Lesnar and Punk the next 2 Man Power Trip?


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I know people in the WWE though I don't know if they're bullshitting me or not that said Lesnar may stick around for longer then a year if things go ok on his current one year contract. They also said, that the plans for WM 29 is a Brock Rock WWE title match and a Punk Bryan World Title match. Punk wins earlier in the night then comes out and helps Lesnar defeat the Rock turning heel and the show ends with Punk with the World title Lesnar with the WWE title and Heyman celebrating in the ring. I personally would mark out if this happened. Do I think its going to happen? No. I think Lesnar will leave after WM 29.If you do remember though in Punk infamous promo on RAW last Summer he admitted he was a Heymen guy, plus WWE had Punk tweet a picture of Heymen before Heyman came out last monday. Maybe i'm over analyzing lol. What are your thoughts? Do you like this idea? I do. A heel Punk with Paul Heyman as his manager would be pure gold
I like the idea. Punk and Brock should be leading the WWE at this point in time so the 2 man power trip with Heyman would be great. Maybe a battle of those 2 guys up against Cena and Orton at the following ppv after Mania 29. I still think, though that Brock will take on the Undertaker next year in a Submission match at Mania 29. Streak vs. Career. Undertaker will win with hell's gate and Brock will leave the WWE when his contract runs out.
I like this idea but if CM Punk turns heel again, please don't make him run from people and hide behind other people. He did this when he first turned heel against Jeff Hardy and throughout his whole heel tenure. CM Punk is a trained and diciplined Muay Thai Boxing Mixed Martial Artist. I know a little about that fighting style and I've been trained a little about that fighting style from my older cousin that is a black belt in Muay Thai Boxing. You are trained to not run from people or hide behind other people. Its like a continuity error for the WWE to make CM Punk act like a coward. Do you know how much more dominant he would have been in S.E.S or New Nexus/Straight-Edge Nexus if he wouldn't of been running?

The Two-Man Power trip would be awesome but don't let them be cowards. Make them both heels that stand up for themselves and fights whoever. They don't have to be monster heels but dominant heels with a Mixed-Martial Arts background.
Your friends an idiot and lying to you.

They don't even have summerslam or rumble figured out, let alone Wrestlemania yet.

Also, Brock's more than likely done after wrestlemania.
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It would be a great idea. I have always been a huge fasn of when two seemoingly inconquerable wrestlers come together to form a team. HHH Stone Cold had so much potential, guaranteed some crazy shows, but then Stone Cold's injury put that to bed far to early.

As for reality, I very much doubt that Brock will stay that long. As far as I know, he technically has no obligation to perfrom at all from now on. I do however firmly expect Brock Vs Rock at WM 29. I said it before this WM and I will say it again. Lesnar will take the title at Royal Rumble and talk about how he is going to leave with it and melt it down to form some farm equipment, because he is leaving and noone in the WWE can take it from him. Rock will return, Rock Bottom him and say 'Just Bring It'.
I doubt it is true. That is too much forward thinking for people who literally are writing Raw on the fly. That said, the idea of a two man power trip is great. It could actually work now with Heyman`s affiliation with both Punk and Lesnar.And as much as I like him, CM Punk has been stale for a while now, he really needs a change to refresh that character. Even Austin is not that high on him now. That`s the reason I`m hoping Bryan wins at Over the limit, he is much more interesting than Punk now and the latter needs a character change or at least not be the champion for now.
I love when marks get on here and claim they have friends in WWE, yet feel the need to go on spoiler sites trying to look like they have insider knowledge bahahahaha.
Brock Lesnar has signed a one year contract, OBVIOUSLY if he wanted tyo extend, Vince would extend his deal. Bryan vs Punk has been given away many times already and will be at the next PPV. There is no way they will be fighting at Wrestlemania 29.
Lesnar vs HHH at Summerslam is looking a lock, Lesnar vs Undertaker will surely be another big money spinner for WWE. The Rock has said he intends on wrestling at next years Mania, but nothing suggests at this stage who he will be in the ring against.
If I had a friend in WWE, I would not be on chat rooms, Id be enjoying my inside info and not spoiling plans for other, or even worse, making myself look like an a grade tool.
The whole friend of a friend who knows someone close to the source thing isn't believeable. As for the topic, I doubt we'll see Punk & Lesnar as a team. I'd think WWE would be more interested in a potential Punk/Lesnar dream match for the title.
Turning Punk heel really wouldn't make any sense. WWE has put a lot of time and effort into his face turn. His entire look has changed, and Punk doesn't use the creepy cult leader persona anymore. He's currently in the middle of a very lengthy title run as a face, he continues to gain positive support from the fans, and so much hard work would go right down the drain, if Punk turned heel again.

Also, why would Brock Lesnar of all people need help to defeat The Rock? Did you see what he did to John Cena at Extreme Rules? How he brutalized Hulk Hogan years ago? He also broke The Undertaker's hand before No Mercy '02, he recently broke Triple H's arm, and this is a man, who likes to smear the blood of his victims across his chest. He is a one man wrecking machine. Brock Lesnar doesn't need help from anyone.

And CM Punk is known for playing the leader role during his heel runs. You could clearly see Punk's self righteous and superior persona during his heel runs and anyone, who decided to join him wasn't an equal. They were beneath him (Straight Edge Society, and New Nexus), and Punk was the unquestioned leader of the pack. As a heel, his character is too strong. Could you really picture a situation, where Brock Lesnar took orders from CM Punk?

This shouldn't happen. I can't see any sort of upside to this idea, and this plan would just create one big mess.
I just can't see Punk turning full heel for a while. It's no accident that he has been a top face champ for over 6 months now. WWE has big plans for him to be one of there top faces and a heel run now or in the near future would be ill advised.
They would NEVER...............AND THE ROCK MEANS................NEVER turn Punk heel at this stage. He is sooooooo over. You have at least until mid 2013 before that would even be a consideration, let alone a serious one.

Fuck Brock Lesnar. He's a selfish prick.
The idea is a good one, I just do not see it happening whatsoever. Punk is a guy that they are investing in quite big time, so I doubt they'd throw that all away, unless his current face and title run continues to be such a fail as I was recently thinking it is (Punk, get your edge back).
I really sort of like this idea.

I've been hoping so much that WWE will come around to making the main event of 29 Punk v Cena for the title. I think that if they were concerned at all about long term booking, they would have to do this.

This scenario would reignite the rivalry so easily. I feel as though Punk and Cena have a lot of, "unfinished business," so to speak from Money in the Bank/Summer 2011, and if the WWE really does want Punk to become the guy for the future, then Cena needs to hand the torch to him. I know some people say that Punk can't be a heel, but I think last summer he was a tweener, and that's how he should be.

If you separate Lesnar from Johnny Ace, pair him with Punk, and give the two of them Paul Heyman, and make them a tweener stable, then you've got a recipe to get the hardcore fans hook, line, and sinker.

I think that for 29 to be a great show, for me, I would love to see Punk v Cena for the strap, Rock v Taker in the, "I've done everything, except the one thing that no one has done," match, and finally Brock v HHH, with the story being, "you're not bigger than the business."

That's just what I want to see. I seriously doubt it will happen, but I'd love to see it. I think that this idea with the new Two Man Power Trip sets that up pretty well. However, it makes too much sense for the WWE to pull it off, I feel. If something makes for good TV, it usually doesn't happen.
I love the idea. Paul Heyman getting involved and bringing these two together would be badass. The only concern I have is that Punk would have to be willing to take orders from Paul and from what I've seen of his heel characters he takes on the strong leader role and he wouldn't be able to do that with Heyman. I can see Heyman leading Brock but not so much Punk. I'd love to see it but I doubt it'll happen. Now let me say that nobody knows for sure what they'll do at WM. Your friend can say, These are the plans as of right now but plans always change. I heard after this past WM that the plan was Brock/Rock for the title, Cena/Taker, and Punk/Austin. Now they're not sure what they're gonna do. I'd love to see a two-man power trip with these guys but I don't see it happening especially since Punk is still in the middle of a very successful face run and title run. He's the longest reigning champion we've had in a long time but he's someone who is still pretty fresh for most of us. We've seen different sides of his face character. He can be smart, cocky, funny, brutal, angry, etc. He's not a kiddy face the way Cena is. He's not the happy go lucky guy who smiles at everything. It's only been recently after a dominant 8 year face run that he's added a couple of new sides to his character. I could see a Cena heel turn with his divorce coming. But Punk is still at the top of his game. I see Brock beating him for the title in a few months but for them to team up, I just don't see it.

As someone else said, they've worked so hard to get Punk over as an anti-hero face, why on earth would you want to fuck that up?

Also, a Lesnar/Punk pairing would be highly favorable towards Lesnar in terms of focus. And what the hell would be the logic in them teaming up, anyway? Just because they're both Heyman guys?

I get that WWE likes to pander to the smarks nowadays, but sacrificing their number two face to book a storyline around Heyman is just too much.
The two man powertrip can work, CM Punk does not need to take orders from Heyman, both Punk and Lesnar can pair as equals, remember the Austin/Triple H powertrip, managed by Vince McMahon, there was no leader there, the same can work for Punk/Lesnar, Heyman can be an advisor or a Manager, someone said that is more likely for Cena to turn heel because of his divorce, so a two man powertrip between Cena and Lesnar can be great, now that a lot of people have been trying to get Cena to find his anger, or his hate,they can work an angle for Heyman to finally get to Cena's head and turn him into the dark side, if someone can actually pull it off is Heyman, and as soon as he does, have him join Lesnar in taking over the WWE, say something like he has been the face of the WWE for a long time, he has worked his tale off for the company and not getting any gratitude from fans or WWE managment, saying that he had enough and he's getting what he deserves, and have Triple H try to put some sence into Cena, and Cena snaps at Triple H, and as soon as someone come to rescue Triple H, Brock lesnar comes to help Cena and destroy everyone in the ring, and that can be the begining of a two man powertrip between Lesnar and Cena with Heyman as theyr manager........
The idea reeks of doing something just for the sake of doing it, though.

Pairing them together just because they both have a connection to Heyman doesn't make any sense. Punk has a great thing going right now, I don't know why they would ruin that to essentially make him and Lesnar the same act.

A lot of people like to forget that turning Austin heel was a dumb move, too, something that both Vince and Austin admit. And you can count on one hand the amount of times Vince has admitted failures.
Punk and Lesnar would be great together, and that to me is the hard part, they could get too good and it would be bad for business to have all this merch being sold only for the expected group fall apart too fast. The best thing Lesnar could do to solidify his return and bring "realism" to WWE is to win the title at Royal Rumble, brag about how he is going to leave with it cause of his contract and The Rock faces him WM29 and have Brock actually win and leave with it. This makes sure that Vince returns for a few night or so from Johnny taking over AND REPLACE THAT FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP BELT.
How can it possibly be bad for business to have a lot of merch being sold?

Actually, while we're on that subject, that's a big reason why WWE will not turn Punk heel anytime in the near future. He sells a shitload of merch, more than anyone not named The Rock or John Cena, the former of which is not a full time superstar.

You're sacrificing a lot of money by turning Punk for the sake of it, AND you're also telling the fans who want more "edgy" stuff that they must cheer for John Cena as the sole, undisputed top face.

It's really just a terrible move all around and I'm surprised so many people have jumped on this bandwagon.
People its May. They have plenty of time for Punk to continue his face run until next year at WM when he turns heel. And i'm sure by then he will be even more stale then he is now. Think about it, people have been expecting a Cena heel turn for awhile now so why not pull on a swerve and turn Punk heel? This could be Bash at The Beach 1996 or WM 17 huge! And Punk wouldnt be heel long. Alot of yall are saying that it wouldnt make sense because Lesnar was a one by himself, someone who didnt need anyone elses help but doesnt that sound like Stone Cold Steve Austin who joined forces with Mcmahon and HHH because he was obsessed with keeping the title? Heyman and Lesnar would eventually turn on him. I also never said this was going to happen, its just being discussed is what my source has told me. The seeds were planted last Summer in his promo
Someone also said that Bryan and Punk wont face at WM 29 because they've faced before but correct if i'm wrong. Didn't Austin vs Hart at WM 13 after facing him 4 months earlier at Survivor Series? Didnt Austin also face HBK at the 97 KOTR then in the main event of WM 14 the next year? Enough said
Wow. A lot of you are accepting this as a good idea. Just wow.

Austin and Triple H were two guys, who were going to stick around. They were full time wrestlers, and two heels at the top of the roster. Punk will be around for the long run, but can you say the same thing about Lesnar? He doesn't have a burning passion for pro wrestling, and this is no secret.

Paying Brock Lesnar obscene amounts of money for a tag team/stable run wouldn't make any sense. The money is in one on one feuds, so why would you waste Lesnar's value by putting him in a tag team situation?

Lesnar sticking around after Wrestlemania 29 isn't a guarantee, so the chances of this becoming a realistic possibility are VERY slim. The trio of Lesnar, Heyman, and Punk sounds like a smark fantasy, and the overwhelming risk of this pairing doesn't outweigh the possible reward.

I really sort of like this idea.

I've been hoping so much that WWE will come around to making the main event of 29 Punk v Cena for the title. I think that if they were concerned at all about long term booking, they would have to do this.

This scenario would reignite the rivalry so easily. I feel as though Punk and Cena have a lot of, "unfinished business," so to speak from Money in the Bank/Summer 2011, and if the WWE really does want Punk to become the guy for the future, then Cena needs to hand the torch to him. I know some people say that Punk can't be a heel, but I think last summer he was a tweener, and that's how he should be.

If you separate Lesnar from Johnny Ace, pair him with Punk, and give the two of them Paul Heyman, and make them a tweener stable, then you've got a recipe to get the hardcore fans hook, line, and sinker.

I think that for 29 to be a great show, for me, I would love to see Punk v Cena for the strap, Rock v Taker in the, "I've done everything, except the one thing that no one has done," match, and finally Brock v HHH, with the story being, "you're not bigger than the business."

That's just what I want to see. I seriously doubt it will happen, but I'd love to see it. I think that this idea with the new Two Man Power Trip sets that up pretty well. However, it makes too much sense for the WWE to pull it off, I feel. If something makes for good TV, it usually doesn't happen.

Punk and Cena are polar opposites of each other. The squeaky clean face VS the outspoken, tattooed rebel dynamic is more than enough fuel for another feud. Both men have already proven they can have great matches together, and they can provide a highly entertaining feud. Punk won't need a major overhaul, when another feud between these two starts up. It isn't necessary.
Wow. A lot of you are accepting this as a good idea. Just wow.

Austin and Triple H were two guys, who were going to stick around. They were full time wrestlers, and two heels at the top of the roster. Punk will be around for the long run, but can you say the same thing about Lesnar? He doesn't have a burning passion for pro wrestling, and this is no secret.

Paying Brock Lesnar obscene amounts of money for a tag team/stable run wouldn't make any sense. The money is in one on one feuds, so why would you waste Lesnar's value by putting him in a tag team situation?

Lesnar sticking around after Wrestlemania 29 isn't a guarantee, so the chances of this becoming a realistic possibility are VERY slim. The trio of Lesnar, Heyman, and Punk sounds like a smark fantasy, and the overwhelming risk of this pairing doesn't outweigh the possible reward.

Punk and Cena are polar opposites of each other. The squeaky clean face VS the outspoken, tattooed rebel dynamic is more than enough fuel for another feud. Both men have already proven they can have great matches together, and they can provide a highly entertaining feud. Punk won't need a major overhaul, when another feud between these two starts up. It isn't necessary.

What if Lesnar decided to sign for one more year after next years Mania? You guys dont truly know how Lesnar feels about the biz, you just think you do. A whole lot could happen between now and WM. The point of the pairing is simple, Paul Heyman. With Lesnar as WWE champ and Punk as World champ this would be the most dominating duo of all time. Punk then loses the World title Heymen and Lesnar turn on him and boom, WM 30 Punk vs Lesnar.
I think this could work, if they were to do it right. It shouldnt happen now but, around Summerslam or towards the fall.. it should.

When you think about it, CM Punk has unfinished business with the "etablishment". They kinda altered him out of his agenda with the establishment, leaving unfinished business. He has unfinished business with HHH and John Cena. I dont think they should have fully turned him face, even though i understand why they did. He's still a anti-hero in my eyes.

Now you look at Brock Lesnar, how they are and will have him go agaisnt the business or "establishment" Now you got Paul Heyman getting involve so... if they did it right, it would work, and their are reasons why it would make sense to have a stable of Heyman, Punk, Lesnar, and even a third member like Randy Orton.. come on, it would be huge.. Not to mention with Johnny Ace in the fold

Punk orginally had a problem with how things were run, and how people like him were underappreciated.. Brock Lesnar is saying the same and voicing the same(through Heyman in words) and has done it himself in his actions against triple h, and breaking his arm. Punk actually walked out on the company(story wise at least) Brock is doing the same(story wise) so.. the plot is there IMO..

Heyman,Johnny, Punk, Brock Vs HHH, Cena, WWE and you know Vince would be in the fold too.. it would be the best golden opportunity since when vince had the NWO and the WCW guys here(which he messed that up, and missed out on that one).. idk.. Just my opinion
What if Lesnar decided to sign for one more year after next years Mania? You guys dont truly know how Lesnar feels about the biz, you just think you do. A whole lot could happen between now and WM. The point of the pairing is simple, Paul Heyman. With Lesnar as WWE champ and Punk as World champ this would be the most dominating duo of all time. Punk then loses the World title Heymen and Lesnar turn on him and boom, WM 30 Punk vs Lesnar.

Lesnar has openly admitted his disdain for the wrestling business numerous times in the past. He HATED the road schedule, and if I remember correctly, Lesnar's current deal only requires him to make two live appearances on TV per month. He's being payed tons of money to make limited appearances, so why would he push for a heavier workload? It doesn't make sense. He didn't have any positive words for the wrestling industry during his run with UFC, and you're really delusional, if you seriously believe Lesnar will develop some sort of great passion for WWE in the next year. He's in it for the money.

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