone big to compete with the ShowMiz.

It almost seems like they're turning HBK heel and keeping Triple H face, but I'd rather it be the other way around. Triple H makes a really good heel. Also I'd rather them have a feud instead of HBK and The Undertaker.

I'm hoping they get a feud going with Orton and Dibiase. Have Dibiase cost Orton the belt at EC. Or have Dibiase winning and Orton will obviously challenge him after that. Sadly I don't see much for Rhodes after the Legacy split, but they should draft him to Smackdown and he can start feuds with any number of guys there like R-Truth, Matt Hardy, Mysterio, Edge, etc.

There's about a million things I'd like them to do with Cena, but since they're not gonna change their golden boy there's no point.

And lastly, keep the title off Sheamus until he gets a broader move set.
I'm SO glad someone created this thread!! :worship: Someone must've been in my dreams or read my diary!! LOL I think there are MANY valid points in what changes to make to the current product. I think on my list of priorities, it'd be to first get rid of the dead weight.

Knox, Hornswoggle, Rosa, Vladimir, Primo, Abe, Caylen, Trent, Byron Saxophone. Bella Twins.
Then I'd REVAMP the whole Women's Division. Make it something again. I agree with the person who said about Cheerleader Melissa, she is awesome. Bring in her and a few other independents instead of the playboy type models. Maybe even make some hardcore type matches. If we play the TLC, Ladder, Extreme Rules games on SVR 10, then the girls should be able to do it on the road.

I think there should be some type of boundaries on how many times you see Cena VS HHH for a title. There are so many volumes of Cena v HHH v Orton you can stand for so long. Although the Breakthrough Battle Royal was a GENIUS concept, having newer, fresher ideas to let new people get a chance.
Then last, but CERTAINLY not least, try to get people in the ring, who CONNECT, as much as Cena tries to, I think that he know he's worn out his welcome. I think the Mentor-Mentee program may be the trick to freshen things up. Those are just some of my thoughts.
First, I would LIKE to dump the idea of two brands, but they have way too many main event guys to do that. So I would have ZERO inter-brand interaction. It takes away some of the credibility of the draft each year, and when there is inter-brand mathes, it's not big deal, because it happens all of the time.

Second, I would make the titles that are currently being used actually mean something, and bring back a few that aren't being used at all. Each brand, Raw and Smackdown, would have their own tag belts for starters. A good tag division (on both shows) is needed to A. take up roster spots, and B. give younger guys a title push without having one of the major titles. This would also (hopefully) eliminate the power-tag teams we have seen (DX, JeriShow, MizShow) and the pointless ones (Khali/Hardy, Mark Henry/MVP).

I would also bring back the cruiserweight title, and even the lightheavyweight title (one on either show). Give these young high-flyers a title that matter (Evan Bourne, Kofi, ECW guys (who are now homeless),FCW guys), because a lot those guys, Mysterio included, are NOT believable as heavyweight champions. Plus, it would make it so that there aren't 15 people competing for the IC/US championship.

Definitely need to figure out, before hand, who is going to compete in what sector. Some guys are straight low carders (really new guys or older ones who don't have a chance). Mid card guys. Upper mid-card, who flirt with main event status for a couple of years. And main event guys, some of whom can drop down into an IC feud, but some who stay at the top.

Have more personal feuds. Not every big feud has to be over a title. Orton/HHH from a year ago, for example. I am glad it was for a title, but a feud that pesonal, did not NEED a title to make it what it was. And if you want to have a power-tag team, like DX, don't PUT THE TAG TITLES ON THEM! It's stupid, guys like that do not need the tag belts. Their feud with RKO and JeriShow did not need the tag belts to be up for grabs, not at all. It was stupid.

As for PPV's, I agree with some of you that it is a great idea to have each show have a ppv every other month. And to have Summerslam, Royal Rumble, and Mania be the only dual-brand ppv. If King of the Ring were actually a PPV still, that would be a great idea for an inter-brand show.

Also, I would have Smackdown go live. I know there are several reasons why it is taped, but it just doesn't have the same feel as Raw, and I think that hurts the brand.
My thoughts are MANAGER/VALETS are needed back in the WWE. There are too many wrestlers today that have poor mic skills and couldnt get a rise out of warm dough. Who would benefit most from a manager/valet?
Ted Debiase wins ECM (take out orton)goes to WM takes on Orton(dont really care who wins

Y2J wins ECM goes to WM takes on Edge(awsome match in the making)

Some how HBK and undertaker have nothing to do with titles and gets teamed up
Kane and Taker vs DX (shawn pins kane) hbk team does win taker technically undefeated

Cena vs Batista (is a givin at WM) Cean wins cause he lost last time
all the up and comers MITB maybe kofi or morrison will win(i can also see HBK wining and defeating taker the same night)
Bret vs Vince (austin maybe ref but get earl hebner as the ref)earl screws vince
Well first I would dump the brands make it all one show again. Everyone intermingled as one big brand. I would agree and bring back titles such as the hardcore title, cruiser weight titles and lightweight titles. I would take the world heavy weight title and wwe title and make them the champions of champions belt (ever played svr 2010?) I would still keep the wwe title and WH title but I would make it a continuous battle/tourney the winners of each title meet at wrestlemania to be crowned champion of champions every year. You can keep the feuds but also make them have more meaning then just personal issues.

As far as tag teams go we need a tag team division because lets face it some tag teams are stale. Mvp/henry make a good tag team BUT they need not be fall guys all the time. Bring back the gusto and hilarity tag teams you to have ala the bushwhackers, attitude era DX.

Cut better promos. My favorite promos ever where between Austin and Taker and DX vs Vince. Lets do some fun stuff lie that I mean santino is on the right track but its not where it should be.

MAKE PAY PER VIEWS WORTH IT AGAIN. I use to love ordering pay per view and being excited for the different stipulations (buried alive, casket matches, street fights, careers on the line) pay per views are supposed to be different the feud is suppose to have a stipulation an unexpected turn that’s what made it worth it.

Give other people a chance. Kofi is getting big and deserved a chance before sheamus ever did. I mean I respect cena and all but he was a great heel he was a funny heel like Austin was when he was a heel. Take some of the stale storylines and flip them around and go in non obvious directions.

I for one think the guest host thing is great BUT they need more face time and I think bringing people more involved with the biz would be better for the story line. It would make things interesting.

Last but not least drop the innocent divas biz and go back to how it use to be! Can someone say PUPPIES? That was one of the best times for the divas that and it was HOTT!!!! The divas are sexy don’t get me wrong but exploit it. 14 yr old kids like boobs too!
I would make brand exclusive PPVs again. That helped get the entire rosters on PPV and actually have feuds. Only have the big 3 (and maybe king of the ring coming back to be big 4) be dual-branded.

Also I would send Christian to the main event scene on either RAW or Smackdown. Make the womens and tag team divisions important (this can be done if there are brand exclusive PPVs) and same thing with the US/IC titles. Maybe make the ECW a hardcore title, I have mixed feelings on that.

That would help the whole thing I think is to have brand exclusive PPVs.
Great thread idea I must say.

Well, first off. I would make only 6 PPV's a year (1 per 2 months). Why is this a good idea? It's good because the WWE can actually take the time to build feuds leading up to the PPV. And I don't like having belts change every two weeks. Also, it will give the Titles much more value and it could actually allow more titles to come back (Cruiserweight, Hardcore, etc...) Having one PPV a month, or sometimes two is a a bad idea. But I guess it's all about the money.

Next, I would like to add more Tag Teams. I don't like the two Tag Belts being grouped together as the Unified Tag Team Belts. I think the Championships should go back to how they used to be with one on RAW and one on SmackDown.

Last... I want these feuds:

Cena vs Taker especially. I think this match should be at Taker's last Mania. The streak should also be kept alive. Anyways, those are my opinions.
Great post. I have enjoyed the many ideas that I have read so far. Here is what I think needs to be done.

Have two distinct brands (Raw and Smackdown). Talent stays on their assigned brand until the draft or unless its a.) part of a storyline or b.) person is needed to fill a spot of injuried superstars (like Edge when he was sent to Smackdown).

Use NXT as an opportunity to showcase the FCW. Give fans an opportunity to check out up and coming superstars as well as the expose to national television.

Have one women's title. Get rid of the Diva's title all together. Have the women who can wrestle on one show (Gail Kim, Michelle McCool, Maryase, Beth Phoenix, Eva Torress, Melina, etc.) Place the Divas (Tiffany, Rosa Mendes, Bella Twins, Savannah, Alicia Fox) on the other brand and have them used as backstage announcers and managers. Use them more as an eye candy role.

Have only three distinct titles on each show. Smackdown with the World Title, Women's title, and tagteam titles. Have Raw with World Heavyweight Title, Intercontinental title, and Cruiserweight title. Get rid of the U.S. title and ECW title. Assign wrestlers to certain brands based on wrestling abilities/strengths.

Have pay-per-views every other month (Royal Rumble, King of the Ring, Summer Slam, Night of Champions, Survivor Series and one more). Have each pay-per-view have something unique to that pay-per-view only i.e. Summer Slam has elimination chamber and Wrestlemania with money in the bank.

Use Raw and Smackdown for storylines and feuds rather then comic performances, interviews that go on forever, and stupid match signings. Use weekly shows to build up ALL matches on a pay-per-view card not just main event focus. Also, use shows to build up and coming wrestlers that the creative team is going to use for future feuds. There is nothing worse then sloppily putting together a match for a pay-per-view just for a filler with no purpose. Get rid of the guest host and have one distinct host of each show. Vickie Guerrero was good on Smackdown. Maybe Teddy Long for Raw.

Wrestlers who are not involved in a current storyline or are participating in house shows allow them to get time off. Rotate superstars every so often so that wrestlers get much needed time off and are less injury prone. For example: After Drew McIntyre and Kane are done feuding, give Kane time off while Drew McIntyre feuds with someone else.

Have the creative team develop storylines that carry over to multiple pay-per-views that build up feuds, show casing different types of match ups (like with the John Cena vs. Edge feud TLC, hardcore, submission). Have the creative team go around to all members of the roster and ask each superstar what storylines or ideas they have. Maybe not necessarily use them all but at least let wrestlers know that you are interested in them. Use fan sites for possible storylines. Stop recycling the same feuds every two-three years. With feuds give fans shock values (upsets, unpredictability) so that fans are guessing who is going to win. I think it would help boost pay-per-view sales too because you are not sure who is going to win.

Get Triple H out of the title picture. Just because you have had the title a gazillion times doesn't make you a great champion. It's the quality of matches you have. If you are going to give Triple H a world title, have him fight for it over many months almost a year before he gets it.

Use each New Year as a chance to push a certain amount of superstars (5-6). Give them a year to show case themselves to see if they are worthy. This year push Ted Dibiase, The Miz, Christian, Drew McIntyre, Natayla, and John Morrison. Every year pick different superstars. Allow some of these up and comings to get pay-per-view exposure, quality feuds, and wins over some veterans.

Lastly, give superstars specific personas with nicknames, outifts, gimmicks, etc. like they did in the early 90's (Jake the Snake, Big Boss Man, Macho King, Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect). Many superstars are very plain looking all wearing the same type of tights.
First fuck the PG rating Tv-14 or above. Although the graphic matches and skits would be persevered for later in the show. I'd get ride of all the slow boring type of wrestlers and put them with the other shows roster. Then I'd add new high-flyers (Teddy Hart, Jack Evans, PAC, Sonjay Dutt, Sabu, Ect...). I establish everyone except Teddy (bigger plans for him and Sabu) as the craziest wrestlers in the world. Our crouserwieght title would get more then enough time. I'd establish a ranking system and eliminate the position of Jobbers. If I were to have jobbers they'd have weekly matches so it's not as if the same guy loses again and again.

Every other week we have someone in the jobber division winning. Next we'd add a little more diva involvement. There'd be more sex and more action involved. No way I'd have chicks like TBP and have them not flash or Manipulate the male wrestlers. I'd assign divas who couldn't wrestler to male wrestlers as valet's. Then give them each a specian way to distract and relationship.

Cm Punk & Kelly Kelly- Use Kelly's little girl crush mixed with an upcoming Title match against Kane. The storyline being Cm Punk's SES can't stop Kane. So Cm Punk tricks Kelly into believing he loves her. This causes Kelly to do whatever she can to stop Kane from hurting him. Kelly would flash and Tease Kane up until the event. Then Mike Knox becomes a second contender and wants Kelly back. Causing more problems for Kelly and CM Punk. Punk then start to abuse Kelly even after he retains his title. Then I'd have Justin Angel defeat him for the belt and rescue Kelly.

Next Drew and Tiffany. I'd give Tiff the Debra gimmick (bra flashing and Bare on occasion). This is good because Tiff's a D-Cup, already dresses like Debra, and Engaged to Drew. Plus Drew is just so dame boring. Next I'd give him the team of Wade and Paul Birchille with Katie Lea. This makes the next generation UnAmericans.

Rosa Mendes and Zach Rider. I'd have her do a sort-of seduce and manipulate gimmick. She'd tell him what to do and if he refuses or questions her her dances for him or something and her follows orders. She'd just dance as a distraction.

The Full Hart Dynasty. To be honest I'd just give them all a full title sweep and a fued with Dx (with new members) before that. I'd let them wrestle the way they want, talk how they want (Mainley Teddy, Jack, and Harry Smith and use there previous names.) Natalya would distract the same way she did Khali and also get involved by actually getting in the ring and Attacking.

Melina and John Morrison. I'd start them as faces then turn them heal heels. Melina would lift her skirts and show her ass. Basically then once she turns heel be more of a tease and even go as far as to tease the audience.

Sabu and Maria. A basic friendship were Sabu tries to get back at McMahon for the way he treated ECW. Sabu would destroy anyone who is involved personally with McMahon. And go after the WWE championship to rub it in McMahon's face. I'd have him win at WrestleMania. Maria would com around when Sabu was beaten within an of of his life or in trouble against a Major Heel. Striping or Lifting her skirt would be her distraction.

Now for the female action. I would first start putting them in more and lenther matches. Then have them trained to use weapons. Then come the Hardcore, cage and Ladder (Yes Ladder Matches)

Then I'd Have a female faction with Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, and Jenny Cash. Jillian would manipulate the Gm (maybe we'd still have wrestling educated CGH for the show or Make Teddy a slight perv) to make Beth happy. Melina would act as a leader and Beth as an enforcer. I'd have Mickie basically trample Melina again and Again untile... Melina and her group beat the shit out of her and have Beth abuse her. The camera would find Mickie constantly cowering and striped. This leads to the discovery that Beth has been sexually abusing her. She then drops the title and lets Melina have a powerful rain as Divas champ. Then returns Mickie with an Ex diva known for showing off the goods (Sable, Torrie, Miss Jackie, Trish,...Ect) and a friend like Maria or Gail Kim.

The matches would mainly be spot fest type wrestling for TV. Tv would also have entertaining and short Skits 3 and about 13 min matches(except main event). Promos would be about 8 min at most. PPV's tword wrestlermaina would consist of muti-person matches (4-Ways, MITB...Ect) and Maybe Hardcore matches depending on the feud. It would also have more surprises and more of an anything can happen feel to it. Not Vince's same old thing rue teen. No crazy cartoon gimmicks except maybe they undertaker. We wouldn't have people who the fans detested because of lack of skill. No stupid factions or Storyline like say ... Dx/Hornswaggle. Hey if it were up to me I'd stuff him back under the ring and let him cheat for Finlay. We'd also take suggestions and orders from fans.

Please give Me feedback and Remember "Anything Can Happen".
Great responses from everyone. Its cool to see everyone's opinions and different views how to make the product better. I would steal from everyone as far as how I would change it. Combine the brands in order to create new fresh feuds such as a heel Morrison vs a face Cena. Allow for more character development so that the crowd can be more into the wrestlers and give them a reason to be into the matches. Cut down on pay-per-views so that more emphasis is put on building feuds rather than just throwing things together. Just a few thoughts that I had when making this thread but I think everyone did a better job of going through their reasoning better than I would have.
Ok so I know there are quite a few people who are not satisfied with the current product. Although this past Raw reverted back to its bad ways, I think its been pretty solid. Many feel that way as well. But we all can agree that its been on a downswing for a while. So here is what I'm asking-how would you change the product?

Now let me expand on that question. I'm not looking for change as in no P.G or more blood kind of answer. While that is to be included in your answer that is not the main change being asked. I'm talking storylines, fueds, changing of faces and heels as you see fit. I want to know with this CURRENT ROSTER what YOU would like to see. So throw out the idea of what would make the most money and instead put your interests first.

So when giving your answer there is no need to explain why you would go TV-14 or have more violence or any of that. Just put that down. But I would like explanations for why you have say a heel Cena vs The Undertaker for example. Explanations for why you go with a certain storyline. If you enjoy the current product and the storylines but maybe would change a lil something here or there then let's hear it and why.

There are so many negative threads out there its time to have a lil fun. Remember this is suppose to be a fun thread in which MAKING MONEY IS NOT THE GOAL but rather making a show that YOU want. And let's not turn this into a thread where someones idea is stupid because you don't like it. Question him, debate him all you want but no bashing.

The rating doesn't neccessarily matter, but ever since I was a little kid, I've always envisioned a Wrestlemania main event being a triple threat match between 2 great up-and-coming wrestlers such as Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Byran Danielson, or even Shelton Benjamin facing off against the Royal Rumble winner being a face who has never won a world championship and the also against the champion. So it would be the Royal Rumble winner (face), the Money in the Bank winner from the previous year (face), and the champion (could work as a face or heel) in an elimination 3-way matchup.

Now, the way this would work out is the Rumble winner putting the champ in the finisher and the MITB winner pinning him thus eliminating the champion leaving two rising upstarts who have never won the championship to win. Once the champ is pinned and eliminated, I can guarantee the crowd would go wild knowing that history will be made for one of these two great up-and-coming superstars. This would be a dream of a Wrestlemania moment just like Shawn Michaels had after beating Bret Hart after the IronMan match.

Finally, the Rumble winner will put his finisher again but against the MITB winner who stole his pin on the champ and the Rumble winner will get revenge by, this time, pinning him and then winning the WWE Championship.

Of course, the Rumble winner will have to be slightly more popular than the MITB winner, but not by that much. I see this as the perfect way to solidify the age of tomorrow's stars. Personally, I would love to see this work out with John Cena (Champ) vs. Kofi Kingston (MITB winner) vs. Daniel Bryan (RR winner)

All together, this match would have hints of hard drama for the Champ who has a reputation to protect and feels he cannot possibly lose to these rookies. There would a sense of tragedy for the MITB winner who waited nearly a year to get the perfect opportunity only to lose it to the winner of the Royal Rumble winner who would feel an overwhelming sense of relief and joy through his veins once he wins the championship. And throughout the match, the fans would feel excited and on the edge of their feet thinking that something different and historic is about to occur.

So, what do you all think? I know it seems a bit confusing, but just picture it in your heads and imagine the intense, emotional drama while sitting ringside seeing the same old hero (Cena) finally get dragged out and pinned by a rookie after feeling the other rookie's finisher. This way, later on in the year, Cena can claim that the new champ never pinned him so doesn't deserve the belt. Then the MITB winner will be all like, "Well, I was able to pin you Cena, so I think I deserve another shot." and it can go from there.

Man, if Cattle Mutilation was still allowed, it would be the perfect finish to that main event. Danielson locking Kingston in the hold and Kingston just trying to hold on, reaching for the rope, until he finally gives out and then, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE WINNER, BY SUBMISSION, AND NEW WWE CHAMPION, DANIEL BRYAN!"
Awesome thread.

This has been said but I would do away with the brand split, this way it would open the door for a lot more feuds and help keep both Raw and Smackdown fresh and cut back on the repetitiveness.

Secondly I would Unify Each title and have 1 title for each division (1 World Title, IC Title, Tag Team, Women's, and I would bring back the Cruiserweight title). This way it can help bring a little prestige to the titles because so many different bodies will be going for the prize, and I would also bring some longer title reigns and keep the title on the best possible person.

In regards to the wrestlers, I would push John Morrison, The Miz, and Kofi Kingston into the main event scene for starters as I feel all 3 are at the point where they could be main eventer's and serious contenders for the title.

I would pair Morrison with Shawn Michaels. He would get a good rub having a program with Michaels (I think Morrison would be heel, Michaels face) and have a good 3-4 month feud with Morrison trying prove himself to Michaels and take his spot (Morrison has been considered by many to be the next Shawn Michaels, so have the young lion/old lion storyline)

Miz should go with Cena, they're both excellent talkers and a feud with Cena will really show both guys best attributes. I loved the little feud they had back in the summer and I felt it just kind of ended abruptly with a quick squash. From what I saw this is a feud that has so much more to offer than what we were given and if Miz can actually be seen as a credible threat to Cena, how could it not put Miz in the main event.

I would put Kingston with Jericho and have him go over Jericho. Jericho has proven that he can put anybody over without much problem, him and Jericho could have a string of matches with each other (much like Jericho vs. Mysterio last year)

I would put some tag teams together and help re establish the tag division. There is so much talent we don't get to see sitting on the sidelines, take some of them and make a tag division that isn't a joke. For example make Daniels and Bourne a tag team, Sheamus and Finlay, Tatsu and Kaval, and keep the teams together and make new teams as you go along. Some teams won't last but you'll find combinations that work and give these teams time to develop and find a niche for themselves.

Use your lighter guys like Danielson and Bourne to help re-establish the cruiserweight division. That division was always about kick ass matches and innovation, with Danielson, Bourne, Kaval, Tatsu and experienced guys like Mysterio, you have everything you need to start a division and bring in guys as you go along (Sabin, Shelley, Petey Williams, ect.). These guys will take care of themselves as long as you give them time to wrestle and let them do what they do best, and that is wrestle. If WCW taught us anything, if done right this can be the highlight of the show (and will be for the hardcore fans).

Lastly, I would make some changes to the overall product. For example, kill the PG era, you don't need to go all attitude era (I'm not asking for Kelly Kelly to give birth to a hand vince), but you can let wrestlers do stuff like bleed once in a while,and you can touch on subjects that are a little taboo, you don't always have to be so kid friendly, people over 12 watch this show too, give them something to watch too. I would give the wrestlers more freedom in the ring and mic. I always felt wrestling was at its best when it was like this, it makes the product feel more organic and real. Give the wrestlers a guideline but let some of their personality come through as well, let them become the character instead of force feeding it up upon them. Give the wrestlers a guideline of what to do and let them make up the rest, its that simple (this isn't Hollywood Vince, no matter how much you try to make it that way).

Thats not all but those are some of the things I would try to do with the product.
since this is what we want and not what is good for business the first thing i would do is fire randy orton. the guy just bores me like no other. his mic work is so robotic. the one thing i do like is his little spasms he is doing now when he hits or wants to hit the rko, but someone else could do this so i could get him off the show.

i would create a stable with jericho and the heart dynasty headed by bret hart to be the best there is (jericho) the best there was (hart) the best there ever will be (hart dynasty) jericho hasnt really been in any noteworthy stables, and i think that now would be the time for him to lead one. they could do the whole canada thing since canada needs something going for them. (right now they're just america's hat ;) )

i would turn yoshi tatsu heal by having him being tired of just categorized as a japanese guy always having to bow and shit. he should do a complete 180 and become very brutal. dropping yoshi and just being called tatsu would be bad ass and help with the heel turn.

hhh would go back to being heel and feud with hbk

i would keep the guest host concept, but just keep it to former wrestlers like jesse ventura and dusty rhoads. they seem to be able to handle the show and crowd more, and it'd be nice to see some of the old guys back. plus it could help push story lines like dusty's apperance almost did.

i push r truth because i think he is really exciting, he would be my guy to go over sheamus to get an instant main event push.

i know some of these ideas would be horrible for business, but it'd be what i'd like to see.
Some how HBK and undertaker have nothing to do with titles and gets teamed up
Kane and Taker vs DX (shawn pins kane) hbk team does win taker technically

I'm not trying to be an asshole but not only do I hate this idea, but your also insulting someones inteligance. No one is gunna by the BOD losing much less at wrestlemania. Secound why would they lose ? There is absolutley no reason for it to happen. Plus undertaker's team would lose so he'd be associeated with that and deemed a loser. So in term he still loses. Did you really believe that the fans would by Taker not winning ? Plus if Shawn pins Kane nothing will be resolved.
-combine the rosters. Allow wrestlers to appear on both shows...that means increased ratings for both shows. If teeny-bopper X is a huge John Cena mark, sees their hero on Raw, and knows that Cena won't appear on Smackdown, he or she might not watch Smackdown. If however, John Cena appears on both shows, it gives them an incentive to watch Smackdown too, even if just for Cena. Some watch both anyway, but by ending the roster split, you give incentive to those that only really watch one show over the other.

-merge championships. Obviously, if you combined the rosters, you don't need two heavyweight titles, 2 midcard titles, 2 sets of tag titles, and 2 women's titles, because the champions can appear on both shows, and feud with anyone.

-reduce PPVs. Seriously. Having 12 PPVs a year cheapens them all. It makes them commonplace, and leads to shoddy storylines, as they only get 3-4 weeks to tell them. Ideally, I would like to see 4 PPVs a year, but 6 is probably more realistic. They need to be SPECIAL, and once a month isn't special enough. I would go in 3 month intervals. Assuming you keep Wrestlemania late March/early April, move Summerslam to July instead of August, have another one in October (maybe move the Elimination Chamber since no more Survivor Series, and just have it be an awesome gimmick PPV, where the matches are all EC matches for titles, world, IC, etc) rather than the WM tie-in, and keep the Rumble where it is (even though that shortens the 3 month interval, considering the meaning of the Rumble, and the timing to coincide with the off week before the Super Bowl, I don't see how logistically, you could really move the Rumble and not have it kill buyrates) So, Rumble in January, WM in late March/early April, Summerslam in July, Elimination Chamber somewhere in October. This would also have the bonus effect of drawing out storylines, making long term feuds more believable, and possibly would require PPV quality matches to be shown on TV...sounds like a win for fans...

-This is just a personal pet peeve of mine, but, what is the point of the ref counting both men down on the mat to a 10 count, if you NEVER, EVER, book an ending that calls for neither man to get up before 10? This would be a great way to continue a feud, even after a title match. You couldn't end a match that way on a PPV, but you could certainly get away with a Raw main event or something where both wrestlers are so exhausted, the ref counts to 10, ending it in a no contest. It carries the feud over to the next show, without either wrestler gaining an advantage over the other. If done correctly, ending matches in no contests can work. (as long as its not a gimmick cage type match to start your show when you are running uninterrupted and trying to compete with the other company, in which case, its simply bullshit)
Personally, there not many big things that i would change with the current product because for me, the current product is really good and they are pushing the right guys right now so i don'T mind anything. There is however some little things that i would change, the first would be to have a permanant G.M. on Raw. The guest host gimmick is starting to get old and while some weeks they had pretty good host, most of the weeks like last monday, the host was bad. So have somebody come in a take the G.M. maybe have Teddy Long get the job on Raw with Tiffany as his assistant and have vicki has the Smackdown G.M.

Second thing, am all for the no blood policy but if somebody is busted up the hard way, i would let him bleed until the end of the match, not stop the match, fix up the wrestler and continue with the match.

Outside of that, nothing else come to mind because all the guys that i want to get push are getting a push right now. The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, C.M Punk, R-truth, John Morisson and Drew Mckintyre are all get push slowly except for Sheamus and will become main event stars in no time. Punk while always on the losing end of things is the best thing going on Smackdown.

Finally i just thought of another thing i would change and that give the diva's enough time to actually show the fan how good they are as wrestlers and give them actual storyline and not just us them as props are time filler like they are doing right now.
The very First thing i would change is the Look of the WWE Title Belt. I can't stand the way that thing looks. I haven't been able to take the title seriously since Cena first won it. I thought when he won it and went with the spinner belt it would just be for him like they did with the United States title when he was champion. But its still hanging around and looks like a prop from some rap music video.Terrible. So I would change that right away. Maybe bring back the classic winged eagle one.

Speaking of Cena I would make him heel. I know it wouldn't really go over well with the kids but im 24, and thats something I want to see. The Cena that used to come out and cut freestyle promos on his opponents. That was some funny stuff. That was Vintage Cena!

Next I would ban the word Vintage from the wrestling tv dictionary. I don't want to think of my grandparents furniture from 1972 while im watching my wrestling. So I will take Michael Cole off of the announce team, bring back LiveWire on saturday mornings and have him host it for another ten years.

No more title wins for Undertaker. I enjoy Undertaker alot. Just not here of late. I feel he does not need the belt at all. He is already a very well established name. There are so many other guys on the Smackdown roster that could be champion. Especially CM Punk with the roll he is on right now with the Straightedge Society. Punk should of never of dropped the belt to Taker.

Some of you said about bringing back brand only PPV's. I highly agree. There is so many more feuds and stories you can build with all the time you have of only having a PPV every other month for Raw or Smackdown. A PPV now holds anywhere from 6-8 matches which is maybe 4 matches and feuds for Raw and 4 for Smackdown if your lucky. And they are usually rushed feuds. Back when there were brand only PPVs there were 8 matches for that brand. That allows those midcarders and guys we never see anymore something to do.

Evaluations- Some guys need a gimmick change, or go back to something they once were to try and get over.
Goldust- Yes he is over as Goldust. But this gimmick ran its course 8 years ago. I hated when he had turrets after being electrocuted on Raw. Try a run as himself. Dustin Rhodes. Yeah the badass redneck routine has been done to, But try it with him because thats what he reminds me of. It didn't work 10 years ago in WCW maybe it will work now.
Mark Henry- i hate seeing Mark Henry Waving to the crowd when he walks down to the ramp with that fake smile that reminds me of DDP in wwe. Mark Henry isn't supposed to wave and smile,at least not on my show. He is a Monster. And no were not going to bring back sexual chocolate either.
Chris Masters- i like the guy, and I think he needs to be repackaged somehow. A guys with a build like him does not need to be in comedy skits on Raw. he may not be the best in the ring, but not everybody can be a Kurt Angle. He has the look and I could see him doing something with Orton. There both pretty cocky duded.

Chopping Bock- Hornswoggle, Slam Master J, Great Khali, and Sheamus because I just cant look at him. I would Keep Funaki and Jimmy Yang around because we need Jobbers.

I would Un-Unify the tag titles and bring back the tag division. There are decent tag teams now but arent even being used right. here are teams I would use or bring back- The Hart Dynasty, The Colons, StraightEdge Society, Cryme Tyme, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, ShowMiz. Since Dolph Ziggler isnt doing much right now I would put him with Chris Masters and bring back the Natural Born Thrillers name.

Im sure I could list alot more things. But this is all I have off the top of my head. Great Thread!
I would send Christian to the main event scene on either RAW or Smackdown.

I think if Christian was to return to Raw I think he should start feuding with that knock-off John Cena and start feuding with him again like the feuds in 2005. Cena could start battle-rapping again until somebody owned him like Christian or maybe Booker T/King Booker.

Now if Christian returned to Smackdown I have two possible stories. One is Christian returning as a face and start a tag team with Edge and go for the tag team titles and maybe bring back some classic Ladder matches.

Another story for Christian is to return to Smackdown and feud with Edge for some title (if Edge wins WWE/WH title at WM 26). It would push Christian back into the main event category because in my opinion now Christian is getting treated like crap on WWECW.

I would also like seeing a heel Shawn Michaels feud with Triple H from now up until Wrestlemania. The main event at Mania could be Triple H vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship instead of seeing Cena vs Sheamus for the 100th time. If this happened it would make WWE more entertaining for me.
First time posting on here.

I would do away with the brands and unify the two heavyweight championships. To determine a new Champion I think what they did at Wrestlemania 4 would be great. I think a 32 man tournament to determine the new champion would be really cool. They can seed the two now former champions as #1 seeds and put them against the 16 seeds like in March Madness. This would allow for some possible first round upsets and can also make for some interesting feuds. The first round can have there matches on the Raw before Wrestlemania and then have the rest at Wrestlemania, and then crown the new champion.

After Wrestlemania, you have some of the semi finalists stake their claim to become #1 contender and have them compete next few weeks on Raw and Smackdown.

Form some new tag teams with up and comers and make a nice tag team division with one set of titles.

Some of the mid cards who competed in the tournament move into the Intercontinental Title division, and develop these guys some more.

Bring back the Cruiserweight title for the smaller guys and bring back the fun high flying matches.

Keep all the Divas that can wrestle and build on some new feuds.

Bring back some managers/valets and put them with the wrestles that can't cut a promo.

I think this will allow for more competition, interesting title matches that would be built over time, and upper card wrestlers fighting to get into the title hunt. I also think this would allow for more wrestlers to get time off to rest, and then build on some nice returns, like Jericho and his code promo.
Just off the top of my head:

I would unify the World Heavyweight and WWE titles.

I would definitely cut out some PPV's. Especially the new themed ones as they just seem as if the WWE is reaching at this point.

I would push Christian into the main event picture and use guys like Triple H and Shawn Michaels to elevate his in ring game.

I wouldn't script everything the wrestlers say. Back in the day you could give guys like the Rock or Stone Cold some points to hit and let them get there. It seemed more authentic and made their characters more believable.

I would keep the NXT concept and end the Brand Extension. Seeing the same wrestlers wrestle each other over and over throughout the year is getting old and ending the brand extension could also help in bringing back some prestige to the WWE Title.

Get ride of the Spinner Belt.
There was time in wrestling when the line between mid card and main event superstars was blurred or didn't exist at all. The only thing the separated the two was the titles. I would go back to that time. Let me try to explain the best I can.

In todays WWE it seems that if you are mid card guy it means when versing a main event guy you don't stand a chance of wining. In the 90’s When the IC tittle was credible, Guys like HBK, Austin, The Rock, HHH, ... Built their careers fighting for it. And when they won the IC title it meant that they could be in contingent for the WC. Yes by todays standard we would consider them mid card guys. But at that time when the MC versed the ME guys, win or lose, both guys looked good. The MC guys did not get destroyed as they most always do today in the WWE. Eg.. Cena vs Punk, Cena vs Miz, Cena vs DiBiase, Punk vs Undertaker. You get the idea! I am not in any way saying that the MC should beat the ME guys, unless they are being pushed into the ME, Just start making them look credible. So when the time comes for the older guys to retire, we as fans will believe that guys like Miz, Punk, Kofi, Cody, Dibiase, Swagger, Ziggler....... has what it takes to be main event players.

TNA was good at making their MC guys look credible when vs a ME guy. Anybody recall Angle vs Kaz, or Angle vs Jay Lethal?

So if I could change anything about The WWE product it would be to once again blur the line between Mid card and Main Event guys. No more stupid squash maches, or at the least not as many. I do understand they have the purpose.

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