Legit, Most Popular Pro-Wrestling Theme of All Time

Sometimes when the wife and kids are away I invite some slender, young, hairless Asian men over to my home. We oil up, strip down to speedos and hold our own little wrestling promotion. I come out to Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On.

Does that count?
No. Because I wrestle for Banana Hammock Championship Wrestling and I come out to Gene Autry's "Rudolph The Red-Nose Reindeer".
None of these choices go with my topic. Lots of wrestlers used theme songs that were popular 10 years before their time. But who (besides Victoria) had a theme song that was a CURRENT hit on the radio? I think she had the most popular, current theme song of all time.
Oh. The only song I can think of is Loser by Beck. Mikey Whipwreck used that in ECW when it was a current hit.
Wasn't American Badass by Kid Rock getting good airplay when Taker returned in 2000? Or even Rollin' by Limp Bizkit when he switched? Despite their irrelevance now Limp Bizkit had a period of popularity and mainstream success.
Enter Sandman didn't come out until the early '90s, but it's easily Metallica's most famous/popular song.

I think GSB's on to a winner with Rollin'.
"Real American" may have not made it high on the charts, but it also may have not been available for commercial purchase at the time. It's not like they had the internet, with the ability to literally buy a song the minute it's first used in the WWE.

I dare you to find somebody that lived through the 80's that hasn't heard "Real American".
What about 'Ride of the Valkyries'? It is quite popular. Obviously, with it being written long, long ago, it won't be on any Top Billboard lists.

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