Let's clear this up now


Excellence of Execution
I've noticed several times recently people marking the difference in the reaction to John Cena on the WZ forums. I've also noticed that many people wonder if I'm the reason for it. While I (and my apparently enormous ego) would love to take credit for it, I cannot.

Who is to credit for John Cena's different reaction? John Cena.

Why? Because the man is a machine. He goes out every night and gives everything he has. He puts on a good match almost every night. But, more importantly than that, the guy is a genuinely nice man. He's the guy who will go to Iraq to support the troops. He's the guy who will stay for hours after a show to sign autographs for little kids. He's the guy who will take time out of his busy day to go over and talk to a 10 year old girl who was too shy to say hi to her idol . He's the guy who busts his ass in and out of the ring. He's the man who never stops, and does everything he can for the business.

John Cena is the guy that we all wants to represent the wrestling business. You may not like his character, or what he does in the ring, but you cannot deny the fact he is EXACTLY what you want out of role model, a hero. And you cannot deny that he loves the wrestling business as much as anyone alive.

And that is why John Cena has the respect of so many fans.
Very true. I've never been a cena hater or fan, but love him or hate him, the guy does his job as well as anyone I can think of.
Im not a huge fan of Cena's character by no means but I sure as hell respect him as a person. In fact there's probably not a wrestler that I respect more then I do him. The guy is as good of role model as you are gonna find in the entertainment industry. The effort and passion he seems to have for this business makes me respect him even more. He genuinely looks like he enjoys doing this and cares about it not just doing it for a paycheck or fame like some other wrestlers do. I remember reading about how he had his surgery last year and the next freakin day he went to the Smackdown taping to talk to all the boys in the back and show his support. How much more dedicated can you get then that? Most wrestlers would just go home and sit on their ass but not him. I believe it was that same injury that was supposed to sideline him to after WM24 but he worked his ass off and was back in time for the Royal Rumble. The guy's dedication is unreal.
I can only presume that you are trying to get someone to bite on your post...so, I might as well go ahead and do so.

Essentially, your post attempts to make two points. First, you point out that you and other fellow forum members have nothing to do with the relatively good reception Cena gets at Wrestlezone. Second, you attempt to ascribe this relatively good reception to the fact that Cena deserves and commands respect.

Unfortunately, I will have to disagree with you on the first point you try to make. If you examine the posts made here praising Cena over the past year, you will see that a significant majority of them are only made by about 10 or so people. Furthermore, you will see that half of these aforementioned fans of Cena, when responding to posts that disparage Cena (some unreasonable, but many reasonable), never try to give reasoned arguments as to why these posters are wrong; instead, they immediately attack the intellect of the poster. Now, when attacked, posters that supposedly "disrespect" Cena have two options: one, they respond in a manner similar to those who pretty much just flamed them; or, two, they shut their mouths and move on. In choosing between these options, I think many would go for the second, as acting on the first option would more than likely result in an infraction or, in the worst case scenario, banishment from this forum. Now, I know that you recently posted in the Bar Room (in a post regarding why people don't post much in the wrestling forums anymore) that people shouldn't care what others think of them online, and thus that this shouldn't prevent them from posting what they feel. But, I think this missed the point of why some people won't post; it has nothing to do with caring what others think of them. I think, instead, it has to do with the fact that, possibly, some people enjoy this forum and they don't want to get kicked out due to their opinions or because they make ill-worded responses to posts that are themselves no less provocative.

In regards to your second point...well, I think responding to this is a moot point as I think that the lack of Cena disparagement on this forum has everything to do with posters/fans of Cena and nothing to do with feelings of respect. The only way this could be true is if people felt compunction for not liking Cena because of his altruism. But, here's the thing: respect for Cena should have no bearing on what people think of him as an entertainer. John Cena is not running for public office...he is working for a company whose primary objective is to entertain those who pay for its product. While I can respect the fact that you obviously like and are entertained by Cena, I can't respect the fact that you think everyone should be like you and, if they aren't like you, that there is something seriously wrong with their professional wrestling judgment. And, while I would be resigned to opinions like yours and product like WWE currently offers if they respectively reflected the opinions and desires of a significant majority of WWE's patrons, the fact is that they do not.
I just wish he would stop being so enthusiastic. He's the wrestler version of Tony Schiavone...everything to him is the greatest single moment in the history of the wrestling industry.
They can repsect him in the locker room as much as they want, it doesn't make me wanna watch the guy. And repeatedly going on and on about him every 15 minutes makes me want to see him get hurt even more.

I have no problems with Cena himself and yes he is a phenominal entertainer, but i wish they would shut the fuck up about him. Forcing him down everyone's throats will only garner more Cena hating.

After Backlash where he stopped getting title shots, i actually enjoyed him a lot more, because the product wasn't all about him all the time. It wasn't Cena this and Cena that all the fuckin time and now we're back to that and i feel the same anger that i felt before No Mercy 2007. Not towards him, but towards how they promote him.

Orton's return was so much better. He came back, talked a lot, got involved in the angles and it made me want to see him get back in the ring more and more. It's reminiscent of when Austin broke his neck but was still, more often than not, a part of the broadcast.

I don't hate Cena, i hate the fact that WWE think he's the perfect wrestler so they try to brainwash us into thinking the same.
I like Cena. I prefer his rapper gimmick and wish Vince would not shove him down throats so often.

It's his piss poor looking offence that bugs the shit out of me. He can take a beating but can't give one without it looking pants and getting booed out the building.

That continues to be my stand on the subject.
I disagree with Sly on many things but when it comes to John Cena, I just can't help but agree with everything he says, including this thread.

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