Lesnar reportedly goes apeshit backstage after Extreme Rules

Pepe Silvia

Occasional Pre-Show
Following the Extreme Rules PPV on Sunday, there was a huge backstage blow-up involving Brock Lesnar.

According to several sources, Lesnar lost it on a number of WWE officials and began ripping apart a dressing room, upset over the John Cena promo that closed the PPV.

The original plan was for Cena, despite winning, to be so beaten that he was carried out of the building, leaving an opening for Lesnar to brag that while he had lost the battle on a fluke, he had won the war.

When Cena decided to address the audience, Lesnar perceived it as Cena double crossing him and lost in on WWE officials. It's not yet known how they calmed him down, but tonight's angle with HHH was planned in advance as a way to remove Lesnar from TV.

Sources within the company have indicated that Lesnar's current deal only requires him to work two dates minimum per month.

You would think instead of blowing up in the locker room he would have approached Cena and spoken to him like a grown man about what happened. But hey, who am I to judge?
You would think instead of blowing up in the locker room he would have approached Cena and spoken to him like a grown man about what happened. But hey, who am I to judge?

When has Lesnar ever acted like a grown ass man, and not the oversized, dick-shaped skull, man-baby that he apparently is?
I can't remember if it was after his loss to Overeem or Cain(I'm leaning toward Reem) but after the fight a cameraman tried to ask Sable how she felt about the loss and he shoved the cameraman. Dude is nothing but a spoiled bully with a phallic tattoo on his chest
You would think instead of blowing up in the locker room he would have approached Cena and spoken to him like a grown man about what happened. But hey, who am I to judge?

Quit now Pancake. Because your post in the future will never get any true-er than THIS.
Noty sure I completely buy this. Why would Triple H allow himself to be locked in a hold that could legit break his arm less than a day after Brock had this supposed blow-up?
All kayfabe. All part of creating the persona of an unstable monster who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, to whomever he wants.
I'd like to believe this is kayfabe, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that this is true either. Despite what Triple H said last night, Brock Lesnar is not a shrewd businessman, or even a mature one. He's always carried around the reputation of being a man-child, and he's always relied on the help of shrewd businessmen like Paul Heyman and Dana White to help him with all his business deals. There are several stories about him overreacting to the most unremarkable shit, and he has never once presented himself as anything besides a 300 pound athlete with shit for brains.

On the other hand, you'd think a guy that won a legitimate title in the UFC, beating a legend like Randy Couture for it, wouldn't feel like he has anything to prove in the WWE. And let's face it, Cena may not have been carried out on a stretcher, but he sold the hell out of that arm injury, and he had blood dripping down his the whole time. Lesnar still looked like a beast no matter what.

Then again, Brock Lesnar might not be able to deal with the sudden change in plan, and entered a confused rage.
I was ok with him coming back, but after the last RAW before extreme rules I wanted him gone.

BTW, this isn't new. Back when he was in the WWE the first time, there were reports of him blowing up backstage and Vince McMahon having to be called in to calm him down. Dude has been easily pissed off and arrogant forever.
So both sides agreed to a finish, then the WWE calls an audible, perhaps with Brock not knowing, and the blame is on Lesnar?
So both sides agreed to a finish, then the WWE calls an audible, perhaps with Brock not knowing, and the blame is on Lesnar?
Only if you believe this story...

The real tragedy of this story is that I closed this thread in the main forums, and actually have more respect for it to be discussed intelligently in the Bar Room than in the general forums. I'm not sure if that's more telling of the Bar Room or the main forums.
Lesnar see shiny thing. Lesnar forget about Cenana...

I don't know. It could be bullshit, but I wouldn't put it past that dumbass to do something like that. Throwin' shit around and such. Fucking Country Bumpkin.

Originally posted by SlyFox696
The real tragedy of this story is that I closed this thread in the main forums, and actually have more respect for it to be discussed intelligently in the Bar Room than in the general forums. I'm not sure if that's more telling of the Bar Room or the main forums.

I actually was gonna mention this, because I was the last one to post in that thread. It turned into a UFC conversation with stupid points being made. Mine included.
What benefits do these "WWE Officials" get out of sharing controversial information with Mike Johnson?

I'd rather not risk pissing off Vince as opposed to pleasing Mike Johnson.

I smell work, embellishment, misunderstanding or flat out lie.
I don't know how much of this story I believe, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was all true. Lesnar's always been unstable, this just seems to be something he would do. I thought the finish was fine, though. Cena made it look like Lesnar had absolutely beaten his ass for the entire match, but Lesnar's angry he didn't get carried out of the arena? That's some immature bullshit right there. For a 34 year old man who's been in the WWE before, Brock apparently doesn't understand how the business works.
Um... I really don't see the big deal. People get angry, shit happens. Unless he started attacking people or destroying property, who gives a shit?
I'd like to believe this is kayfabe, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that this is true either. Despite what Triple H said last night, Brock Lesnar is not a shrewd businessman, or even a mature one. He's always carried around the reputation of being a man-child, and he's always relied on the help of shrewd businessmen like Paul Heyman and Dana White to help him with all his business deals. There are several stories about him overreacting to the most unremarkable shit, and he has never once presented himself as anything besides a 300 pound athlete with shit for brains.
The shrewd businessman manufactured this aura. Obviously.
This isn't a real story but I will say the way WWE has told this story seems dumb and disjointed. Cena being basically fine except his arm leads me to be less forgiving of the booking at the PPV. Stupid to basically only sell the kimura and not the beating capabilities of Lesnar. If Brock did get mad over that I would actually accuse him of having more sense than a lot of people in WWE creative.
What the fuck difference does it make if Cena was capable of speaking after the match? So he doesn't get carried back in a stretcher...what changes? The match was already finished, and Cena is still going away for a while because Brock kayfabe killed his arm. I fail to see a fundamental difference in how the audible changes the perception of Brock Lesnar. Cena looked really fucked up, wasn't that the point? If this story is true (I put odds as 30% legit/70% work) and Lesnar spazzed out over this, then I think it's in the best interests of the WWE to cut him loose. You can't have loose cannons like that running around. Lesnar needs to learn how to be team player, or he gets kicked off the team.

But, since it's most likely a completely fabricated kayfabe story, I am not going to spend too much time worrying about it.

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