Lacey Training Tessmacher?


JC CooL 420
What the hell?

During the Knockouts match, Taz and Tenay were saying that Lacey Von Erich was absent because she was training Ms Tessmacher?

This has to be a set up for another Eric Young style comedy angle or something... It just has bad written all over it...

I know Tessmacher was in WWE, but I really don't remember her role... Was she an active wrestler? I know her being in WWE most likely means that she was trained at least some what in FCW...

I wonder what Lacey is training her for, because it sure as hell isn't wrestling. Why on earth would you say, even in kayfabe- hell, even as a drunken joke- that Lacey Von Erich is training anyone?
How is the worst KO in the company gonna train her to be a wrestler? I mean she seemed to be on good terms with Mikie why not tap that resource or Taylor Wilde?
Well, "One of our girls is out helping train another to be a better wrestler" sounds a heck of a lot better than saying "Two of our girls were pulled off-camera for a while so they can learn the basics." If you're TNA, you want to put the best spin you can on a situation like this. They're trying to basically rebuild an entire division after losing some key players.
I doubt Lacey is actually training her, if anything they might be training together, but I would be shocked if Lacey is actually in charge. My guess is it was purely mentioned for storyline purposes.
Tessmacher can actually go. Look her up on youtube or whatever and its obvious TNA is making fun of Lacey training anyone. Did anyone of yall hear Taz's reaction to hearing that Lacey is training her? TNAs not in any way trying to play this off as a serious thing.
ROFL I just watched the match again and Tas went:

"Lacey's training someone... *hehehe* I've heard it all now..." <-- says it all

I agree with Derrtown watch Lacey end up as Tessmacher's manager or something and watch them swap roles because Lacey can certainly not wrestle lol.
Probably foreshadowing a tag team. Dopey Bitches with Tits. Sounds like a great team, they can probably have some photos taken and upload it to the TNA Knockouts gallery, good material if the pornhubs are down. Good idea.
While I actually doubt that Lacey Von Erich is actually training her, it was still an idiotic thing to say because Lacey Von Erich can't wrestle herself. The commentators know it, the brass know it and, most importantly, the fans know it.

If they'd have said anyone else on the TNA roster, it would have sounded remotely feesible. You know, Christy Hemme, Taylor Wilde, Hamada, a chimpanzee on crack, etc.
I agree with the other two people here who actually got the joke. It was not meant to be taken seriously, if you actually listen to what was said and the way it was said, it was meant to be funny.
JMichaels, I got it as well. When I heard it I laughed, not only because it was funny, but because of how it was said. Was obviously meant to be a joke, nothing serious.
Tessmacher can wrestle. her real name is Brooke Adams.
I wonder if connecting her to Lacey will be some type of angle when they both return on camera. maybe a reason for them to feud?
it did seem like a reason to explain both of them not on TV lately. Tessmacher told by Bischoff that she would have to wrestle with the Knockouts. Lacey could do for some more training. they both are in training.
Yeah, I don't know why you would want to mention something like this on TV. We all know Lacey is terrible in the ring, so how could she train anyone? And it's not like Tessmacher needs any help with her looks, so I don't see how Lacey could help her there either. I just don't get this. Surely TNA could've picked someone else to "train" Tessmacher, because I just don't get why you would want to pick Lacey. Still, there's a lot going on in the Knockouts division right now, so I doubt we'll see Tessmacher do anything worth while once she starts wrestling.
It's all according to what Lacey is training Tessmacher to do. Lacey has some obvious assets, some obvious talents that I am sure she has used to her advantage to get ahead in the business. By simply looking as Tessmacher, she would appear to share many of these talents. If Lacey is showing Tessmacher how to best utilize these talents to assert herself in this male-dominated business, that's OK. I'm sure Lacey would be quite capable of raising interest among some of the TNA brass, and who knows, maybe Tessmacher will be able to do the same.

If, however, we're talking aboout training her in terms of wrestling, well that would be an absolute joke. Which, or course, is what this is. Clearly a joke. I'm sure both girls are receiving some training from someone, and TNA is trying to spin it positively, while having a little fun at Lacey's expense in the process.
Well it just seemed like a setup for another Tazism, but we're gonna take this seriously and it's going to develop to some sort of partnership, I'm gonna have to assume Lacey's family is helping out. Or doing most of the work. Still, I can't believe TNA didn't just through Tessmacher into the division and actually alluded tot he fact she wasn't hired to wrestle. Then again, trainers don't make a wrestler a success. It 's the wrestler itself. Then again, Brook Adams' role back in WWe was to be eye candy. Literally. She was in Extreme Expose. I don't think we ver got to see her show if she has any wrestling skills. I'm hoping she's at 3D's academy.
Tessmacher can wrestle. her real name is Brooke Adams.
I wonder if connecting her to Lacey will be some type of angle when they both return on camera. maybe a reason for them to feud?
it did seem like a reason to explain both of them not on TV lately. Tessmacher told by Bischoff that she would have to wrestle with the Knockouts. Lacey could do for some more training. they both are in training.

I don't know if she can really wrestle... but WOW she REALLY can dance. This video is from WWE when Brooke, Layla and Kelly Kelly used to perform in the ring:

As for her in-ring abilities, the only video I found on the net is a match she had with Angel Williams (aka Angelina Love)... but Angelina Love crushed her. Couldn't see any of Brooke's moves. Here's the video:

Anyway... back to the subject! Neither Tessmacher or LVE will survive as solo characters. So TNA thinks its a good idea to put them together as a tag team. Which means, TNA will just have Angelina Love and Velvet as beautiful people... and have Tessmacher/LVE "competing" maybe against them?!? Let's see what happen.!

If u look in the link above its a mixed tag match featuring one Ms Tessmacher. She seems to move pretty nice in this match so I don't know what Lacey is going to be teaching her :lmao:

Thank you so much for the link. WOW! I'm impressed. My expectations were low... but man!!! She really looked good on this match. She is definitely better than LVE. Good stuff!

The knockouts are getting better and better everyday. I wonder what TNA will keep doing now since the Knockouts are getting the best ratings on TNA. Too much talent that is not even been used!
They weren't serious, AT ALL. Lacey being terrible is funny, so why not make fun of her for a bit? They should have used someone else if they were really trying to make this an angle. Also, Tessmacher was in Exreme Expose in the WWE.
Obviously LVE isn't really training Tessmacher. Lacey is a terrible wrestler. That Match that was posted with Tessmacher was pretty decent for a Women's match and Tessmacher did a pretty good job and she was alot better than I expected her to be.
Thank you so much for the link. WOW! I'm impressed. My expectations were low... but man!!! She really looked good on this match. She is definitely better than LVE. Good stuff!

The knockouts are getting better and better everyday. I wonder what TNA will keep doing now since the Knockouts are getting the best ratings on TNA. Too much talent that is not even been used!

I didn't have much hope for her either, But thats because I had only seen her as eye candy in the wwf, But she did surprise me in that match. She looks like she is going to be a good addition to the knockouts division :)
Lacey training Tessmacher has to be a joke. Not as bad as candy eating or mechanical bull riding contest, but still bad.

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