least credible main eventer


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, this is pretty simple. Who of the main eventers in the last few years have the least credibilty in the main event? It doesnt matter if they are currently with the company or not.
My pick is Jack swagger. He has no momentum going into mitb at wrestlemania, but they gave it to him anyways. And then instead of building him up with the breifcase, he cashes it in a few days later. His match with Randy Orton was fine. Against the big show, he only retained by DQ. And then in the end he lost it in the Fatal 4-way match.

Honorable mentions: The Great Khali- He won the Title in an over the top battle royal after Kane Injured Edge during his Marti Gra celibration. He defended the title at The Great American bash in a triple threat against Kane and Batista. At Summerslam He retained by DQ against Batista. Then lost a triple threat match against Batista and Rey Mysterio.

Vladimer Kozlov-Fueded with Jeff Hardy and Triple H for the WWE title. He wasnt in the Main Event picture for long, but he was still in there competing against the biggest faces of the brand at the time.
I will only say Jack Swagger because of how he was booked heading into Wrestlemania. He was book like complete crap losing even losing to Santino. Jack was a complete shock to win MITB, and didn't deserve it but when he got the ball and he ran with it. But before Wrestlemania he was losing match after match and really had no momentum heading into his eventual main event run.

He is credible now but at the time he was definitely not credible.
I have to disagree with your Swagger pick, he was being built up before rumble...when he was keep saying he was going to win it...WWE always have 1 wrestler that makes that statement and he was the one this year..

Also he only cashed in his breifcase after 2 days because management didn't want him to hold it long because their was going to be a MitB ppv...

I have to pick Kozlov, I mean he was only undefeated, never spoke enlglish and main evented!! for what!?
Jack Swagger is an easy answer, although now I'm starting to buy into him a little more. The past couple of weeks he has really started to build up his credibility, mainly due to him incorporating the Ankle Lock into his arsenal. I wouldn't be totally opposed to him taking the strap back off of Rey Rey. His new found aggression is fun to watch as opposed to the ******ed jock thing he had going on there for a while.

I'm going to stir the pot here a little bit a probably piss off a couple people, but I'm going to say Chris Jericho. With his recent placement in the middle of the card and his consistent losing to anyone who has held a World Championship in the past year, he has really lost a lot of steam as of late. I don't think I would even believe for a second that he could hold down a feud with any of the current crop of Main Eventers. Maybe I'm just full of it and he'll ultimately prove me wrong, but Jericho has lost a lot of credibilty in my eyes as of late.
Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with you guys and say Jack Swagger. He went from being an up an comer who was carrying the ECW Championship to a glorified jobber losing over the top rope matches to Santino Marella. He was booked horribly on the way to Wrestlemania and then when he won Money in the Bank he really showed his true potential.

Give Jack Swagger a bit more time in the main event scene and he'll start looking really credible and deserving. I thought that his run as World Heavyweight Champion was ok for his first run, considering where he had been a few months prior.

Honorable Mention: Vladimir Kozlov, Mark Henry, The Great Khali, and... Rey Mysterio. Kozlov got a shot when he worked with Triple H and Jeff Hardy, and he looked terrible. Does anybody remember Mark Henry's run in the main event? He was the second to last one in the battle royal for the WHC but lost when Kurt Angle slithered back into the ring. He also absolutely destroyed the Undertaker and got a match at Wrestlmania with him. Khali was champ, but he did NOTHING as champ. Now, I want to go a little more in depth as to why I put Rey Mysterio on the list. To me, Rey doesn't look very credible as the champ right now. He needs to stop playing the ultimate underdog role, because it's making him look really weak.
The best thing about Jericho is he can be put anywhere on the card and have it believable. He can lose to Someone like Bourne one week, and the next he could be a top contender for the title. And Jericho is also in the mid-card by choice from what i understand. He can easily put over talent. Bourne beating Cena isnt likely to happen but Jericho beating Cena then Bourne beating Jericho is.
I have to disagree with the Jack Swagger thing. He beat Edge and Jericho in a triple threat match, he beat Orton at extreme rules and sure he has been booked weak at times but now he's being built as dangerous. His attack on Mysterio last night was vicious and it looks like wwe is trying to turn Swagger into the next Kurt Angle even when Swagger enters the ring now he does that thing when he runs in circles Kurt Angle was the guy who did that. But to the subject of least credible main eventers I'd have to go with Kozlov due to the fact that he's the most fresh in my memory. He put on a horrible match with HHH at Survivor Series 2008 and I don't think I ever heard a crowd shit on a HHH match that bad before.
I'm saying this as a fan, but I'm going with Edge. In the last few years, he has mostly been booked as a cowardly, manipulative heel, as opposed to a capable, powerful heel. A few examples stick out in my mind. Remember Wrestlemania XXIV? Edge's match with the Undertaker was great, but did anyone actually expect Edge to end the streak? In the past few years, Edge seems to be the guy the least amount of people thought would break the streak.

His latest return was largely a failure, in my opinion. I think Edge functions better as a heel, so I don't think he was very credible as a face, and I think his subsequent heel turn left him even less credible. He's still getting a lot of cheers, and has taken a backseat to several heels and faces. Lately, I've been forgetting that he's even active.

His title reigns have been short and transitional, for the most part, and he usually won the title in backhanded ways. That just doesn't say "This guy is the most credible guy in the company" to me.

I know that Edge has the potential to be very credible, but in the last few years, his credibility has dropped dramatically.
Some of you need to step back and seriously try to figure out what the definition of a main eventer. HHH, HBK, Chris Jericho, Edge, Cena, and Orton are main eventers. Guys like Kozlov and Mark Henry are not. Kozlov was only in the main event of one PPV and Henry was in the main event of only two PPV's. So I do not consider either of them main eventers.

I'm going to have with Jericho. While he can have great matches when he is in the midcard, I just don't see that when he is in the main event of a PPV. He always goes back to the midcard soon after being a main eventer which makes me think that the WWE doesn't have faith in Jericho being a long-term championship even though he is servicable in midcard and tag team wrestling as well.
I know the IWC will strongly disagree with me, but in my opinion the least credible main eventer is Kane. He has lost to just about every one several times, and I never even consider him a plausible title contender. He is clearly being set up to lose to the Undertaker, and just puts guys over.
I'm a little surprised by the Swagger hate. He may have a lisp but he isn't bad on the mic and he's been great as a heel. He'll never be Kurt Angle but he'll get closer than anyone else on the roster will. The ankle lock is now great for him, too.

I'd have to go with the Big Show. He's a horrible heel first of all. Him with The Miz was honestly the most boring tag team champions. I mean I'd rather watch the Highlanders, seriously. Don't get me wrong I think the Big Show brings a lot to the table for the WWE but keep him in the Tag-Team division. He doesn't have a big arsenal of moves. On Smackdown all he did was like throw Swagger out of the ring around 20 times in a row. HOW EXCITING. He does a chokeslam which is pretty boring and a punch to the face? Are you serious?
I'm immediately drawn to names like The Great Kahli, but I don't want to pick people just because I hate their character, and I think they're a giant (pun intended) waste of space. At least with Kahli's title run and main event push they tried to give him a legitimate reason for being their. I mean, he's a giant and he destroyed the Undertaker. He may suck, but there's sort of a believable aspect to his former main event status. Then again, there's a believable aspect to his current jobber/joke status.

Here's the problem with claiming that Jack Swagger didn't have a legit reason for being in the main event... The Money in the Bank winner is always pushed into the main event, and there's nothing you can do about it. As long as MITB remains as an entertaining and lucrative gimmick, it'll keep bringing guys into the main event with little to no previous push. Swagger's legitimacy was in the MITB briefcase, and that's how the rules of the WWE game are played today.

My choice for the least legitimate main event push is Sheamus. Now, before a bunch of people freak out and say that Sheamus is getting great on the mic and better in the ring, settle down... Sheamus is growing on me. But there's no denying that his main event push was out of line. He came to Raw from a failing ECW product, "ended the career" of Jamie Noble (if you can call it a career), beat up a few announcers, and then knocked Cena off the top rope and through a table to win the WWE title. I mean, not only did he not deserve to be in the title picture in the first place, but he didn't even pin the champion. He knocked a guy off balance and somehow won the WWE championship...lame. Now, as soon as he lost the title he began to grow and become a great heel. I'm impressed with where he is now, and I love watching him grow as a character, and I'm actually enjoying his current title run. Because they've legitimized him. If they had spent this much time pushing him before hand, and gave us a real reason to "like" him as a heel, we wouldn't remember the black cloud that is the start of his career on Raw.

Now, how about a guy that hasn't developed since his failed main event push? In 2008, William Regal became the surprise winner and new King of the Ring. Regal immediately got shoved down our throats week after week as the newest King of the Ring, and somebody we should automatically trust as a main event player. Now, this didn't last very long, because Regal failed a drug test and got suspended... But if he hadn't, they would have continued pushing him, and most likely made him a World Champion. But let's take a look at Sir William's King of the Ring win. He beat Finlay, CM Punk...and Hornswaggle. A lot of people will say he had the push coming for years because of his faithful service to the industry since the 90s, but I think he's always been crap. He's boring, in and out of the ring, and the reason he never got a main event push, is because he just can't cut it. When they finally gave him the push, he won a mock version of the classic King of the Ring, defeating a bunch of other people that were completely irrelevant at the time. Just like Sheamus, they took a guy who had no reason to be in the main event, gave us some bullshit reason for him to be there, and forced him down our throats. Thank god that he failed a drug test and was pushed down in the ranks to fight guys like Jamie Noble (there's that jobber again).
My pick would have to be Rey Mysterio. It doesn't matter how many times they let him "defy the odds" and win time after time against wrestlers he should never be wrestling to begin with (I'm looking at you Kane), he is still a midget and is such a credible champion that they can't even call him the World Heavyweight Champion most of the time because the announcers would just bust up laughing. :lmao:

How I miss the days of Kevin Nash putting Rey in his proper place and using him as a lawn dart as he throws him into the side of a trailer.
I'm gonna go back to around '06 and mention King Booker. I have never bought Booker T as a genuine main-eventer in the WWE apart from the build-up to Wrestlemania 19 and I felt his reign, and gimmick, fell flat on their arse. I never really knew where I stood with King Booker. Was he a comedic relief character, such as when he drifted into his old gimmick during promos? Was he the serious and pompous head of a stable, vying for control and to exert his authority? When I look at the feuds he had during his reign, nothing really stands out. He beat the underdog champ in Mysterio, to then hand the belt over to Big Dave. His entire reign screams 'transitional champ'.
At least with Swagger, due to his age and the talent pool that is Smackdown, there was always the chance that he could succeed. Currently, I'm enjoying his work and the whole 'Angle 2.0' shtick he's using. If you look at his reign, he went over some established talent. Orton, Jericho, Edge... Hell, include Show in that list too. And he didn't lose his title in a 1-1 to look weak. It was Kane's interference that distracted him and let Rey win. I'm expecting Swagger to bounce back very shortly.
Well if we are nominating people that were in main event matches for their brand then I'm going to have to say Finlay, he was in the main event scene back in 2006/2007 and hasn't been doing anything after that except for a Wrestlemania 24 match against JBL, that was pretty much it, then he just started to fade out of everything. I never really found him to be credible as a main eventer.
Rey Msyterio. Last week on smackdown, he was begging for swagger to leave him alone, pleading even with the doctor to help him. He looks like a weak fluke champion.
I dont know why everyone is saying Jack Swagger. He isnt very credible, but I wouldnt say that he is the least credible main eventer. I would have to say that Sheamus is the least credible main eventer.

Sheamus came up to RAW and quickly climbed his way up the ladder. But all he did was "retire" small Jamie Noble. He won the breakthrough battle royal and went on to defeat Cena at TLC. But it was a very sketchy win, with some people even believing that his victory was a botch. His reign was rather short but then he came back in a few months and won his second championship at F4W. But that was also not a clean victory, as he won with the help of the Nexus. As far as I'm concerned, the only credible thing that he has done is injure HHH.
Okay, this is my first post ever, so I'm gonna start off pissed!

Seriously? Jericho? The FIRST undisputed champion? The man that beat Austin and Rock in THE SAME NIGHT?! The man WWE brought back as the saviour? The man who had the best feud of the last decade with Shawn? You think he doesn't deserve to be main event? Honest to god?

The reason Jericho is happy to lose week in week out is because he's done all he wants to within the business. he's a multi time world champion, has wrestled all over the world, is respected throughout the business, and as a student of the game now wants to bring younger talent up and through. He wants to get Bourne and others over and knows that having a victory against Chris Jericho will do that. As would one over HHH, Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Batista, Edge. The thing is (other than most of those being faces) these don't want to look 'weak' and WWe doesn't want them to look 'weak' losing to Bourne and so it doesn't happen. Jericho steps up and says, I'll get beat, I don't mind. That's not him being a weak main eventer, that's him pass the damn torch. If more of the main eventers did that then Swagger, Sheamus, Bourne wouldn't be called weak main eventers because they'd have the wins not too.

Sheamus is another one that annoys me. Yes, his winning the title by putting Cena through a table was a weak way to win it, but WWE were never going to let him pin Cena for the title. That would've killed both of them. It also helped his new run by being such a weak champ first time round, because he can now build upon that and is doing so.

Rey's always gonna get crap because he's small and not great on the mic, but Eddie was small, Benoit was small and not great on the mic, Shawn was small (in comparison), Jericho was small, hell, Flair was small. Why are none of these criticised like Rey Rey?

My choice would be 'new' Kane. Any time he's anywhere near the main event you just know he's gonna get beat, which is a massive shame because the guy is a monster. I remember seeing Christian (back in E+C days) have him in an arm bar and Kane stand up and suplex him, while Christian was still arm barring him. He was brilliant as the huge, little speaking, kick assing monster. Now he's just a big guy that can lose well. Big shame.
The least credible main eventer in my opinion has been and always will be Triple H. Shawn Michaels carried the guy for 11 of 15 years together. If it wasn't for him marrying Stephanie and Shawn being injured four years, he may never have won a world title. He is a boring wrestler, he's boring on the mic, and he's the world's biggest butt kisser. It's pathetic, he's won something like 12 world titles and is on pace to break Ric Flair's all time title record. No matter who Triple H is booked to beat, no matter how many titles they put around his waist, no matter how many made for tv movies they sign him up for, and no matter how much he uses his wife to get whatever he wants as he moves up the wrestling ladder, i'll never see him as anything but Shawn Michaels' douchebag sidekick. If anybody deserves 12 world titles, it should be someone believable like Hogan, Hart, Flair, Savage, Taker, Michaels, Austin, Rock. That wrestler should be believable with wrestling skill, mic skill, charisma and drawing power. They should not just marry the head booker who in turns gives her husband everything he ever wanted careerwise. Triple H should have been a career American/IC champ like Scott Hall instead of a world champ 4 life like Ric Flair. Bottom line: Shawn Michaels, to me, should be the all time WWE champ. Not Cripple H.

Number 2 least credible main eventer: Jeff Jarrett. Number 3 John Cena
now before i go into this, just wanted to say, no disrespect to anyone here, i have recieved a lot of heat from some of my posts, but im not about to go doing the same to others, these threads are designed for people to post THEIR opinons, doesnt mean you have to agree with it, or even like it, that it what that person thinks/feels. now, saying that, i'll start..

as lil lawler said about jericho "He always goes back to the midcard soon after being a main eventer which makes me think that the WWE doesn't have faith in Jericho being a long-term championship even though he is servicable in midcard and tag team wrestling"

the LOVE that he puts his ego aside and goes back to mid-card level after a title run, that is the way it should be, you had your title, lost it, and lost your re-match, you shouldnt get chance after chance after chance (lookin at you Cena). and his current mid-card status is due to the fact that not only is he in a touring band, but also a TV show. so it makes sense. and as for what ilapierre said about Trip H, yes, while a lot of the IWC are sick of his title run after title run, HHH's first couple times as champ came BEFORE steff was in the picture. they had high hopes for him, but that is due to his friendship with HBK, the wrestling industry is just as much about WHO you know as it is what you know. if you are bestfriends with the top guys, you're more than likely going to get a push. Bourne is good friends with cena, bourne is now getting a good push. Sheamus is not only good friends with HHH, but also his workout buddy (they do have a similar build) and is now on a REAL push, not like before. but in all honesty, i think the least credible main-eventer (and remember this is ONLY my opinion) and im going to receive heat for it.. Jeff Hardy. i will admit the guy is a great IN ring performer, his promo's always confused me a bit, especially the whole "creatures of the night" crap, reminds me of the Warrior a bit.. same with the face paint.. but i just dont believe he really shoulda had the title runs he did, jeff is like christian, worked GREAT as a Tag team champ, and had some of the most memorable matches in WWE history, but i believe the furthest his push shoulda gone, was the Ladder match against the Undertaker on RAW a few years back, thats where it shoulda ended, and back to mid-card/tag team. he was so popular that he didnt NEED the title really. its like now if they took Cena out of the title picture, it wouldnt make him any LESS popular with the kids. but there's my pic. Jeff Hardy.
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my vote goes to jeff hardy. Someone who thrusted into the main event after years of jumping off ladders and anything else that's really high. In some ways he was a skinny mick foley, however foley could cut a promo, wrestle, and carry and match that didn't involve a gimmick of some kind. If you saw a person like hardy walking down the street you would more than likely cross the street to avoid him. His biggest moves involve him jumping off something, never has once proven he can do any type of wrestling. He sells merch and falls off cool things, that does not make you a main eventer, you all can love him, but this is just my opinion.

Oh and as always, May you all have a nice day!
I don't even like Triple H much, knowing how he rapidly takes advantage-at times-of people. But that was years ago and though he hasn't stopped he's slowed down and become a little more respectable. But that's backstage, HHH does not need to be mentioned in the same category as Kahli. HHH is one of the best wrestlers, like him or not. Although obviously not the best. HHH isn't one who makes every match good, like the ability HBK/Y2J, but he is fantastic in the ring, more often to not, at least.
The easy answer for me would be Rey Mysterio because I simply cannot stand his booking, but he has consistently performed well, and even if it's cheesy, he's gotten over the gimmick of being the ever popular underdog. Sheamus would be another guy that's tough because if you look at his portfolio of work, it doesn't stack up to many others. However, you look at him and know he belongs in the main event, so he's certainly convinced the majority of fans and thus, cannot qualify for me.

I am going with Big Show. It is very easy to book anyone with size as unstoppable. However, after that dies down and that man gets his first loss, there's always a question of where to go after that. With Big Show, that's happened about 5 times. Every time he goes heel, he's booking as an unstoppable force that can beat up anyone, he does well for a while, then gets beat, starts losing a good amount, and goes face. However, either heel or face, his losses far outnumber his wins. No matter how much you book him today as having the strongest punch in the world, when he can't win a big match, he cannot be feared as a main event contender. He found a niche as a tag team specialist, since most tag teams don't support a main event talent that can counter Show's size with wrestling intelligence and creativity, but after that was over, he was back in the main event and hasn't won a match yet! Credibility in the main event means wins, and as such, Rey Mysterio has much more credibility despite being 1/4 the size of show. It's all about winning and unless Big Show wins matches, he comes off as lacking credibility in my eyes.
I can think of two people, and both of them might get me some heat.
My picks are Edge and Rey Mysterio

Edge has never had a convincing title reign. He's always been a transitional champion. The ultimate opportunist? That just means he has to win the title in a cowardly way.

Rey Mysterio has to be the least convincing champion in WWE history, by a mile. Champions have to be believeable. Can you believe Mysterio beating Cena? Or Orton? Or Taker? Or HHH?
For me its Rey Mysterio. He should have stayed in the cruiserweight division before it faded out; he gave it lots of credibility. I cannot buy him as a world HEAVYWEIGHT champion. And the honest reason I think he is still with the company is because of how much the kdis love him and the latino viewership on Smackdown. If it wasn't for those two things I think he wouldnt be world champion (and without speaking ill of a tragedy, he got his first world title push from when Eddie (RIP) Guererro died, and I saw it as a sympathy win). I'm not saying smaller guys can't be world champion, but Rey just doesnt come across as a legit champion for me. I see him as a contender, not as a champion.

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