Lethal Lottery announcement

Come on now Yaz. You know that the world title match is one I would have been willing to take on if I had been asked. It doesn't matter what match it is.

I appreciate the offer, I truly do. I'm not trying to come off as a dick, and if it seems that way I'm sorry. I just have to try to protect my guys. You can ask them, I've jumped their asses before for being late. It isn't just me taking their side.

Killjoy is working on the match, and I assure you that I will speak with him about time management once things wrap up.
I wish it were that simple but things come up. The reason the Lottery ran late is because there's a tonne of planning that goes into the Lottery match itself. The whole match needs to be planned and then we can start writing. That process took a few days, as you would expect. Today had been a fantastic effort from creative, truly. It'll be out in a few hours, I don't know why people are getting upset?
EDIT: I didn't see Yaz's post, so my point is made slightly redundant.

Kingdom Come and Lethal Lottery are the two shows where I don't care how long it takes to get posted, I will happily wait, because those shows are very important to the fed.
Actually the delay is because of the World Title match, so the delay still would have happened. The six man tag was one of the first matches to come in.

And for the record I'm as disappointed as the rest of you, but it is what it is guys. I can't control who has jobs or family issues.

We are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to announcing deadlines. If we announce it and are late, we look bad. If we don't announce a deadline, then people keep asking us when shows are going up and that can be annoying. I assure you that I am doing everything in my power to get things straightened out.
End every deadline with the phrase Give or take a day or two.
We are mere lines of commentary away from the show being ready. It'll be with you very very soon.

Time to get hype.
Nah, it's a mystery dish. The less said about it, the better. Just enjoy.

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