Laycool talking during the match

I agree with the second poster though to add my own; I WOULD have found it funny, if they bothered to say anything funny or of humorous value. Instead of just chittering incoherently. Put a mic on heel Jericho during a match for better results.
I found the best solution for laycool is the mute button, try it out.

I understand the whole cheap heat arguement but those two really are taking into contempt territory which is not good heel work. One thing about the live mics though arent they supposed to talk to one another so they can call spots, moves, ect.?

Also to the people saying its like Vickie, at least Vickie is entertaining these two arent at all.
I have stuck with the women's division for a long time, but lately I have started fast-forwarding through the women's matches. I guess it started after that last TV episode of NXT, when I realized, wow, I just watched a wrestling show that had absolutely no wrestling whatsoever. Which made me realize, why do I watch the women's matches anymore anyway? Just habit. There's no one left who I really enjoy watching anymore, since Beth Phoenix left.
I have to agree with Impact Player Riaku, the gimmicked worked for their characters and I thought it was pretty neat. I can see this gimmick being as useful for Laycool as the eagle is for Swagger. 90% of wwe divas matches are going to be....ummm...less than spectacular. But when Laycool came out with the mics and I realized they were going to keep them on while they wrestled, I was on my was to take a leak but I stopped and watched the entire match just to see something Id never seen before. Layla could have been given better stuff to actually say other than "get off my friend" while McCool was getting her ass kicked but that I thought it was a pretty smart way to create extra heat AND make a divas match more interesting to watch.
I thought Laycool talking throughout their match was stupid and damn right annoying!!!!! as if they are not annoying enough already but that just topped it off!!!!!! Can someone please SHUT THEM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wtf::banghead:
It wasn't the highlight of a decent Raw. But it did what it was supposed to. They are female wrestlers. Any kind of heat is good heat. It's hard for men to get heat these days.

They have something with the team, and tries to add another dimension. In some cases, this could build to some funny stuff. If and when they get their asses kicked, having them mic'ed up and geared towards saying some funny things could work really well.

When they eventually break up, it could be because one heard the other whisper something about her when she forgot that they had the mics. There are so many ways to go with this if they get them to loosen up with this, allow for some dead air between the comments and give them some material.
You're right, the entire thing was annoying.

You see, the WWE isn't realizing that these women aren't getting heat because they're good heels. They're getting heat because they're voices are God-awfully annoying. They have no talent, no mic-skills. They're pretty hot, but that's pretty much all they (and most of the other divas) have going for them. When you put them on the mic, they're just screechy and annoying. All their catchphrases are sloppily put together, because they don't seem care enough to practice it before they're on the camera.

I know this is going against my character, but I sincerely do believe that the only reason these two are getting so much screen time is because of McCool's marriage to the Undertaker.
I don't think it become a prominent feature , especially at PPVs , when the matches are long and they need to call spots during the match and they don't wanna that to be heard for sure.

Did I find it funny?Yup.

Did I find it annoying?No But I def will next time they do it.It's not good enough for long term and it will become stale and annoying quickly.That was a good one time deal and I hope it to not continue.
This was just… Fucking odd!

I mean, I thought it was quirky for a few moments during the match but hearing them pant throughout the match, whilst being awesome if you close your eyes, just got quite annoying after a while.

I really don’t know what the WWE were trying to do with this little quirk but I think they should end it just as quickly as they can. The problem with it is that no one could hear the commentary over their stupid screeching voices. If there is one person I want to hear less than Michael Cole on Monday Night Raw, it is Layla. Seriously, her voice goes right through me.

Hopefully, the WWE see that this was just a huge fail and let it go. There was no advantage to them wearing those headsets as they could have accomplished what they wanted to say just as well, if not better, with microphones on their way to the ring.
Only Jerry Lawler could pull this off as he would add comic during his commentary while wrestling. Laycool are just plain crap, they cant insult for shit nevermind comment on what's happening in their match.
Yeah it was total rubbish. It was bad... n annoying. I couldn't hear Michael Cole speaking. Can u believe dat!! I couldn't hear Michael Cole speaking. Plus, I wasn't able to concentrate on the match. Finally, i put my television on mute. They were "Simply Flawful"
I loved it. Lay-Cool is great, they should be miced up. Like someone stated, the quality of the match was never going to be good. It was Lay-Cool vs the Bellas, this was all done just to further the characters of Lay-Cool. So no, I didn't hate the mic. I loved it!
If you try to take them seriously, than obviously it's very annoying, because it's supposed to be this way.

But, personally, I find it really funny. They fit their character's role of "annoying air-head teenager girl" so well, and it's such a contrast to the general WWE environment, that I can't help but actually like it.

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