Lacey Von Erich to BP member?

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Unfortunately, this new version of TBP are not great in-ring workers. Madison probably being the strongest due to her regular work with the Shimmer promotion. Lacy has the least in-ring experience of the three, reportedly having less than 25 matches in her career.

So the best way to hide these deficiencies is to keep them as a tag team. In the meantime, get Lacy as much training as possible. Fortunately, Scott D'Amore is there to help train her, but TNA should send her on the road to 1. Help boost attendance and 2. To get her more polished in performing in front of live audiences. As I have previously posted, Lacy's matches on YouTube are not very good.

Granted, Lacy looks the part, but what sets the Knockouts apart from the Divas is their ability to work.
I do think it is a minor blow to TNA with Angelina gone. However, I think TBP can still be a great stable without Angelina for now. They may not have the skills in the ring, but they make up for it in their promos and beauty. I don't know what to think about Lacey as far as a performer goes. She is obviously hot but can she cut it in the ring or on the mic? Only time will tell.
after watching last nights impact seeing her she is amazingly hot def fits in good with TBP.. but seeing that awkward close line she gave taylor.. and it was nice to see "the claw" again but it wasn't sold very well by her.. hoping it was just first time in the ring jitters but she is def gonna need some training :/ but as others have said by name alone shes gonna help the knockout division (which is by far way better then the wwe divas) gonna be interesting to see how things unfold with her
Honestly, besides the fact that she is drop-dead gorgeous, in the little that I saw of her last night, she is absolute shit. All she had to do was a hair-pull takedown and a clothesline and she made the moves look horrific. Her mic skills were convincing, but her if her in-ring work is anything like what we saw last night, we're in for trouble.

Such a shame... I have no reason to watch TNA anymore... well, except for AJ Styles. But what good is watching 2 hours of TV just for one guy?
Lacey did an interview for the Miami Herald and while it was a good read, she said some things that were not that flattering about the recently released Angelia Love:

" I feel like it was made for me, and she [Angelina] wasn't a good fit for it in my opinion,'' Adkisson said. ``. . . I thought that everybody was going to be, `Oh no. Angelina is gone,' but not one person said that. Nobody really missed her that much. I feel like I can fill the shoes that I'm supposed to.

``TNA told me this role was made for me, and I feel the same way. So when I met the other members, Velvet and Madison, they are awesome. . . When I got there, we all just felt like we were one group, and the band was completed. . .

``I've never met Angelina before in my life. After what some people have said, I don't know if I want to. I just feel like we can all be a group together and shine together, so I'm excited about that.'

Now I know she new to TNA. She even new to wrestling having only started in 2007, but I don't think it's right for her to go saying things about someone she never met who co-created the 'Beautiful People' gimmick she's taking over.

Aside from her last name, she really hasn't earned the right or status to be talking about another wrestler, especially when she has a long way to go to become as solid a worker as Angelina. I enjoy Angelina's work, so I am disappointed that Lacy would come out and say these things.
I'm still really torn on all this. She seems to fit in as a heel, and obviously has the looks to be a part of the group, but there was a lot left to be desired.

As D-Man said, her in-ring stuff was not up to par with what she has shown in the indies. Her clothesline looked awful, but I guess you can blame her opponent for not taking it properly. Her mic skills really need to improve to be a part of the Beautiful People, as that was their strongest suit, and she's taking away from that right now.

If the rumors are true, and they get reduced TV time, then she'll have time to work on everything, and hopefully be back to her old self in no time.
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