Let's Be Honest: How Often Do You Watch TNA?

Whats the truth?

  • I watch TNA weekly... (fan)

  • I watch occassionally (PPV, etc)

  • I do not watch TNA but would like to... (time, etc)

  • I have tried to watch TNA but its not good enough... (quality)

  • I have not tried and will not try to watch TNA...

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I watch TNA weekly and have been a fan of the promotion since 2004 thanks to finding Jeff Hardy on the TV. I'm more of a TNA fan these days because I can't find enough reasoning to care for the WWE product (I only watch when The Rock is there). I like the wrestlers TNA features (AJ, Roode, Storm, Aries, etc.) and although there are some things I don't like being featured on my television (Hulk Hogan and Garret Bischoff). I can say that for the majority of the time I'm watching TNA, I don't end up either turning off the TV (or computer when it's PPV time), going for a piss break or changing the channel. Overall I'm satisfied with TNA minus a few things.
Impact wrestling just like Smackdown to me is always a matter of reading spoilers and if it looks any good I'll watch it. If it doesn't well then I'll spend my Thursday nights doing something else.

TNA simple doesn't entertain me all too often. There are occasionally some gems here or there such as most Double A promos and these big announcements that always manage to make their way onto Impact. The in ring quality isn't bad, but the stories tend to disinterest me more than not. The best part of the show is the X-division matches, every thing else just seems very lackluster at times. I watch it occasionally but that doesn't mean I think it's a bad product, at least no where near the extent some people do.
No. I don't watch IW. At least not on a regular basis. I used to watch the show though, every week, leading up to "Bound For Glory" 2010. They had me hooked. The "They"-storyline was intriguing. But it flopped with the Hogan/Bischoff swerve.

And that's all TNA is good for. Swerve, swerve and swerve. And the meaningless and weekly face-heel-face turns. I YouTubed last weeks IW... is Kurt Angle now supposed to be a face...again?

And don't give me that crap about TNA having the best roster, the young high flying guys who bust their ass and so forth. It's crap. Utter crap.

The only guys I find remotely interesting is Bully Ray and Sting. They should head up to that "great company up north".
Impact wrestling just like Smackdown to me is always a matter of reading spoilers and if it looks any good I'll watch it. If it doesn't well then I'll spend my Thursday nights doing something else.

If Impact was live on Thursdays instead would you watch it?

And that's all TNA is good for. Swerve, swerve and swerve. And the meaningless and weekly face-heel-face turns. I YouTubed last weeks IW... is Kurt Angle now supposed to be a face...again?

And don't give me that crap about TNA having the best roster, the young high flying guys who bust their ass and so forth. It's crap. Utter crap.

Angle has been heel since August of last year, so a good 8 months, not like he's turning constantly. And I think TNA's roster is great, what's utter crap about it?
I do enjoy TNA on a regular basis, but not every week.

I NEVER miss RAW, but I watch Impact! probably more than I watch Smackdown!, which would be about 3 out of 5 weeks or so. With SD I probably watch once of other week, or at best watch 15 minutes or so just to see a specific segment.

I think that the top level on TNA is pretty solid. I think they almost need more air time because they try to cram so much into a show and greatness like the Motor City Machine Guns just do not get enough time to show.

All in all, it is solid to watch, but the production value and overall talent simply is not as good as RAW ... and really not as good as Smackdown!, but I still sneak it in more than I do the Friday night show.
To be tottally honest I used to be a big fan of TNA. They switched to Monday nights doing everything they could to compete and I enjoyed then they switched back and my untreated level dropped. I don't have much of an idea why because I think the wrestling is a lot better but there is no real feud that can really hold my attention. So to answer your question basically not at all.
What I find interesting is the poll results, which indicate about a third of the respondents don't watch TNA at all, but are on this forum. I don't watch WWE and have never been in their forum because I couldn't care less what Vince and his universe of marks are up to. I have no desire to go into the WWE forum and bash a product I know little or nothing about. I don't know if it works both ways where TNA fans who don't watch WWE go there and bash, if they do they are idiots too. Simple, in my opinion, if you don't watch STFU.

I watch Impact quite regularly, but as with any WWE show I do struggle to watch the full 2 hours. Normally I will watch a bit of it, or record it and fast forward through the segments I have no interest in. Or, I will have it on the TV but be using my laptop at the same time.

I am a big fan of Roode, Angle and Styles and will always try to watch anything involving Daniels, Aries, MCMG, Bully Ray, Storm and Hardy. They are always entertaining. Plus, I obviously enjoy seeing Tara on a regular basis :)

BUT, there is alot of crap on Impact, that I cannot stand. Eric Young, Garrett Bischoff etc stand out here. But, same as with WWE...there is enough good stuff to make it worthwhile recording Impact, I just wish they could make it good enough for me to watch it all the way through.
My main problem with TNA, and the reason i dont tune in every week, is that theres nothing to hook me! Often, i say i'm not to bothered by a light story line so long as the wrestling is great, but seemingly thats not true at all!! TNA doesnt have alot that hooks me, i tune in when i hear two wrestlers i like are going at it, like an x-division match, or the two matches i'm looking forward to at sacrifice (angle/styles and Roode/RVD) and that works for the ppv, but not the weekly. With Raw (and NXT which i watch with more attention than i do smackdown grammer fudge) theres a little something that makes me think "Whats going to heppen next time" (fortunately and stupidly any important smackdown development happens on raw too) so theres enough to keep me watching the entire show, cause i know theres something i'm looking forward to. In TNA, there are few real stories that interest me, the exception being Roode/Storm, and everything else is a bit crud ridden! The matches are great, but they dont make me want to come back for more!!

I'm pretty shocked at the results of the poll here... 70% of people are willling to watch, that amazes me! The 30% out there that dont are surprisingly vocal in some places!! Regarding dangerous dave, that was the purpose of the poll, i wanted honest feedback that hopefully wouldnt be bogged down in childish name calling (were all marks and fanboys etc) so i'm glad people got involved.
I watch as much wrestling as I can get my hands on. I watch both Impact and Explosion on a Sunday morning (I record it on Fuel TV Saturday night) while the wife has her weekly sleep in. Do I fast forward some parts, yeah, but I watch all wrestling and have never been a guy to say one product is better than the other, or one federation totally sucks and I’ll never watch it. I actually do prefer the TNA roster to WWE’s but they do push guys that aren’t my favourites, which I guess isn’t really their issue in some cases (except for Garrett Bischoff of course).

In any case there are issues with Impact that have been already mentioned. One I’ll bring up that has been mentioned is the roster is too large and they have no consistency on who is on tv. Crimson, although I’m not a fan, is meant to be this undefeated wrecking machine… why isn’t he on tv more? Why isn’t he wrestling for the World or at least the TV title? Creative think highly enough of him to keep him unbeaten, yet give him no tv time? The fans wait over a year for the Gusn to finally return and when they do, Joe and Magnus beat them straight away and then move on to some one else…

Creative need to really sit down and figure exactly what they want to do with each talent, and if they “have nothing for them” then don’t use them. Otherwise we are left thinking where is Pope for example? Why isnt he on tv? What’s he doing? Is he still with the company? Etc etc.
I watch RAW SMACKDOWN and IMPACT weekly as im a dedicated fan, and since New Zealand got MySky (Close to americas tivo or whatever its called) I havnt missed an episode.

I enjoy watching all wrestling and try to follow as close as I can, even tho I have to be carefull visiting these sites for 3 days after monday night raw to not get it spoiled, as its on friday night here. Impacts on Saturday night, and smackdowns on Sunday night. The perfect weekend if you ask me, haha.

New zealand only got Impact at the start of the year so Im still quite new to it, even tho I followed it online occasionally. It was so cool at first to see all the stars that I hadnt seen in years and being able to follow their careers again, even if its in a WCW type environment. Then I realised that most of these guys are a bit washed up, almost as if TNA is the waiting room to get into wrestling heaven. They still have a lot to offer the business and im sure TNAs product will improve because of it.

PPVs are another story. WWE does it right, in the biggest stadium availiable at capacity most times. A PPV in the same arena (i think?) as weekly shows just doesnt cut it. Sky charges $20 for wwe ppvs, reasonable. And they charge $25 for a TNA "ppv". I ordered Against all odds and was thoroughly dissapointed. Except for Austin Airies vs Alex Shelley (Why didnt that match get more recognition?????) When I can only afford 1 a month i know what Id prefer to see. every time.

And whats with TNAs entrance themes? Does no one have any taste over there? My favourite entrance is Velvet Skys, but thats probably for other reasons too, haha. A classic theme song needs a solid build up to a point where u know exactly when the superstar is busting through the curtain (Batistas theme is the ultimate in my opinion)

The Gut check has me really intrigued, it could be something special if a well known ex wwe superstars music hits. Damn that would be cool. But if its gonna be all like that guy wearing chucks and no knee pads ill be mad. and dont they get to choose who they challenge? Why would you want to be seen in the ring with the joke that is Robbie E? Now Robbie T, theres the next break out star in my opinion, booked right with some help on the promos.

Whoops, got a bit off the point. First post ever so had a lot to get off my chest. Better get back to work now haha.

L8rs from New Zealand
I'll admit, I do watch more TNA now than I did before because they have used a little bit more logic in booking then in recent memories.......... but for god sakes

Give Booby a clean win as champ

Garette Bishoff is part OF and NOT the future of professional wrestling

Keep consistant fueds together like you some what did with Bobby vs Storm...
it might seem slow but the build was good and your payoff match was better than your average.

P.S. use theme music that matches the characters persona.. once the music hits i should be able to recognize who it is instantly. Its alot better than it was in the past...but if you want ALL your characters to have a connection with people, espeically those who are not marketable through sheer charisma or personality, give them a catchy song. people connecting with people through music? go figure
Every Damn Week. Honestly, I don't see how people think the TNA is to bad to watch. As good as WWE? Maybe Not. But it defintly isn't bad. Actually TNA has been very good for the past couple of months.

Why do we even compare TNA to WWE? I think the only argument should be made if it is a specific like or dis like within TNA. People complain about boring knockouts match as if Layla & Kelly Kelly vs. Maxine and Natalya for 2 min was that much better? Poor storyline? I large Man calling himself a funky dinosaur and a Leprechaun dancing to disco music is just so awesome?

I personally watch all the wresling i can. If i could get ROH, i would watch. I watch NWA Showcase online(or at least i did). I'm just saying, every show, (RAW, Smackdown, TNA, ROH) they all have their flaws. But the bright spots trump them 99% of the time.
I haven't watched TNA since Hogan took over at the start of 2010. I was enjoying the late 2009 product TNA was producing, once the MEM started to and eventually died out as it seemed like the young guys were finally going to and were getting pushed. Then Hogan took over, tossed two years of storylines out of the building to start fresh with a rather lackluster product. Haven't looked back since (though i still watched BFG).

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