Lanny Poffo HOF Worthy?

the Albanian viper

ready to strike since 1986
OK so im reading a article on the main page and it said that Lanny Poffo wasn't gonna go to the hof ceremony unless it was the whole family. Now i have a question for all you true wrestling (yes i said wrestling not entertainment). Should it just be Randy alone, Randy+his dad or the whole family what are your thoughts?
It should just be Randy Savage that is inducted into the Hall of Fame by himself. Hes was a top face in the WWE in 80s and 90s and in WCW in his later career. Lanny Poffo is just trying to ride his coat tails to the Hall of Fame. Just because you came from a famous wrestling family doesnt make you eligible. If they inducted all of them at once Macho Man would completely over shadow Lanny and there father.
Not at all. He never accomplished anything HOF worthy in my opinion, and it would be wrong to induct him into the HOF ahead of many more far-more-deserving candidates.

Just because his brother is one of the all time greatest superstars the WWE has ever seen, and a surefire HOF entry, it shouldnt mean his brother can ride his coat tails to get himself an induction. The Poffo's are now saying they will go in as a family or not at all....well that's wrong in my eyes. If one member is worthy, then one member is worthy. That's just the way it is. Lanny Poffo should be nowhere near the HOF
This would be no different than the Von Erich Family getting inducted. Sure the Von Erichs had a much bigger impact than the Poffo's, but the situation remains the same. As for Lanny, he isn't Hall of Fame worthy but he was a darn good manager back in his days with Mr. Perfect and the Beverly Brothers. He had a unique approach on the mic and you just love to hate the guy. I honestly wouldn't have a problem if he went in just because it gets Randy Savage in the hall and no matter how good Lanny and Angelo were or weren't, they'd be overshadowed by Macho Man regardless.
The thing is Lanny did more than a lot of Hall Of Famers (like Koko B. Ware and Johnny Rodz).

Say whatever you want about Lanny but he was a fantastic heel who was a person who was very hated by the fans because he played the part well. He was the perfect person to accompany Mr. Perfect when he was doing his thing whether in the ring or in the vignettes (his poems he wrote during Perfects feud with Hogan were awesome). Perfect would have been fine on his own but being with the Genius certainly helped him more than it hurt him.

He was a pretty good mouthpiece for the few he managed and was actually pretty good in the ring, something he rarely gets credit for. Angelo Poffo was a legend in his own rights, namely in Tennessee and Kentucky, he ran a promotion and was even inducted into the short lived WCW Hall of Fame (if anyone remembers that).

The way I look at it is Lanny deserves to be in the HOF more than Mike or Chris Von Erich and same with Angelo Poffo wrestling for 42 years and running a successful promotion. Of course Macho Man deserves to be in it more than any wrestler not currently inducted so all in all I don't think its a bad idea at all.

My only issue is because of the stamp Macho Man made on the industry I do think he deserves to go in on his own because he is on such a higher level than Angelo or Lanny. Lanny and Angelo were great, but Macho was a legend of the highest regard. What I would like to see is Macho heading next years class with Lanny and Angelo going in a little later, like how Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia were put together but not The Rock because lets be honest, The Rock deserves to go in on his own, much like Randy Savage does.
OK so im reading a article on the main page and it said that Lanny Poffo wasn't gonna go to the hof ceremony unless it was the whole family. Now i have a question for all you true wrestling (yes i said wrestling not entertainment). Should it just be Randy alone, Randy+his dad or the whole family what are your thoughts?

Randy Savage was a 6-time world champion in the WWF and WCW, one of the most consistent workers of his era, and one of the more recognizable names of the past generation. He is undoubtedly hall of fame worthy.

By comparison, Lanny Poffo's claim to fame was a stint as a brainy jobber in the WWF. He's no more hall of fame worthy than Doink the Clown.

Meanwhile, daddy Angelo is known best for a wrestling career mired in mid card mediocrity and his later tenure as promoter for a regional renegade territory that promoted cards in Ohio and the Maritimes. Yes, he was inducted into the WCW Hall of Fame, but only due to political pressure exerted by his son, and his inclusion actually led Gordon Solie to quit the promotion out of disgust.

So, Randy Savage=yay; Angelo and Lanny=nay.:lol:
What people fail to comprehend is he days this is what Randy said, and if this is true, than I have no problem with him doing what Randy wanted. I for one do believe it is true, especially on their father, let's not forget, he pretty much demanded WCW induct his dad in return for him signing there. Randy was very much obsessed with how his fathers legacy was remembered, and was very protective over how his family was looked at.

He wasn't obsessed or really cared if he got inducted from everything I hear, it wasn't a major thing to him, I can very much see him saying he wouldn't agree to it without the inclusion of his family.
Does anybody writing on this thread actually remember what the Genius contributed to wrestling?........very little. He would read poems on frisbees, throw them to the crowd, then pull a Horowitz. When he turned heel, his greatest claims to fame were getting his haircut by Brutus Beefcake, losing at SNME, and then reading poems to the Bushwackers. HOF? I don't think so.
The WWE's HoF isn't that prestigious in the first place. It is one of the most politically driven HoF in existance. I would support the entire Poffo family being entered for a few reasons.

One, family was something that Randy Savage cared about terribly. Like a few people mentioned, he used his political stroke to get his father in the WCW's HoF and might have done the same thing if they asked him into the WWE's. In other words, Randy probably would have wanted it this way.

Another reason is because the story of Angelo Poffo and his independent promotion is a very interesting one that I would be interesting in watching a documentary on. His promotion was blackballed and I wanna know more about the history and the scoop on why the father Poffo was outcast. Oh. And the man did a ton of situps in a row!

"1945: Angelo Poffo, did sit-ups for 4 hours 10 minutes, shattering the Naval record for quantity and speed with 6033 sit-ups."

Lastly, since the WWE's HoF isn't all that prestigious anyway, The Genius would fit right in with the likes of Johnny Rodz, Koko, Chris Von Erich and "Baron" Mikel Scicluna.
The thing is Lanny did more than a lot of Hall Of Famers (like Koko B. Ware and Johnny Rodz).

I am a HUGE Koko B. Ware fan, he'll always be one of the main reasons I watch wrestling, but he doesn't deserve to be in the HOF. Not by a long shot. And to hear that the only reason he got in was to help promote a video game (Legends of Wrestlemania), which he was in, makes me lose even more respect for the HOF. So, to answer the question, Sorry Lanny! You were great as the Genius and all that but Randy is the only one that deserves to be in.
In my head, I know that Randy Savage is the only one who merits a Hall of Fame induction, based solely on his career. However, I am going to play devil's advocate for a second, and make a case in favor of Lanny Poffo.

I disagree adamantly that Lanny Poffo did absolutely nothing during his career. He actually had a very good career with the WWE, certainly better than that of Koko B. Ware. There was a time when "Leapin" Lanny Poffo was one of the most over guys on the roster. He wasn't near Hulk Hogan's level, but for a while, fans loved to hear the poems he would write on frisbees where he would taunt the heel opponent he would be facing. He was also a high flyer before high flyers were cool. His heel turn swapped the object of the poems, but this was a guy who got legit pops and legit heat after becoming the Genius for reciting POETRY. He also did it without many people knowing that he was Randy's brother. Who really knew that Randy Savage was actually Randy Poffo? I know as a kid, I had no clue. The fact that he was Savage's brother was not public knowledge, and his character never capitalized on that.

He is also one of the few men who can claim that he got a victory over Hulk Hogan during Hogan's title reign. Yes, it was a countout victory, and yes it involved Mr. Perfect interfering and hitting Hogan with the belt...but the fact that Hogan actually allowed Poffo to get the W, something that was rare, cheating or not is remarkable. Hogan normally didn't lose, even when cheating was involved.

Then there is the obvious:

Lanny Poffo got paid in full by WCW for 4 years of sitting on his butt at home. I don't care who you are, who your brother is, the fact that you were able to get paid to do absolutely nothing for 4 years is impressive. Fuck, I wish my boss would send me home for 4 years and still pay me my salary, that would be awesome! If you can convince your boss to pay you for 4 years to do absolutely zilch, that's HOF worthy right there.
There's an internet movement going on to get Savage inducted. Spread the word via social media for people attending WWE live events to chant "Randy Savage, Hall of Fame." If nothing else, it'll make for interesting TV to hear the crowd chanting for a legend to be inducted. Spread the word. OOOh yeah!
If it is TRULY what Randy wanted, then I don't see why not but really - no - he doesn't deserve to be in it. It's not like it's the Von Erich family where the name is synonymous with wrestling. Randy without a doubt deserves to be in it but his brother doesn't. It'd be like Keith Hart saying he has to be in it for Bret or Owen to be inducted.
Drew Carey deserves his HOF spot more than Lanny Poffo.

I've read WCW inducted Angelo Poffo into their HOF as a favor to Randy. He was around way before my time, so I don't know much about him.

From what I've read, I don't think the Poffo's family deserves a HOF spot.

The Von Erich's ran WCCW and were synonymous with wrestling in Dallas during the 70's/80's. Every time I bring up wrestling to an older relative, they tell me how great the Von Erichs were. They are kinda like the Hart family. While not all were successful, the family produced some great wrestlers and are an important part of pro wrestling history.

I don't think there's any question Randy Savage belongs in the HOF, but I hope he goes in alone.
First of all, the fact that WCW employed Lanny Poffo for 4 years without him doing anything and put Angelo Poffo in their short lived Hall of Fame at Savage's request would suggest that it is quite likely that Savage would want his family in there with him, so I don't think this is a posturing exercise.

As for the question of does he deserve it? Well, ignoring the fact he'd go in as the lesser of the three people, much like Chris Von Erich, you can still make a case. Poffo didn't set the world on fire, it's true, but what can be said with some certainty is that he was an innovator. His poetry was an interesting gimmick, but people seem to be forgetting that he was doing swanton bombs and moonsaults about 5 years before the likes of Pillman and Owen Hart got anywhere near the WWF.

Is he objectively one of the best wrestlers ever? No. Is he, as part of a family induction, as worthy as some of the other people in the hall? Absolutely. Without even resorting to the Koko B. Ware defence, you can make a case for his entry, which seems to be enough in the eyes of the WWE.
I think eventually anyone who has spent a certain amount of time in WWF/WWE/WCW will end up in the HOF...maybe they will start mixing the lesser guys in with the really big names to limit the attention being drawn to them. In regards to 'The Genius',I do remember his character and his does him still being memorable after 15+ years make him worthy? I think so :)
In a nutshell, I mainly remember Lanny Poffo in his Genius gimmick and being the manager of Mr. Perfect. I'm aware that he's been around prior to WWF and WCW, but I've never recalled anything that he did or feuds that was noteworthy. The HOF (at least WWE's) does acknowledge some of the bigger names in wrestling, but let's be real. Someone brought up Koko B. Ware earlier. IMO he was very talented, but far from HOF worthy, although he made a name for himself during the territory days. Not too many folks remember Johnny Rodz, hell I know I don't. Back on track, I'm not aware of all the accomplishments of Angelo Poffo, but he would be more likely than Lanny to be in WWE's HOF. I don't have a problem with the family being in per se, but Lanny being the mouthpiece stating the family should be inducted instead of just Macho Man makes him sound like he is riding coat tails.
I think personally it should be Randy on his own. If he really said he would only go in if his family was inducted to then I say why not if just to get Randy in. I don't really see the big deal in that. Randy deserves to be in one way or the other.
sure why not. at the end of the day wwe's hall of fame has become a joke. you have people like mike tyson in there so why not lanny. come to think of it charlie sheen was on the 1000th episode of raw. so my pick to enter the celebrity wing of the wwe hall of fame is charlie sheen. wait i change my mind the muppets. sorry basiclly what i am trying to say is no matter what we think the wwe hall of fame mean's nothing anymore. (if it ever did) so to me i dont care anyway
My initial reaction was no... just... no. Then I saw this...

The thing is Lanny did more than a lot of Hall Of Famers (like Koko B. Ware and Johnny Rodz).

I am a HUGE Koko B. Ware fan, he'll always be one of the main reasons I watch wrestling, but he doesn't deserve to be in the HOF. Not by a long shot. And to hear that the only reason he got in was to help promote a video game (Legends of Wrestlemania), which he was in, makes me lose even more respect for the HOF. So, to answer the question, Sorry Lanny! You were great as the Genius and all that but Randy is the only one that deserves to be in.

...isn't this more of an argument as to why Lanny SHOULD be in the Hall? Since it's merit is already questionable, what's the big deal?

Drew Carey deserves his HOF spot more than Lanny Poffo.

& this just made me lol for real.
Koko B. Ware did a lot more then Lanny Poffo. You gotta remember without Jobbers like KoKo how could a star get over.

The real crime is the WWF not putting Bruno, Backlund, or Lou Thesz in the Hall.
To be quite honest, as a wrestling fan for the past 13 years, I myself don't even know who or what Lanny Poffo is or even slightly about. In attempts to do research, I found out that he is actually from the city I live in (Calgary). With just this said, I find it hard to take him seriously when he wants a spot in the HOF with his brother.
I remember the big battle royal in March 1987 before Mania 3, won by Hercules but the big moment was Hulk and Andre locking up, then Andre dumping Hogan out. Earlier in the royale though, Andre headbutted Lanny Poffo and split him hard way, then dumped him out. Poffo was knocked out from Andre's headbutt and if you watch the match over, Poffo has blood streaming down his face.
Does not make him HOF worthy, but did prove he wasnt just a jobber. He was an enhancement talent, used to get some good offense in before being polished off by the heel.
I can completely understand where some die-hard wrestling fans would absolutely attribute Lanny Poffo's contributions to wrestling towards his Hall of Fame bid - but this matter seems to be beyond that.

Sure, the Poffo family may one day be asked to be in the Hall of Fame, but shouldn't that be given to them as an honor and not by blackmailing the WWE? Lanny should be ashamed of himself that he's trying to barter to have his brother's contributions honored.

Randy Savage was a far bigger icon in wrestling than Lanny and any of the rest of the Poffo family were. To have them inducted as a group is a complete slap in the face to Randy.

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